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feminine line

См. также в других словарях:

  • Feminine Masculinity — 先生貴性 Also known as Mr. Diana Genre Comedy / supernatural drama Mystery Format Serial Starring Gallen Lo F …   Wikipedia

  • Feminine ending — Feminine ending, in grammatical gender, is a term that refers to the final syllable or suffixed letters that mark words as feminine.It can also refer to:*Feminine ending, in meter (poetry), a line of verse that ends with an unstressed syllable… …   Wikipedia

  • feminine — [fem′ə nin] adj. [ME < OFr < L femininus < femina, woman] 1. female; of women or girls 2. having qualities regarded as characteristic of women and girls, as gentleness, weakness, delicacy, or modesty 3. suitable to or characteristic of a …   English World dictionary

  • feminine ending — 1. Pros. an unaccented syllable at the close of a line of poetry, often one that is added to the metrical pattern as an extra syllable. 2. Gram. a termination or final syllable marking a feminine word: In Latin a is a feminine ending for the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • feminine ending — 1. Pros. an unaccented syllable at the close of a line of poetry, often one that is added to the metrical pattern as an extra syllable. 2. Gram. a termination or final syllable marking a feminine word: In Latin a is a feminine ending for the… …   Universalium

  • line — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English; partly from Anglo French lingne, from Latin linea, from feminine of lineus made of flax, from linum flax; partly from Old English līne; akin to Old English līn flax more at linen Date:… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • feminine ending — /fɛmənən ˈɛndɪŋ/ (say femuhnuhn ending) noun 1. Prosody an ending in which a line closes with an extra unaccented syllable in addition to the normal accented syllable. 2. Grammar a termination or final syllable marking a feminine word: ā in Latin …  

  • Line — Provenance. Forme féminine de Lin. Vient du latin linum Signifie : lin (plante et textile) Se fête le 23 septembre. Histoire. Chrétien vivant à Rome, saint Lin est contemporain de saint Paul qu il connaît bien. Plus tard, il vient en Gaule… …   Dictionnaire des prénoms français, arabes et bretons

  • Coupe continentale féminine de saut à ski 2010-2011 — Infobox compétition sportive Coupe continentale féminine de saut à ski 2010 Généralités Sport Saut à ski …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Roller in line hockey en france — Le roller in line hockey (RILH) en France. Sommaire 1 Organisation 1.1 Compétitions nationales 1.2 Compétitions internationales 2 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Roller in line hockey en France — Le roller in line hockey (RILH) en France. Sommaire 1 Organisation 1.1 Compétitions nationales 1.2 Compétitions internationales 2 Histoi …   Wikipédia en Français

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