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fine someone

См. также в других словарях:

  • fine — fine1 [ faın ] adjective *** 1. ) if something is fine, it is good enough and acceptable to you: Is your room all right? Yes, fine, thanks. Is it okay if we join you later? Yes, that s fine. fine for: I m not very hungry. A sandwich will be fine… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fine — I UK [faɪn] / US adjective Word forms fine : adjective fine comparative finer superlative finest *** 1) if something is fine, it is good enough and acceptable to you Is your room all right? Yes, fine, thanks. Is it okay if we join you later? Yes …   English dictionary

  • fine — /faɪn/ noun money paid because of something wrong which has been done ● He was asked to pay a $25,000 fine. ● We had to pay a £50 parking fine. ■ verb to punish someone by making him or her pay money ● to fine someone £2,500 for obtaining money… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Fine Young Cannibals — Жанр поп рок, соул, колледж рок Годы 1984 1992 Страна …   Википедия

  • fine by someone — fine by (someone) acceptable or satisfactory to someone. Judy got the bill and said she d charge it to the company, which was fine by me. I rarely called her by her first name, and that was fine by her …   New idioms dictionary

  • Fine art — is any art form developed primarily for aesthetics rather than utility. [ [http://www.answers.com/fine+art r=67 fine arts] www.answers.com] This type of art is often expressed in a limited number of visual and performing art forms, including… …   Wikipedia

  • fine — 1 n [Anglo French fin fine & Medieval Latin finis end, boundary, agreement, payment for release or privilege, monetary penalty, from Latin finis end, boundary] 1: a sum imposed as punishment for an offense compare restitution 2: a forfeiture or… …   Law dictionary

  • fine by — (someone) acceptable or satisfactory to someone. Judy got the bill and said she d charge it to the company, which was fine by me. I rarely called her by her first name, and that was fine by her …   New idioms dictionary

  • Someone like You (значения) — Someone Like You: В музыке: «Someone like You»  сингл 2011 года певицы Адель с альбома 21 «Someone like You» (Van Morrison) сингл с альбома Poetic Champions Compose «Someone like You» (Sylvester) сингл 1986 исполнителя Sylvester «Someone… …   Википедия

  • someone is a fine one to talk — someone can talk/someone is a fine one to talk/look who’s talking/spoken phrase used for emphasizing that you think someone is giving advice or an opinion that is the opposite of how they live or what they do themselves ‘I was late, so my boss… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fine Young Cannibals — (1990) Datos generales Origen Birmingham, Inglaterra …   Wikipedia Español

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