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  • 1 feel

    past tense, past participle - felt; verb
    1) (to become aware of (something) by the sense of touch: She felt his hand on her shoulder.) cítiť
    2) (to find out the shape, size, texture etc of something by touching, usually with the hands: She felt the parcel carefully.) ohmatať
    3) (to experience or be aware of (an emotion, sensation etc): He felt a sudden anger.) pocítiť
    4) (to think (oneself) to be: She feels sick; How does she feel about her work?) cítiť sa
    5) (to believe or consider: She feels that the firm treated her badly.) mať pocit
    - feeling
    - feel as if / as though
    - feel like
    - feel one's way
    - get the feel of
    * * *
    • zacítit
    • zdat sa
    • zistit silu
    • zistit postavenie
    • skúsit
    • siahnut
    • sympatizovat
    • tušit
    • precítit
    • prevádzat prieskum
    • pripadat si
    • hmatat
    • hmat
    • hmatový dojem
    • atmosféra
    • cítit sa
    • cítit
    • cítit sympatie
    • cit
    • domnievat sa
    • reagovat
    • pocit
    • pocítit
    • mat pocit
    • mat názor
    • mat dojem
    • mat súcit
    • omak
    • ohmatávat
    • ohmatat

    English-Slovak dictionary > feel

  • 2 encourage

    1) (to give support, confidence or hope to: The general tried to encourage the troops: You should not encourage him in his extravagance; I felt encouraged by his praise.) povzbudiť
    2) (to urge (a person) to do something: You must encourage him to try again.) povzbudenie
    - encouragingly
    - encouragement
    * * *
    • vyzývat
    • doporucovat
    • podporovat
    • posmelovat
    • povzbudit
    • povzbudzovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > encourage

  • 3 slacken

    1) (to make or become looser: She felt his grip on her arm slacken.) povoliť
    2) (to make or become less busy, less active or less fast: The doctor told him to slacken up if he wanted to avoid a heart-attack.) poľaviť
    * * *
    • zmiernit
    • zmenšit
    • spomalovat
    • polavit
    • popustit napnuté
    • polavovat
    • povolit
    • ochabnút

    English-Slovak dictionary > slacken

  • 4 touch

    1. verb
    1) (to be in, come into, or make, contact with something else: Their shoulders touched; He touched the water with his foot.) dotknúť sa
    2) (to feel (lightly) with the hand: He touched her cheek.) dotknúť sa
    3) (to affect the feelings of; to make (someone) feel pity, sympathy etc: I was touched by her generosity.) dojať
    4) (to be concerned with; to have anything to do with: I wouldn't touch a job like that.) mať čo spoločné
    2. noun
    1) (an act or sensation of touching: I felt a touch on my shoulder.) dotyk
    2) ((often with the) one of the five senses, the sense by which we feel things: the sense of touch; The stone felt cold to the touch.) dotyk
    3) (a mark or stroke etc to improve the appearance of something: The painting still needs a few finishing touches.) ťah
    4) (skill or style: He hasn't lost his touch as a writer.) osobitý štýl
    5) ((in football) the ground outside the edges of the pitch (which are marked out with touchlines): He kicked the ball into touch.) aut
    - touchingly
    - touchy
    - touchily
    - touchiness
    - touch screen
    - in touch with
    - in touch
    - lose touch with
    - lose touch
    - out of touch with
    - out of touch
    - a touch
    - touch down
    - touch off
    - touch up
    - touch wood
    * * *
    • vzrušovat
    • vzrušit
    • záchvat
    • zapôsobit
    • znak
    • skúška
    • skúšat
    • styk
    • spojenie
    • stopa
    • štipka
    • susedit
    • úder
    • týkat sa
    • trošicka
    • prejav
    • pristat
    • príchut
    • dotknút sa
    • hmat
    • dotýkat sa
    • dotyk
    • dojímat
    • crta
    • ovplyvnit

    English-Slovak dictionary > touch

  • 5 object

    I ['ob‹ikt] noun
    1) (a thing that can be seen or felt: There were various objects on the table.) predmet
    2) (an aim or intention: His main object in life was to become rich.) cieľ
    3) (the word or words in a sentence or phrase which represent(s) the person or thing affected by the action of the verb: He hit me; You can eat what you like.) predmet
    II [əb'‹ekt] verb
    (often with to) to feel or express dislike or disapproval: He wanted us to travel on foot but I objected (to that). protestovať
    - objectionable
    - objectionably
    * * *
    • vec
    • zámer
    • strašidlo
    • úmysel
    • úcel
    • predmet
    • cielový
    • ciel
    • protestovat
    • oponovat
    • mat námietky
    • nesúhlasit
    • namietnut
    • nemat rád
    • namietat
    • ohradzovat sa
    • ohrádzat sa
    • ohradit sa
    • objekt

    English-Slovak dictionary > object

  • 6 concrete

    ['koŋkri:t] 1. adjective
    1) (made of concrete: concrete slabs.) betónový
    2) (able to be seen and felt; real or definite: A wooden table is a concrete object.) konkrétny
    2. noun
    (a mixture of cement with sand etc used in building.) betón
    3. verb
    (to spread with concrete: We'll have to concrete the garden path.) vybetónovať
    * * *
    • betónový
    • betón
    • konkrétny

    English-Slovak dictionary > concrete

  • 7 degrade

    (to disgrace or make contemptible: He felt degraded by having to ask for money.) ponížiť
    * * *
    • zbavit úradu
    • zvrhnút sa
    • znížit
    • zosadit
    • degradovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > degrade

  • 8 drag

    [dræɡ] 1. past tense, past participle - dragged; verb
    1) (to pull, especially by force or roughly: She was dragged screaming from her car.) vytiahnuť
    2) (to pull (something) slowly (usually because heavy): He dragged the heavy table across the floor.) ťahať
    3) (to (cause to) move along the ground: His coat was so long it dragged on the ground at the back.) vliecť sa
    4) (to search (the bed of a lake etc) by using a net or hook: Police are dragging the canal to try to find the body.) prečesávať
    5) (to be slow-moving and boring: The evening dragged a bit.) ťahať sa
    2. noun
    1) (something which slows something down: He felt that his lack of education was a drag on his progress.) prekážka, záťaž
    2) (an act of drawing in smoke from a cigarette etc: He took a long drag at his cigarette.) šluk, vtiahnutie
    3) (something or someone that is dull and boring: Washing-up is a drag.) otrava
    4) (a slang word for women's clothes when worn by men.) preoblečenie za ženu
    * * *
    • vliect
    • tahat
    • tiahnut
    • presúvat (obraz)
    • natahovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > drag

  • 9 faint

    [feint] 1. adjective
    1) (lacking in strength, brightness, courage etc: The sound grew faint; a faint light.) slabý
    2) (physically weak and about to lose consciousness: Suddenly he felt faint.) malátny
    2. verb
    (to lose consciousness: She fainted on hearing the news.) omdlieť
    3. noun
    (loss of consciousness: His faint gave everybody a fright.) mdloba
    - faintness
    * * *
    • vlažný
    • vyprchat
    • zdržanlivý
    • zamdliet
    • zoslabnutý
    • zoslabnút
    • slabost
    • slabý
    • šerý
    • stratit vedomie
    • upadnút do mdlôb
    • bezpredmetný
    • chabý
    • mdlý
    • nejasný
    • nesmelý
    • omdliet

    English-Slovak dictionary > faint

  • 10 flutter

    1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move quickly: A leaf fluttered to the ground.) zniesť sa
    2) ((of a bird, insect etc) to move the wings rapidly and lightly: The moth fluttered round the light.) trepotať krídlami
    2. noun
    1) (a quick irregular movement (of a pulse etc): She felt a flutter in her chest.) trepotanie
    2) (nervous excitement: She was in a great flutter.) vzrušenie
    * * *
    • uviest do vzrušenia
    • vzrušenie
    • vzniest sa
    • vzrušit
    • rýchle kolísanie rýchlosti
    • stávka
    • strihanie nohami
    • trepat krídlami
    • trepotat krídlami
    • trepotat krídelkami
    • trepot
    • preniest vzrušenie
    • flám
    • drobná špekulácia
    • fibrilovat
    • kmitat sa
    • chviet sa rozrušením
    • chvenie
    • chvenie obrazu
    • chviet sa
    • rozrušit
    • rozruch
    • rozbúšit srdce
    • roztriast sa
    • rozrušenie
    • rozcúlenie
    • kolísanie
    • kopanie nohami
    • kolísanie zvuku
    • krdel
    • mávat
    • mihotat sa
    • mihotanie
    • nervozita
    • odklon rýchlosti

    English-Slovak dictionary > flutter

  • 11 force

    [fo:s] 1. noun
    1) (strength or power that can be felt: the force of the wind.) sila
    2) (a person or thing that has great power: the forces of Nature.) sila
    3) ((sometimes with capital) a group of men prepared for action: the police force; the Royal Air Force.) sily; zbor
    2. verb
    1) (to make (someone or something) do something, go somewhere etc, often against his etc will: He forced me to give him money.) prinútiť
    2) (to achieve by strength or effort: He forced a smile despite his grief.) prinútiť sa (k)
    - forceful
    - forcefully
    - forces
    - in
    - into force
    * * *
    • vodopád
    • vplyv
    • vnucovat
    • vnútit
    • vhánat
    • vypácit
    • vyrazit
    • zasahovat
    • zintenzívnit
    • zbor
    • zrýchlit
    • znásilnit
    • zmysel
    • sila
    • spôsobit násilie
    • úcinnost
    • urýchlit
    • tiaž
    • tlak
    • pritlacit
    • pretažovat
    • prinútit
    • donútit
    • donútenie
    • hnat
    • jednotka
    • branná moc
    • otvorit
    • platnost
    • pôsobnost
    • popohnat
    • moc
    • násilie
    • nútit
    • oddiel

    English-Slovak dictionary > force

  • 12 imagine

    1) (to form a mental picture of (something): I can imagine how you felt.) predstaviť si
    2) (to see or hear etc (something which is not true or does not exist): Children often imagine that there are frightening animals under their beds; You're just imagining things!) vymýšľať si
    3) (to think; to suppose: I imagine (that) he will be late.) domnievať sa; predpokladať
    - imagination
    - imaginative
    * * *
    • vymýšlat
    • predstavovat si
    • predstavit si
    • rezignovat
    • mysliet si

    English-Slovak dictionary > imagine

  • 13 jerk

    [‹ə:k] 1. noun
    (a short, sudden movement: We felt a jerk as the train started.) trhnutie
    2. verb
    (to move with a jerk or jerks: He grasped my arm and jerked me round; The car jerked to a halt.) mykať, trhnúť
    - jerkily
    - jerkiness
    * * *
    • vytrhnút
    • vyhodit
    • vyrazit
    • vyrážat
    • vyrábat sódovú vodu
    • šklbnút
    • sekat
    • šklbnutie
    • strcenie
    • svrbenie
    • trhnút
    • trhat
    • trhnutie
    • predávat sódovú vodu
    • hádzat
    • hlupák
    • hodit
    • branec
    • cvik
    • pohybovat
    • kretén
    • mykat
    • myknút
    • nakrájat na plátky
    • myknutie
    • onanista (vulg.)
    • odseknút

    English-Slovak dictionary > jerk

  • 14 jostle

    (to push roughly: We were jostled by the crowd; I felt people jostling against me in the dark.) strkať (sa); narážať
    * * *
    • vrážanie do seba
    • vyhodit
    • vystrcit
    • zápasit
    • zápasit o co
    • zrazit sa
    • zrážka
    • sácat (sa)
    • štuchat (sa)
    • strkat (sa)
    • tahat sa
    • strkat
    • strkat sa
    • stisk
    • strkanie
    • tahat sa o co
    • tlacit (sa)
    • tlacenica
    • existovat tesne vedla seb
    • drat sa
    • robit vreckového zlodeja
    • razit si cestu
    • pchat (sa)
    • potýkat sa
    • náraz
    • narážat na seba

    English-Slovak dictionary > jostle

  • 15 overcome

    1. adjective
    (helpless; defeated by emotion etc: overcome with grief; I felt quite overcome.) premožený, unavený
    2. [-'keim] verb
    (to defeat or conquer: She finally overcame her fear of the dark.) premôcť
    * * *
    • premôct
    • prekonat

    English-Slovak dictionary > overcome

  • 16 pity

    ['piti] 1. noun
    1) (a feeling of sorrow for the troubles and sufferings of others: He felt a great pity for her.) ľútosť
    2) (a cause of sorrow or regret: What a pity (that) she can't come.) škoda
    2. verb
    (to feel pity for (someone): She pitied him; She is to be pitied.) (po)ľutovať, mať súcit
    - piteously
    - piteousness
    - pitiable
    - pitiably
    - pitiful
    - pitifully
    - pitifulness
    - pitiless
    - pitilessly
    - pitilessness
    - pityingly
    - have pity on
    - take pity on
    * * *
    • škoda
    • súcit
    • lutovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > pity

  • 17 pull

    [pul] 1. verb
    1) (to (try to) move something especially towards oneself usually by using force: He pulled the chair towards the fire; She pulled at the door but couldn't open it; He kept pulling the girls' hair for fun; Help me to pull my boots off; This railway engine can pull twelve carriages.) pritiahnuť, potiahnuť, ťahať
    2) ((with at or on) in eg smoking, to suck at: He pulled at his cigarette.) povtiahnuť, zabafkať
    3) (to row: He pulled towards the shore.) veslovať
    4) ((of a driver or vehicle) to steer or move in a certain direction: The car pulled in at the garage; I pulled into the side of the road; The train pulled out of the station; The motorbike pulled out to overtake; He pulled off the road.) zájsť, odísť
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pulling: I felt a pull at my sleeve; He took a pull at his beer/pipe.) potiahnutie, dúšok
    2) (a pulling or attracting force: magnetic pull; the pull (=attraction) of the sea.) príťažlivosť
    3) (influence: He thinks he has some pull with the headmaster.) vplyv
    - pull down
    - pull a face / faces at
    - pull a face / faces
    - pull a gun on
    - pull off
    - pull on
    - pull oneself together
    - pull through
    - pull up
    - pull one's weight
    - pull someone's leg
    * * *
    • vyhrnút
    • vytiahnut
    • tah
    • tahat
    • tažná sila
    • pritiahnut
    • cítanie dát

    English-Slovak dictionary > pull

  • 18 pulse

    1. noun
    (the regular beating of the heart, which can be checked by feeling the pumping action of the artery in the wrist: The doctor felt/took her pulse.) pulz
    2. verb
    (to throb.) pulzovať
    - pulsation
    * * *
    • tep
    • impulz
    • pulz

    English-Slovak dictionary > pulse

  • 19 shame

    [ʃeim] 1. noun
    1) ((often with at) an unpleasant feeling caused by awareness of guilt, fault, foolishness or failure: I was full of shame at my rudeness; He felt no shame at his behaviour.) hanba
    2) (dishonour or disgrace: The news that he had accepted bribes brought shame on his whole family.) hanba, potupa
    3) ((with a) a cause of disgrace or a matter for blame: It's a shame to treat a child so cruelly.) hanba
    4) ((with a) a pity: What a shame that he didn't get the job!) škoda
    2. verb
    1) ((often with into) to force or persuade to do something by making ashamed: He was shamed into paying his share.) prinútiť
    2) (to cause to have a feeling of shame: His cowardice shamed his parents.) zahanbiť
    - shamefully
    - shamefulness
    - shameless
    - shamelessly
    - shamelessness
    - shamefaced
    - put to shame
    - to my
    - his shame
    * * *
    • zahanbit
    • zhanobit
    • zneuctenie
    • smola
    • škvrna
    • stud
    • urobit hanbu
    • hanbit sa
    • hanba
    • dat triumf
    • otrava
    • potupa
    • nepríjemnost

    English-Slovak dictionary > shame

  • 20 shriek

    [ʃri:k] 1. verb
    (to give out, or say with, a high scream or laugh: She shrieked whenever she saw a spider; shrieking with laughter.) jačať, vrieskať
    2. noun
    (such a scream or laugh: She gave a shriek as she felt someone grab her arm; shrieks of laughter.) zajačanie, výkrik, vreskot
    * * *
    • vrieskat
    • vypísknutie
    • vytie
    • vykríknut
    • vypískat
    • výkrik
    • zaškrípanie
    • zavrieskat
    • zaškrípat
    • zavytie
    • zakricat
    • zapískat
    • zavreštat
    • zajacat
    • zahvízdat
    • zapískanie
    • zvresknutie
    • škrípat
    • piskot
    • pískat
    • pisk
    • ostrý hvizd
    • kricat

    English-Slovak dictionary > shriek

См. также в других словарях:

  • felt — I. /fɛlt / (say felt) verb past tense and past participle of feel. II. /fɛlt / (say felt) noun 1. a non woven fabric of wool, fur, or hair, matted together by pressure. 2. any matted fabric or material. –adjective 3. relating to or made of felt.… …  

  • felt up — verb change texture so as to become matted and felt like The fabric felted up after several washes • Syn: ↑felt, ↑mat up, ↑matt up, ↑matte up, ↑matte, ↑mat • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • felt — [1] ► NOUN ▪ cloth made by rolling and pressing wool or another suitable textile accompanied by the application of moisture or heat, which causes the fibres to mat together. ► VERB 1) mat together or become matted. 2) cover with felt. ORIGIN Old… …   English terms dictionary

  • felt — 1. noun /fɛlt/ a) A cloth or stuff made of matted fibres of wool, or wool and fur, fulled or wrought into a compact substance by rolling and pressure, with lees or size, without spinning or weaving. It were a delicate stratagem to shoe A troop of …   Wiktionary

  • felt — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German filz felt, Latin pellere to drive, beat Date: before 12th century 1. a. a cloth made of wool and fur often mixed with natural or synthetic fibers through the action of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • felt-tip — 1. noun A felt tip pen. 2. verb To write with a felt tip pen …   Wiktionary

  • felt — felt1 noun cloth made by rolling and pressing wool or another suitable textile accompanied by the application of moisture or heat, which causes the fibres to mat together. verb 1》 mat together or become matted. 2》 cover with felt. Derivatives… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Auxiliary verb — In linguistics, an auxiliary verb is a verb that gives further semantic or syntactic information about a main or full verb. In English, the extra meaning provided by an auxiliary verb alters the basic meaning of the main verb to make it have one… …   Wikipedia

  • feel — feel1 [ fil ] (past tense and past participle felt [ felt ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 have emotion/feeling ▸ 2 think particular way ▸ 3 touch to learn something ▸ 4 notice something (touching) ▸ 5 be affected by something ▸ 6 give someone a feeling ▸ 7 try… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • feel*/*/*/ — [fiːl] (past tense and past participle felt [felt] ) verb I 1) [linking verb] to be in a particular state as a result of an emotion or a physical feeling I was feeling quite cheerful when we set out.[/ex] Are you feeling ill?[/ex] I feel such a… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • clout — noun 1》 informal a heavy blow. 2》 informal influence or power. 3》 archaic a piece of cloth or clothing. 4》 Archery a large target placed flat on the ground with a flag marking its centre and used in long distance shooting. 5》 (also clout nail) a… …   English new terms dictionary

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