1 field astronomy
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > field astronomy
2 field astronomy
3 field astronomy
1) Техника: геодезическая астрономия, полевая астрономия2) Картография: астрономо-геодезические наблюдения на местности -
4 field astronomy
5 field astronomy
6 astronomy
астрономия; иногда радиоастрономия@amateur astronomyлюбительская астрономия@archaeastronomyархеоастрономия@aviation astronomyавиационная астрономия@balloon astronomyбаллонная астрономия (наблюдения со стратостатов)@classical astronomyклассическая астрономия@cosmic radio astronomyкосмическая радиоастрономия@descriptive astronomyописательная астрономия@dynamical astronomyнебесная механика@ephemerical astronomyэфемеридная астрономия@field astronomyполевая [геодезическая] астрономия@fundamental astronomyфундаментальная астрометрия@galactic radio astronomyгалактическая радиоастрономия@gamma-ray astronomyгамма-астрономия@general astronomyобщая (описательная) астрономия@geodetic astronomyгеодезическая астрономия@ground-based astronomyназемная астрономия@gravitational astronomyнебесная механика@infrared astronomyинфракрасная астрономия@meridian astronomyмеридианная астрономия@meteoric(al) astronomyметеорная астрономия@meteor-radio astronomyметеорная радиоастрономия@microwave astronomyмикроволновая астрономия (1 мм – 6 см)@millimeter-wave astronomyмиллиметровая астрономия@modern astronomyсовременная астрономия@molecular line radio astronomyрадиоастрономия молекулярных линий (в межзвездных облаках)@nautical astronomyмореходная астрономия@observational astronomyнаблюдательная астрономия@optical astronomyоптическая астрономия@physical astronomyастрофизика@planetary astronomyпланетная астрономия@position astronomyпозиционная астрономия@practical astronomyпрактическая астрономия@pre-sent-day astronomyсовременная астрономия@pretelescopic astronomyдотелескопическая астрономия@radar astronomyрадиолокационная астрономия@radio astronomyрадиоастрономия@rocket astronomyракетная астрономия@satellite astronomyспутниковая астрономия@space astronomyкосмическая астрономия@spacecraft astronomyастрономические исследования с космических аппаратов@spherical astronomyсферическая астрономия@stellar astronomyзвездная астрономия@surveying astronomyполевая [геодезическая] астрономия@telescopic astronomyтелескопическая астрономия@television astronomyтелевизионная астрономия@theoretical astronomyтеоретическая астрономия@ultraviolet astronomyультрафиолетовая астрономия@visual astronomyвизуальная астрономия@X-ray astronomyрентгеновская астрономия@ -
7 astronomy
8 astronomy
9 field
1) поле
2) полевая
3) полевые
4) полукадр
5) прииск
6) <math.> тело
7) экспедиционный
8) область
9) корпоидальный
10) корпус
11) область рациональности
12) полевой
13) промысловый
14) эксплуатационный
– action field
– antenna field
– card field
– choking field
– coal field
– connecting field
– controlling field
– cross-connecting field
– cyclotomic field
– deflection field
– difference field
– electromagnetic field
– establish field
– extension field
– field adjustment
– field albedometer
– field assembly
– field astronomy
– field case
– field clamping
– field classification
– field coil
– field comparison
– field computation
– field copper
– field cultivator
– field current
– field description
– field distortion
– field emission
– field equation
– field excitation
– field experiment
– field extension
– field frame
– field frequency
– field glasses
– field inspection
– field ion emission
– field ion microscope
– field joint
– field killer
– field killing
– field laboratory
– field length
– field lens
– field magnet
– field mesh
– field modulation
– field of application
– field of constants
– field of force
– field of sets
– field oxide
– field party
– field pattern
– field pole
– field potential
– field reduction
– field resistance
– field rivet
– field sheet
– field sketch
– field sketching
– field source
– field spider
– field sprayer
– field station
– field strenght
– field strength
– field survey
– field sweep
– field telephone
– field test
– field theory
– field traverse
– field triangulation
– field tube
– field varistor
– field weld
– field windbreak
– field work
– force field
– gamma field
– gas field
– gold field
– hyper-real field
– in the field
– induction field
– inertia field
– interlaced field
– leakage field
– magnetic field
– multidifferential field
– non-commutative field
– oil field
– oil field administration
– ordered field
– prime field
– quotient field
– radiation field
– retarding field
– rotary field
– rotating field
– rotational field
– signal field
– skew field
– splitting field
– stray field
– translation field
– vortex field
automatic field damper — <electr.> автомат гашения поля
characteristic exponent of field — степень характеристики поля
circuital vector field — <electr.> поле вихревое
collapse of the magnetic field — исчезновение магнитного поля
field discharge switch — <electr.> автомат гашения поля
field form factor — <electr.> коэффициент поля
field of class two — поле второго класса, метабелево поле
field reject rate — частота обнаружения неработоспособных кристаллов в системе
field repetition rate — <phot.> частота полукадров
unified field theory — <phys.> теория поля единая, теория поля обобщенная
10 геодезическая астрономия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > геодезическая астрономия
1) Американизм: Work Force Adjustment Policy2) Астрономия: Wide Field Astronomy Panel3) Политика: World Federalist Association Of Pittsburgh4) Театр: Wisconsin Federal Art Projects5) Экология: Watershed Forestry Assistance Program6) Должность: Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program -
Астрономия: Wide Field Astronomy Unit -
13 survey
̘. ̈n.ˈsə:veɪ
1. сущ.
1) а) обозрение, осмотр He pushed himself to his feet and surveyed the room. ≈ Он вскочил на ноги и осмотрел комнату. б) геол. изыскание the geological survey of India ≈ геологические изыскания в Индии в) геогр., геол. межевание, съемка, промер aerial survey air survey
2) (Survey) орган, руководящий изысканиями в области геологии, геодезии и гидрографии (в США)
3) а) обзор, исследование a brief survey of some important books on astronomy ≈ краткий обзор некоторых важных книг по астрономии б) опрос, обследование, инспектирование;
отчет об обследовании The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put. ≈ Местный совет осуществил обследование всех колхозных построек, чтобы определить, как они используются. Only 18 percent of those surveyed opposed the idea. ≈ Только 18 процентов опрошенных высказались против этой идеи. According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened. ≈ Согласно отчету, в мировой торговле также наблюдается снижение активности.
2. гл.
1) а) обозревать, осматривать;
изучать с какой-л. целью б) производить землемерную съемку;
межевать в) производить изыскания или исследования г) инспектировать, обследовать
2) делать обзор, писать рецензию обозрение, осмотр - a moment's * of her face быстрый взгляд, брошенный на ее лицо обзор - historical * исторический обзор - a * of modern literature обзор современной литературы - to make a general * of the situation сделать общий обзор положения, в общих чертах описать /обрисовать/ положение - a * course in literature обзорный курс литературы инспектирование, обследование - annual * ежегодное освидетельствование - quality * контроль качества отчет об обследовании (американизм) (таможенный) досмотр( геологическое) изыскание (топография) съемка;
привязка к местности - aerial * аэросъемка - * sheet карта съемки;
карта изысканий - * stake веха( мерная) - * group топографическая группа( военное) инструментальная разведка топографическая служба обозревать, осматривать;
просматривать - he carefully *ed the valley stretching before him он внимательно осмотрел простирающуюся перед ним долину - I *ed him from head to foot я окинул его взглядом с головы до ног рассматривать;
исследовать, изучать - to * the situation изучить создавшееся /сложившееся/ положение;
ознакомиться с положением - to * bygone ages изучать прошлое инспектировать, обследовать, проверять - to * a railway инспектировать железную дорогу - the committee *ed our school комиссия обследовала нашу школу (американизм) досматривать( на таможне) делать обзор - in his speech he *ed the international situation в своей речи он сделал обзор международного положения (топография) производить съемку;
межевать ~ межевание, съемка;
aerial survey аэросъемка attitude ~ изучение отношения потребителей attitude ~ обследование мнений attitude ~ опрос мнения cadastral ~ кадастровая съемка cadastral ~ межевая съемка consumer expectation ~ обследование намерений потребителей descriptive ~ описательное обследование economic ~ экономический обзор field ~ обследование на месте field ~ обследование обходом field ~ экспедиционный метод опроса financial ~ финансовый обзор five-year ~ обзор за пять лет follow-up ~ дополнительное обследование follow-up ~ уточнение результатов переписи путем обследований inspection ~ приемочный контроль introductory ~ предварительное обследование joint ~ совместное обследование load line ~ проверка грузовой марки marine ~ гидрографическая съемка marine ~ морская съемка market ~ изучение рынка market ~ обследование рынка media ~ обследование охвата средствами рекламы national ~ обследование в масштабе страны omnibus ~ обследование по нескольким критериям opinion ~ обследование общественного мнения pilot ~ предварительное обследование pilot ~ предварительный сбор информации pilot ~ пробное обследование preliminary ~ предварительное обследование preliminary ~ предварительный осмотр quarterly ~ квартальная проверка quarterly ~ квартальный обзор sample ~ stat. выборочное наблюдение sample ~ выборочное обследование security ~ обзор состояния рынка ценных бумаг segment ~ обследование сегмента рынка subsequent ~ вспомогательное обследование subsequent ~ дополнительное обследование survey геологическое изыскание ~ делать обзор ~ изучать ~ изыскание ~ инспектирование ~ инспектировать ~ инструментальная разведка ~ исследование ~ исследовать ~ межевание, съемка;
aerial survey аэросъемка ~ межевание ~ обзор ~ обозревать, осматривать;
изучать с (какой-л.) целью;
to survey the situation ознакомиться с положением ~ обозревать ~ обозрение, осмотр ~ обозрение ~ обследование;
инспектирование ~ обследование ~ обследовать ~ (S.) орган, руководящий изысканиями в области геологии, геодезии и гидрографии (в США) ~ освидетельствование ~ освидетельствовать ~ осматривать ~ осмотр ~ отчет об исследовании ~ отчет об обследовании ~ отчет об обследовании ~ производить землемерную съемку;
межевать ~ производить изыскания или исследования ~ рассматривать ~ съемка ~ таможенный досмотр ~ топографическая привязка ~ топографическая служба ~ attr. обзорный;
a survey course in history обзорные лекции по истории ~ attr. обзорный;
a survey course in history обзорные лекции по истории ~ of damage изучение ущерба ~ of economic activity обследование экономической деятельности ~ of salary and wage structure изучение структуры заработной платы ~ обозревать, осматривать;
изучать с (какой-л.) целью;
to survey the situation ознакомиться с положением user ~ обследование потребителей -
14 SA
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
15 Sa
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
16 sa
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
17 domain
̈n. ̘ˑ ʄ↗̘ɣ ɜ̼, ʁʁɞʁ̼ʟ ʄ↗̘ɣ ɜ, ↘ ɜ, ̤ɞ↘ ɻ˧ ̙ˑ ɞɬ↗̘ɻ˧, ɻʝ ʁ̘ сущ.
1) наследственная собственность;
имение, поместье;
владение Eminent Domain ≈ суверенное право государства на принудительное отчуждение частной собственности - the public domain Syn: estate, territory, demesne
2) территория, зона, область, район( отмеченные некоторыми физическими особенностями) the domain of rushing streams ≈ район быстрых рек Syn: sector, sphere, field
3) сфера интересов, поле деятельности, область знаний domain expert ≈ специалист в определенной области знаний domain of study ≈ область изучения Syn: realm, demesne
4) мат. область определения
5) компьют. домен, область application domain ≈ предметная область closure domain ≈ замыкающий домен владения;
территория - to maintain the imperial * владычествовать над громадными территориями владение, имение, поместье область, сфера, поле деятельности, знаний и т. п. - in the * of science в области науки - question within the * of astronomy вопрос, относящийся к области астрономии - it doesn't come within my * это не моя область;
я в этом несведущ (математика) область - * of a relation область отношения - * of function область определения функции - admissible deviation * допустимая область отклонения( математика) интервал - frequency * частотный интервал( физическое) домен (компьютерное) проблемная область - * knowledge знания проблемной области application ~ вчт. область применения application ~ прикладная область compound ~ вчт. составной домен data ~ предметная область domain владение;
Eminent Domain суверенное право государства отчуждать частную собственность (за компенсацию) ~ владение ~ вчт. домен ~ имение ~ область, сфера, территория ~ область, сфера ~ вчт. область ~ область ~ поле деятельности ~ полная и абсолютная собственность на недвижимость ~ поместье ~ сфера ~ of function область определения функции ~ of uncertainty область неопределенности domain владение;
Eminent Domain суверенное право государства отчуждать частную собственность (за компенсацию) mapping ~ вчт. область значений отображения public ~ вчт. бесплатный public ~ государственная собственность search ~ вчт. область поиска strategy ~ вчт. область стратегий variables ~ вчт. область изменения переменных -
18 BA
1) Общая лексика: (Hons) бакалавр (полное высшее образование) (Слово "Hons" означает, что студент выполнил дополнительную (по сравнению с программой базового высшего образования) программу подготовки. Это ни в коем случае не "почетная степеь" и не диплом с отличием), бизнес-аналитик2) Американизм: Bureaucratic Authoritarian3) Ботаника: Botanical Area4) Спорт: Ball Attach, Battle Arena5) Военный термин: Basics Accomplished, Battle Area, Berlin Attack, British Admiralty, British Army, Budget Analysis, Budget Authority, base activation, base area, base assembly, basic authorization, battery adjustment, blanket agreement, breathing apparatus, bridge amplifier, budget activity, budget authorization, British Aerospace (Corporation)6) Техника: Born approximation, British Association of Standards, backfire antenna, balanced amplifier, balloon astronomy, barometric altimeter, basic assembler, beam axis, binary arithmetic, biological assessment, block address, buffer address, buffered access, burnable absorber, bus address, butyl acetate, byte access, byte address, дюймовая резьба (British Association screw thread), припуск на изгиб (=Bend Allowance; сокращение на чертежах)7) Сельское хозяйство: Bentonite Agglutination8) Шутливое выражение: Beauty And9) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation10) Юридический термин: Bad Attitude, Bankruptcy Act11) Экономика: банковские акцепты12) Бухгалтерия: Batting Average, Business Associate13) Ветеринария: British Arabian14) Грубое выражение: Bad Ass, Bare Assed, Bastard Amber, Big Asshole, Busty Amateur15) Металлургия: batch annealing16) Политика: Bahrain17) Телекоммуникации: Balanced Asynchronous (HDLC)18) Сокращение: Bachelor of Arts, Bashkir, Basic rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line, Bell Aerosystems Company, Bomber Aviation, Booksellers Association, Bosnia-Herzegovina, British Academy, British Airways, Buenos Aires, backlash allowance, buffer amplifier, Bertan High Voltage (USA), Budget Authority (USA), British Association (for the Advancement of Science), Barrels of Acid, Battery, Bayard-Alpert gauge, Beam Approach, Bell Alarm, Binary Addition, Blind Approach, Bridging Amplifier, British Association thread19) Университет: B All20) Физиология: Blood alcohol, Bone Age, Brachial Artery, Bronchial Asthma21) Вычислительная техника: binary add, bus arbiter, byte available22) Нефть: баррелей кислоты (barrels of acid), число баррелей кислоты (barrels of acid)23) Биохимия: Benz anthracene24) Связь: Basic Access25) Банковское дело: банковский акцепт (banker's acceptance)26) Пищевая промышленность: Behold! Asparagus27) Фирменный знак: Bell Aerospace28) СМИ: Bad Acting, Beautiful Actress29) Деловая лексика: Banker's Acceptances30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: barrels per acre-foot31) Производство: (breathing apparatus) дыхательный аппарат32) Образование: бакалавр гуманитарных наук (Большой англо-русский словарь)33) Инвестиции: banker's acceptance34) Сетевые технологии: Broadcast Architecture35) Полимеры: British Association, butyl acrylate36) Программирование: Bean Assembler37) Химическое оружие: biological activity38) Расширение файла: Bell Atlantic (company)39) Фармация: Bioavailability40) Должность: Bachelor Of Attendance, Business Analyst, Buyers Agent41) Чат: Bloody Awful42) Правительство: Bay Area43) NYSE. Bio Active, Boeing Company44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Baltimore Field Office -
19 Ba
1) Общая лексика: (Hons) бакалавр (полное высшее образование) (Слово "Hons" означает, что студент выполнил дополнительную (по сравнению с программой базового высшего образования) программу подготовки. Это ни в коем случае не "почетная степеь" и не диплом с отличием), бизнес-аналитик2) Американизм: Bureaucratic Authoritarian3) Ботаника: Botanical Area4) Спорт: Ball Attach, Battle Arena5) Военный термин: Basics Accomplished, Battle Area, Berlin Attack, British Admiralty, British Army, Budget Analysis, Budget Authority, base activation, base area, base assembly, basic authorization, battery adjustment, blanket agreement, breathing apparatus, bridge amplifier, budget activity, budget authorization, British Aerospace (Corporation)6) Техника: Born approximation, British Association of Standards, backfire antenna, balanced amplifier, balloon astronomy, barometric altimeter, basic assembler, beam axis, binary arithmetic, biological assessment, block address, buffer address, buffered access, burnable absorber, bus address, butyl acetate, byte access, byte address, дюймовая резьба (British Association screw thread), припуск на изгиб (=Bend Allowance; сокращение на чертежах)7) Сельское хозяйство: Bentonite Agglutination8) Шутливое выражение: Beauty And9) Железнодорожный термин: Consolidated Rail Corporation10) Юридический термин: Bad Attitude, Bankruptcy Act11) Экономика: банковские акцепты12) Бухгалтерия: Batting Average, Business Associate13) Ветеринария: British Arabian14) Грубое выражение: Bad Ass, Bare Assed, Bastard Amber, Big Asshole, Busty Amateur15) Металлургия: batch annealing16) Политика: Bahrain17) Телекоммуникации: Balanced Asynchronous (HDLC)18) Сокращение: Bachelor of Arts, Bashkir, Basic rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line, Bell Aerosystems Company, Bomber Aviation, Booksellers Association, Bosnia-Herzegovina, British Academy, British Airways, Buenos Aires, backlash allowance, buffer amplifier, Bertan High Voltage (USA), Budget Authority (USA), British Association (for the Advancement of Science), Barrels of Acid, Battery, Bayard-Alpert gauge, Beam Approach, Bell Alarm, Binary Addition, Blind Approach, Bridging Amplifier, British Association thread19) Университет: B All20) Физиология: Blood alcohol, Bone Age, Brachial Artery, Bronchial Asthma21) Вычислительная техника: binary add, bus arbiter, byte available22) Нефть: баррелей кислоты (barrels of acid), число баррелей кислоты (barrels of acid)23) Биохимия: Benz anthracene24) Связь: Basic Access25) Банковское дело: банковский акцепт (banker's acceptance)26) Пищевая промышленность: Behold! Asparagus27) Фирменный знак: Bell Aerospace28) СМИ: Bad Acting, Beautiful Actress29) Деловая лексика: Banker's Acceptances30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: barrels per acre-foot31) Производство: (breathing apparatus) дыхательный аппарат32) Образование: бакалавр гуманитарных наук (Большой англо-русский словарь)33) Инвестиции: banker's acceptance34) Сетевые технологии: Broadcast Architecture35) Полимеры: British Association, butyl acrylate36) Программирование: Bean Assembler37) Химическое оружие: biological activity38) Расширение файла: Bell Atlantic (company)39) Фармация: Bioavailability40) Должность: Bachelor Of Attendance, Business Analyst, Buyers Agent41) Чат: Bloody Awful42) Правительство: Bay Area43) NYSE. Bio Active, Boeing Company44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Baltimore Field Office -
20 PA
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974
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См. также в других словарях:
Astronomy — (from the Greek words astron (ἄστρον), star , and nomos (νόμος), law ) is the scientific study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth s atmosphere (such as the cosmic… … Wikipedia
Astronomy Club, HKUSU — is a non profit making organization directly under Hong Kong University Students Union, (HKUSU). BackgroundFounded on the 14th January 1959, the Astronomy Club, HKUSU, was the first astronomical organization established in Hong Kong. Throughout… … Wikipedia
Astronomy — • Divided into two main branches, astrometry and astrophysics; the former concerned with determining the places of the investigation of the heavenly bodies, the latter, with the investigation of their chemical and physical nature Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
astronomy — /euh stron euh mee/, n. the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth s atmosphere. [1175 1225; ME astronomie ( < AF) < L astronomia < Gk. See ASTRO , NOMY] * * * I Science dealing with the origin, evolution, composition,… … Universalium
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Field Museum of Natural History — FMNH redirects here. For the Florida Museum of Natural History, see FLMNH. Field Museum of Natural History U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
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