1 бестолковый
1) General subject: absurd, clueless, confused, dim, dull, fat brained, fat-brained, featherheaded (о человеке), fozy, half assed, half-assed, mindless, muddle headed, muddle-headed, obtuse, purblind, puzzle-headed, shiftless, slow, slow-witted, stupid, thick headed, thick skulled, thick witted, thick-headed, thick-skulled, thick-witted, hit-or-miss2) Colloquial: goofy, gormless, pumpkin-headed3) Jargon: rattlebrained, cabbagehead, zerk, out to lunch4) Taboo: sorry-ass -
2 пустой
1) General subject: addle, airy, bald, bare, baseless, begging, bladdery, blank, chaffy, empty, fatuous (о попытке), feather pated, feather-brained, feather-headed, feather-pated, featherbrained, featherheaded, feckless, fiddling (о людях), flatulent, fluent, foppish, frivolous, frothy, futile, gossipy, holl, hollow, idle, inane, insignificant, jejune, light, light-headed, narrow souled, narrow-souled (о человеке), puerile, shallow, shallow brained, shallow-brained (о человеке), small, sounding, sporting, stark, trivial, twiddly, unfilled, unoccupied, unthinking (о взгляде), vacant, vain, vapouring (о речи), void, windy, yeasty (о словах и т. п.), bland (вкус), kitschy (о произведениях искусства, которые, однако, хорошо профессионально сделаны), trifling3) Naval: walt6) Obsolete: vaporous7) Botanical term: effete (о пыльнике)10) Mathematics: element-free, vacuous11) Railway term: devoid12) Australian slang: for the birds13) Automobile industry: deflated14) Architecture: untenanted15) Mining: dead (не содержащий полезного ископаемого), dead, holiow, valueless17) Information technology: clear, empty (о множестве), fill-in-blank, null19) Robots: dummy (о команде или переменной)20) Makarov: airy (ветреный), bare (о руде, породе), blank (напр. об опыте), empty (о человеке), exhausted (о семени), frivolous (о человеке), hollow (напр. о трубе), nude (о помещении), slight21) Taboo: piddling -
3 ветреный
windy имя прилагательное: -
4 глупый
stupid имя прилагательное:fool (глупый, безрассудный)birdbrained (глупый, с куриными мозгами)featherbrain (глупый, ветреный)woodenheaded (глупый, тупой)idle-headed (глупый, пустоголовый)fat-witted (глупый, тупой)bird-witted (глупый, с куриными мозгами)mutton-headed (глупый, медленно соображающий)thick-skulled (глупый, тупоголовый)словосочетание:dead above the ears (глупый, тупой)lame under the hat (глупый, несообразительный) -
5 пустой
empty имя прилагательное:
См. также в других словарях:
featherheaded — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: feather (I) + headed : being a featherhead : markedly not bright : foolish, scatterbrained grown into one of the most featherheaded of her sex New Statesman & Nation … Useful english dictionary
featherheaded — adjective see featherhead … New Collegiate Dictionary
featherheaded — See featherhead. * * * … Universalium
featherheaded — adj. stupid, foolish … English contemporary dictionary
featherhead — featherheaded, adj. /fedh euhr hed /, n. featherbrain. [1825 35; FEATHER + HEAD] * * * … Universalium
featherhead — noun Date: 1788 a foolish person ; featherbrain • featherheaded adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of characters in The Chronicles of Narnia — This is a list of characters in the series of fantasy novels by C. S. Lewis called The Chronicles of Narnia . See also a list of portrayals.NarniaAbbreviations A*Ahoshta: a 60 year old Tarkaan of Calormen who later becomes the Grand Vizier, chief … Wikipedia
List of The Chronicles of Narnia characters — This is a list of characters in the series of fantasy novels by C. S. Lewis called The Chronicles of Narnia. See also a list of portrayals. Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W … Wikipedia
brainless — Synonyms and related words: apish, asinine, batty, befooled, beguiled, besotted, buffoonish, cockeyed, crazy, credulous, daffy, daft, dazed, dizzy, doting, dumb, empty headed, fatuitous, fatuous, featherbrained, featherheaded, flaky, fluttery,… … Moby Thesaurus
dizzy — Synonyms and related words: addle, addlebrained, addled, addleheaded, addlepated, adrift, afloat, alternating, amorphous, apish, asinine, babbling, ball up, batty, beery, befooled, befuddle, befuddled, beguiled, bemused, besotted, bewilder,… … Moby Thesaurus
empty headed — Synonyms and related words: awkward, benighted, blank, blankminded, brainless, callow, calm, dizzy, dumb, empty, empty minded, empty pated, empty skulled, fatuous, featherbrained, featherheaded, flighty, fluttery, frivolous, gaga, gauche, giddy,… … Moby Thesaurus