1 field-matching method
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > field-matching method
2 field-matching method
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > field-matching method
3 field-matching method
Техника: метод согласования по полю -
4 field matching method
English-Russian electronics dictionary > field matching method
5 field matching method
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > field matching method
6 method
метод; способ- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- access method
- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- B-method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical-reaction method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential-conductivity method
- differential Doppler method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized method of moments
- generalized instrumental variables method
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- in situ method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal method
- isothermal dipping method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- path sensitizing method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero method -
7 method
метод; способ- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- B-method
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- chemical-reaction method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential Doppler method
- differential-conductivity method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized instrumental variables method
- generalized method of moments
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- in situ method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal dipping method
- isothermal method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- method of edge waves
- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path sensitizing method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero methodThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > method
8 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
9 FM
1) Общая лексика: УКВ радиостанция (термин "радио" означает у водителей средние волны)2) Компьютерная техника: Frontend Magic, быстродействующая память (fast memory), быстродействующее запоминающее устройство3) Американизм: Farm To Market4) Спорт: Flyball Master5) Военный термин: Comptroller, Field Marshall, Foreign Materiel, Front Midship, facilities maintenance, facilities management, field maintenance, field modification, field music, financial management, flight manual, foreign military, foreign mission, fully modernized, Factory Marking (s), frequency modulation6) Минералогия: fused magnesia7) Техника: failure-only maintenance, fast magnet, feedback memory, ferrite metal, fibrous material, field memory, focusing mount, folding mirror, fracture mechanics, frames-per-minute, frequency meter, frequency multiplex, minister of foreign affairs, ЧМ, частотная модуляция8) Сельское хозяйство: farmyard manure9) Шутливое выражение: Fun Monkey10) Страхование: Factory Mutual System11) Автомобильный термин: fan motor program in PCM12) Грубое выражение: Fucking Magic, Fucking Mercury13) Музыка: Festive Music, Fine Music, Five Musicians, Free Music, Fresh Music14) Политика: Federated States of Micronesia16) Телевидение: frequency generator17) Телекоммуникации: Function Management18) Сокращение: Fabricaciones Militares (Argentina), Field Manual (USA), Field Marshal (British Army), Flight Mishap (see also FRM), Folding Money, Foreign Minister, Titanium tetrachloride (Chemical warfare smoke mixture), field manual, fire main, fulminate of mercury, manufacturer's responsibility, (Federated States of) Micronesia, FIDE Master (chess), Facial Myokymia, Facility Management, Facility Manager, Facility Map (FAA ARTCC mapping of areas to a facility), Facility Module, Facing Matter, Factory Model, Factory Mutual, Failure Mode, Fairbanks-Morse, Family Medicine, Family Member (AUXMIS), Family Room, Fan Marker, Farm to Market (secondary road, Texas), Fast Messages, Fat Man (atomic bomb), Faulkner Mazda (Pennsylvania), Fault Management, February, March (budget times in Indian states), Fecal Matter, Fecit Monumentum (Latin: Built A Monument, epigraphy), Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Federated States of Micronesia (US postal abbreviation), Femtometer (10 E^-15, one quadrillionth of a meter), Ferdinand Marcos, Ferromagnetic, Fetal Movement, Fibromyalgia, Fibrosing Mediastinitis, Fibrous Monolith, Field Marshal, File Maintenance, Filio Mater (Latin: Mother to Her Son, epigraphy), Filio Morenti (Latin: To His/Her Dying Son, epigraphy), Filius Matri (Latin: Son to His Mother, epigraphy), Filosofian Maisteri (Finnish: masters degree), Finance Manager, Finance Memorandum, Financial Manager, Financial Minister, Finished Machined, Fire Marshall, Fire Mission, Fireman, Fiscal Management, Fish Meal, Fissile Material, Fleetwood Mac (band), Flight Model, Flogging Molly (band), Floor Manager, Flow Manufacturing, Flow Meter, Flying Monkeys, Follow Me, Font Metrics, Football Manager (computer game), Force Main (civil/hydraulic engineering), Force Majeure (French: Greater Force), Force Management, Force Modernization, Force Module, Forest Management, Formal Method(s), Format, Fort Minor (band), Fort Myers (Florida), Forum Moderator (message boards), Fox Mulder (X-Files character), Franklin Mint, Freaking Magic (polite form), Freddie Mercury (Queen lead singer), Free Market, Frequency Management, Frequency Modulate, Frequency Multiplier (NIOSH), Friable Material, Frijoles Mesa Site, From, Front Matter, Front Midship (Nissan), Frontier Mountains (Everquest), Fukai Mori (Japanese song, Inuyasha closing theme), Full Mana, Full Migration, Full Moon, Functional Manager, Functional Module, Funky Monkey (104.9 FM Seattle, WA radio station), Fusion Module19) Университет: Fundamental Mathematics20) Физиология: Female Male21) Электроника: Freak Magnet, Frequency Matching, Frequency Multiplier22) Вычислительная техника: Frequenz-Modulation, file memory, файловое ЗУ23) Нефть: наставление по эксплуатации (field manual), техническое обслуживание в процессе эксплуатации (field maintenance), техническое обслуживание при появлении отказа (failure maintenance), тип отказа (failure mode), характер отказа (failure mode)24) Картография: Foreign Mercator25) Силикатное производство: fineness modulus26) Фирменный знак: Fujitsu Micro27) Экология: fish migration28) СМИ: Free Movies29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Factory Mutual Engineering Corp., field manager30) Полимеры: fair merchantable31) Программирование: Fill Mode32) Автоматика: flexible manufacturing33) Прокат: Flour Milling34) Химическое оружие: titanium tetrachloride35) Авиационная медицина: muscular fatigue36) Макаров: frequency-modulated37) Расширение файла: Database (FileMaker Pro)38) SAP.тех. функциональный модуль39) Нефть и газ: Factory Mutual Intrinsically safe and Nonincendive Approval40) Электротехника: field meter, frequency modulation41) Имена и фамилии: Frank Murphy42) Должность: File Man, Film And Music, Floor Mat43) НАСА: Flight Module44) Единицы измерений: Femto Meter -
10 Fm
1) Общая лексика: УКВ радиостанция (термин "радио" означает у водителей средние волны)2) Компьютерная техника: Frontend Magic, быстродействующая память (fast memory), быстродействующее запоминающее устройство3) Американизм: Farm To Market4) Спорт: Flyball Master5) Военный термин: Comptroller, Field Marshall, Foreign Materiel, Front Midship, facilities maintenance, facilities management, field maintenance, field modification, field music, financial management, flight manual, foreign military, foreign mission, fully modernized, Factory Marking (s), frequency modulation6) Минералогия: fused magnesia7) Техника: failure-only maintenance, fast magnet, feedback memory, ferrite metal, fibrous material, field memory, focusing mount, folding mirror, fracture mechanics, frames-per-minute, frequency meter, frequency multiplex, minister of foreign affairs, ЧМ, частотная модуляция8) Сельское хозяйство: farmyard manure9) Шутливое выражение: Fun Monkey10) Страхование: Factory Mutual System11) Автомобильный термин: fan motor program in PCM12) Грубое выражение: Fucking Magic, Fucking Mercury13) Музыка: Festive Music, Fine Music, Five Musicians, Free Music, Fresh Music14) Политика: Federated States of Micronesia16) Телевидение: frequency generator17) Телекоммуникации: Function Management18) Сокращение: Fabricaciones Militares (Argentina), Field Manual (USA), Field Marshal (British Army), Flight Mishap (see also FRM), Folding Money, Foreign Minister, Titanium tetrachloride (Chemical warfare smoke mixture), field manual, fire main, fulminate of mercury, manufacturer's responsibility, (Federated States of) Micronesia, FIDE Master (chess), Facial Myokymia, Facility Management, Facility Manager, Facility Map (FAA ARTCC mapping of areas to a facility), Facility Module, Facing Matter, Factory Model, Factory Mutual, Failure Mode, Fairbanks-Morse, Family Medicine, Family Member (AUXMIS), Family Room, Fan Marker, Farm to Market (secondary road, Texas), Fast Messages, Fat Man (atomic bomb), Faulkner Mazda (Pennsylvania), Fault Management, February, March (budget times in Indian states), Fecal Matter, Fecit Monumentum (Latin: Built A Monument, epigraphy), Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Federated States of Micronesia (US postal abbreviation), Femtometer (10 E^-15, one quadrillionth of a meter), Ferdinand Marcos, Ferromagnetic, Fetal Movement, Fibromyalgia, Fibrosing Mediastinitis, Fibrous Monolith, Field Marshal, File Maintenance, Filio Mater (Latin: Mother to Her Son, epigraphy), Filio Morenti (Latin: To His/Her Dying Son, epigraphy), Filius Matri (Latin: Son to His Mother, epigraphy), Filosofian Maisteri (Finnish: masters degree), Finance Manager, Finance Memorandum, Financial Manager, Financial Minister, Finished Machined, Fire Marshall, Fire Mission, Fireman, Fiscal Management, Fish Meal, Fissile Material, Fleetwood Mac (band), Flight Model, Flogging Molly (band), Floor Manager, Flow Manufacturing, Flow Meter, Flying Monkeys, Follow Me, Font Metrics, Football Manager (computer game), Force Main (civil/hydraulic engineering), Force Majeure (French: Greater Force), Force Management, Force Modernization, Force Module, Forest Management, Formal Method(s), Format, Fort Minor (band), Fort Myers (Florida), Forum Moderator (message boards), Fox Mulder (X-Files character), Franklin Mint, Freaking Magic (polite form), Freddie Mercury (Queen lead singer), Free Market, Frequency Management, Frequency Modulate, Frequency Multiplier (NIOSH), Friable Material, Frijoles Mesa Site, From, Front Matter, Front Midship (Nissan), Frontier Mountains (Everquest), Fukai Mori (Japanese song, Inuyasha closing theme), Full Mana, Full Migration, Full Moon, Functional Manager, Functional Module, Funky Monkey (104.9 FM Seattle, WA radio station), Fusion Module19) Университет: Fundamental Mathematics20) Физиология: Female Male21) Электроника: Freak Magnet, Frequency Matching, Frequency Multiplier22) Вычислительная техника: Frequenz-Modulation, file memory, файловое ЗУ23) Нефть: наставление по эксплуатации (field manual), техническое обслуживание в процессе эксплуатации (field maintenance), техническое обслуживание при появлении отказа (failure maintenance), тип отказа (failure mode), характер отказа (failure mode)24) Картография: Foreign Mercator25) Силикатное производство: fineness modulus26) Фирменный знак: Fujitsu Micro27) Экология: fish migration28) СМИ: Free Movies29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Factory Mutual Engineering Corp., field manager30) Полимеры: fair merchantable31) Программирование: Fill Mode32) Автоматика: flexible manufacturing33) Прокат: Flour Milling34) Химическое оружие: titanium tetrachloride35) Авиационная медицина: muscular fatigue36) Макаров: frequency-modulated37) Расширение файла: Database (FileMaker Pro)38) SAP.тех. функциональный модуль39) Нефть и газ: Factory Mutual Intrinsically safe and Nonincendive Approval40) Электротехника: field meter, frequency modulation41) Имена и фамилии: Frank Murphy42) Должность: File Man, Film And Music, Floor Mat43) НАСА: Flight Module44) Единицы измерений: Femto Meter -
11 fm
1) Общая лексика: УКВ радиостанция (термин "радио" означает у водителей средние волны)2) Компьютерная техника: Frontend Magic, быстродействующая память (fast memory), быстродействующее запоминающее устройство3) Американизм: Farm To Market4) Спорт: Flyball Master5) Военный термин: Comptroller, Field Marshall, Foreign Materiel, Front Midship, facilities maintenance, facilities management, field maintenance, field modification, field music, financial management, flight manual, foreign military, foreign mission, fully modernized, Factory Marking (s), frequency modulation6) Минералогия: fused magnesia7) Техника: failure-only maintenance, fast magnet, feedback memory, ferrite metal, fibrous material, field memory, focusing mount, folding mirror, fracture mechanics, frames-per-minute, frequency meter, frequency multiplex, minister of foreign affairs, ЧМ, частотная модуляция8) Сельское хозяйство: farmyard manure9) Шутливое выражение: Fun Monkey10) Страхование: Factory Mutual System11) Автомобильный термин: fan motor program in PCM12) Грубое выражение: Fucking Magic, Fucking Mercury13) Музыка: Festive Music, Fine Music, Five Musicians, Free Music, Fresh Music14) Политика: Federated States of Micronesia16) Телевидение: frequency generator17) Телекоммуникации: Function Management18) Сокращение: Fabricaciones Militares (Argentina), Field Manual (USA), Field Marshal (British Army), Flight Mishap (see also FRM), Folding Money, Foreign Minister, Titanium tetrachloride (Chemical warfare smoke mixture), field manual, fire main, fulminate of mercury, manufacturer's responsibility, (Federated States of) Micronesia, FIDE Master (chess), Facial Myokymia, Facility Management, Facility Manager, Facility Map (FAA ARTCC mapping of areas to a facility), Facility Module, Facing Matter, Factory Model, Factory Mutual, Failure Mode, Fairbanks-Morse, Family Medicine, Family Member (AUXMIS), Family Room, Fan Marker, Farm to Market (secondary road, Texas), Fast Messages, Fat Man (atomic bomb), Faulkner Mazda (Pennsylvania), Fault Management, February, March (budget times in Indian states), Fecal Matter, Fecit Monumentum (Latin: Built A Monument, epigraphy), Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Federated States of Micronesia (US postal abbreviation), Femtometer (10 E^-15, one quadrillionth of a meter), Ferdinand Marcos, Ferromagnetic, Fetal Movement, Fibromyalgia, Fibrosing Mediastinitis, Fibrous Monolith, Field Marshal, File Maintenance, Filio Mater (Latin: Mother to Her Son, epigraphy), Filio Morenti (Latin: To His/Her Dying Son, epigraphy), Filius Matri (Latin: Son to His Mother, epigraphy), Filosofian Maisteri (Finnish: masters degree), Finance Manager, Finance Memorandum, Financial Manager, Financial Minister, Finished Machined, Fire Marshall, Fire Mission, Fireman, Fiscal Management, Fish Meal, Fissile Material, Fleetwood Mac (band), Flight Model, Flogging Molly (band), Floor Manager, Flow Manufacturing, Flow Meter, Flying Monkeys, Follow Me, Font Metrics, Football Manager (computer game), Force Main (civil/hydraulic engineering), Force Majeure (French: Greater Force), Force Management, Force Modernization, Force Module, Forest Management, Formal Method(s), Format, Fort Minor (band), Fort Myers (Florida), Forum Moderator (message boards), Fox Mulder (X-Files character), Franklin Mint, Freaking Magic (polite form), Freddie Mercury (Queen lead singer), Free Market, Frequency Management, Frequency Modulate, Frequency Multiplier (NIOSH), Friable Material, Frijoles Mesa Site, From, Front Matter, Front Midship (Nissan), Frontier Mountains (Everquest), Fukai Mori (Japanese song, Inuyasha closing theme), Full Mana, Full Migration, Full Moon, Functional Manager, Functional Module, Funky Monkey (104.9 FM Seattle, WA radio station), Fusion Module19) Университет: Fundamental Mathematics20) Физиология: Female Male21) Электроника: Freak Magnet, Frequency Matching, Frequency Multiplier22) Вычислительная техника: Frequenz-Modulation, file memory, файловое ЗУ23) Нефть: наставление по эксплуатации (field manual), техническое обслуживание в процессе эксплуатации (field maintenance), техническое обслуживание при появлении отказа (failure maintenance), тип отказа (failure mode), характер отказа (failure mode)24) Картография: Foreign Mercator25) Силикатное производство: fineness modulus26) Фирменный знак: Fujitsu Micro27) Экология: fish migration28) СМИ: Free Movies29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Factory Mutual Engineering Corp., field manager30) Полимеры: fair merchantable31) Программирование: Fill Mode32) Автоматика: flexible manufacturing33) Прокат: Flour Milling34) Химическое оружие: titanium tetrachloride35) Авиационная медицина: muscular fatigue36) Макаров: frequency-modulated37) Расширение файла: Database (FileMaker Pro)38) SAP.тех. функциональный модуль39) Нефть и газ: Factory Mutual Intrinsically safe and Nonincendive Approval40) Электротехника: field meter, frequency modulation41) Имена и фамилии: Frank Murphy42) Должность: File Man, Film And Music, Floor Mat43) НАСА: Flight Module44) Единицы измерений: Femto Meter -
12 MM
1) Компьютерная техника: Multi Mode3) Медицина: myeloma multiplex4) Американизм: Monthly Meeting5) Военный термин: I Minuteman I Missile, II Minuteman II Missile, III Minuteman III Missile, Manual Morse, Map Models, Medal for Merit, Merry Marines, Minelayer, Minuteman, Minuteman Missile, Missile Master, Missile Minder, Mission Management, Multi- Mission, magnetic mine, main module, maintenance manual, maintenance monitor, major mode, management manual, manual of movement, map matching, marksman, medium maintenance, military medal, military medicine, military mission, missile motion, motor maintenance, munitions maintenance6) Техника: machine milking, machine model, major maintenance, man month, manned module, master monitor, measuring means, mechanical maintenance, medium marker beacon, megamega, memory multiplexer, message-by-message, methyl metacrylate plastic moulding composition, microprogram memory, milking machine, millimeter wave, moderating medium, modified Mercalli, modular multimicroprocessor, molecular mechanics, molecule mass, motor method7) Шутливое выражение: Master Misfit, Mighty Mac, Miss Mayor8) Химия: Molar Mass9) Религия: Merry Meet10) Метеорология: Meteorological Measuring System11) Юридический термин: Mischievous Misfits12) Бухгалтерия: Main Menu, Material Management, Millions Of M13) Финансы: денежный рынок ( money market)14) Страхование: merchant marine15) Музыка: Maelzel's Metronome16) Оптика: multimode17) Сокращение: Magic Mast, Marina Militare (Italian Navy and prefix to warship names), Maryknoll Missioners, Medal of Merit, Metropolitan Museum, Middle Marker, Minuteman series ballistic missile (USA), Myanmar, mercantile marine, millimeter, million dollar ($MM), mucous membrane, Main Motor, Middle Market, Money Market18) Физиология: Male Menopause, Murmur, Muscles19) Электроника: MOS Monolithic, Manufacturing Method, Monostable Multivibrator20) Вычислительная техника: mass memory, megamega-, multimedia, Military Message (Mil.), Media Manager (Novell, Netware, SMS), Mobile Management (RR, CM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)22) Онкология: Malignant Melanoma, Millimeter - 0. 001 Meters, Millimole, Multiple Myeloma, Meter (unit Of Length)23) Связь: Multimedia / Multiservice24) Транспорт: Mile Marker25) Фирменный знак: Monthly Mean26) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Метилмеркаптан27) СМИ: Mass Mailing28) Деловая лексика: Mass Mailer, Michael Mandel, Mistress Mother, Monthly Means29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mooring master30) Полимеры: methyl methacrylate31) Автоматика: main memory32) Океанография: Mesoscale Model33) Сахалин Ю: million34) Расширение файла: Minutes, Month, Virtual reality world (Meme)35) Нефть и газ: млн. (standard abbr. for million)36) Имена и фамилии: Maid Marian, Marilyn Manson, Marion Montgomery, Mickey Mouse37) Hi-Fi. moving magnet38) Общественная организация: Mexican Medical39) Должность: Master Of Management, Master Of Music40) Чат: My Monicker's41) NYSE. Mutual Risk Management, LTD.42) НАСА: Michigan Metrology43) Программное обеспечение: Meeting Maker44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Miami Field Office45) СМС: Mighty Miffed -
13 Mm
1) Компьютерная техника: Multi Mode3) Медицина: myeloma multiplex4) Американизм: Monthly Meeting5) Военный термин: I Minuteman I Missile, II Minuteman II Missile, III Minuteman III Missile, Manual Morse, Map Models, Medal for Merit, Merry Marines, Minelayer, Minuteman, Minuteman Missile, Missile Master, Missile Minder, Mission Management, Multi- Mission, magnetic mine, main module, maintenance manual, maintenance monitor, major mode, management manual, manual of movement, map matching, marksman, medium maintenance, military medal, military medicine, military mission, missile motion, motor maintenance, munitions maintenance6) Техника: machine milking, machine model, major maintenance, man month, manned module, master monitor, measuring means, mechanical maintenance, medium marker beacon, megamega, memory multiplexer, message-by-message, methyl metacrylate plastic moulding composition, microprogram memory, milking machine, millimeter wave, moderating medium, modified Mercalli, modular multimicroprocessor, molecular mechanics, molecule mass, motor method7) Шутливое выражение: Master Misfit, Mighty Mac, Miss Mayor8) Химия: Molar Mass9) Религия: Merry Meet10) Метеорология: Meteorological Measuring System11) Юридический термин: Mischievous Misfits12) Бухгалтерия: Main Menu, Material Management, Millions Of M13) Финансы: денежный рынок ( money market)14) Страхование: merchant marine15) Музыка: Maelzel's Metronome16) Оптика: multimode17) Сокращение: Magic Mast, Marina Militare (Italian Navy and prefix to warship names), Maryknoll Missioners, Medal of Merit, Metropolitan Museum, Middle Marker, Minuteman series ballistic missile (USA), Myanmar, mercantile marine, millimeter, million dollar ($MM), mucous membrane, Main Motor, Middle Market, Money Market18) Физиология: Male Menopause, Murmur, Muscles19) Электроника: MOS Monolithic, Manufacturing Method, Monostable Multivibrator20) Вычислительная техника: mass memory, megamega-, multimedia, Military Message (Mil.), Media Manager (Novell, Netware, SMS), Mobile Management (RR, CM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)22) Онкология: Malignant Melanoma, Millimeter - 0. 001 Meters, Millimole, Multiple Myeloma, Meter (unit Of Length)23) Связь: Multimedia / Multiservice24) Транспорт: Mile Marker25) Фирменный знак: Monthly Mean26) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Метилмеркаптан27) СМИ: Mass Mailing28) Деловая лексика: Mass Mailer, Michael Mandel, Mistress Mother, Monthly Means29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mooring master30) Полимеры: methyl methacrylate31) Автоматика: main memory32) Океанография: Mesoscale Model33) Сахалин Ю: million34) Расширение файла: Minutes, Month, Virtual reality world (Meme)35) Нефть и газ: млн. (standard abbr. for million)36) Имена и фамилии: Maid Marian, Marilyn Manson, Marion Montgomery, Mickey Mouse37) Hi-Fi. moving magnet38) Общественная организация: Mexican Medical39) Должность: Master Of Management, Master Of Music40) Чат: My Monicker's41) NYSE. Mutual Risk Management, LTD.42) НАСА: Michigan Metrology43) Программное обеспечение: Meeting Maker44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Miami Field Office45) СМС: Mighty Miffed -
14 mM
1) Компьютерная техника: Multi Mode3) Медицина: myeloma multiplex4) Американизм: Monthly Meeting5) Военный термин: I Minuteman I Missile, II Minuteman II Missile, III Minuteman III Missile, Manual Morse, Map Models, Medal for Merit, Merry Marines, Minelayer, Minuteman, Minuteman Missile, Missile Master, Missile Minder, Mission Management, Multi- Mission, magnetic mine, main module, maintenance manual, maintenance monitor, major mode, management manual, manual of movement, map matching, marksman, medium maintenance, military medal, military medicine, military mission, missile motion, motor maintenance, munitions maintenance6) Техника: machine milking, machine model, major maintenance, man month, manned module, master monitor, measuring means, mechanical maintenance, medium marker beacon, megamega, memory multiplexer, message-by-message, methyl metacrylate plastic moulding composition, microprogram memory, milking machine, millimeter wave, moderating medium, modified Mercalli, modular multimicroprocessor, molecular mechanics, molecule mass, motor method7) Шутливое выражение: Master Misfit, Mighty Mac, Miss Mayor8) Химия: Molar Mass9) Религия: Merry Meet10) Метеорология: Meteorological Measuring System11) Юридический термин: Mischievous Misfits12) Бухгалтерия: Main Menu, Material Management, Millions Of M13) Финансы: денежный рынок ( money market)14) Страхование: merchant marine15) Музыка: Maelzel's Metronome16) Оптика: multimode17) Сокращение: Magic Mast, Marina Militare (Italian Navy and prefix to warship names), Maryknoll Missioners, Medal of Merit, Metropolitan Museum, Middle Marker, Minuteman series ballistic missile (USA), Myanmar, mercantile marine, millimeter, million dollar ($MM), mucous membrane, Main Motor, Middle Market, Money Market18) Физиология: Male Menopause, Murmur, Muscles19) Электроника: MOS Monolithic, Manufacturing Method, Monostable Multivibrator20) Вычислительная техника: mass memory, megamega-, multimedia, Military Message (Mil.), Media Manager (Novell, Netware, SMS), Mobile Management (RR, CM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)22) Онкология: Malignant Melanoma, Millimeter - 0. 001 Meters, Millimole, Multiple Myeloma, Meter (unit Of Length)23) Связь: Multimedia / Multiservice24) Транспорт: Mile Marker25) Фирменный знак: Monthly Mean26) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Метилмеркаптан27) СМИ: Mass Mailing28) Деловая лексика: Mass Mailer, Michael Mandel, Mistress Mother, Monthly Means29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mooring master30) Полимеры: methyl methacrylate31) Автоматика: main memory32) Океанография: Mesoscale Model33) Сахалин Ю: million34) Расширение файла: Minutes, Month, Virtual reality world (Meme)35) Нефть и газ: млн. (standard abbr. for million)36) Имена и фамилии: Maid Marian, Marilyn Manson, Marion Montgomery, Mickey Mouse37) Hi-Fi. moving magnet38) Общественная организация: Mexican Medical39) Должность: Master Of Management, Master Of Music40) Чат: My Monicker's41) NYSE. Mutual Risk Management, LTD.42) НАСА: Michigan Metrology43) Программное обеспечение: Meeting Maker44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Miami Field Office45) СМС: Mighty Miffed -
15 mm
1) Компьютерная техника: Multi Mode3) Медицина: myeloma multiplex4) Американизм: Monthly Meeting5) Военный термин: I Minuteman I Missile, II Minuteman II Missile, III Minuteman III Missile, Manual Morse, Map Models, Medal for Merit, Merry Marines, Minelayer, Minuteman, Minuteman Missile, Missile Master, Missile Minder, Mission Management, Multi- Mission, magnetic mine, main module, maintenance manual, maintenance monitor, major mode, management manual, manual of movement, map matching, marksman, medium maintenance, military medal, military medicine, military mission, missile motion, motor maintenance, munitions maintenance6) Техника: machine milking, machine model, major maintenance, man month, manned module, master monitor, measuring means, mechanical maintenance, medium marker beacon, megamega, memory multiplexer, message-by-message, methyl metacrylate plastic moulding composition, microprogram memory, milking machine, millimeter wave, moderating medium, modified Mercalli, modular multimicroprocessor, molecular mechanics, molecule mass, motor method7) Шутливое выражение: Master Misfit, Mighty Mac, Miss Mayor8) Химия: Molar Mass9) Религия: Merry Meet10) Метеорология: Meteorological Measuring System11) Юридический термин: Mischievous Misfits12) Бухгалтерия: Main Menu, Material Management, Millions Of M13) Финансы: денежный рынок ( money market)14) Страхование: merchant marine15) Музыка: Maelzel's Metronome16) Оптика: multimode17) Сокращение: Magic Mast, Marina Militare (Italian Navy and prefix to warship names), Maryknoll Missioners, Medal of Merit, Metropolitan Museum, Middle Marker, Minuteman series ballistic missile (USA), Myanmar, mercantile marine, millimeter, million dollar ($MM), mucous membrane, Main Motor, Middle Market, Money Market18) Физиология: Male Menopause, Murmur, Muscles19) Электроника: MOS Monolithic, Manufacturing Method, Monostable Multivibrator20) Вычислительная техника: mass memory, megamega-, multimedia, Military Message (Mil.), Media Manager (Novell, Netware, SMS), Mobile Management (RR, CM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)22) Онкология: Malignant Melanoma, Millimeter - 0. 001 Meters, Millimole, Multiple Myeloma, Meter (unit Of Length)23) Связь: Multimedia / Multiservice24) Транспорт: Mile Marker25) Фирменный знак: Monthly Mean26) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Метилмеркаптан27) СМИ: Mass Mailing28) Деловая лексика: Mass Mailer, Michael Mandel, Mistress Mother, Monthly Means29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mooring master30) Полимеры: methyl methacrylate31) Автоматика: main memory32) Океанография: Mesoscale Model33) Сахалин Ю: million34) Расширение файла: Minutes, Month, Virtual reality world (Meme)35) Нефть и газ: млн. (standard abbr. for million)36) Имена и фамилии: Maid Marian, Marilyn Manson, Marion Montgomery, Mickey Mouse37) Hi-Fi. moving magnet38) Общественная организация: Mexican Medical39) Должность: Master Of Management, Master Of Music40) Чат: My Monicker's41) NYSE. Mutual Risk Management, LTD.42) НАСА: Michigan Metrology43) Программное обеспечение: Meeting Maker44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Miami Field Office45) СМС: Mighty Miffed
См. также в других словарях:
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