1 fiber texture
2 fiber texture
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fiber texture
3 fiber texture
4 fiber texture
5 fiber texture
1) Техника: волокнистая структура2) Металлургия: волокнистая текстура -
6 fiber texture
7 fiber texture
• текстура f волокнистая -
8 fiber-texture photograph
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > fiber-texture photograph
9 fiber-texture photograph
Металлургия: рентгенограмма волокнистой текстурыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > fiber-texture photograph
10 duplex fiber texture
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > duplex fiber texture
11 duplex fiber texture
Металлургия: двойная волокнистая текстура -
12 texture
1) строение, структура2) текстура, полигр. тж. текстурный рисунок3) переплетение ( ткани)•-
abrasive texture
annealing texture
cellular texture
coarse-grained texture
- cold rolling texture -
cube-on-corner texture
exposed-aggregate texture
fiber texture
fine texture
frictional texture
fuzzy texture
martensite texture
open texture
parent texture
periodic texture
random texture
recrystallization texture
rolling texture
surface texture
texture of soil
vesicular texture -
13 fiber
1. стекловолокно; световод; светопровод2. волокно; фибра; нить3. волокно; волоконныйfiber reinforced material — материал, армированный волокном
Синонимический ряд:1. character (noun) character; constitution; grain; makeup; temperament2. essential element (noun) being; essential element; nature; quality; quintessence; tissue; warp and woof3. filament (noun) connective tissue; cord; filament; hair; rootlet; shred; strand; string; tendril; thread; threadlike component4. texture (noun) fabric; texture; web -
14 texture
1. n строение ткани; степень плотности ткани2. n склад, строение; качествоtexture of verse — поэтическая ткань, ткань стиха
soil texture — механическое строение, текстура почвы
3. n спец. текстура; структура4. n жив. воспроизведение текстуры, структуры5. n анат. биол. ткань6. v придавать структуру7. v складывать, формироватьСинонимический ряд:1. being (noun) being; essence; essentia; essentiality; nature; pith; quintessence2. characteristics (noun) characteristics; features; qualities3. composition (noun) composition; constitution; organization4. feel (noun) feel; fineness; roughness; smoothness; touch5. fibre (noun) fabric; fiber; fibre; grain; nap; striation; tendency; warp; weave; web; woof -
15 волокнистая текстура
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > волокнистая текстура
16 волокнистая текстура
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > волокнистая текстура
17 grain
18 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
19 grain
1. n зерно2. n хлебные злакиbread grain — продовольственное зерно, хлебное зерно
3. n крупа4. n барда5. n крупинка; песчинка; зёрнышко6. n мельчайшая частица, крупица7. n гран8. n энт. грена, яйца шелкопряда9. n строение, структура10. n склонность; склад характераman of coarse, grain — грубый человек, человек грубого склада
11. n жила, волокно; фибра12. n степень зернистостиgrain structure — зернистая структура, зернистость
13. n текст. узелок в ткани14. n кож. лицо, мерея кожи; зерноbulk grain aerator — аэратор для зерна, хранящегося насыпью
15. n уст. поэт. краска; кошениль16. v раздроблять, измельчать17. v придавать зернистость; кристаллизовать18. v кристаллизоваться19. v раскрашивать под древесину или под мрамор20. v кож. очищать от шерсти21. v кож. зернить22. v кож. уст. краситьСинонимический ряд:1. cereal (noun) cereal; seed2. fiber (noun) direction; fabric; fiber; fibre; nap; striation; surface; tendency; texture; warp; woof3. particle (noun) ace; atom; bit; crumb; dab; damn; dash; doit; dram; drop; fragment; granule; grit; hoot; iota; jot; minim; minute particle; mite; modicum; molecule; ounce; particle; pellet; ray; scrap; scruple; shred; smidgen; smitch; snap; speck; spot; syllable; tittle; whit4. seed of cereal (noun) barley; cereals; corn; millet; oats; rice; seed of cereal; seeds; wheat -
20 striation
1. n биол. бороздчатость; полосчатость2. n геол. полосы скольжения; бороздчатость, полосчатостьСинонимический ряд:fiber (noun) direction; fabric; fiber; fibre; grain; nap; tendency; texture; warp; woof
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Texture (crystalline) — In materials science, texture is the distribution of crystallographic orientations of a polycrystalline sample. A sample in which these orientations are fully random is said to have no texture. If the crystallographic orientations are not random … Wikipedia
Fiber art — is a style of fine art which uses textiles such as fabric, yarn, and natural and synthetic fibers. It focuses on the materials and on the manual labour involved as part of its significance.Twylene Moyer, in her article, Handle with Care: Loose… … Wikipedia
fiber — [fī′bər] n. [Fr fibre < L fibra, akin to filum, thread: see FILE1] 1. a) a slender, threadlike structure that combines with others to form animal or vegetable tissue b) the tissue so formed [muscle fiber] 2. a slender, threadlike structure… … English World dictionary
fiber — [n1] strand of material cilia, cord, fibril, filament, footlet, grain, grit, hair, shred, staple, string, strip, tendril, thread, tissue, tooth, vein, warp, web, woof; concepts 392,428,611,831 fiber [n2] texture essence, fabric, feel, hand, nap,… … New thesaurus
texture — [n] charactertistics of a surface arrangement, balance, being, character, coarseness, composition, consistency, constitution, disposition, essence, essentiality, fabric, feel, feeling, fiber, fineness, flexibility, form, framework, grain,… … New thesaurus
texture — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Surface characteristics Nouns 1. texture, quality, fabric, surface, fiber, nap, tooth, tissue, weave, warp and woof, weft, grain, fineness or coarseness of grain; smoothness, roughness. See ornament. 2.… … English dictionary for students
fiber — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. filament, thread, strand; shred; texture, structure. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A threadlike structure] Syn. thread, cord, string, rootlet, strand, staple, pile, tissue, filament, vein, hair, tendril,… … English dictionary for students
fiber — noun Etymology: Middle French fibre, from Latin fibra Date: 1540 1. a thread or a structure or object resembling a thread: as a. (1) a slender root (as of a grass) (2) an elongated tapering thick walled plant cell void at maturity that imparts… … New Collegiate Dictionary
texture — Synonyms and related words: anatomy, arabesque, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, basketry, basketwork, being, braiding, build, building, cancellation, character, cloth, composition, configuration, conformation, consistency, constitution … Moby Thesaurus
texture — n 1. weave, weaving, nap, pile, tissue, fabric; grain, surface, make, denier, feel, touch, granulation; fiber, woof, warp and woof, tooth; contexture, intertexture, crossing, intertwinement, interlacement; mesh, net, web, meshwork, network, web… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Flocking (texture) — Flocking is the process of depositing many small fiber particles (called flock ) onto a surface. It also refers to the texture produced by the process.Flocking can be a decoration process that enhances the way a wide variety of products are… … Wikipedia