1 firing manifold
Алюминиевая промышленность: огневая рампа -
2 firing manifold
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > firing manifold
3 chamber
1. камера; полость; отсек4. котёл ( после прострелки шпура или скважины) || простреливать ( шпур или скважину) ; расширять ( забой скважины)5. геол. рудное тело6. pl. геол. камерное месторождение
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1.камера; полость; отсек; цилиндр ( насоса); рудное тело2.
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1) испытательная камера; полость; отсек4) котёл ( после простреливания скважины) || простреливать ( скважину); расширять ( забой скважины)6) геол. рудное тело7) pl камерное месторождение•- atmospheric wellhead chamber
- auxiliary sampler chamber
- bubbling chamber
- buffer chamber
- central manifold chamber
- climatic test chamber
- control chamber
- curing chamber
- degassing chamber
- discharge surge chamber
- downhole chamber
- environmental test chamber
- explosion chamber
- filter chamber
- filtration chamber
- firing chamber
- gas chamber
- personnel transfer chamber
- powder chamber
- premixing chamber
- pump chamber
- quenching chamber
- sample chamber
- sampler chamber
- sand-and-dust chamber
- scraper pig injecting chamber
- scraper pig receiving chamber
- sediment chamber
- settling chamber
- soaking chamber
- suction chamber
- suction air chamber
- suction surge chamber
- surge chamber
- valve chamber
- wellhead chamber* * *• камера• котел -
4 line
1. линия ( в разных значениях)2. черта, штрих3. кривая ( на диаграмме)4. очертания, контур5. граница, предел6. талевый канат, струна талевой оснастки; трос7. путь; линия; дорога8. магистраль; трубопровод9. обкладка; облицовка; футеровка || обкладывать; облицовывать; футеровать10. устанавливать точно; устанавливать соосно; устанавливать в одну линиюcoil type kill and choke flexible steel lines — спиральные стальные трубы линий штуцерной и для глушения скважины (предназначенные для компенсации поворотов морского стояка)
dash and dot line — пунктирная линия, состоящая из чёрточек и точек
integral choke and kill lines — линии штуцерная и глушения скважины (изготовленные заодно с секциями водоотделяющей колонны)
riser joint integral kill and choke line — секция линий глушения скважины и штуцерной, выполненная заодно с секцией водоотделяющей колонны
— gas line— in line— line in— line up— mud return line— oil line— on line— pod line— red line— rig line— rod line— rotary drill line— sea line
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1. трубопровод; нитка трубопровода || прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопроводаriser joint integral kill and choke line — секция линии глушения скважины и штуцерной линии, выполненная заодно с секцией водоотделяющей колонны
— gas line— oil line— pod line— rig line— sea line
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1. талевый канат; струна талевой оснастки2. линия, профиль3. ряд, отрасль4. трубопровод5. проводить линию, устанавливать в линию
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1. линия; профиль2. канал ( аппаратуры)3. провод
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1) трубопровод; нитка трубопровода || прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопровода3) талевый канат; струна талевой оснастки4) линия, кривая5) ряд6) отрасль•on line — 1) выровненный, соосный () 2) прямолинейный ();
to blank off a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to blind off a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to block a line — заглушать трубопровод;
to feed off a line from drum — сматывать талевый канат с барабана;
to flush a line through — промывать трубопровод;
to line in — выверять положение ();
to reeve a line — натягивать канат перед подъёмом; пропускать талевый канат через кронблочный шкив (/i]);
to spool the drilling line on drum — наматывать талевый канат на барабан;
to line the hole — крепить скважину обсадной колонной;
to turn into the line — начинать перекачивание из промысловых резервуаров по трубопроводу;
to line up — 1) выравнивать 2) устанавливать на одной прямой;
to valve off a line — перекрывать трубопровод задвижкой;
- line of correlationto line with casing — крепить скважину обсадными трубами;
- line of deflection
- line of dip
- line of etch
- line of geophone
- line of least resistance
- line of pumps
- line of shooting
- line of tackle system
- line of welding
- admission line
- air line
- anchor line
- anchoring line
- back-pressure line
- backup line
- backwash line
- bailer line
- bailing line
- bare line
- base line of sands
- bed contour line
- big-inch line
- bleed line
- bleeder line
- bleed-off line
- blooie line
- blowing line
- booster line
- borehole line
- bozo line
- branch line
- branch main line
- branched line
- buried pipe line
- bypass line
- cable line
- calf line
- casing line
- catalyst transfer line
- cathead line
- cementing line
- choke line
- circular main line
- circulation booster line
- coated pipe line
- coil choke flexible steel line
- coil kill flexible steel line
- condensate line
- condensate-water line
- conductor line
- connecting line
- contact line
- coseismal line
- cracker line
- cracking case vapor line
- crest line
- crossover line
- crude oil line
- dead line
- delivery line
- derrick line
- discharge line
- discharge line of compressor
- disposal line
- distributing main line
- district heating line
- diverter line
- double line
- downstream line
- drain line
- drawworks line of tackle system
- drill line
- drilling line
- drilling mud line
- drilling mud flow line
- drilling rope fast line
- drill-water line
- drop-out line
- edge water line
- emergency drain line
- encroachment line
- etch line
- exhaust line
- expansion line
- fast line
- feed line
- fill line
- filling line
- fillup line
- firing line
- first-break line
- flare line
- flexible production line
- floor line
- flow line
- forked line
- fuel line
- gage line
- gas line
- gas blowoff line
- gas equalizing line
- gas gathering line
- gas inlet line
- gas main line
- gas outlet line
- gas pipe line
- gasoline line
- gathering line
- geophone line
- grade line
- gravity line
- guy lines
- Hallburton line
- heating-gas line
- high-pressure line
- hoisting line
- homoseismal line
- incoming gas line
- injection line
- inlet line
- insulated pipe line
- integral choke and kill line
- isoseismal line
- jerk line
- jetting line
- jug line
- kill line
- lang-lay line
- lateral gas line
- lead line
- life line
- lift line
- live line
- loading line
- long-distance pipe line
- long-lay line
- low-pressure pipe line
- main line
- main trunk line
- mandrel line
- manifold line
- marine conductor line
- marine riser choke line
- marine riser kill line
- mast line
- master guide line
- mazout line
- mooring line
- mud line
- mud-return line
- multiple lines
- off-stream pipe line
- oil line
- oil-drainage line
- oil-gathering line
- oil-pipe line
- operation line
- original water line
- outgoing gas line
- outlet transfer line
- overflow line
- overhead line
- pilot line
- pilot igniting line
- pipe line
- pod line
- pod lock line
- pressure line
- priming line
- production flow line
- products pipe line
- pull line
- pump suction line
- pump warm-up line
- pumping-out line
- rag line
- reflux line
- refraction line
- release line
- reserve flow line
- retrieving line
- reverse circulation line
- rig line
- ring main line
- riser choke line
- riser joint integral kill and choke line
- riser kill line
- riser tensioning line
- rod line
- rotary-drill line
- rotary-wire line
- run-down line
- safety line
- sand wire line
- sea line
- seagoing pipe line
- seismic line
- shale base line
- shale deflection line
- shore pipe line
- shot line
- shot-moment line
- shot-point line
- single line
- sling line
- snake line
- soft line
- source line
- split line
- spontaneous potential base line
- spur line
- stabilizing guy line
- steam line
- steam return line
- sucker-rod line
- suction line
- supply line
- surface line of circulation system
- suspension line
- swing line
- swinging core line
- tag line
- takeoff line
- tank flow line
- tank heating line
- tank shipping line
- tapered drilling line
- tie line
- time-distance line
- tool injection line
- tow line
- tracer line
- transmission line
- triple line
- triple gas pipe line
- trough line
- trunk line
- tubing line
- TV guide line
- twin pipe line
- uncovered line
- unloading line
- uphill line
- upstream line
- vapor line
- vent line
- vibrator line
- water line
- water-disposal line
- water-encroachment line
- water-flood line
- water-supply line
- well flow line
- wirerope measuring line* * *• дорога• канат• нитка• обкладка• струна• трос -
5 characteristic
1) особенность
2) характериограф
3) характеристика
4) характеристики
5) характеристический
6) собственный
7) специфический
8) тембр
9) типический
10) типичный
11) характерный
– attenuation characteristic
– averaged characteristic
– back characteristic
– background characteristic
– bump characteristic
– bunching characteristic
– characteristic admittance
– characteristic function
– characteristic impedance
– characteristic length
– characteristic manifold
– characteristic value
– charge characteristic
– charge-voltage characteristic
– collector characteristic
– control characteristic
– cut-off characteristic
– decay characteristic
– delay characteristic
– drive characteristic
– dropping characteristic
– echoing characteristic
– estimated characteristic
– external characteristic
– falling characteristic
– fan characteristic
– fatigue characteristic
– firing characteristic
– frequency characteristic
– grid characteristic
– handling characteristic
– hysteresis characteristic
– inherent characteristic
– input characteristic
– light characteristic
– line characteristic
– load characteristic
– lumped characteristic
– magnetic characteristic
– metal characteristic
– no-load characteristic
– noise characteristic
– open-circuit characteristic
– operating characteristic
– output characteristic
– overload characteristic
– phase-frequency characteristic
– phase-response characteristic
– plate characteristic
– Q characteristic
– reference characteristic
– rising characteristic
– rolling characteristic
– saturation characteristic
– selectivity characteristic
– sensitivity characteristic
– short-circuit characteristic
– shunt characteristic
– slope of a characteristic
– spec characteristic
– square-law characteristic
– staircase characteristic
– stalling characteristic
– starting characteristic
– surge characteristic
– test-bench characteristic
– through characteristic
– total characteristic
– tractive characteristic
– transfer characteristic
– type characteristic
– unloaded characteristic
– upward characteristic
– velocity characteristic
– ventilation characteristic
– volt-ampere characteristic
– voltage characteristic
characteristic exponent of field — степень характеристики поля
decibel-log frequency characteristic — логарифмическая амплитудно-частотная характеристика
fully characteristic subgroup — вполне характеристическая подгруппа
hydrological characteristic of probability — <energ.> характеристика обеспеченности гидрологическая
inverse mutual characteristic — сеточно-анодная характеристика
overall transfer characteristic — характеристика от света до света
piecewise linear characteristic — кусочно-линейная характеристика
receiver transfer characteristic — передаточная характеристика приемника
6 pneumatic
пневматическая шина; пневматика; пневматическое устройство; II пневматический; воздушный- pneumatic atomizing nozzle - pneumatic beetle - pneumatic block - pneumatic booster - pneumatic capacitance - pneumatic cell - pneumatic check valve - pneumatic choke - pneumatic circuit - pneumatic clamp - pneumatic classifier - pneumatic cleaning - pneumatic clutch - pneumatic collet - pneumatic compactor - pneumatic concrete placer - pneumatic console-mounted component - pneumatic control valve - pneumatic controlled transmission - pneumatic controller - pneumatic conveying - pneumatic conveying drier - pneumatic crane - pneumatic crawler drill rig - pneumatic cushioning - pneumatic cylinder - pneumatic damper - pneumatic delay unit - pneumatic densitometer - pneumatic directional control valve - pneumatic discharge centrifuge - pneumatic door operation - pneumatic drier - pneumatic firing - pneumatic flow contol valve - pneumatic fluid - pneumatic fluid power - pneumatic gage - pneumatic gate - pneumatic limit switch - pneumatic linking - pneumatic manifold - pneumatic outlet - pneumatic roller - pneumatic seat - pneumatic separator - pneumatic shock absorption - pneumatic spring - pneumatic starting device - pneumatic system - pneumatic-tired roller - pneumatic tool - pneumatic tyre - pneumatic tyre cover - pneumatic tyred roller - pneumatic valve - cylinder-operated pneumatic valve - double-solenoid pneumatic valve - electro-pneumatic brake - foot-operated pneumatic valve - hydro-pneumatic front suspension - hydro-pneumatic rare suspension
См. также в других словарях:
Firing order — The firing order is the sequence of power delivery of each cylinder in a multi cylinder reciprocating engine. This is achieved by sparking of the spark plugs in a gasoline engine in the correct order, or by the sequence of fuel injection in a… … Wikipedia
gasoline engine — Most widely used form of internal combustion engine, found in most automobiles and many other vehicles. Gasoline engines vary significantly in size, weight per unit of power generated, and arrangement of components. The principal type is the… … Universalium
Ford Modular engine — Manufacturer Ford Motor Company Also called Ford Triton Lincoln InTech Ford Coyote … Wikipedia
Smart Parts — It is a manufacturer of paintball markers and accessories based in Latrobe, PA. Their popular line of markers include the Shocker , Impulse , Nerve , Epiphany , SP 8 ,Sp 1, Vibe, and the Ion . The re designed Shocker has become very popular and… … Wikipedia
Ignition system — For other uses, see Ignition system (disambiguation). An ignition system is a system for igniting a fuel air mixture. Ignition systems are well known in the field of internal combustion engines such as those used in petrol (gasoline) engines used … Wikipedia
Distributor — This article is about the engine component. For other uses, see Distributor (disambiguation). Typical distributor with distributor cap Also visible are mounting/drive shaft (bottom), vacuum advance unit (right) and capacitor (centre) A… … Wikipedia
Internal combustion engine — The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high temperature and high … Wikipedia
V6 engine — A V6 engine is a V engine with six cylinders mounted on the crankcase in two banks of three cylinders, usually set at either a right angle or an acute angle to each other, with all six pistons driving a common crankshaft. It is the second most… … Wikipedia
Military equipment of Turkey — The military equipment of Turkey includes a wide array of arms, artilleries, large surface vessels, cannons, armored vehicles, mortars, unmanned vehicles and many different equipments. Contents 1 Historical development 1.1 General 1.2 1923 1950 … Wikipedia
Space Shuttle main engine — SSME redirect here. For the services field, see Service Science, Management and Engineering infobox rocket engine imsize=250 caption=Space Shuttle Main Engine test firing name=Space Shuttle Main Engine country of origin=United States manufacturer … Wikipedia
VR6 engine — The VR6 engine is an internal combustion engine configuration developed by the Volkswagen Group. It is similar to the V engine, but with the cylinders offset from each other and tilted by 10.6° or 15° instead of the more common 45°, 60°, or 90°.… … Wikipedia