41 F/M
1) Военный термин: flight manual2) Вычислительная техника: fax/modem -
42 adp
1) Компьютерная техника: Active Data Page2) Биология: АДФ4) Морской термин: automatic dynamic positioning (сокр.) (автоматическое динамическое позиционирование), acoustic data processor (процессор (гидро)акустических данных), Albatross Dynamic Positioning System (система динамического позиционирования Albatross || Производство фирмы Simrad, Норвегия)5) Медицина: аденозин трифосфат АДФ6) Спорт: Average Draft Position, аденозиндифосфат7) Военный термин: Advanced Development Program, Aerospace And Defense Products, Airborne Data Processing, Allied Defense Publication, Armor Door Plates, Assistant Director of Personnel, Automatic Data Processor, acceptance data package, advanced decoy payload, advanced development plan, air defense position, armament delivery point, automatic data plotter, automatic destruct program9) Экономика: Average Deferral Percentage10) Бухгалтерия: Average Deferral Percent11) Музыка: Asian Dance Party12) Сокращение: Accelerated Demining Programme, Accountable Paper Depository, Adenosine Di-Phosphate, Advanced Development Project, Advanced Ducted Propulsor (USA), Andorran Peseta, Arab Democratic Party, Association of Database Producers, Automatic / Advanced Data Processing, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate crystal, Administrative Data Processing, Advanced Data Processing, Academy of Denture Prosthetics (Академия зубного протезирования (США)), Airport Development Program (Программа строительства и усовершенствования аэропортов (США)), AOLserver Dynamic Pages13) Вычислительная техника: Answerer Detection Pattern, airborne data processor, application development platform, автоматизированная обработка данных, применение компьютера, Automatic Data Processing (ADP), автоматический графопостроитель14) Нефть: average daily production, Уточнённый ( изменённый) План Освоения15) Генетика: АДФ (нуклеотид, состоящий из аденина, рибозы и двух остатков фосфорной кислоты, обычно в комплексе с ионами магния, образуется в результате фосфорилирования АМФ или дефосфорилирования АТФ)16) Иммунология: Androgenic Dermal Patch, Area Development Program17) Космонавтика: Attitude Data Processor18) Транспорт: Accident Damage Protection19) СМИ: Audience Discussion Program20) Деловая лексика: Alternative Delivery Procedure21) Бурение: АБТ, алюминиевая бурильная труба, алюминиевая буровая труба, сплаво-алюминиевая бурильная труба, aluminium drill pipe, aluminium drill-pipe, aluminium drillpipe, aluminum drill pipe, aluminum drill-pipe, aluminum drillpipe22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amended development plan, Annual Delivery Program (Marketing, SEIC)23) Сетевые технологии: automatic data processing24) Полимеры: adenosine diphosphate, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate25) Сахалин Р: Amendment to Development Plan26) Химическое оружие: Agent destruction process27) Расширение файла: Astound Dynamite file, Setup file for fax modem interaction (FaxWorks)28) Нефть и газ: процедура изменений условий поставки (предусмотренных фьючерсом, на иные, оговариваемые покупателем и продавцом - alternative delivery procedure), ADCP, acoustic Doppler current profiler, акустический доплеровский профиломер течений, АПДТ, акустический доплеровский профилометр течений, акустический допплеровский профиломер течений, акустический профиломер Доплера, акустический профилометр Доплера, акустический профилометр Доплера для измерения течений, доплеровский профилометр течений, допплеровский профилометр течений, акустический доплеровский профилограф29) Военно-политический термин: Automated Data Processing30) Должность: Approved Degree Plan31) NYSE. Allied Products Corporation of Delaware32) Базы данных: Access Data Project -
43 adaptive answering
адаптивная [ответная] реакцияфункция факс-модема, позволяющая определять, что по телефонной линии поступил вызов на приём-передачу факса или данных. Реализуется в большинстве факс-модемов Класса 1см. тж. fax modemАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > adaptive answering
44 channel
1) радиоканал, полоса частот шириной 10 кГц, предоставленная службам радиосвязи2) ТВ-канал, полоса частот шириной 6 МГц, предоставленная службам ТВ-вещания3) тракт4) дорожка•- adjacent channel
- aeronautical emergency channel
- air channel
- air-air channel
- air-ground channel
- allocated channel
- alpha channel
- analog channel
- analog data channel
- associated channel
- associated signaling channel
- asynchronous channel
- audio channel
- automatic's line channel
- auxiliary channel
- average-speed signaling channel
- backward channel
- balanced channel
- band-limited channel
- base cable channel
- base RF-channel
- baseband channel
- B-channel
- bidirectional interaction channel
- bidirectional intercom channel
- binary symmetric channel
- binomial channel
- blank channel
- block multiplexor channel
- blue channel
- branching channel
- brightness channel
- broadband channel
- broadband multiplexing channel
- broadcast TV-radio channel
- buffered I/O channel
- bypass channel
- byte-multiplexor channel
- cable channel
- calling channel
- camera channel
- carrier-current channel
- chroma channel
- chrominance channel
- clear channel
- coherent channel
- color channel
- color-difference channel
- color-sync channel
- common-user channel
- communication channel
- complex high-frequency line channel
- confidence channel
- continuous channel
- continuous-discrete channel
- control channel
- covertness-protected channel
- cue channel
- data transfer channel
- data transmission channel
- D-channel
- D-echo channel
- dedicated channel
- deep-sound channel
- delta channel
- department communication channel
- digital data channel
- direct channel
- direct control channel
- direct receiving channel
- direct satellite channel
- discrete channel
- discrete-continuous channel
- dispatch communication channel
- double-pole channel
- drop-insertion channel
- duplex communication channel
- E-channel
- electric communication channel
- electric protection channel
- elementary channel
- emergency-radio channel
- engineering channel
- enhanced discrete channel
- even channel
- exchange channel
- fast channel
- fast-acting channel
- fax-modem channel
- feedback channel
- fiber optic communication channel
- firing channel
- fixed-tuned channel
- forcible-borrowed channel
- forward channel
- forward wideband delivery channel
- four-wire channel
- frequency signaling channel
- full-rate traffic channel
- green channel
- group channel
- guard channel
- half-duplex channel
- half-rate traffic channel
- H-channel
- head channel
- health channel
- HF broadband channel
- HF multiplexed channel
- high voltage aerial cable line channel
- highest grade channel
- high-frequency channel
- high-speed signaling channel
- high-voltage aerial line channel
- high-voltage cable line channel
- high-voltage tone line channel
- hydroacoustic channel
- I channel
- ideal channel
- image channel
- in-band orderwire channel
- induced channel
- information bearer channel
- information channel
- infrared channel
- input channel
- input-output channel
- interaction channel
- intercepting-protected channel
- interference channel
- intermodulation channel
- internal phase channel
- internal wire channel
- intrabasin channel
- intradistrict telegraph channel
- intraregional telegraph channel
- ionospheric channel
- isolated bundled phase channel
- jamming channel
- labeled channel
- labeled-statistical channel
- leased channel
- left front channel
- left rear channel
- left stereophonic channel
- line channel
- linear random channel
- line-of-sight channel
- local channel
- logical channel
- long-communication bypass channel
- long-distance channel
- low-frequency channel
- luminance channel
- M channel
- marine radio communication channel
- memory channel
- memoryless channel
- meteor-burst channel
- mobile communication channel
- monochrome channel
- multipath channel
- multiplexing channel
- noiseless channel
- noisy channel
- noncoherent channel
- nonfixed channel
- nonswitched channel
- nonsynchronous channel
- off-hook channel
- one-piece channel
- one-way channel
- open channel
- optimal channel
- optoelectronic channel
- ordinary channel
- outband channel
- output channel
- parallel access channel
- parallel optical channel
- parasitic channel
- peripheral-interface channel
- phase line channel
- phase-phase pitch line channel
- physical channel
- picture channel
- pilot channel
- pipeline control channel
- pitch communication channel
- planar channel
- positioned channel
- primary channel
- protection channel
- Q channel
- quadrature channel
- radio communication channel
- radiotelegraph channel
- radiotelephone channel
- read/write channel
- reception channel
- red channel
- relay channel
- relay protected channel
- return channel
- reverse channel
- reverse control channel
- Ricean channel
- right channel
- right front channel
- right rear channel
- right stereophonic channel
- road safety channel
- road servicing channel
- S channel
- safety channel
- satellite communication channel
- scatter channel
- secondary channel
- selector channel
- send channel
- sensor channel
- separate resonance channel
- series optical channel
- service communication channel
- shared channel
- ship-to-shore channel
- shore-to-ship channel
- side channel
- signal channel
- signaling channel
- single-beam channel
- single-ended channel
- slow channel
- slow-acting channel
- sound broadcasting channel
- sound channel
- space-craft channel
- special cable-line channel
- speech channel
- standard broadcast channel
- subvoice grade channel
- sum channel
- supervisory channel
- switched channel
- symmetrical channel
- synchronous channel
- telecommunication channel
- telemechanic channel
- telemetering channel
- telephone channel
- television channel
- time-derived channel
- toll cable channel
- tone frequency channel
- top channel
- traffic channel
- train dispatch communication channel
- train radio communication line channel
- transfer channel
- transmission channel
- transmission service channel
- transparent channel
- trunk channel
- TV-frequency channel
- TV-observation channel
- two-wire channel
- video channel
- virtual signaling channel
- voice channel
- voice-band channel
- waste channel
- wave channel
- wire communication channel
- wireless channel
- working channel
- write channelEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > channel
45 F/M
сокр. от Fax/Modem -
46 MR
1) Общая лексика: material report for, medial rectus, medial rectus muscle, медиальная прямая мышца, см. medial rectus2) Компьютерная техника: Maintenance Release, Masked Rom, Master Reset, Multiple Record3) Авиация: maintenance record4) Медицина: modified release, МВ (МВ - препараты с модифицированным высвобождением - modified-release tablets)5) Американизм: Male Right6) Спорт: Medium Runner, Middle Relief, Mitsubishi Racing, Mountain Rider7) Военный термин: Machine Room, Maintenance Ratio, Marine reserve, Material Requirements, Max Rounds, Military Road, Milk Run, Miss Rate, Missiles and Rockets, Motorized Rifle, machine records, machine rifle, maintenance requirements, maintenance reserve, maintenance review, management requirements, management reserve, manpower requirements, manufacturer's representative, map reading, map reference, marginal return, maritime reconnaissance, maritime regiment, massage register, material request, maximum readiness, medical record, medium range, memorandum receipt (имущества), memorandum report, military railroad, military readiness, military regulation, military representative, military requirements, military route, minor repair, missile receiver, missile reference, mission radius, mission reliability, mission report, mission-ready, mobilization regulation, modification request, modification requirement, monthly report, monthly review, morning report, movement report, muster report, военный округ (military region)8) Техника: magnetoresistor, mate's receipt, medium frequency, microfiche, milliroentgen, minimal requirement, mobile radar, moderate frequency, monitoring report, multifunction radar, reticular reaction in Malpighian bodies9) Шутливое выражение: Minnesota Rules10) Химия: Mica Reactive, Moderately Resistant11) Строительство: resisting moment12) Религия: Most Righteous13) Железнодорожный термин: Malayan Railway, Midland Railway14) Юридический термин: Master of the Rolls15) Грубое выражение: Model Rules16) Кино: Mature Readers17) Политика: Mauritania18) Сокращение: Marathi, Marker Ranger, Master of Rolls, Military Region, Miniatures Rules, Mission Rehearsal, Molasses Residue or Simulated Mustard (Chemical warfare blister agent), Motor Rifle, Multi-Role, maintainability and reliability, maintenance and repair, marble, maximum range, medium-range, memorandum of receipt, mobilization regulations, municipal reform, mitral regurgitation, недостаточность митрального клапана19) Университет: Multiclass Ranking20) Физика: magnetoresistance21) Физиология: Maximum to right, Medicare Returned, Mental Representation, Mental Retardation, Methicillin Resistant, Minimum Rest, Miscellaneous Remedies22) Электроника: Magnetic Resonance, Magneto Resistance, Microwave Radiometer, Mid Range23) Вычислительная техника: memory reclaimer, memory register, Modified Read (Fax), Magneto - Resistive (HDD), MODEM Ready (MODEM)24) Нефть: marine rig, meter run, морская буровая установка (marine rig), морское буровое основание (marine rig), норма профилактики (maintenance ratio), осмотр с целью технического обслуживания (maintenance review), рейс измерительного зонда в скважину (meter run), management reporting25) Картография: mooring ring26) Банковское дело: добавочный доход, предельный доход (marginal revenue)27) Пищевая промышленность: Mature Ripening28) Фирменный знак: Mecham's Racing, Merchant Republic, Motorola29) Реклама: исследование мотивации30) СМИ: Midnight Reign, Mike And Rich, Mixed Review31) Деловая лексика: Make Replacement, Management Review, Model Released32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Mixed refrigerant compressor, Modification, Repair & Maintenance Study, material requisition (for purchase), заявка на отпуск материалов (material requisition), микрорадиография, media relations33) Образование: Multimedia Resource34) Складское дело: требование на отпуск материалов (material request)35) Инвестиции: marginal revenue36) Полимеры: mineral rubber, modulus of rupture, moment of resistance37) Программирование: Magic Return, Memory Read38) Автоматика: manipulation robot39) Телефония: Media routing40) Сахалин Р: material requisition, mixed refrigerant41) Химическое оружие: monitor room42) Макаров: reticular reaction (in the Malpighian bodies)43) Расширение файла: Magneto Resistive, Memory Information Register, Modem Ready44) Нефть и газ: manual reset value, marshalling rack, metal roofing45) Маркетология: marketing review46) Электротехника: magnetic relay, master relay48) Снабжение: material review49) Должность: Medical Representative, Mr Right50) Правительство: Mcquarrie Rock, Mystic River51) НАСА: Measurement Of Red, Medium Rate, Mirror Reflector52) Единицы измерений: Magic Rating53) AMEX. Morgans Foods, Inc. -
47 Mr
1) Общая лексика: material report for, medial rectus, medial rectus muscle, медиальная прямая мышца, см. medial rectus2) Компьютерная техника: Maintenance Release, Masked Rom, Master Reset, Multiple Record3) Авиация: maintenance record4) Медицина: modified release, МВ (МВ - препараты с модифицированным высвобождением - modified-release tablets)5) Американизм: Male Right6) Спорт: Medium Runner, Middle Relief, Mitsubishi Racing, Mountain Rider7) Военный термин: Machine Room, Maintenance Ratio, Marine reserve, Material Requirements, Max Rounds, Military Road, Milk Run, Miss Rate, Missiles and Rockets, Motorized Rifle, machine records, machine rifle, maintenance requirements, maintenance reserve, maintenance review, management requirements, management reserve, manpower requirements, manufacturer's representative, map reading, map reference, marginal return, maritime reconnaissance, maritime regiment, massage register, material request, maximum readiness, medical record, medium range, memorandum receipt (имущества), memorandum report, military railroad, military readiness, military regulation, military representative, military requirements, military route, minor repair, missile receiver, missile reference, mission radius, mission reliability, mission report, mission-ready, mobilization regulation, modification request, modification requirement, monthly report, monthly review, morning report, movement report, muster report, военный округ (military region)8) Техника: magnetoresistor, mate's receipt, medium frequency, microfiche, milliroentgen, minimal requirement, mobile radar, moderate frequency, monitoring report, multifunction radar, reticular reaction in Malpighian bodies9) Шутливое выражение: Minnesota Rules10) Химия: Mica Reactive, Moderately Resistant11) Строительство: resisting moment12) Религия: Most Righteous13) Железнодорожный термин: Malayan Railway, Midland Railway14) Юридический термин: Master of the Rolls15) Грубое выражение: Model Rules16) Кино: Mature Readers17) Политика: Mauritania18) Сокращение: Marathi, Marker Ranger, Master of Rolls, Military Region, Miniatures Rules, Mission Rehearsal, Molasses Residue or Simulated Mustard (Chemical warfare blister agent), Motor Rifle, Multi-Role, maintainability and reliability, maintenance and repair, marble, maximum range, medium-range, memorandum of receipt, mobilization regulations, municipal reform, mitral regurgitation, недостаточность митрального клапана19) Университет: Multiclass Ranking20) Физика: magnetoresistance21) Физиология: Maximum to right, Medicare Returned, Mental Representation, Mental Retardation, Methicillin Resistant, Minimum Rest, Miscellaneous Remedies22) Электроника: Magnetic Resonance, Magneto Resistance, Microwave Radiometer, Mid Range23) Вычислительная техника: memory reclaimer, memory register, Modified Read (Fax), Magneto - Resistive (HDD), MODEM Ready (MODEM)24) Нефть: marine rig, meter run, морская буровая установка (marine rig), морское буровое основание (marine rig), норма профилактики (maintenance ratio), осмотр с целью технического обслуживания (maintenance review), рейс измерительного зонда в скважину (meter run), management reporting25) Картография: mooring ring26) Банковское дело: добавочный доход, предельный доход (marginal revenue)27) Пищевая промышленность: Mature Ripening28) Фирменный знак: Mecham's Racing, Merchant Republic, Motorola29) Реклама: исследование мотивации30) СМИ: Midnight Reign, Mike And Rich, Mixed Review31) Деловая лексика: Make Replacement, Management Review, Model Released32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Mixed refrigerant compressor, Modification, Repair & Maintenance Study, material requisition (for purchase), заявка на отпуск материалов (material requisition), микрорадиография, media relations33) Образование: Multimedia Resource34) Складское дело: требование на отпуск материалов (material request)35) Инвестиции: marginal revenue36) Полимеры: mineral rubber, modulus of rupture, moment of resistance37) Программирование: Magic Return, Memory Read38) Автоматика: manipulation robot39) Телефония: Media routing40) Сахалин Р: material requisition, mixed refrigerant41) Химическое оружие: monitor room42) Макаров: reticular reaction (in the Malpighian bodies)43) Расширение файла: Magneto Resistive, Memory Information Register, Modem Ready44) Нефть и газ: manual reset value, marshalling rack, metal roofing45) Маркетология: marketing review46) Электротехника: magnetic relay, master relay48) Снабжение: material review49) Должность: Medical Representative, Mr Right50) Правительство: Mcquarrie Rock, Mystic River51) НАСА: Measurement Of Red, Medium Rate, Mirror Reflector52) Единицы измерений: Magic Rating53) AMEX. Morgans Foods, Inc. -
48 mR
1) Общая лексика: material report for, medial rectus, medial rectus muscle, медиальная прямая мышца, см. medial rectus2) Компьютерная техника: Maintenance Release, Masked Rom, Master Reset, Multiple Record3) Авиация: maintenance record4) Медицина: modified release, МВ (МВ - препараты с модифицированным высвобождением - modified-release tablets)5) Американизм: Male Right6) Спорт: Medium Runner, Middle Relief, Mitsubishi Racing, Mountain Rider7) Военный термин: Machine Room, Maintenance Ratio, Marine reserve, Material Requirements, Max Rounds, Military Road, Milk Run, Miss Rate, Missiles and Rockets, Motorized Rifle, machine records, machine rifle, maintenance requirements, maintenance reserve, maintenance review, management requirements, management reserve, manpower requirements, manufacturer's representative, map reading, map reference, marginal return, maritime reconnaissance, maritime regiment, massage register, material request, maximum readiness, medical record, medium range, memorandum receipt (имущества), memorandum report, military railroad, military readiness, military regulation, military representative, military requirements, military route, minor repair, missile receiver, missile reference, mission radius, mission reliability, mission report, mission-ready, mobilization regulation, modification request, modification requirement, monthly report, monthly review, morning report, movement report, muster report, военный округ (military region)8) Техника: magnetoresistor, mate's receipt, medium frequency, microfiche, milliroentgen, minimal requirement, mobile radar, moderate frequency, monitoring report, multifunction radar, reticular reaction in Malpighian bodies9) Шутливое выражение: Minnesota Rules10) Химия: Mica Reactive, Moderately Resistant11) Строительство: resisting moment12) Религия: Most Righteous13) Железнодорожный термин: Malayan Railway, Midland Railway14) Юридический термин: Master of the Rolls15) Грубое выражение: Model Rules16) Кино: Mature Readers17) Политика: Mauritania18) Сокращение: Marathi, Marker Ranger, Master of Rolls, Military Region, Miniatures Rules, Mission Rehearsal, Molasses Residue or Simulated Mustard (Chemical warfare blister agent), Motor Rifle, Multi-Role, maintainability and reliability, maintenance and repair, marble, maximum range, medium-range, memorandum of receipt, mobilization regulations, municipal reform, mitral regurgitation, недостаточность митрального клапана19) Университет: Multiclass Ranking20) Физика: magnetoresistance21) Физиология: Maximum to right, Medicare Returned, Mental Representation, Mental Retardation, Methicillin Resistant, Minimum Rest, Miscellaneous Remedies22) Электроника: Magnetic Resonance, Magneto Resistance, Microwave Radiometer, Mid Range23) Вычислительная техника: memory reclaimer, memory register, Modified Read (Fax), Magneto - Resistive (HDD), MODEM Ready (MODEM)24) Нефть: marine rig, meter run, морская буровая установка (marine rig), морское буровое основание (marine rig), норма профилактики (maintenance ratio), осмотр с целью технического обслуживания (maintenance review), рейс измерительного зонда в скважину (meter run), management reporting25) Картография: mooring ring26) Банковское дело: добавочный доход, предельный доход (marginal revenue)27) Пищевая промышленность: Mature Ripening28) Фирменный знак: Mecham's Racing, Merchant Republic, Motorola29) Реклама: исследование мотивации30) СМИ: Midnight Reign, Mike And Rich, Mixed Review31) Деловая лексика: Make Replacement, Management Review, Model Released32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Mixed refrigerant compressor, Modification, Repair & Maintenance Study, material requisition (for purchase), заявка на отпуск материалов (material requisition), микрорадиография, media relations33) Образование: Multimedia Resource34) Складское дело: требование на отпуск материалов (material request)35) Инвестиции: marginal revenue36) Полимеры: mineral rubber, modulus of rupture, moment of resistance37) Программирование: Magic Return, Memory Read38) Автоматика: manipulation robot39) Телефония: Media routing40) Сахалин Р: material requisition, mixed refrigerant41) Химическое оружие: monitor room42) Макаров: reticular reaction (in the Malpighian bodies)43) Расширение файла: Magneto Resistive, Memory Information Register, Modem Ready44) Нефть и газ: manual reset value, marshalling rack, metal roofing45) Маркетология: marketing review46) Электротехника: magnetic relay, master relay48) Снабжение: material review49) Должность: Medical Representative, Mr Right50) Правительство: Mcquarrie Rock, Mystic River51) НАСА: Measurement Of Red, Medium Rate, Mirror Reflector52) Единицы измерений: Magic Rating53) AMEX. Morgans Foods, Inc. -
49 mr
1) Общая лексика: material report for, medial rectus, medial rectus muscle, медиальная прямая мышца, см. medial rectus2) Компьютерная техника: Maintenance Release, Masked Rom, Master Reset, Multiple Record3) Авиация: maintenance record4) Медицина: modified release, МВ (МВ - препараты с модифицированным высвобождением - modified-release tablets)5) Американизм: Male Right6) Спорт: Medium Runner, Middle Relief, Mitsubishi Racing, Mountain Rider7) Военный термин: Machine Room, Maintenance Ratio, Marine reserve, Material Requirements, Max Rounds, Military Road, Milk Run, Miss Rate, Missiles and Rockets, Motorized Rifle, machine records, machine rifle, maintenance requirements, maintenance reserve, maintenance review, management requirements, management reserve, manpower requirements, manufacturer's representative, map reading, map reference, marginal return, maritime reconnaissance, maritime regiment, massage register, material request, maximum readiness, medical record, medium range, memorandum receipt (имущества), memorandum report, military railroad, military readiness, military regulation, military representative, military requirements, military route, minor repair, missile receiver, missile reference, mission radius, mission reliability, mission report, mission-ready, mobilization regulation, modification request, modification requirement, monthly report, monthly review, morning report, movement report, muster report, военный округ (military region)8) Техника: magnetoresistor, mate's receipt, medium frequency, microfiche, milliroentgen, minimal requirement, mobile radar, moderate frequency, monitoring report, multifunction radar, reticular reaction in Malpighian bodies9) Шутливое выражение: Minnesota Rules10) Химия: Mica Reactive, Moderately Resistant11) Строительство: resisting moment12) Религия: Most Righteous13) Железнодорожный термин: Malayan Railway, Midland Railway14) Юридический термин: Master of the Rolls15) Грубое выражение: Model Rules16) Кино: Mature Readers17) Политика: Mauritania18) Сокращение: Marathi, Marker Ranger, Master of Rolls, Military Region, Miniatures Rules, Mission Rehearsal, Molasses Residue or Simulated Mustard (Chemical warfare blister agent), Motor Rifle, Multi-Role, maintainability and reliability, maintenance and repair, marble, maximum range, medium-range, memorandum of receipt, mobilization regulations, municipal reform, mitral regurgitation, недостаточность митрального клапана19) Университет: Multiclass Ranking20) Физика: magnetoresistance21) Физиология: Maximum to right, Medicare Returned, Mental Representation, Mental Retardation, Methicillin Resistant, Minimum Rest, Miscellaneous Remedies22) Электроника: Magnetic Resonance, Magneto Resistance, Microwave Radiometer, Mid Range23) Вычислительная техника: memory reclaimer, memory register, Modified Read (Fax), Magneto - Resistive (HDD), MODEM Ready (MODEM)24) Нефть: marine rig, meter run, морская буровая установка (marine rig), морское буровое основание (marine rig), норма профилактики (maintenance ratio), осмотр с целью технического обслуживания (maintenance review), рейс измерительного зонда в скважину (meter run), management reporting25) Картография: mooring ring26) Банковское дело: добавочный доход, предельный доход (marginal revenue)27) Пищевая промышленность: Mature Ripening28) Фирменный знак: Mecham's Racing, Merchant Republic, Motorola29) Реклама: исследование мотивации30) СМИ: Midnight Reign, Mike And Rich, Mixed Review31) Деловая лексика: Make Replacement, Management Review, Model Released32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Mixed refrigerant compressor, Modification, Repair & Maintenance Study, material requisition (for purchase), заявка на отпуск материалов (material requisition), микрорадиография, media relations33) Образование: Multimedia Resource34) Складское дело: требование на отпуск материалов (material request)35) Инвестиции: marginal revenue36) Полимеры: mineral rubber, modulus of rupture, moment of resistance37) Программирование: Magic Return, Memory Read38) Автоматика: manipulation robot39) Телефония: Media routing40) Сахалин Р: material requisition, mixed refrigerant41) Химическое оружие: monitor room42) Макаров: reticular reaction (in the Malpighian bodies)43) Расширение файла: Magneto Resistive, Memory Information Register, Modem Ready44) Нефть и газ: manual reset value, marshalling rack, metal roofing45) Маркетология: marketing review46) Электротехника: magnetic relay, master relay48) Снабжение: material review49) Должность: Medical Representative, Mr Right50) Правительство: Mcquarrie Rock, Mystic River51) НАСА: Measurement Of Red, Medium Rate, Mirror Reflector52) Единицы измерений: Magic Rating53) AMEX. Morgans Foods, Inc. -
50 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
51 card
1) картаа) электронное устройство в виде карты, электронная карта (напр. для выполнения безналичных финансовых операций)б) (полное или частичное) графическое изображение поверхности планет, звёздных тел или звёздного небав) карточка, лист плотной бумаги небольшого формата с текстом или изображением (напр. почтовая карточка)2) плата; печатная плата3) тлв испытательная таблица4) перфорационная карта, перфокарта5) pl карточная игра•- accessory card
- adapter card
- advanced communication riser card
- AGP card
- aperture card
- audio card - caption card
- check card
- chip card
- chip-carrying card
- circuit card
- cognitive card
- color test card
- communication and networking riser card
- contactless card
- control card
- controller card
- credit card
- cryptographic smart card
- debit card
- definition card
- disk controller card
- display card
- expansion card
- fax card
- feature card
- flash memory card
- fluorescent multilayer card
- geometry test card
- graphics card
- green card
- Hagaki card - hard disk card
- Hercules graphics card
- identification card
- index card
- idiot card
- interface card
- key card
- legacy card
- linearity test card
- logic card
- magnetic card
- magnetic-stripe credit card
- marginally-punched card
- MIDI card
- MIDI interface card
- multifunctional smart card
- multilayer card
- N-column card
- network interface card
- PC card
- PCI card
- PCMCIA card
- PCMCIA card type I-
- PCMCIA card type II
- PCMCIA card type III
- peripheral component interconnect card
- peripheral component interconnection card
- printed-circuit card
- program card
- punch card
- punched card
- QSL card
- RAM card
- retail card
- riser card
- SCSI card
- short card
- smart card
- solid-state floppy disk card
- sound card
- speech card
- test card
- television test card
- TV tuner card
- video card
- video display card
- voice card
- wild card -
52 card
1) картаа) электронное устройство в виде карты, электронная карта (напр. для выполнения безналичных финансовых операций)б) (полное или частичное) графическое изображение поверхности планет, звёздных тел или звёздного небав) карточка, лист плотной бумаги небольшого формата с текстом или изображением (напр. почтовая карточка)2) плата; печатная плата3) тлв. испытательная таблица4) перфорационная карта, перфокарта5) pl. карточная игра•- accessory card
- adapter card
- advanced communication riser card
- AGP card
- aperture card
- audio card
- audio/modem riser card
- calling card
- caption card
- check card
- chip card
- chip-carrying card
- circuit card
- cognitive card
- color test card
- communication and networking riser card
- contactless card
- control card
- controller card
- credit card
- cryptographic smart card
- debit card
- definition card
- disk controller card
- display card
- expansion card
- fax card
- feature card
- flash memory card
- fluorescent multilayer card
- geometry test card
- graphics card
- green card
- Hagaki card - hard disk card
- Hercules graphics card
- identification card
- idiot card
- index card
- interface card
- key card
- legacy card
- linearity test card
- logic card
- magnetic card
- magnetic-stripe credit card
- marginally-punched card
- MIDI card
- MIDI interface card
- multifunctional smart card
- multilayer card
- N-column card
- network interface card
- PC card
- PCI card
- PCMCIA card type I
- PCMCIA card type II
- PCMCIA card type III
- PCMCIA card
- peripheral component interconnect card
- peripheral component interconnection card
- printed-circuit card
- program card
- punch card
- punched card
- QSL card
- RAM card
- retail card
- riser card
- SCSI card
- short card
- smart card
- solid-state floppy disk card
- sound card
- speech card
- television test card
- test card
- TV tuner card
- video card
- video display card
- voice card
- wild cardThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > card
53 server
= SVR1) компьютер (server computer) или приложение, предоставляющие услуги (сервисы), ресурсы или данные клиентскому приложению или компьютеру. Клиентское приложение обычно посылает серверу запрос в формате OLE, DDE или в каком-либо другом. Сервер-компьютер может быть однопроцессорным (single-processor server) или многопроцессорным (multiprocessor server). Для обозначения числа процессоров используется слово wayAnt:см. тж. access server, application server, backup server, blade server, boot server, business server, client/server architecture, client software, cluster server, communications server, COM server, database server, dedicated server, disk server, fax server, file server, ftp server, host server, load server, mail server, mirror server, modem server, multimedia server, NNTP Server, OLE Server, PC server, specialized server, staging server2) в ООП - объект, на который воздействуют другие операции, но сам он может только отправлять другим объектам подтверждения о получении от них запросовАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > server
54 adapter
1) внешний блок питания, сетевой адаптер2) адаптер, устройство сопряжения3) переходной разъем, (кабельная) муфта•- ac-power adapter
- asynchronous-communication adapter
- audio capture-and-playback adapter
- Banjo adapter
- broadcast-network adapter
- byte-serial adapter
- camera adapter
- channel-to-channel adapter
- customer-network adapter
- data-rate adapter
- fax machine-to-computer adapter
- fiber-optic adapter
- headset adapter
- homing adapter
- input-output adapter
- integrated-communication adapter
- ISDN terminal adapter
- keyer adapter
- line adapter
- medium adapter
- microprocessor adapter
- narrow-band FM adapter
- n-channel adapter
- network adapter
- null-modem adapter
- pager adapter
- PAL/SECAM adapter
- peripheral adapter
- pin adapter
- radio-wire adapter
- reperforating adapter
- signal adapter
- stereo adapter
- telephone adapter
- terminal adapter
- token-ring adapter
- transmitting adapter
- triaxial-camera adapter
- Unimatch adapter
- video adapter
- videotex adapter
- waveguide adapter
- waveguide-to-radio adapter
- wire radio adapterEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > adapter
55 device
устройство; прибор; аппарат- acoustic imaging device
- active device
- add-in device
- adjusting device
- airplane speaking device
- airplane tape recording device
- alarm device
- all-in-one device
- amplifying device
- analyzing device
- ancillary device
- announcer's device
- answering device
- antenna-feeder device
- antenna-matching device
- antipumping device
- arithmetic device
- arresting device
- attention device
- audible signal device
- automatic program input device
- automatic voice-alert device
- automatic-matching device
- auxiliary call-doubling device
- auxiliary loud-speaking device
- auxiliary radio communication device
- balancing device
- beam-processing device
- buffer device
- burglar-alarm device
- cable device
- calling device
- call-routing device
- central chain data device
- central-control device
- central-intranetwork device
- channel device
- channel-adjusting device
- charge-injection device
- clamping device
- color-imaging device
- combinational device
- combined safety-alarm device
- combined-measuring device
- command-execution device
- command-transit device
- command-transmission device
- compact device
- composite-optoelectronic device
- conditional-access device
- conditioning device
- connecting device
- connection device
- contact-switching device
- control device
- control-calling device
- controlled semiconductor device
- controller device
- counting device
- damping device
- data collection device
- data transmission device
- data-input device
- data-interface device
- data-recording device
- decoding device
- digital device
- digital signal processing device
- discrete control device
- dispatch device
- display device
- doubling device
- dual-tone ringing device
- duplex amplifier bypass device
- duty-reception device
- earthing device
- eavesdropping device
- edge device
- electrodynamical device
- electromagnetic device
- electronic device
- electronic-listening device
- electronic-relay device
- electronic-telegraph device
- electrostatic device
- emergency control device
- error-protecting device
- executive device
- facsimile device
- fast acting device
- fast action device
- fax machine memory device
- ferrite device
- ferrodynamical device
- ferrostatic device
- fiber-optic branching device
- fiber-optic interconnection device
- film optical-sensing device
- filter-matching device
- focusing device
- four-layer device
- four-terminal device
- frequency converting device
- frequency encoding device
- frequency-selective device
- full four-terminal device
- functional device
- gas-discharge device
- groove locating device
- heat device
- IC device
- image-display device
- imaging device
- independent device
- independent-calling device
- independent-telegraph device
- indicating device
- indicator device
- induction device
- in-line device
- input device
- input/output device
- input-isolating device
- input-output device
- input-protector device
- interface device
- interlocking device
- intermediate device
- isotropic device
- laser receiving device
- laser transmitting device
- level control device
- light alarm device
- light-sensitive device
- line HF-device
- linear device
- linear four-terminal device
- line-mounting device
- load device
- locking device
- lockout-signaling device
- logical device
- low-noise start-control device
- low-noise start-controlling device
- low-voltage device
- magnetic device
- magnetic tape sound recording device
- magnetic-wave device
- magnetoelectric device
- magnetoelectronic sparkproof device
- master device
- matching device
- measuring device
- mechanical switching device
- memory device
- message broadcasting device
- metering device
- microelectronic device
- microphone switching device
- mobile speaking device
- modem encryption device
- motor synchronizing device
- multicommunications device
- multifunction device
- multirange measuring device
- n-color device
- network section checkout device
- network synchronizing device
- noncontrolled semiconductor device
- nonlinear four-terminal device
- numbered data requiring and receiving device
- on-off device
- optical-to-optical interface device
- optimal receiving device
- optoelectronic device
- output device
- partial four-terminal device
- partially-controlled semiconductor device
- passive device
- peripheral control device
- peripheral device
- persistent-image device
- phase sensitivity protecting device
- phase shifting device
- photoconductive device
- photoelectric device
- photoemissive device
- photogalvanic device
- photosensitive device
- photothyristor electronic device
- planar device
- polarized device
- power supply device
- primary signal device
- printing device
- protection device
- protective cutout device
- pulse distributing device
- pulse firing device
- pulse semiconductor device
- pulse shortening device
- radio broadcasting device
- radioelectronic device
- real device
- receiving device
- recognition device
- recovering device
- regulating device
- release device
- remote alarm device
- remote control device
- remote network tripping device
- remote positioning device
- remote signaling device
- reserve switching device
- restricted radiation device
- ringing device
- rotary device
- routing device
- safety device
- safety-alarm device
- scanning device
- sealed distribution device
- selective call device
- semiconductor device
- semiconductor switching device
- sensing device
- signal transducing device
- signaling control device
- signaling device
- silicon imaging device
- single chip alarm device
- sizing device
- slave device
- solid optoelectronic device
- spark-protecting device
- spark-safe testing device
- speaking device
- special phototelegraph device
- spectrum transfer device
- start-control device
- start-controlling device
- starter-controlled device
- static protection device
- station HF-device
- stationary station automatic selection device
- stationary-electrical device
- storage device
- strobing device
- subscriber distribution device
- supporting device
- suppression device
- surface acoustic wave device
- surface communication device
- switching device
- sync device
- synthesized-radio device
- tap changing device
- tapping device
- tariff device
- telecontrol device
- teledata transmission device
- telegram format conversion device
- telemetric transmission device
- telephone device
- telephone periphery device
- telering device
- teletex device
- terminal device
- terminal telegraph device
- test device
- thermal regulation device
- three-terminal device
- threshold device
- time-delay device
- timing device
- touch-input device
- transceiving diving device
- transcient telegraph device
- transit device
- transmitter connecting device
- transmitting device
- trunk-encryption device
- two-terminal device
- ultrasonic imaging device
- universal calling device
- universal telegraph device
- videotex device
- voice-control device
- voice-operated gain-adjusting device
- voltage-sensing device
- warning device
- wire speaking device
- wireless speaking deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > device
См. также в других словарях:
fax-modem — UK US noun [countable] [singular fax modem plural fax modems] computing a modem that allows a computer to send and receive faxes Thesaurus: c … Useful english dictionary
Fax modem — A fax modem is a converged device, a modem with the capability of handling fax transmissions. Please see modem for information on modems and fax for information on fax transmissions. History In the early 90 s small business PCs commonly had a PC… … Wikipedia
fax modem — An adapter that fits into a PC expansion slot providing many of the capabilities of a full sized fax machine, but at a fraction of the cost. Some external modems also have fax capabilities. The advantages of a fax modem include ease of use and … Dictionary of networking
fax-modem — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms fax modem : singular fax modem plural fax modems computing a modem that allows a computer to send and receive faxes … English dictionary
fax modem — faksinis modemas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Įtaisas, atliekantis ↑fakso ir ↑modemo funkcijas. Gali būti vidinis arba išorinis. Grafinį vaizdą į faksogramų formatą paverčia speciali programinė įranga, kuri dažniausiai platinama… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
fax modem — fax′ mo′dem n. cmp tgp a modem that can fax data, as documents or pictures, directly from a computer • Etymology: 1985–90 … From formal English to slang
fax modem — noun : a computer peripheral capable of sending data to or receiving data from a fax machine or another computer especially over telephone lines * * * a modem that can fax data, as documents or pictures, directly from a computer. [1985 90] … Useful english dictionary
fax modem — a modem that can fax data, as documents or pictures, directly from a computer. [1985 90] * * * … Universalium
fax modem — noun Date: 1986 a computer peripheral capable of sending data to or receiving data from a fax machine or another computer especially over phone lines … New Collegiate Dictionary
Apple Newton Fax Modem — The Apple Newton Fax Modem was an external fax modem manufactured and sold by Apple Computer as an accessory for the Newton personal digital assistant. It uses a short serial cable, and can be powered from two AA batteries. See also * List of… … Wikipedia
fax modem board — expansion board which allows the sending of faxes and data … English contemporary dictionary