1 fiscal matters
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > fiscal matters
2 fiscal matters
3 fiscal matters
1) Экономика: финансовое дело2) Организованная преступность: налоговые вопросы -
4 fiscal matters
<09> налоговые вопросы -
5 Assistant General counsel (Fiscal Matters)
Военный термин: помощник генерального юрисконсульта по финансовым вопросамУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Assistant General counsel (Fiscal Matters)
6 matter
n1) материал (статьи и т.п.)3) вопрос, дело
- actionable matter
- administrative matters
- banking matter
- business matters
- commercial matters
- disputed matter
- everyday matters
- export matters
- financial matter
- financial matters
- fiscal matters
- foreign matter
- monetary matters
- money matters
- outside matters
- pressing matter
- printed matter
- promotion matter
- restricted matter
- routine matter
- subject matter
- tax matter
- urgent matter
- matter for the courts
- matter for discussion
- matter of bankruptcy
- matter of common concern
- matter of common interest
- matter of insolvency
- matter of price
- matter of prime concern
- matter of prime importance
- matter of principal
- matters of state
- matter under consideration
- arrange matters
- clarify a matter
- clear up a matter
- consider a matter
- give a matter prompt attention
- investigate a matter
- look into a matter
- place a matter into the hands of smb
- put matters right
- refer a matter to arbitration
- settle matters
- submit a matter to arbitrationEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > matter
7 matter
2) вопрос, дело• -
8 counsel
консультант, юрисконсульт; адвокат; совещаниеAssistant General counsel (Fiscal Matters) — помощник генерального юрисконсульта по финансовым вопросам
Assistant General counsel (Logistics) — помощник генерального юрисконсульта по вопросам тылового обеспечения
Assistant General counsel (Manpower, Health and Public Affairs) — помощник генерального юрисконсульта по вопросам людских ресурсов, здравоохранения и связей с общественностью
Associate General counsel (Intelligence, International and Investigative Programs) — первый помощник генерального юрисконсульта (по вопросам разведки, международных программ и расследований)
9 Commonwealth Treasury
орг.гос. упр., австрал. !The Commonwealth Treasury began operations in Melbourne in January 1901, the smallest of the seven Commonwealth departments established with Federation. The original five members of the department were bookkeepers. Over time, the department was required to establish policy in areas such as public service pay and conditions, bank notes, the taxation system including land and income tax, pensions and other welfare payments, postage stamps and the collection of statistics. Today, the department focuses primarily on economic policy.The department is divided into four groups, Fiscal, Macroeconomic, Revenue and Markets with support coming from the Corporate Services Division. These groups were established to meet three policy outcomes:The Treasury provides advice on budget policy issues, trends in Commonwealth revenue and major fiscal and financial aggregates, major expenditure programmes, taxation policy, retirement income, Commonwealth-State financial policy and actuarial services.The Treasury monitors and assesses economic conditions and prospects, both in Australia and overseas, and provides advice on the formulation and implementation of effective macroeconomic policy, including monetary and fiscal policy, and labour market issues.The Treasury provides advice on policy processes and reforms that promote a secure financial system and sound corporate practices, remove impediments to competition in product and services markets and safeguard the public interest in matters such as consumer protection and foreign investment.In Australia a Treasurer and a Finance Minister co-exist. The Treasurer is responsible for drafting the government budget and coordinating government expenditure. The Finance Minister is responsible for government procurement, policy guidelines for commonwealth, statutory authorities, and superannuation policies. -
10 contractual
договорный ; оговоренный (содержащийся) в договоре (контракте) ; ? contractual fiscal regime ; ? contractual joint venture ; ? contractual matters ; ? contractual rate of interest ; ? contractual transfer of technology ; ? contractual value ; -
11 immunity
n1) юр. неприкосновенность, иммунитет- immunity from seizure, placing in prize and capture- grant smb. the necessary immunities2) освобождение (от налога, платежа и т.п.); льгота, привилегия•- benefit from jurisdictional, civil and administrative immunity -
12 law
n1) закон- in law2) право; правоведение; законодательство- take law proceedings against smb.- institute law proceedings against smb.4) закон (природы, научный)5) правило•- land law- remain under the protection and authority of the principles of international law- club law- case law- good law- law act- air law
См. также в других словарях:
in fiscal matters — adverb in financial matters fiscally irresponsible • Syn: ↑fiscally • Derived from adjective: ↑fiscal (for: ↑fiscally) … Useful english dictionary
fiscal — fis·cal / fis kəl/ adj [Latin fiscalis, from fiscus basket, treasury] 1: of or relating to taxation, public revenues, or public debt fiscal policy 2: of or relating to financial matters fis·cal·ly adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law … Law dictionary
Fiscal Procurator — • The duties of the fiscal procurator consist in preventing crime and safeguarding ecclesiastical law Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Fiscal Procurator Fiscal Procurator … Catholic encyclopedia
Fiscal conservatism — (also known as economic conservatism) is a political phrase term used in North America to describe advocacy of lower governmental spending practices and a lower federal debt; It is used to define someone who advocates smaller government, less… … Wikipedia
fiscal — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to government revenue, especially taxes. 2) chiefly N. Amer. relating to financial matters. DERIVATIVES fiscally adverb. ORIGIN Latin fiscalis, from fiscus rush basket, purse, treasury … English terms dictionary
fiscal policy — Measures employed by governments to stabilize the economy, specifically by adjusting the levels and allocations of taxes and government expenditures. When the economy is sluggish, the government may cut taxes, leaving taxpayers with extra cash to … Universalium
fiscal — I UK [ˈfɪsk(ə)l] / US adjective ** 1) economics relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes fiscal and monetary policies 2) American relating to how an organization plans to spend money during a particular period Derived word:… … English dictionary
fiscal — I. adjective Etymology: Latin fiscalis, from fiscus basket, treasury Date: 1563 1. of or relating to taxation, public revenues, or public debt < fiscal policy > 2. of or relating to financial matters • fiscally adverb II … New Collegiate Dictionary
fiscal — fis|cal1 [ fıskl ] adjective ** 1. ) relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes: fiscal and monetary policies 2. ) AMERICAN relating to how an organization plans to spend money during a particular period ╾ fis|cal|ly adverb fiscal… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fiscal — fiscally, adv. /fis keuhl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the public treasury or revenues: fiscal policies. 2. of or pertaining to financial matters in general. n. 3. (in some countries) a prosecuting attorney. 4. Philately. a revenue stamp. [1530… … Universalium
fiscal — [ fɪsk(ə)l] adjective 1》 relating to government revenue, especially taxes. 2》 chiefly N. Amer. relating to financial matters. ↘N. Amer. denoting a financial year: the deficit for fiscal 1996. Derivatives fiscality noun fiscally adverb Origin … English new terms dictionary