1 fig.
2 fig.
fig.fig.abbreviazione di figura Abb.Dizionario italiano-tedesco > fig.
3 fig.
4 fig.
abbr(= figura) fig.5 fig
figurato, figuratamente — в переносном смысле6 FIG
фр., сокр. от Fédération Internationale de la GymnastiqueМеждународная федерация гимнастики, ФИЖ7 FIG\(H\)
сокр. от Federazione Italiana Hockey (su Ghiaccio)Итальянская федерация хоккея (на льду)8 fig
figurato, figuratamente - в переносном смысле9 fig.
( figura) рисунок, чертёж10 FIG
сокр.спорт. Federazione Italiana Golf11 fig.
сокр. от figura12 fico
13 insabbiare
fig shelve* * *insabbiare v.tr.1 to cover with sand, to sand; (riempire di sabbia) to silt up2 (fig.) (non mandare avanti) to shelve; (occultare) to cover up: insabbiare un'inchiesta, to shelve an inquiry; insabbiare uno scandalo, to cover up a scandal.◘ insabbiarsi v.rifl. o intr.pron.1 to cover oneself; to get* covered with sand; (riempirsi di sabbia) to silt up: il granchio si è insabbiato, the crab has covered itself with sand2 (arenarsi) to run* aground: il battello si è insabbiato, the boat ran aground3 (fig.) to be shelved: il progetto di legge si è insabbiato al senato, the bill was shelved in the Senate.* * *[insab'bjare]1. vt(fig : pratica) to shelve2. vip (insabbiarsi)(barca) to run aground, (fig : pratica) to be shelved* * *[insab'bjare] 1.verbo transitivo1) (coprire di sabbia) to cover [sth.] with sand2) fig. to cover up [ scandalo]insabbiare qcs. — to brush o sweep sth. under the carpet
3) fig. to shelve [progetto, pratica]2.verbo pronominale insabbiarsi1) [ porto] to sand up; [ fiume] to silt (up); (arenarsi) [ barca] to run* aground, to be* grounded2) fig. [progetto, pratica] to be* shelved* * *insabbiare/insab'bjare/ [1]1 (coprire di sabbia) to cover [sth.] with sand3 fig. to shelve [progetto, pratica]II insabbiarsi verbo pronominale2 fig. [progetto, pratica] to be* shelved.14 dissanguare
fig bleed dry, bleed white* * *dissanguare v.tr.1 to bleed*2 (fig.) to bleed* (s.o.) white (o dry), to drain, to squeeze: le tasse ci dissanguano, taxes are bleeding us white; dissanguare le casse dello Stato, to exhaust the Treasury.◘ dissanguarsi v.rifl. o intr.pron.1 to bleed* to death, to suffer serious loss of blood: bisogna fermare l'emorragia prima che si dissangui, we need to stop the haemorrhage before he bleeds to death2 (fig.) to bleed* o.s. dry, to ruin o.s.: si è dissanguato per pagare i debiti di gioco, he bled himself white to pay off his gambling debts.* * *[dissan'ɡware]1. vt(fig : persona) to bleed white o dry2. vip (dissanguarsi)Med to lose blood, fig to ruin o.s.* * *[dissan'gware] 1.verbo transitivo1) to bleed*2) fig.2.dissanguare qcn. — to bleed sb. white o dry, to leech sb
verbo pronominale dissanguarsi1) to bleed* to death2) fig. to go* bankrupt-rsi per qcn. — to bleed oneself dry for sb
* * *dissanguare/dissan'gware/ [1]1 to bleed*2 fig. dissanguare qcn. to bleed sb. white o dry, to leech sb.II dissanguarsi verbo pronominale1 to bleed* to death2 fig. to go* bankrupt; -rsi per qcn. to bleed oneself dry for sb.15 infiammare
fig, medicine inflame* * *infiammare v.tr.1 to set* on fire, to ignite, to kindle: la scintilla infiammò la legna secca, the spark kindled the dry wood2 (estens.) (rendere rosso acceso) to inflame, (di viso) to flush: la collera gli infiammò il viso, his face flushed with rage; il sole morente infiammò il cielo, the setting sun inflamed the sky3 (fig.) (eccitare) to inflame, to kindle, to excite, to stir (up): il suo discorso infiammò l'uditorio, his speech inflamed the audience4 (med.) to inflame.◘ infiammarsi v.intr.pron.1 to catch* fire, to take* fire: l'aereo s'infiammò nell'atterraggio, the plane caught fire while landing; la benzina si infiamma facilmente, petrol catches fire easily2 (estens.) (diventare rosso acceso) to get* inflamed; (di viso) to be flushed: gli si infiammarono le guance per la vergogna, his cheeks flushed with shame3 (fig.) (eccitarsi) to become* inflamed, to get* excited // infiammare per una donna, to fall passionately in love with a woman4 (med.) to become* inflamed, to inflame.* * *[infjam'mare]1. vt(gen) to set fire to, set alight, (Med : ferita, organo) to inflame2. vip (infiammarsi)(gen) to catch fire, Med to become inflamed* * *[infjam'mare] 1.verbo transitivo1) (incendiare) to set* fire to2) (colorare di rosso) to flush [ guance]; [ sole] to set* [sth.] ablaze [ cielo]4) med. to inflame2.verbo pronominale infiammarsi1) (prendere fuoco) to catch* fire2) (arrossire) to flush, to blush3) fig.4) (adirarsi) to flare up5) med. to become* inflamed* * *infiammare/infjam'mare/ [1]1 (incendiare) to set* fire to4 med. to inflameII infiammarsi verbo pronominale1 (prendere fuoco) to catch* fire2 (arrossire) to flush, to blush3 fig. - rsi di desiderio to be inflamed with desire4 (adirarsi) to flare up5 med. to become* inflamed.16 infuocare
fig inflame* * ** * *[infwo'kare]1. vt2. vip (infuocarsi)(metallo) to become red-hot, (fig : persona) to become excited* * *[infwo'kare] 1.verbo transitivo1) (arroventare) to make* [sth.] red-hot [ metallo]2.verbo pronominale infuocarsi1) (diventare rovente) to become* red-hot2) (diventare rosso) [ viso] to become* flushed, to flush3) fig. (infiammarsi) to get* excited, to grow* heated* * *infuocare/infwo'kare/ [1]1 (arroventare) to make* [sth.] red-hot [ metallo]II infuocarsi verbo pronominale1 (diventare rovente) to become* red-hot2 (diventare rosso) [ viso] to become* flushed, to flush3 fig. (infiammarsi) to get* excited, to grow* heated; - rsi in una discussione to grow heated in an argument.17 ardente
fig ardent* * *ardente agg.1 ( che brucia) burning, scorching; ( infuocato) hot, red hot, blazing: carboni ardenti, burning coals; sole ardente, scorching sun2 (fig.) burning; fervent; ardent; passionate; fiery: amore ardente, passionate love; occhi ardenti, burning eyes; preghiera ardente, fervent prayer; temperamento ardente, fiery temper* * *[ar'dɛnte]1) (infuocato) [brace, tizzone] burning, glowing2) fig. (intenso) [fede, ambizione, desiderio] burning; [ passione] red-hot, consuming; (appassionato) [bacio, discorso] passionate; [ difensore] ardent, vigorous••essere o stare sui carboni -i — to be like a cat on a hot tin roof o on hot bricks
* * *ardente/ar'dεnte/1 (infuocato) [brace, tizzone] burning, glowing2 fig. (intenso) [fede, ambizione, desiderio] burning; [ passione] red-hot, consuming; (appassionato) [bacio, discorso] passionate; [ difensore] ardent, vigorousessere o stare sui carboni -i to be like a cat on a hot tin roof o on hot bricks.18 arricchire
fig enrich* * *arricchire v.tr.1 to enrich, to make* rich, to make* wealthy (anche fig.): arricchire la mente di cognizioni; to enrich one's mind with knowledge; arricchire una collezione, to enlarge (o to add to) a collection // arricchire le casse dello stato, to fill the state's coffers3 (fis.) to enrich◆ v. intr. ( diventare ricco) → arricchirsi.◘ arricchirsi v.rifl. o intr.pron. to become* rich, to get* rich, to grow* rich; to add to one's wealth; (fig.) to be enriched, to grow* richer: la lingua inglese si arricchisce continuamente di parole nuove, the English language is continually being enriched by new words; arricchire a spese altrui, to grow rich at the expense of others; arricchire in fretta, to get rich quick; arricchire in modo disonesto, (spec. in tempo di guerra ecc.) to profiteer.* * *[arrik'kire]1. vtarricchire qc di o con qc fig — to enrich sth with sth
2. vip (arricchirsi)(persona) to grow o become o get rich, (collezione)* * *[arrik'kire] 1.verbo transitivo1) (finanziariamente) to make* [sb., sth.] rich, to enrich [persona, paese]2) (aumentare) to enrich, to enhance [collezione, conoscenze, opera] (di with)3) chim. to enrich [alimento, uranio]2.* * *arricchire/arrik'kire/ [102]1 (finanziariamente) to make* [sb., sth.] rich, to enrich [persona, paese]2 (aumentare) to enrich, to enhance [collezione, conoscenze, opera] (di with)3 chim. to enrich [alimento, uranio]II arricchirsi verbo pronominale[ persona] to grow* rich, to get* rich.19 balenare
fig gli è balenata un'idea an idea flashed through his mind* * *balenare v. intr.1 (impers.) to flash with lightning, to lighten: balenò tutta la notte, it lightened all night long2 (fig.) to flash: un'idea mi balenò nella mente, an idea flashed through my mind; gli balenò il sospetto che..., he was suddenly struck by the suspicion that...* * *[bale'nare]1) (splendere, brillare) to flash, to flare2) fig.far balenare una prospettiva a qcn. — to dangle a prospect before o in front of sb.
* * *balenare/bale'nare/ [1](aus. essere)1 (splendere, brillare) to flash, to flare2 fig. far balenare una prospettiva a qcn. to dangle a prospect before o in front of sb.; un pensiero mi balenò in mente a thought flashed through my mind.20 costruttivo
fig constructive* * *costruttivo agg.1 structural, constructional: elementi costruttivi, structural elements2 (fig.) constructive: critica costruttiva, constructive criticism; politica costruttiva, constructive politics.* * *[kostrut'tivo]1) (relativo alla costruzione) building attrib.2) fig. [critica, discussione] constructive* * *costruttivo/kostrut'tivo/1 (relativo alla costruzione) building attrib.2 fig. [critica, discussione] constructive.См. также в других словарях:
Fig — (f[i^]g), n. [F. figue the fruit of the tree, Pr. figa, fr. L. ficus fig tree, fig. Cf. {Fico}.] 1. (Bot.) A small fruit tree ({Ficus Carica}) with large leaves, known from the remotest antiquity. It was probably native from Syria westward to the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
FIG — (Heb. תְּאֵנָה, te enah), one of the seven species with which Ereẓ Israel was blessed (Deut. 8:8). It is mentioned in the Bible 16 times together with the vine as the most important of the country s fruit. The saying every man under his vine and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
fig — (n.) early 13c., from O.Fr. figue (12c.), from O.Prov. figa, from V.L. *fica, from L. ficus fig tree, fig, from a pre I.E. Mediterranean language, possibly Semitic (Cf. Phoenician pagh half ripe fig ). A reborrowing of a word that had been taken… … Etymology dictionary
fig — fig1 [fig] n. [ME fige < OFr < VL * fica, for L ficus, fig tree, fig] 1. the hollow, pear shaped false fruit (syconium) of the fig tree, with sweet, pulpy flesh containing numerous tiny, seedlike true fruits (achenes) 2. any of a genus… … English World dictionary
fig — [ fıg ] noun count a soft fruit with purple or green skin and a lot of small seeds inside. It grows on a fig tree. not give a fig about/for something BRITISH INFORMAL OLD FASHIONED to not care at all about something not worth a fig worth nothing … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fig — Ⅰ. fig [1] ► NOUN ▪ a soft pear shaped fruit with sweet dark flesh and many small seeds. ● not give (or care) a fig Cf. ↑not give a fig ORIGIN Old French figue from Latin ficus. Ⅱ … English terms dictionary
Fig — Fig, v. t. [See {Fico}, {Fig}, n.] 1. To insult with a fico, or contemptuous motion. See {Fico}. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] When Pistol lies, do this, and fig me like The bragging Spaniard. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To put into the head of, as something … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fig — [fıg] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: figue, from Latin ficus] 1.) a soft sweet fruit with a lot of small seeds, often eaten dried, or the tree on which this fruit grows 2.) not give a fig/not care a fig (about/for sth/sb) old fashioned … Dictionary of contemporary English
fig — [fıg] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: figue, from Latin ficus] 1.) a soft sweet fruit with a lot of small seeds, often eaten dried, or the tree on which this fruit grows 2.) not give a fig/not care a fig (about/for sth/sb) old fashioned … Dictionary of contemporary English
Fig — Fig, n. Figure; dress; array. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] Were they all in full fig, the females with feathers on their heads, the males with chapeaux bras? Prof. Wilson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fig. — fig. UK US noun [C] ► WRITTEN ABBREVIATION for FIGURE(Cf. ↑figure) noun: »The model used in his reflection (see fig. 1, p. 40) captures the act of composing as many of us recognize it … Financial and business terms
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