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  • Fireback — is a Filipino low budget action movie directed by Teddy Page (Teddy Chiu) and starring Richard Harrison, Bruce Baron, James Gaines, Ann Milhench, Gwendolyn Hung, Mike Monty, Ronnie Patterson, and Ruel Vernal. Characters Jack Kaplan (Richard… …   Wikipedia

  • Fireback — Fire back (f[imac]r b[a^]k ), n. (Zo[ o]l.) One of several species of pheasants of the genus {Euplocamus}, having the lower back a bright, fiery red. They inhabit Southern Asia and the East Indies. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fireback — noun 1》 the back wall of a fireplace. 2》 (also fireback pheasant) a SE Asian pheasant with a reddish rump. [Genus Lophura: three species.] …   English new terms dictionary

  • Fireback pheasant — Pheasant Pheas ant, n. [OE. fesant, fesaunt, OF. faisant, faisan, F. faisan, L. phasianus, Gr. ? (sc. ?) the Phasian bird, pheasant, fr. ? a river in Colchis or Pontus.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of numerous species of large gallinaceous birds of the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fireback — noun Date: 1847 an often decorated cast iron plate lining the back wall of a fireplace …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fireback — /fuyeur bak /, n. 1. a piece, lining the rear of a fireplace, usually of cast iron. 2. the rear of a fireplace. [1870 75; FIRE + BACK1] * * * …   Universalium

  • fireback — noun a) Some species of pheasant in the genus Lophura. b) A piece of iron that fits into the back of a fireplace to distribute the heat and keep the brick from cracking …   Wiktionary

  • fireback — n. cast iron lining placed behind a fireplace, area of the wall where such lining is placed; (Zoology) one of the many species of pheasants that have a bright blazing red lower back …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fireback — /ˈfaɪəbæk/ (say fuyuhbak) noun 1. the rear part of a fireplace. 2. a decorated plate, especially of cast iron, lining the rear of a fireplace …  

  • fireback — n. 1 a the back wall of a fireplace. b an iron sheet for this. 2 a SE Asian pheasant of the genus Lophura …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crested Fireback — male Conservation status …   Wikipedia

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