1 faulty assembly
Оружейное производство: неправильная сборка -
2 faulty assembly
3 part
1. часть, доля || распадаться на части; разделять; отделять; расходиться ( об обсадной колонне)2. запасная часть; деталь
* * *
1. элемент2. деталь; узел3. часть; доля— bad part
* * *
* * *
1) элемент2) деталь; узел3) часть; доля•- advanced part
- approved part
- assembly defective part
- bad part
- basal parts of dome
- broken part
- catalog part
- certified part
- changeable part
- common parts
- component part
- conforming part
- critical part
- dated part
- degraded part
- detail part
- deviated part
- discrepant part
- duplicated part
- established reliability part
- excluded part
- failed part
- failure-prone part
- faulty part
- field-replaceable part
- fixed part
- higher part of
- high-mortality part
- high-reliability part
- high-risk part
- high-wear part
- inner part of fold
- interchangeable parts
- known reliability part
- less-than-perfect part
- limited-life part
- long-lived part
- lower part of formation
- low-reliability part
- malfunctioning part
- marginal part
- marginally operation part
- mortality part
- most reliable part
- nonconforming part
- noncritical part
- nondefective part
- nonfailed part
- nonstandard part
- normalized part
- offending part
- off-the-shelf part
- outer part of fold
- out-of-specification part
- repair parts
- rapidly wearing part
- rejected part
- reliable part
- repair part
- repaired part
- shop replaceable part
- standard part
- substandard part
- tapered part of pipe
- troublesome part
- tubular part
- ultrareliable part
- unified part
- unitized part
- unreliable part
- upper part of formation
- usable part
- vulnerable part
- weak part
- wear-resistant part
- zero-reliability part* * * -
4 production
n1) производство, изготовление2) производительность, выработка3) продукция, продукт, изделие4) предъявление (документа)
- aggregate production
- agricultural production
- animal production
- annual production
- assembly-flow production
- assembly-line production
- automatic production
- back-yard production
- batch production
- batched flow production
- commercial production
- commercial-scale production
- commodity production
- competitive production
- continuous production
- contract production
- controlled production
- cooperative production
- crop production
- current production
- curtailed production
- daily production
- defective production
- direct production
- domestic production
- duplicate production
- efficient production
- estimated production
- excessive production
- farm production
- faulty production
- field production
- flexible production
- flow production
- flow-line production
- food production
- forage production
- forage crop production
- fresh production
- full-scale production
- gross production
- high production
- highly remunerative production
- highly-specialized production
- high-value-added production
- high-volume production
- imported production
- incomplete production
- indirect production
- individual production
- industrial production
- in-line production
- jerky production
- job production
- jobbing production
- job lot production
- job order production
- job shop-type production
- joint production
- large-lot production
- large-scale production
- line production
- livestock production
- lot production
- machine production
- manufacturing production
- marginal production
- mass production
- mass-line production
- material production
- material-intensive production
- medium-size lot production
- monthly production
- multiple production
- net production
- nonstandard production
- nonwaste production
- organized production
- overall production
- per capita production
- piece production
- pilot production
- planned production
- plant production
- primary production
- profitable production
- programmed production
- prototype production
- quality production
- quantity production
- rejected production
- roundabout production
- secondary production
- serial production
- series production
- single-item production
- single-job production
- single-part production
- single-piece production
- small batch production
- small commodity production
- small-lot production
- small-scale production
- small-scale commodity production
- social production
- specialized production
- standard production
- surplus production
- tertiary production
- total production
- volume production
- wasted production
- waste-free production
- wasteful production
- world production
- production for export
- production in bulk
- production in lots
- production in lot sizes
- production of commodities
- production of consumer goods
- production of documents
- production of equipment
- production of a new model
- production of proof
- production on the line
- production on order
- be in production
- boost production
- bring into production
- build up production
- carry out production
- check production
- come into production
- commence production
- curb production
- curtail production
- cut down production
- cut off production
- expand production
- get into production
- go into production
- go out of production
- hold back production
- increase production
- launch production
- master production
- organize production
- phase back production
- phase out production
- put into production
- put into full production
- raise production
- reduce production
- restrict production
- set up production
- slow down production
- speed up production
- start production
- step up production
- stop production
- switch production to
- switch over production
- withdraw from productionEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > production
5 part
I1) часть; доля2) отделять(ся); разделять(ся); расчленять3) компонент; элемент4) деталь5) узел6) вчт. совокупность, сегмент ( в языке Ада)•-II сокр. от
2D part
3D part
accepted part
actuated part
address part
assembly defective part
basic part
bearing part
blank part
bottom part
case-shaped part
change part
chucked part
chuck part
clamped part
common parts
completed part
complex part
component part
conductive part
critical part
current part
discrete part
egg-box palletized part
electronic part
embedded parts
exchange cylinder cam part
exponent part
exterior part
fabricated parts
facsimile part
failed part
family-related parts
faulty part
female part
finished part
fixed part
former part
fractional part
function part
functional part
half-done part
hand-fed parts
high-load part
high-precision part
imaginary part
incoming part
integral part
interchangeable parts
intolerance part
linear part
load-bearing part
locating part
location part
machined part
makeup part
male part
master part
mating docking part
mating part
milled part
minor part
miscellaneous part
multiple parts
multiple-diameter part
NC machine part
negative real part
non-FMS part
nonrotational part
odd-shaped part
one-of-a-kind parts
open tolerance part
operation operator part
operation part
out-of-tolerance part
oversize part
pallet-fixtured part
parts of triangle
prefabricated part
prefab part
pressed part
pressurized fuselage part
primary part
prismatic part
protective stock part
prototype part
purchased part
quality-checked part
real part
rejected part
removable part
repair part
replacement part
rotary part
rough part
routing part
sample part
scalar part
scored part
sealing part
semicompleted part
shaft part
single-diameter part
spare part
stationary part
stepped part
stress relieved part
top quality part
turned part
twisted garment part
undersize part
unpressurized fuselage part
user part
vectorial part
warranty claim part
wearing part
wear-resisting part
work part
worn-out part
partition -
6 part
1) часть; доля || распадаться на части; разделять, разделяться2) деталь; часть ( изделия); элемент; компонент; сегмент || детализировать3) раздел (напр. программного обеспечения)•to build around an actual part — изготавливать (напр. приспособление) применительно к обрабатываемой детали
- 2D partto handle parts randomly — загружать детали, загружать обрабатываемые детали ( на станок) в произвольной последовательности
- 3D part
- accepted part
- accessible moving parts
- active gas parts
- active part of cutting tool
- active part
- actuated part
- address part
- aspheric part
- aspherical part
- assembled part
- assembly base part
- associated part
- axially symmetrical part
- baffled-off part
- bar part
- bar-coded part
- basic part
- blank part
- body part
- bottom-most part
- bought-out parts
- box-like part
- box-shaped part
- box-type part
- candidate part
- case-type part
- catapulting part
- ceramic-machined part
- ceramic-turned part
- certified part
- change part
- chuck part
- chucked part
- chucking part
- circular part
- clamped part
- close tolerance part
- common parts
- completed part
- complex geometry part
- complex part
- component part
- conductive part
- constituent part
- consumable part
- contoured part
- conveyorized part
- current part
- curved part
- cutting part
- defective part
- detail part
- die-cast part
- disoriented part
- duplicate part
- end part
- exceptional parts
- exposed rotating machine parts
- extension part
- fabricated part
- facing part
- facsimile part
- failed part
- family part
- family-related part
- fast-revolving part
- faulty part
- figurine part
- figurine-shaped part
- filler part
- finish turned part
- finished part
- finishing part
- first-off piece part
- first-run part
- fixed part of the machine
- flat bar part
- flat-pattern parts
- FMS rotational part
- fractional part
- functioning part
- green part
- half-done part
- half-machined part
- hand-fed part
- hard part
- HBM-type parts
- hemispherical part
- high value-added part
- high-load part
- high-precision part
- high-production parts
- high-volume parts
- incoming part
- injection-molded part
- in-process part
- integral part
- integral-rib part
- integrated part
- interchangeable part
- in-tolerance part
- labor-intensive part
- lathe-turned part
- live parts
- long-run parts
- loose part
- low value-added part
- low-mix parts
- low-volume parts
- machined part
- machinery parts
- main journal part
- male die part
- mass production parts
- master part
- master threaded part
- mating parts
- medium-run parts
- medium-volume parts
- microsized part
- mid-volume parts
- minor part
- moving part
- multiple parts
- multiple-diameter part
- multiple-operation part
- NC-machined part
- near-net-shape part
- necked part
- net shape part
- nonconforming parts
- non-FMS part
- nonproductive parts of the cycle
- nonrecurring parts
- nonrotational part
- nonservice part
- numerical part of identity
- odd parts
- odd-shaped part
- offending part
- off-gage part
- off-queue part
- off-the-shelf part
- one-of-a-kind parts
- one-off parts
- on-queue part
- open tolerance part
- operative parts
- option part
- out-of-spec part
- out-of-tolerance part
- pallet-fixtured part
- palletized part
- partially completed part
- part-machined part
- passive part
- piece part
- pin journal part
- pliable part
- PM part
- powder metal part
- powder part
- precision part
- precision-machined part
- prismatic part
- processed part
- production part
- program part
- projected part
- proof part
- prototype part
- quality part
- quality-checked part
- randomly fabricating parts
- randomly sequenced parts
- rapidly wearing part
- raw part
- raw primary part
- reference part
- related parts
- removable parts
- repair part
- replacement part
- representative part
- revolving part
- rotary part
- routing part
- rubbing part
- sample part
- scored part
- semicompleted part
- semifinished part
- service parts
- shaft part
- shaped part
- shaping part
- short-run parts
- short-run time parts
- single-diameter part
- sizing part
- slender part
- small-envelope part
- snap-in part
- software part
- spare part
- stack-machined parts
- stack-routed parts
- stationary part
- stepped part
- stereolithography part
- stress-relieved part
- structural part
- substandard part
- tapered part
- test part
- threaded part
- tool cutting part
- top quality part
- transmission parts
- turned part
- ultra-high-precision part
- ultra-precision part
- unworked part
- wearing parts
- wire-frame CAD parts
- work part
- working part of cutting toolEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > part
7 production
1) производство; изготовление; обработка || производственный; технологический2) объём выпуска, выпуск; выработка; производительность3) продукция4) правило вывода, порождающее правило ( в экспертных системах)•- automatic productionproduction in terms of finished components — производительность, выраженная в количестве обработанных деталей
- average-scale production
- batch production
- captive production
- chip production per time unit
- CNC production
- continuous production
- customized production
- dedicated production
- defect production
- duplicate production
- electronically gaged production
- family-of-parts production
- faulty production
- flexible production
- flow production
- flow-line production
- gross production
- group production
- hands-off production
- high production
- high-run production
- high-speed production
- high-variety production
- high-volume/low-variety production
- infrequent small lot production
- in-line production
- integrated production
- jigless production
- JIT production
- job lot production
- job shop production
- just-in-time production
- labor production
- large batch production
- large lot production
- large quantity production
- large scale production
- large series production
- lean production
- light production
- limited manning production
- limited manpower production
- line production
- long-run production
- lot production
- low production
- low-quantity repetition production
- low-volume/high-variety production
- mass production
- mechanical assembly production
- medium batch production
- medium quantity production
- medium run production
- medium size production
- medium volume production
- metalworking production
- mid-variety production
- mid-volume/mid-variety production
- mixed production
- mixed quantity production
- multikind production
- multipart production
- multiple production
- NC production
- net production
- net shape production
- nonstop production
- one setup production
- one-hit production
- one-off component production
- one-off production
- option production
- part family production
- piece production
- pilot production
- powertrain production
- prototype production
- quantity production
- random production
- repetition production
- repetitive batch production
- repetitive lot production
- replacement part production
- round-the-clock production
- run-out production
- semicontinuous production
- serial production
- series production
- shop floor production
- short-run production
- short-scale production
- single-operation production
- single-piece production
- small batch production
- small lot production
- small series production
- small volume production
- small-size production
- stop-and-go production
- substandard production
- turned part production
- unattended production
- unmanned production
- untended production
- variety-of-parts production
- volume productionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > production
8 instruction
n1) обучение, подготовка2) обыкн. pl инструкции, указания; распоряжения3) поручение
- acceptance instructions
- adjustment instructions
- assembly instructions
- banker's instructions
- buyer's banking instructions
- credit instructions
- customer's instructions to the bank
- customs instructions
- customs clearance instructions
- delivery instructions
- detailed instructions
- disposal instructions
- erection instructions
- explicit instructions
- faulty instruction
- final instructions
- forwarding instructions
- free instruction
- general instructions
- handling instructions
- incomplete instructions
- incorrect instructions
- installation instructions
- irrevocable instructions
- irrevocable payment instruction
- job instruction
- loading instructions
- maintenance instructions
- manufacturer's instructions
- manufacturing instructions
- marking instructions
- operating instructions
- operation instructions
- operation and maintenance instructions
- oral instructions
- packing instructions
- payment instruction
- precise instructions
- preliminary instruction
- prepayment instructions
- procurement instruction
- proper instructions
- routing instructions
- safety instructions
- sampling instruction
- seller's banking instructions
- service instructions
- servicing instructions
- setting-up instructions
- shipping instructions
- specific instructions
- standing instructions
- start-up instructions
- stowage instructions
- technical instructions
- unclear instructions
- user instruction
- working instructions
- instructions for payment
- instructions for repairs
- instruction for transfer
- instructions for use
- instruction to advise
- instruction to issue a letter of credit
- instruction to the jury
- instruction to open a letter of credit
- according to instructions
- as per instructions
- failing instructions to the contrary
- on instructions
- under the instructions
- act on instructions
- ask instructions
- carry out instructions
- comply with instructions
- confirm instructions
- contravene instructions
- depart from instructions
- disregard instructions
- execute instructions
- follow instructions
- give instructions
- obey instructions
- observe instructions
- provide instructions
- receive instructions
- reconsider instructions
- revise instructions
- submit instructions
- transfer instructions
- violate instructionsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > instruction
9 equipment
оборудование; снаряжение; оснащение; оснастка (напр. станка); приспособления; приборы; аппаратура; арматура; принадлежности; подвижной состав; воен. материальная часть; боевая техника- equipment arrangement - equipment availability - equipment building - equipment capital costs - equipment casualty - equipment certificate - equipment certification - equipment certification requirement - equipment check - equipment checkout - equipment clock - equipment compatibility - equipment condition data - equipment damage - equipment dependability - equipment depot - equipment design failure - equipment error - equipment facilities - equipment failure - equipment failure information - equipment failure log - equipment for road construction - equipment for the manufacture of asbestos cement - equipment identification register - equipment identity register - equipment in place - equipment inspection - equipment-intermodulation noise - equipment investments - equipment lay-out - equipment layout - equipment lease - equipment leasing - equipment level controller - equipment location - equipment longevity - equipment maintenance facility - equipment maintenance management program - equipment maintenance officer - equipment maintenance ratio - equipment maintenance report - equipment maintenance team - equipment manufacturer code - equipment manufacturing failure - equipment-modification list - equipment monitoring - equipment nomenclature - equipment operating procedure - equipment operation test - equipment package - equipment performance log - equipment performance report - equipment placement - equipment programming - equipment protection device - equipment qualification - equipment rack - equipment ready date - equipment rebuilding - equipment reference book - equipment regulation - equipment reliability - equipment reliability status report - equipment repair time - equipment replacement - equipment replacement network - equipment reservation - equipment revamping - equipment review board - equipment room - equipment safety - equipment salvage - equipment schedule - equipment serviceability criterion - equipment side - equipment specifications - equipment spendings - equipment status board - equipment status chart - equipment status indication - equipment status log - equipment supervision - equipment terminal - equipment unavailability - equipment upgrading - equipment wire - accessory equipment - acoustic emission equipment - acoustical equipment - actuated equipment - add-on equipment - air equipment - air-chucking equipment - air-conditioning equipment - air-humidifying equipment - air-painting equipment - ancillary equipment - answering equipment - assembly equipment - balancing equipment - blasting equipment - board equipment - bolt-on equipment - brake equipment - built-in test equipment - calibration equipment - CAM equipment - capital equipment - cargo handling equipment - carrying and lifting equipment - centrifugal pumping equipment - checking equipment - collective protective equipment - compressor equipment - computer-aided test equipment - computer-automated equipment - concrete-handling equipment - consumption equipment - controllable balancing equipment - conveying equipment - coolant clarification equipment - cost-effective equipment - crane equipment - crane electrical equipment - crushing and screening equipment - data-processing equipment - dedicated equipment - defective equipment - de-icer equipment - demonstration equipment - detection equipment - detritus equipment - diagnosis equipment - diagnostic equipment - digital readout equipment - dimensional-inspection equipment - direction-finding equipment - driven equipment - durable equipment - electrical equipment - electrical discharge equipment - electroheat equipment - electrothermal equipment - emergency equipment - energy equipment - energy-intensive equipment - erection equipment - exhibition equipment - experimental equipment - external test equipment - FA-related equipment - fabricating equipment - fabrication equipment - factory-installed equipment - failed equipment - farming equipment - faulty equipment - feeding equipment - field-balancing equipment - filling equipment - finishing equipment - fire-fighting equipment - fire safety equipment - fixed equipment - fixed path equipment - flatness testing equipment - fuel handling equipment - gaging equipment - garage equipment - garage-repair equipment - gas equipment - gas-welding equipment - gear testing equipment - general-purpose equipment - general test equipment - grading equipment - greasing equipment - grit-dredging equipment - handling equipment - hard automation equipment - haulage equipment - hauling equipment - heat-treating equipment - hi-fi equipment - high-fi equipment - high-technology equipment - higher-horsepower equipment - homemade fire-fighting equipment - hydraulic equipment - hydraulic tracing equipment - idle equipment - ignition equipment - independent equipment - industrial equipment - industrial cleaning equipment - input equipment - inspection equipment - installation equipment - installed equipment - instrumental equipment - instrumented equipment - interconnecting equipment - jaw-type work-holding equipment - joining equipment - laboratory equipment - lifting equipment - lighting equipment - loading equipment - loading and unloading equipment for dryer cars - machine-tool equipment - machining equipment - maintenance equipment - maintenance-and-support equipment - manipulating equipment - manually controlled equipment - manufacturing equipment - material-handling equipment - materials-handling equipment - material mining equipment - MDI equipment - measurement-processing equipment - measuring and control equipment - measuring equipment - mechanical handling equipment - metal-cutting equipment - metering equipment - microprocessing equipment - microwave heating equipment - military equipment - mill-turn equipment - mobile equipment - monitoring equipment - mountable pile-driving equipment - multidimension gaging equipment - multisensor equipment - noise abatement equipment - non-assembled equipment - nonrepairable equipment - nonstandard equipment - off-road equipment - operational equipment - optional equipment - outdated equipment - outmoded equipment - out-of-repair equipment - paint equipment - parts-handling equipment - parts-washing equipment - pattern equipment - peripheral equipment - personal protection equipment - personal protective equipment - pipeline equipment - pipeline-laying equipment - pipeline-scraping equipment - pneumatic equipment - pile-driving equipment - piling equipment - portable jacking equipment - postprocess gaging equipment - preparatory machining equipment - presetting equipment - primary equipment - primary machining equipment - process control monitoring equipment - process equipment - process monitoring equipment - processing equipment - production equipment - production test equipment - professional drilling equipment - protective equipment - proving-and-indicating equipment - pulling-and-running equipment - pump-and-compressor equipment - pumping equipment - quarry equipment - reconditioning equipment - redundant equipment - refrigeration equipment - rejected equipment - reliable equipment - remote control equipment - remove an equipment - repair equipment - repairable equipment - reserve equipment - residential equipment - retrofit equipment - rippers equipment - road-building equipment - rope-suspended boom equipment - rotating equipment - round trip equipment - safeguarding equipment - safety equipment - safety-survival equipment - secondary equipment - self-balancing equipment - sensing equipment - service checkout equipment - service equipment - snow-cleaning equipment - snow-handling equipment - spare equipment - spark erosion equipment - special support equipment - special test equipment - standalone equipment - standard equipment - standby equipment - supervisory equipment - supplementary equipment - support equipment - supporting equipment - surface-measuring equipment - swarf-handling equipment - tank cleaning equipment - telescopic equipment - test equipment - test-and-maintenance equipment - testing equipment - tool equipment - tool-holding equipment - tooling equipment - tool-setting equipment - touch-probe inspection equipment - towing equipment - tracer equipment - traction-type equipment - training equipment - transferring equipment - transport equipment - transportation equipment - turning gaging equipment - unattended equipment - underground equipment - universal equipment - unrepairable equipment - up-to-date construction equipment - used equipment - utility equipment - value-added equipment - vandalproof equipment - vehicle greasing equipment - warehousing equipment - waste-minimization equipment - water-fed equipment - water-purification equipment - water quality monitoring equipment - water-treatment equipment - weed-control equipment - weighing equipment - weld deposition equipment - welding equipment - welding deposition equipment - wheel alignment equipment - work-holding equipment - workover equipment -
10 unlawful
1. a незаконный, противозаконный2. a внебрачный3. a недопустимый; неэтичныйСинонимический ряд:1. banned (adj.) banned; forbidden; prohibited; proscribed; restricted2. illegal (adj.) criminal; felonious; illegal; illegitimate; illicit; lawless; nefarious; outlawed; spurious; wrongful3. wrong (adj.) amiss; astray; erring; erroneous; faulty; imperfect; unfair; wrongАнтонимический ряд:legal; sanctioned -
11 system
система; установка; устройство; ркт. комплекс"see to land" system — система посадки с визуальным приземлением
A.S.I. system — система указателя воздушной скорости
ablating heat-protection system — аблирующая [абляционная] система тепловой защиты
ablating heat-shield system — аблирующая [абляционная] система тепловой защиты
active attitude control system — ксм. активная система ориентации
aft-end rocket ignition system — система воспламенения заряда с задней части РДТТ [со стороны сопла]
aircraft response sensing system — система измерений параметров, характеризующих поведение ЛА
air-inlet bypass door system — дв. система перепуска воздуха на входе
antiaircraft guided missile system — ракетная система ПВО; зенитный ракетный комплекс
antiaircraft guided weapons system — ракетная система ПВО; зенитный ракетный комплекс
attenuated intercept satellite rendez-vous system — система безударного соединения спутников на орбите
attitude and azimuth reference system — система измерения или индикации углов тангажа, крена и азимута
automatic departure prevention system — система автоматического предотвращения сваливания или вращения после сваливания
automatic drift kick-off system — система автоматического устранения угла упреждения сноса (перед приземлением)
automatic hovering control system — верт. система автостабилизации на висении
automatic indicating feathering system — автоматическая система флюгирования с индикацией отказа (двигателя)
automatic mixture-ratio control system — система автоматического регулирования состава (топливной) смеси
automatic pitch control system — автомат тангажа; автоматическая система продольного управления [управления по каналу тангажа]
B.L.C. high-lift system — система управления пограничным слоем для повышения подъёмной силы (крыла)
backpack life support system — ксм. ранцевая система жизнеобеспечения
beam-rider (control, guidance) system — ркт. система наведения по лучу
biowaste electric propulsion system — электрический двигатель, работающий на биологических отходах
buddy (refueling, tank) system — (подвесная) автономная система дозаправки топливом в полете
closed(-circuit, -cycle) system — замкнутая система, система с замкнутым контуром или циклом; система с обратной связью
Cooper-Harper pilot rating system — система баллов оценки ЛА лётчиком по Куперу — Харперу
deployable aerodynamic deceleration system — развёртываемая (в атмосфере) аэродинамическая тормозная система
depressurize the fuel system — стравливать избыточное давление (воздуха, газа) в топливной системе
driver gas heating system — аэрд. система подогрева толкающего газа
dry sump (lubrication) system — дв. система смазки с сухим картером [отстойником]
electrically powered hydraulic system — электронасосная гидросистема (в отличие от гидросистемы с насосами, приводимыми от двигателя)
exponential control flare system — система выравнивания с экспоненциальным управлением (перед приземлением)
flywheel attitude control system — ксм. инерционная система ориентации
gas-ejection attitude control system — ксм. газоструйная система ориентация
gas-jet attitude control system — ксм. газоструйная система ориентация
ground proximity extraction system — система извлечения грузов из самолёта, пролетающего на уровне земли
hot-air balloon water recovery system — система спасения путем посадки на воду с помощью баллонов, наполняемых горячими газами
hypersonic air data entry system — система для оценки аэродинамики тела, входящего в атмосферу планеты с гиперзвуковой скоростью
igh-temperature fatigue test system — установка для испытаний на выносливость при высоких температурах
interceptor (directing, vectoring) system — система наведения перехватчиков
ion electrical propulsion system — ксм. ионная двигательная установка
isotope-heated catalytic oxidizer system — система каталитического окислителя с нагревом от изотопного источника
jet vane actuation system — ркт. система привода газового руля
laminar flow pumping system — система насосов [компрессоров] для ламинаризации обтекания
launching range safety system — система безопасности ракетного полигона; система обеспечения безопасности космодрома
leading edge slat system — система выдвижных [отклоняемых] предкрылков
low-altitude parachute extraction system — система беспосадочного десантирования грузов с малых высот с использованием вытяжных парашютов
magnetic attitude control system — ксм. магнитная система ориентации
magnetically slaved compass system — курсовая система с магнитной коррекцией, гироиндукционная курсовая система
mass-expulsion attitude control system — система ориентации за счёт истечения массы (газа, жидкости)
mass-motion attitude control system — ксм. система ориентации за счёт перемещения масс
mass-shifting attitude control system — ксм. система ориентации за счёт перемещения масс
monopropellant rocket propulsion system — двигательная установка с ЖРД на унитарном [однокомпонентном] топливе
nucleonic propellant gauging and utilization system — система измерения и регулирования подачи топлива с использованием радиоактивных изотопов
open(-circuit, -cycle) system — открытая [незамкнутая] система, система с незамкнутым контуром или циклом; система без обратной связи
plenum chamber burning system — дв. система сжигания топлива во втором контуре
positioning system for the landing gear — система регулирования высоты шасси (при стоянке самолёта на земле)
radar altimeter low-altitude control system — система управления на малых высотах с использованием радиовысотомера
radar system for unmanned cooperative rendezvous in space — радиолокационная система для обеспечения встречи (на орбите) беспилотных кооперируемых КЛА
range and orbit determination system — система определения дальностей [расстояний] и орбит
real-time telemetry processing system — система обработки радиотелеметрических данных в реальном масштабе времени
recuperative cycle regenerable carbon dioxide removal system — система удаления углекислого газа с регенерацией поглотителя, работающая по рекуперативному циклу
rendezvous beacon and command system — маячно-командная система обеспечения встречи («а орбите)
satellite automatic terminal rendezvous and coupling system — автоматическая система сближения и стыковки спутников на орбите
Schuler tuned inertial navigation system — система инерциальной навигации на принципе маятника Шулера
sodium superoxide carbon dioxide removal system — система удаления углекислого газа с помощью надперекиси натрия
space shuttle separation system — система разделения ступеней челночного воздушно-космического аппарата
stellar-monitored astroinertial navigation guidance system — астроинерциальная система навигации и управления с астрокоррекцией
terminal control landing system — система управления посадкой по траектории, связанной с выбранной точкой приземления
terminal descent control system — ксм. система управления на конечном этапе спуска [снижения]
terminal guidance system for a satellite rendezvous — система управления на конечном участке траектории встречи спутников
test cell flow system — ркт. система питания (двигателя) топливом в огневом боксе
vectored thrust (propulsion) system — силовая установка с подъёмно-маршевым двигателем [двигателями]
water to oxygen system — ксм. система добывания кислорода из воды
wind tunnel data acquisition system — система регистрации (и обработки) данных при испытаниях в аэродинамической трубе
— D system
См. также в других словарях:
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Calendar of 2002 — ▪ 2003 January I will not wait on events while dangers gather. I will not stand by as peril draws closer and closer. The United States of America will not permit the world s most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world s most destructive… … Universalium
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