1 fast performance liquid chromatography
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > fast performance liquid chromatography
2 fast-performance liquid chromatography
Иммунология: жидкостная хроматография быстрого разрешенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > fast-performance liquid chromatography
3 fast-performance liquid chromatography
мед.фраз. жидкостная хроматография быстрого разрешенияАнгло-русский медицинский словарь > fast-performance liquid chromatography
4 fast performance liquid chromatography
English-russian biological dictionary > fast performance liquid chromatography
5 fast-performance liquid chromatography
Англо-русский словарь по иммунологии > fast-performance liquid chromatography
6 fast-performance liquid chromatography
English-Russian small dictionary of medicine > fast-performance liquid chromatography
7 chromatography
- activated sepharose column chromatography
- adsorption chromatography
- affinity chromatography
- anion-exchange chromatography
- antibody-agarose affinity chromatography
- ascending chromatography
- centrifugal elution chromatography
- charge-transfer chromatography
- circular chromatography
- circular paper chromatography
- column chromatography
- constant-humidity chromatography
- continuous chromatography
- countercurrent chromatography
- countercurrent droplet chromatography
- countercurrent foam chromatography
- descending chromatography
- displacement chromatography
- electromigration chromatography
- electrophoretic chromatography
- exclusion chromatography
- fast performance liquid chromatography
- gas chromatography
- gas-liquid chromatography
- gas-liquid partition chromatography
- gas-solid chromatography
- gel chromatography
- head-space gas chromatography
- high pH anion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography
- high-performance chromatography
- high-performance liquid chromatography
- high-pressure liquid chromatography
- high-resolution liquid chromatography
- hydrophobic chromatography
- hydrophobic interaction chromatography
- immunoaffinity chromatography
- immunoexchange chromatography
- ion-exchange chromatography
- ion-exclusion chromatography
- liquid chromatography on a reversed-phase support
- liquid chromatography
- liquid column chromatography
- liquid partition chromatography
- low-pressure liquid chromatography
- methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography
- methylated albumin kieselgur column chromatography
- molecular sieve chromatography
- one-dimensional chromatography
- paper chromatography
- partition chromatography
- preparative chromatography
- pyrolysis gas chromatography
- recycling chromatography
- reversed-phase chromatography
- reversed-phase partition chromatography
- step-exclusion chromatography
- steric exclusion chromatography
- stream chromatography
- thin-layer chromatography
- two-dimensional chromatography
- two-dimensional paper chromatography
- two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography* * * -
8 chromatography
хроматографияfouling chromatography — хроматография потенциального барьера (комбинированная гидрофобная ионообменная хроматография с предварительным насыщением сорбента лигандом)
gel permeation chromatography — гель-хроматография, гель-фильтрация
inverse chromatography — обращенная [обращённо-фазовая] хроматография
ion-pair chromatography — ионопарная хроматография ( хроматография с использованием ионных пар растворителей)
large-scale chromatography — крупномасштабная ( полупромышленная) хроматография
methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography — хроматография на колонках с метилированным альбумин-кизельгуром
potential barrier chromatography — хроматография потенциального барьера (комбинированная гидрофобная ионообменная хроматография с предварительным насыщением сорбента лигандом)
reversed-phase chromatography — обращенная [обращённо-фазовая] хроматография
salt-mediated hydrophobic chromatography — гидрофобная хроматография в солевой среде, ионозависимая гидрофобная хроматография
size-exclusion chromatography — гель-хроматография, гель-фильтрация
1) Техника: fast protein liquid chromatography2) Сокращение: Fixed-Paths Least-Congestion3) Иммунология: fast performance liquid chromatography, fast-protein liquid chromatography -
1) сокр. от fast performance liquid chromatographyжидкостная хроматография быстрого разрешения2) сокр. от fast-protein liquid chromatographyжидкостная экспресс-хроматография белков -
1. fast performance liquid chromatography - жидкостная хроматография быстрого разрешения;2. fast protein liquid chromatography - жидкостная экспресс-хроматография белков -
I сокр. от fast performance liquid chromatography II сокр. от fast protein liquid chromatography -
сокр. от high performance liquid chromatography - continuous flow fast atom bombardment mass spectrometryсочетание высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии и непрерывной масс-спектрометрии с бомбардировкой быстрыми атомамиEnglish-Russian analytical chemistry abbreviations > HPLC-CFFAB-MS
См. также в других словарях:
Fast protein liquid chromatography — Infobox chemical analysis name = Fast performance liquid chromatography caption = acronym = FPLC classification = Chromatography analytes = manufacturers = related = High performance liquid chromatography Affinity chromatography hyphenated = Fast … Wikipedia
High-performance liquid chromatography — An HPLC. From left to right: A pumping device generating a gradient of two different solvents, a steel enforced column and an apparatus for measuring the absorbance. Acronym HPLC Classification Chromatography … Wikipedia
High performance liquid chromatography — Infobox chemical analysis name = High performance liquid chromatography caption =A HPLC. From left to right: A pumping device generating a gradient of two different solvents, a steel enforced column and an apparatus for measuring the absorbance.… … Wikipedia
High Performance Liquid Chromatography — Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (engl. high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) in den Anfangszeiten dieser Technik auch Hochdruckflüssigchromatographie (engl. high pressure liquid chromatography) genannt ist eine analytische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography — Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (engl. high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) in den Anfangszeiten dieser Technik auch Hochdruckflüssigchromatographie (engl. high pressure liquid chromatography) genannt ist eine analytische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatography — Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (engl. high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) in den Anfangszeiten dieser Technik auch Hochdruckflüssigchromatographie (engl. high pressure liquid chromatography) genannt ist eine analytische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography — Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (engl. high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) in den Anfangszeiten dieser Technik auch Hochdruckflüssigchromatographie (engl. high pressure liquid chromatography) genannt ist eine analytische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rapid Separation Liquid Chromatography — Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (engl. high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) in den Anfangszeiten dieser Technik auch Hochdruckflüssigchromatographie (engl. high pressure liquid chromatography) genannt ist eine analytische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fast Atom Bombardment — (FAB) ist ein Ionisierungsverfahren, das in Massenspektrometern (MS) benutzt wird. Dabei wird eine Lösung des Analyts in einer flüssigen schwer flüchtigen Matrix mit einem Partikelstrom aus gewöhnlich inerten Gasen wie Argon oder Xenon… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chromatography — Pictured is a sophisticated gas chromatography system. This instrument records concentrations of acrylonitrile in the air at various points throughout the chemical laboratory. Chromatography (from Greek χρῶμα chroma color and γράφειν graphein to… … Wikipedia
chromatography — chromatographer, n. chromatographic /kreuh mat euh graf ik, kroh meuh teuh /, adj. chromatographically, adv. /kroh meuh tog reuh fee/, n. Chem. the separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential adsorption by a solid, as a column… … Universalium