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  • 101 अमानुष

    mf (ī)n. not human, anything but a man RV. X, 95, 8 ;

    superhuman, divine, celestial R. etc.;
    inhuman, brutal RV. ;
    (mf (ā)n.), without men, not inhabited by men Kathās. ;
    m. not a man ṠBr. AitBr. Mn. IX, 284 ;
    (ī) f. a female animal Gaut.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अमानुष

  • 102 जगत्

    mfn. ( gam redupl. Pāṇ. 3-2, 178 Vārtt. 3)

    moving, movable, locomotive, living RV. AV. etc.;
    (= jā́gata) composed in the Jagatī metre RV. I, 164, 23 ShaḍvBr. I, 4 Lāṭy. I, 8, 9 ;
    m. air, wind L. ;
    m. pl. people, mankind Rājat. (C) III, 494 ;
    n. that which moves orᅠ is alive, men andᅠ animals, animals as opposed to men, men (Naigh. II, 3) RV. AV. etc.. ;
    (- tomadhye, « within everybody's sight» R. VII, 97, 1; 5 and 10);
    the world, esp. this world, earth ṠBr. Mn. etc.;
    the Jagati metre RV. I, 164, 25 ;
    N. of a Sāman. seeᅠ - sāman;
    n. du. heaven andᅠ the lower world Kir. V, 20 ;
    n. pl. the worlds (= - gat-traya) Prab. I, 10 ;
    people, mankind Kpr. X, 50/51 (Sāh. and Kuval.) ;
    ( jágatī) f. a female animal RV. I, 157, 5; VI, 72, 4 ;
    a cow Naigh. 11, II ;
    the plants ( orᅠ flour as coming from plants) VS. I, 21 ṠBr. I, 2, 2, 2 ;
    the earth ĪṡUp. PraṡnUp. Mn. I, 100 MBh. etc.. ;
    the site of a house L. (Kir. I, 7 Sch.) ;
    people, mankind L. ;
    the world, universe R. II, 69, 11 a metre of 4 × 12 syllables
    RV. X, 130, 5 AV. VIII; XIX ṠBr. AitBr. etc.. ;
    any metre of 4 × 12 syllables;
    the number 48 Lāṭy. IX Kāty. XXII ;
    a sacrificial brick named after the Jagatī metre ṠBr. VIII KātyṠr. XVII ;
    a field planted with Jambū L. ;
    - जगत्कर्तृ
    - जगत्कारण
    - जगत्कृत्स्न
    - जगत्क्षय
    - जगत्तुङ्ग
    - जगत्त्रय
    - जगत्त्रितय
    - जगत्पति
    - जगत्परायण
    - जगत्पित्रि
    - जगत्प्रकाश
    - जगत्प्रधान
    - जगत्प्रभु
    - जगत्प्रसिद्ध
    - जगत्प्राण
    - जगत्प्रासाह
    - जगत्प्रीति
    - जगत्समग्र
    - जगत्सर्व
    - जगत्साक्षिन्
    - जगत्सामन्
    - जगत्सिंह
    - जगत्सेट
    - जगत्स्रष्टृ
    - जगत्स्वामिन्

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > जगत्

  • 103 धेनुक

    m. a kind of coitus L. (cf. dhain-);

    N. of an Asura slain by Kṛishṇa orᅠ Bala-bhadra MBh. Hariv. Pur. ;
    of a son of Dur-dama VP. ;
    pl. N. of a people MBh. ;
    ( dhénukā) f. milch cow, cow;
    any female animal ( alsoᅠ a woman) AV. Br. Ṡr. and GṛS. MBh. etc.. ;
    = dṛishṭa-pushpā Gal.;
    = dhenu ifc. to form dimin. L. ;
    a vein which when cut bleeds only at intervals Suṡr. ;
    coriander Bhpr. (v.l. dhenikā);
    N. of the wife of Kīrti-mat (son of Aṇgiras) VP. ;
    of a river ib. ;
    n. N. of a herd of milch cows L. ;
    N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. ;
    - धेनुकध्वंसिन्
    - धेनुकवध
    - धेनुकसूदन
    - धेनुकादुग्ध

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > धेनुक

  • 104 युवति

    f. a girl, young woman, any young female animal RV. etc. etc. (in RV. applied to Ushas, Night andᅠ Morning, Heaven andᅠ Earth etc.;

    with ṡaryā, prob. « an arrow just shot off» ;
    but cf. yuvā́;
    ifc. as f. for yuvan, a youth e.g.. sa-bāla-vṛiddhayuvatiḥpurī, a town with boys, old andᅠ young men, Haeiv.);
    turmeric L. ;
    - युवतिजन
    - युवतिदा

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > युवति

  • 105 स्रवद्गर्भा

    f. a woman ( orᅠ any female animal, as a cow) that miscarries L.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > स्रवद्गर्भा

  • 106 heat

    [English Word] body heat
    [Swahili Word] harara
    [Swahili Plural] harara
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] female animal in heat
    [Swahili Word] mkware
    [Swahili Plural] wakware
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] kware Adj, ukware N
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] chaka
    [Swahili Plural] machaka
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] figuto
    [Swahili Plural] mafiguto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] fukuto
    [Swahili Plural] mafukuto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] hamasa
    [Swahili Plural] hamasa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] Arabic
    [Swahili Example] alikuwa anajaribu kuzizuia hamasa zake [Moh]
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] harara
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] hari, uharara
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] hari
    [Swahili Plural] hari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] hari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] harara
    [Swahili Example] hari ja jua
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] jasho
    [Swahili Plural] majasho
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] joto
    [Swahili Plural] joto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] moto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] ota
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] mwako
    [Swahili Plural] miako
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] waka V
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] uharara
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] ujotojoto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 14
    [Derived Word] ota v
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] umoto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] umotomoto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] vukuto
    [Swahili Plural] mavukuto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] -pasha moto
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] -patisha moto
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] heat
    [Swahili Word] -patiza moto
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] heat (intense or humid)
    [Swahili Word] mvuke
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] fuka
    [English Word] heat (intense)
    [Swahili Word] joto
    [Swahili Plural] majoto
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] ujotojoto
    [English Word] heat (of animals)
    [Swahili Word] nyege
    [Swahili Plural] nyege
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] heat (of animals)
    [Swahili Word] unyege
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat (of animals)
    [Swahili Word] unyege
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] heat (up)
    [Swahili Word] -chemsha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [English Word] heat (up)
    [Swahili Word] -chemusha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] heat up
    [Swahili Word] -kanza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kaanga
    [English Word] humid heat
    [Swahili Word] uvuke
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] intense heat
    [Swahili Word] uvuke
    [Part of Speech] noun

    English-Swahili dictionary > heat

  • 107 teat

    1) (of cow, goat, ewe) capezzolo m.
    2) BE (on baby's bottle) tettarella f.
    * * *
    (the part of a female animal's breast or udder through which milk passes to the young; the nipple.) mammella
    * * *
    teat /ti:t/
    1 (anat.) capezzolo
    2 tettarella; ciuccio (fam.)
    3 ( di una mucca, ecc.) mammella.
    * * *
    1) (of cow, goat, ewe) capezzolo m.
    2) BE (on baby's bottle) tettarella f.

    English-Italian dictionary > teat

  • 108 suckle

    verbo transitivo allattare [ baby]
    * * *
    (of a woman or female animal) to give milk from the breasts or teats to (a baby or young). allattare
    * * *
    verbo transitivo allattare [ baby]

    English-Italian dictionary > suckle

  • 109 teat

    ( on bottle) smoczek m
    * * *
    (the part of a female animal's breast or udder through which milk passes to the young; the nipple.) sutek

    English-Polish dictionary > teat

  • 110 suckle

    (of a woman or female animal) to give milk from the breasts or teats to (a baby or young). zīdīt
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > suckle

  • 111 teat

    (the part of a female animal's breast or udder through which milk passes to the young; the nipple.) pups
    * * *
    pups; knupis

    English-Latvian dictionary > teat

  • 112 suckle

    (of a woman or female animal) to give milk from the breasts or teats to (a baby or young). žindyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > suckle

  • 113 teat

    (the part of a female animal's breast or udder through which milk passes to the young; the nipple.) tešmuo

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > teat

  • 114 suckle

    v. dia, amma
    * * *
    (of a woman or female animal) to give milk from the breasts or teats to (a baby or young). dia, amma

    English-Swedish dictionary > suckle

  • 115 teat

    n. spene
    * * *
    (the part of a female animal's breast or udder through which milk passes to the young; the nipple.) spene

    English-Swedish dictionary > teat

  • 116 dierenbeschermster

    n. female animal protectionist

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > dierenbeschermster

  • 117 dierenliefhebster

    n. female animal lover

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > dierenliefhebster

  • 118 suckle

    (of a woman or female animal) to give milk from the breasts or teats to (a baby or young). kojit
    * * *
    • sát mléko
    • kojit

    English-Czech dictionary > suckle

  • 119 teat

    (the part of a female animal's breast or udder through which milk passes to the young; the nipple.) bradavka, struk
    * * *
    • vemeno
    • dudlík

    English-Czech dictionary > teat

  • 120 suckle

    (of a woman or female animal) to give milk from the breasts or teats to (a baby or young). dojčiť
    * * *
    • pridájat
    • dojcit

    English-Slovak dictionary > suckle

См. также в других словарях:

  • female — [fē′māl΄] adj. [ME, altered after MALE < femelle < OFr < L femella, dim. of femina, a woman < IE base * dhē , to suck, suckle > L felare, to suck, filius, son, fetus, progeny, Gr thēlazein, to suckle, thele, nipple] 1. designating… …   English World dictionary

  • Animal sexual behaviour — This article is about the sexual behaviour of non human animals; see also Human sexuality and Sexual reproduction. Animal sexual behaviour takes many different forms, even within the same species. Among animals other than humans, researchers have …   Wikipedia

  • female — femaleness, n. /fee mayl/, n. 1. a person bearing two X chromosomes in the cell nuclei and normally having a vagina, a uterus and ovaries, and developing at puberty a relatively rounded body and enlarged breasts, and retaining a beardless face; a …   Universalium

  • female — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) The female sex Nouns 1. female, womankind, womanhood, femininity, muliebrity; fair sex, weaker sex; feminist, suffragist (see choice); women s liberation or movement, feminism, NOW; mommy track. See… …   English dictionary for students

  • animal spaying — surgical removal of the ovaries of a female animal …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Animal Crossing (series) — Animal Crossing , known in Japan as ] [cite web|publisher=GameSpot|url=http://uk.gamespot.com/ds/rpg/animalcrossingds/review.html?|title=Animal Crossing: Wild World for DS Review|accessdate=2007 05 17] which has led to the series becoming one of… …   Wikipedia

  • Animal roleplay — may be either a non sexual or an erotic sexual role play (when it may also be called petplay, ponyplay, ponyism, kittenplay, or pup play). In its erotic sexual role play form, one or more of the participants takes on the role of a real or… …   Wikipedia

  • Animal (Kesha album) — Animal Studio album by Kesha Released January 1, 2010 ( …   Wikipedia

  • Animal psychopathology — is the study of mental or behavioral disorders in non human animals.Historically, there has been an anthropocentric tendency to emphasize the study of animal psychopathologies as models for human mental illnesses [Owen, J. B., Treasure, J.L.… …   Wikipedia

  • Animal sacrifice — is the ritual killing of an animal as part of a religion. It is practised by many religions as a means of appeasing a god or gods or changing the course of nature. Animal sacrifice has turned up in almost all cultures, from the Hebrews to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Animal colouration — has been a topic of interest and research in biology for well over a century. Colours may be cryptic (functioning as an adaptation allowing the prevention of prey detection; aposematic (functioning as a warning of unprofitability) or may be the… …   Wikipedia

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