1 final quotation
заключительный курс; окончательная котировка -
2 final quotation
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > final quotation
3 final quotation
заключительный курс, окончательная котировкаАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > final quotation
4 final quotation
1) Общая лексика: окончательная котировка2) Банковское дело: последняя котировка -
5 final quotation
6 final quotation
окончательная котировка, последняя котировка -
7 final quotation
окончательная [последняя] котировкаАнгло-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > final quotation
8 final quotation
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > final quotation
9 final quotation
окончательная / последняя котировка -
10 final quotation
11 final quotation
12 quotation
n1) бирж. котировка, курс; цена2) предложение, оферта3) листинг, допуск ценной бумаги к торговле на бирже4) денежная оценка работы, сделки, проекта
- additional quotation
- alternative quotation
- asked quotation
- automatic quotation
- bid quotation
- binding quotation
- bond quotation
- closing quotation
- competitive quotation
- consecutive quotations
- currency quotation
- daily quotation
- direct quotation
- exchange quotation
- final quotation
- firm quotation
- first quotation
- flat quotation
- foreign exchange quotation
- formal quotation
- forward quotation
- high quotation
- indirect quotation
- itemized quotation
- last quotation
- marine insurance quotation
- marketing quotation
- nominal quotation
- official quotation
- opening quotation
- over-the-counter quotation
- previous quotation
- price quotation
- pro-forma quotation
- rate quotation
- revised quotation
- share quotation
- specimen quotation
- split quotation
- spot quotation
- standard quotation
- stock quotation
- stock exchange quotation
- subsequent quotation
- tape quotation
- today's quotation
- uniform quotation
- unofficial quotation
- quotation for a foreign currency
- quotation for a foreign exchange
- quotation for forward delivery
- quotation for futures
- quotation of the day
- quotation of exchange rates
- quotation of prices
- quotation of securities
- quotation of shares
- quotation of stocks
- quotation on a foreign exchange
- at the present quotation
- apply for official quotation
- examine a quotation
- go for a quotation on the stock exchange
- modify a quotation
- prepare a quotation
- provide a quotation
- receive a quotation
- request a quotation
- revise a quotation
- seek a stock market quotation
- submit a quotation
- update a quotationEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > quotation
13 quotation
1) котировка, курс; цена2) листинг, допуск ценной бумаги к торговле на бирже• -
14 quotation
котировка; курс; цена• -
15 quotation
[kwəuˈteɪʃən]automated quotation бирж. автоматизированная котировка bid quotation бирж. курс покупателей bond quotation курс облигаций commodity quotation бирж. товарная котировка daily quotation бирж. курс дня exchange rate quotation котировка валютного курса export quotation экспортная цена final quotation бирж. окончательная котировка free quotation свободная котировка highest quotation бирж. наивысшая котировка import quotation импортная цена market quotation биржевая котировка market quotation биржевой курс official quotation официальная котировка official quotation официальный курс over-the-counter quotation неофициальная котировка price quotation назначение цены public quotation государственный курс quotation котировка quotation бирж. котировка, курс quotation курс quotation оферта quotation предложение, оферта quotation предложение quotation расценка, цена, биржевая цена quotation расценка quotation цена quotation цитата quotation цитирование quotation after trading котировка после заключения сделки quotation for futures бирж. котировка на срок quotation in foreign currency котировка в иностранной валюте share quotation котировка акций standard market quotation стандартная биржевая котировка stock-exchange quotation биржевая котировка stock-exchange quotation биржевой курс unofficial quotation неофициальная котировка unofficial quotation неофициальный курс -
16 quotation
1) бирж. котировка, курс; расценка; цена2) предложение, оферта -
17 quotation
n1) цитата; цитирование2) бирж. котировка; курс; расценка; цена3) предложение, оферта•- exchange quotation
- final quotation
- first quotation
- last quotation
- market quotation
- nominal quotation
- official quotation
- quotation for a foreign currency
- share quotation
- stock quotation -
18 quotation
19 quotation
kwəuˈteɪʃən сущ.
1) а) цитирование Syn: quoting, citing б) выдержка, цитата quotation marks ≈ кавычки Syn: blurb, excerpt, extract, quote, citation
2) стоимость, цена;
расценки Syn: price, worth
3) бирж. котировка, курс цитата - a * from Shakespeare цитата из Шекспира цитирование (коммерческое) цена;
расценка - can you give me a * for building a garage? во что обойдется постройка гаража? (биржевое) котировка, курс - * of the day курс дня - closing * котировка при закрытии биржи automated ~ бирж. автоматизированная котировка bid ~ бирж. курс покупателей bond ~ курс облигаций commodity ~ бирж. товарная котировка daily ~ бирж. курс дня exchange rate ~ котировка валютного курса export ~ экспортная цена final ~ бирж. окончательная котировка free ~ свободная котировка highest ~ бирж. наивысшая котировка import ~ импортная цена market ~ биржевая котировка market ~ биржевой курс official ~ официальная котировка official ~ официальный курс over-the-counter ~ неофициальная котировка price ~ назначение цены public ~ государственный курс quotation котировка ~ бирж. котировка, курс ~ курс ~ оферта ~ предложение, оферта ~ предложение ~ расценка, цена, биржевая цена ~ расценка ~ цена ~ цитата ~ цитирование ~ after trading котировка после заключения сделки ~ for futures бирж. котировка на срок ~ in foreign currency котировка в иностранной валюте share ~ котировка акций standard market ~ стандартная биржевая котировка stock-exchange ~ биржевая котировка stock-exchange ~ биржевой курс unofficial ~ неофициальная котировка unofficial ~ неофициальный курсБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > quotation
20 last quotation
см. final quotation
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
quotation marks — 1. The main use of quotation marks (also called inverted commas) is to indicate direct speech and quotations. In writing it is common to use double quotation marks (“ ”), and in printing practice varies between the double and single style (‘’).… … Modern English usage
Quotation mark — This article is about quotation marks in English. For their use in other languages, see Non English usage of quotation marks. For their use in computer programming, see String literal. For the various glyphs used to render quotation marks, see… … Wikipedia
Quotation mark glyphs — For the meaning and usage of quotation marks in the English language see Quotation mark and in other languages see Quotation mark, non English usage. ‘ ’ “ ” ‘ ’ “ ” ‹ › … Wikipedia
Musical quotation — is the practice of directly quoting another work in a new composition. The quotation may be from the same composer s work (self referential), or from a different composer s work (appropriation). Sometimes the quotation is done for the purposes of … Wikipedia
Non-English usage of quotation marks — A Non English usage of quotation marks Punctuation apostrophe ( … Wikipedia
Proust (Beckett essay) — Samuel Beckett s essay Proust , from 1930, is an aesthetic and epistemological manifesto, which is more concerned with Beckett s influences and preoccupations than with its ostensible subject.HistoryBeckett wrote Proust in the summer of 1930, in… … Wikipedia
pe|ri|od — «PIHR ee uhd», noun, adjective, interjection. –n. 1. a portion of time having certain features or conditions: »They visited us for a short period. SYNONYM(S): term, interval. 2. a portion of time marked off by events that happen again and again;… … Useful english dictionary
Variations on a Korean Folk Song — is a musical piece written for concert band by John Barnes Chance in 1965. As the name implies, Variations consists of a set of variations on the Korean folk song Arirang , which the composer heard while in Korea with the U.S. Army in the late… … Wikipedia
Adhiṭṭhāna — AdhiIAST|ṭṭhāna (Pali; from adhi meaning higher or best plus sthā meaning standing ) has been translated as decision, resolution, self determination, will [Rhys Davids Stede (1921 25), p. 28, [http://dsal.uchicago.edu/cgi bin/philologic/getobject … Wikipedia
STRABO° — (first century C.E.), Greek historian and geographer. Born in Pontus, he traveled widely, and received the conventional education of his day. He wrote a comprehensive history in 47 books. Of this work only a few extracts have been preserved, most … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ivalice — Final Fantasy worlds Gaia (Final Fantasy VII) Spira (Final Fantasy X) Ivalice (Final Fantasy XII) Ivalice (イヴァリース, Ivarīsu … Wikipedia