1 feminine use
Парфюмерия: использование женщинами -
2 feminine use
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > feminine use
3 feminine
1. n олицетворение женственностиthe eternal feminine — вечно женственное; вечная женственность
2. n грам. женский родfeminine note — нота, свойственная женской парфюмерии
3. a женский, свойственный женщинам4. a женоподобныйСинонимический ряд:1. effeminate (adj.) effeminate; sissified; unmanly; womanish2. endowed with womanly qualities (adj.) dainty; delicate; endowed with womanly qualities; fair; gentle; modest; sensitive; soft3. female (adj.) female; ladylike; non-masculine; womanlike; womanlyАнтонимический ряд: -
4 masculine
1. n грам. мужской родmasculine note — нота, свойственная мужской парфюмерии
2. n грам. слово мужского рода3. n грам. лицо мужского пола; мужчина; мальчик4. a грам. мужского рода5. a стих. мужской6. a мужественный; сильный, энергичный7. a мужеподобныйСинонимический ряд:1. manly (adj.) brave; brawny; courageous; manly; muscular; powerful; robust; strong2. virile (adj.) generative; male; manlike; potent; virileАнтонимический ряд:feminine; weak
См. также в других словарях:
feminine designations — For most agent nouns and nouns indicating occupation no distinction is made between masculine and feminine: clerk, cook, councillor, counsellor, cyclist, doctor, lecturer, martyr, motorist, nurse, oculist, palmist, president, pupil, secretary,… … Modern English usage
Feminine rhyme — A feminine rhyme is a rhyme that matches two or more syllables, usually at the end of respective lines, in which the final syllable or syllables are unstressed. Contents 1 Feminine rhyme in poetry 1.1 English 1.2 French … Wikipedia
feminine — female, feminine 1. general. Female is used as an adjective, contrasting with the etymologically unrelated word male, to designate the sex of humans and animals that can bear offspring and to designate plants that are fruit bearing. Feminine is… … Modern English usage
Feminine Intuition — Infobox Short story | name = Feminine Intuition author = Isaac Asimov country = United States language = English series = Robot Series genre = Science fiction short story publication type = Periodical published in = The Magazine of Fantasy and… … Wikipedia
Use of the circumflex in French — The circumflex (^) is one of the five diacritics used in the French language. It may be used atop the vowels a, e, i, o, and u.In French, the circumflex has three primary functions:*It affects the pronunciation of a , e , and o ; although used on … Wikipedia
female - feminine - effeminate — ◊ female Female means relating to the sex that can have babies . You can use female as an adjective to talk about either people or animals. ...pay claims from female employees. A female toad may lay 20,000 eggs each season. You can also use … Useful english dictionary
Condition Féminine Dans La Société Victorienne — La condition féminine dans la société victorienne constitue, pour de nombreux historiens, une illustration du paradoxe existant alors entre, d une part, la puissance et la richesse de la nation britannique du XIXe siècle et, de l autre, la… … Wikipédia en Français
Condition feminine dans la societe victorienne — Condition féminine dans la société victorienne La condition féminine dans la société victorienne constitue, pour de nombreux historiens, une illustration du paradoxe existant alors entre, d une part, la puissance et la richesse de la nation… … Wikipédia en Français
Religious and spiritual use of cannabis — Sacramental, religious and spiritual use of cannabis refers to cannabis used in a religious or spiritual context. Cannabis has an ancient history of ritual usage as an aid to trance and has been traditionally used in a religious context… … Wikipedia
Spiritual use of cannabis — This article is about cannabis used as an entheogenic drug in a spiritual or religious context. The cannabis plant has an ancient history of ritual usage as an aid to trance and has been traditionally used in a religious context throughout the… … Wikipedia
Religious use of incense — have their origins in antiquity, and may have their roots in the practical and aesthetic uses considering that many religions with not much else in common all use incense. One common motif is of incense as a form of sacrificial offering to God or … Wikipedia