1 feature selection
judicial selection — отбор, подбор кандидатов в судьи
artificial selection — искусственный отбор; селекция
sexual selection — половой отбор, половой подбор
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > feature selection
2 feature selection
в статистике - нахождение некоторого подмножества исходных переменных, например при помощи фильтрацииАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > feature selection
3 feature selection
выделение признаков (при распознавании образов)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > feature selection
4 feature selection
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > feature selection
5 feature selection
1) Техника: выделение признаков (при распознавании образов)2) Механика: отбор признаков3) Автоматика: выбор характеристик (напр. при моделировании на ЭВМ), отбор характеристик (напр. при моделировании на ЭВМ)4) Робототехника: отбор признаков (распознаваемого объекта)5) Безопасность: выделение (характерных) признаков -
6 feature selection
7 feature selection
выделение (характерных) прознаковАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > feature selection
8 feature selection
9 feature selection
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > feature selection
10 feature selection
отбор характеристик, выбор характеристик (напр. при моделировании на ЭВМ)English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > feature selection
11 feature selection
12 feature selection
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > feature selection
13 problem feature selection
Общая лексика: выбор средства проблемы (см. Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks, and Tools by Jack Greenfield, Keith Short, Steve Cook, Stuart Kent, John Crupi (2004))Универсальный англо-русский словарь > problem feature selection
14 selection
1) селекция3) выделение ( в машинной графике)4) искание ( в телефонии)•-
address selection
alternate tool selection
amplitude selection
automatic speed selection
automatic welt selection
bidirectional tool selection
channel selection
coincident-current selection
dial selection
direct selection
feature selection
field selection
fixed selector bank selection
font and size selection
forward selection
frequency selection
group selection
high-and-low butt selection
individual needle selection
long selection
mechanical needle selection
menu selection
mode selection
multibutt jacks selection
needle selection
part program selection
pattern wheel selection
preset frequency selection
priority selection
pulse selection
pushbutton selection
random part selection
random selection
random tool selection
range selection
selection of engine mode
shift selection
spare tool selection
splicing selection
tandem selection
target selection
three-position needle selection
touch sensor channel selection
two-position needle selection
velocity selection -
15 selection
1) селекцияа) выбор; отбор; выделениеб) вчт выбор (операция реляционной алгебры)в) вчт методика или процесс получения потомства с требуемыми параметрами (напр. в генетических алгоритмах)2) вчт выборка3) вчт выделение, выделенный объект (напр. в компьютерной графике), выделенный фрагмент (напр. в тексте, электронной таблице или базе данных)4) тлф искание5) переключение•- address selection
- amplitude selection
- clock selection
- clock source selection
- coincidence-current selection
- continuous dynamic channel selection
- dial selection
- direct selection
- drive selection
- equiprobable selection
- feature selection
- field selection
- forward selection
- groove selection
- group selection
- image selection
- inductive selection
- keyboard selection
- lag length selection
- local selection
- long-distance selection
- mode selection
- model selection
- multifrequency selection
- multiple selection
- natural selection
- path component selection
- pulse selection
- pushbutton selection
- remote channel selection
- replacement selection
- roulette wheel parent selection
- rubber-band selection
- sample selection
- speed selection
- tandem selection
- target selection
- track selection
- velocity selection -
16 selection
1) селекцияа) выбор; отбор; выделениеб) вчт. выбор (операция реляционной алгебры)в) вчт. методика или процесс получения потомства с требуемыми параметрами (напр. в генетических алгоритмах)2) вчт. выборка3) вчт. выделение, выделенный объект (напр. в компьютерной графике), выделенный фрагмент (напр. в тексте, электронной таблице или базе данных)4) тлф. искание5) переключение•- amplitude selection
- clock selection
- clock source selection
- coincidence-current selection
- continuous dynamic channel selection
- dial selection
- direct selection
- drive selection
- equiprobable selection
- feature selection
- field selection
- forward selection
- groove selection
- group selection
- image selection
- inductive selection
- keyboard selection
- lag length selection
- local selection
- long-distance selection
- mode selection
- model selection
- multifrequency selection
- multiple selection
- natural selection
- path component selection
- pulse selection
- pushbutton selection
- remote channel selection
- replacement selection
- roulette wheel parent selection
- rubber-band selection
- sample selection
- selection of wavelength
- speed selection
- tandem selection
- target selection
- track selection
- velocity selectionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > selection
17 selection
выбор; отбор; поиск (напр. инструментов в магазине)- bidirectional random selection
- bidirectional tool selection
- built-in voltage selection
- directional selection
- feature selection
- gear selection
- infinite selection of speeds
- menu selection
- positional path selection
- priority machine selection
- program selection
- push-button selection of speed
- random part selection
- random selection
- random tool selection
- signal selection
- spare tool selection
- subroutine selectionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > selection
18 feature
признак, особенность, характерная черта, свойство
– feature analyzer
– feature computation
– feature detection
– feature dictionary
– feature extraction
– feature extractor
– feature feedback
– feature file
– feature ordering
– feature recognition
– feature representation
– feature selection
– feature set
– feature space
– feature vector
19 selection
выбор, селекция; выделениеАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > selection
20 feature
1) характеристика, техническая характеристика; параметр2) особенность; признак, отличительный признак; свойство; возможность || определять или отмечать особенности, определять или отмечать свойства3) геометрический элемент; поверхность ( детали)4) деталь, деталь конструкции•- approach feature
- associativity feature
- attachment features
- axis-hold feature
- background-edit feature
- broached feature
- coded features
- communicative feature
- counterweight feature
- critical dimensional features
- cross-drilled feature
- datum feature
- deflection-free feature
- design-with features
- dimensional features
- drilled feature
- dual-speed feature
- edge feature
- floating blank feature
- form features
- geometric feature
- heat-resistant feature
- incoming signal features
- incremental jog feature
- locating feature
- look-ahead feature
- machining features
- manipulative features
- milled feature
- milturn features
- multiedit feature
- multiple datum point feature
- no-calculation feature
- operational features
- optimum features of laser coatings
- out-of-tolerance feature
- PC machine-control features
- pocketing features
- previously machined feature
- primitive features
- productivity-boosting feature
- random selection feature
- safety features
- safety system support features
- scaling feature
- second operation feature
- software features
- state-of-the-art features
- turned feature
- value-added featuresEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > feature
См. также в других словарях:
Feature selection — Feature selection, also known as variable selection, feature reduction, attribute selection or variable subset selection, is the technique, commonly used in machine learning, of selecting a subset of relevant features for building robust learning … Wikipedia
Minimum redundancy feature selection — is an algorithm frequently used in a method to accurately identify characteristics of genes and phenotypes and narrow down their relevance and is usually described in its pairing with relevant feature selection as Minimum Redundancy Maximum… … Wikipedia
Feature Subset Selection — Die Feature Subset Selection (FSS), kurz Feature Selection, ist ein Ansatz aus dem maschinellen Lernen, bei dem nur eine Teilmenge der verfügbaren Features für einen Lernalgorithmus verwendet wird. FSS ist notwendig, weil es teilweise technisch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Feature extraction — In pattern recognition and in image processing, Feature extraction is a special form of dimensionality reduction.When the input data to an algorithm is too large to be processed and it is suspected to be notoriously redundant (much data, but not… … Wikipedia
Feature vector — In pattern recognition and machine learning, a feature vector is an n dimensional vector of numerical features that represent some object. Many algorithms in machine learning require a numerical representation of objects, since such… … Wikipedia
Feature Oriented Programming — (FOP) or Feature Oriented Software Development (FOSD) is a general paradigm for program synthesis in software product lines. FOSD arose out of layer based designs of network protocols and extensible database systems in the late 1980s cite web |… … Wikipedia
Feature group — Feature Groups in United States telephone jargon were switching arrangements between Local exchange carriers central offices to interexchange carriers.Such an arrangement allowed the LEC s end users to make (long distance) phone calls using the… … Wikipedia
Feature detection (computer vision) — In computer vision and image processing the concept of feature detection refers to methods that aim at computing abstractions of image information and making local decisions at every image point whether there is an image feature of a given type… … Wikipedia
selection — noun 1 process of choosing/being chosen ADJECTIVE ▪ careful ▪ the careful selection of building materials ▪ random ▪ initial ▪ final … Collocations dictionary
Selection-based search — A selection based search system is a search engine system in which the user invokes a search query using only the mouse.[1] A selection based search system allows the user to search the internet for more information about any keyword or phrase… … Wikipedia
feature — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 important part of sth ADJECTIVE ▪ basic, central, critical, crucial, essential, fundamental, important, key, main, major … Collocations dictionary