1 fast data acquisition
высокоскоростной сбор данных
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > fast data acquisition
2 fast data acquisition
data acquisition & control — сбор и контроль данных
English-Russian big medical dictionary > fast data acquisition
3 fast data acquisition
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > fast data acquisition
4 fast data acquisition
1) Авиация: скоростной сбор данных2) Вычислительная техника: высокоскоростная подготовка данных, высокоскоростной сбор данных -
5 fast data acquisition
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > fast data acquisition
6 fast data acquisition
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > fast data acquisition
7 fast data acquisition
English-Russian information technology > fast data acquisition
8 computerized data acquisition
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > computerized data acquisition
9 consolidated acquisition
10 image acquisition
11 tracking acquisition
English-Russian big medical dictionary > tracking acquisition
12 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
13 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт контроллер10) pl вчт методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl вчт позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- access controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- ActiveX control - airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio-fidelity control
- audio volume control
- automatic control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control - automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control - automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume -control
- automatic volume expansion control - balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control - computerized numerical control
- concurrency control
- concurrency control and recovery
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data-link control
- data recording control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- directional control
- direct manual control - distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control - feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field-effect conductivity control
- field linearity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control - focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control - framing control
- frequency control - front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control - global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control - high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal-linearity control
- horizontal parabola control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control - intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control - keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control - loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control - master brightness control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control - microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control - radar traffic control - random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control - servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control - surge control
- swept gain control - tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control - touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control - volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width control
- μP control -
14 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl. средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl. средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl. методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт. контроллер10) pl.; вчт. методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl.; вчт. позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- acceptance controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- access control
- ActiveX control
- adaptive control
- aids-to-navigation radio control
- airport ground traffic control
- airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio volume control
- audio-fidelity control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control
- automatic gain control
- automatic knee control
- automatic level control
- automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control
- automatic overload control
- automatic peak search control
- automatic pedestal control
- automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume expansion control
- automatic volume level control
- automatic volume-control
- background control
- balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer-aided quality control
- computerized numerical control
- concurrency control and recovery
- concurrency control
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data recording control
- data-link control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- direct manual control
- direct numerical control
- directional control
- distributed control
- distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control
- fast automatic gain control
- feedback control
- feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field linearity control
- field-effect conductivity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control
- flight control
- flow control
- focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control
- forward error control
- frame control
- framing control
- frequency control
- frequency monitoring and interference control
- frequency-response control
- front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control
- gate mobile communications control
- generator field control
- global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control
- higher-level intelligent control
- high-level data link control
- high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal parabola control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal-linearity control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control
- instantaneous automatic gain control
- integral control
- intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control
- ISDN data link control
- ISDN media access control
- keyboard control
- keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control
- logical link control
- long-range control
- loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control
- manual gain control
- mass storage volume control
- master brightness control
- master control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control
- message data link control
- microcomputer control
- microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control
- quiet automatic volume control
- radar control
- radar traffic control
- radio control
- radio-frequency interference control
- random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control
- sequential control
- servo control
- servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control
- statistical process control
- statistical quality control
- stored-program control
- supervisory control
- surge control
- swept gain control
- synchronous data link control
- system-wide control
- tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control
- total distributed control
- total quality control
- touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control
- visit mobile communications control
- voice control
- volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width controlThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > control
15 system
1) система; комплекс2) метод; способ3) канал•- acoustic alarm system
- acoustic image system
- acoustic systems
- actiontrack system
- active IR-system
- actuator system
- adaptive communication system
- adaptive teleinformation system
- adaptive telemetering system
- advanced information system
- Afsatcom system
- air system
- aircraft intercommunication system
- airfield communication system
- air-ground automatic system
- airline reservation system
- air-to-ground TV system
- alarm signal system
- alarm system
- all-channel signaling system
- ALL-IN-ONE system
- alphanumeric system
- amplified speaker system
- amplitude shift-keying system
- AMPS system
- analog cellular communication system
- analog cellular system
- analog component video system
- analog television system
- analog tropospheric system
- anisochronous system
- antenna system
- antitheft system
- AR system
- Arabsat system
- ASK system
- associated channel analog system
- asynchronous address communication system
- audio recording system
- Aurora system
- Aussat system
- automatic communication system
- automatic connection establishment system
- automatic control system
- automatic data acquisition system
- automatic telegraphy system
- automatic telephone system
- automatic tuning system
- automatized cellular system
- auxiliary alarm system
- balanced cable transmission system
- band sharing system
- base station system
- baseband system
- basic input/output system
- bass-reflex speaker system
- batch processing system
- batch transmission system
- batch-and-forward system
- batteryless system
- bilateral CTV system
- binary tariff system
- biocontrol system
- bit parallel interface system
- bit transport system
- bridge duplex system
- broadband mobile system
- broadcast satellite system
- broadcasting delivery media systems
- burglar alarm system
- byte-serial interface system
- cabinet system
- cabinetless system
- cable distribution system
- cable TV system
- call-accounting system
- call-answering system
- call-counting system
- call-distributing system
- call-processing system
- call-queueing system
- camp-on system
- CAPTAIN system
- car component audio system
- carrier reinsertion system
- carrier system
- carrier-communication system
- carrier-current communication system
- Cassegrain-Schmidt system
- cassette recording system
- cassette reproducing system
- CATRIN system
- caution system
- CD 900 system
- cellular system
- cellular-radio system
- central-battery system
- centralized control system
- chirp binary telegraph system
- cipher system
- circuit switched telecommunication system
- circuit switching telecommunication system
- circular telecontrol system
- clock system
- closed-circuit communication system
- closed-circuit telegraph system
- closed-numbering system
- code-dependent system
- code-division multiple access system
- code-independent system
- code-insensitive system
- code-sensitive system
- coding system
- coherent fiber-optic system
- collimating system
- collocated system
- color separating system
- combined numbering system
- combined power supply system
- combined satellite communication system
- common-battery system
- common-carrier system
- common-channel signaling system
- common-engineering communication system
- common-purpose cellular system
- common-using band system
- common-using cordless telephone system
- common-using paging system
- communication system
- communication traffic system
- communications system
- community antenna system
- community antenna television system
- community TV-system
- commununication switching system
- compact disk digital audio system
- compatible color television system
- compatible single sideband system
- compatible single-band system
- compatible TV-system
- complex radio communication system
- computer vision system
- computer-telephone system
- Comsar system
- Comsat system
- Conax system
- concentrated-insonation system
- conference system
- conference-communication system
- congested system
- congress-class system
- constant-current system
- control generating system
- conventional television system
- Conversant system
- cordless-communication system
- crossbar system
- crossed-coincident microphone system
- Crosspoint system
- CSE system
- C-system
- cubical video projecting system
- data processing system
- data system
- data transport system
- data-collection system
- data-compression system
- data-exchange system
- dataflow system
- data-gathering system
- data-handling system
- data-measuring system
- data-reduction system
- data-transmission system
- Decca Navigator system
- DECfax system
- decision-feedback system
- dedicated control channel system
- dedicated multimedia system
- delta-sigma system
- deluxe presentation system
- departmental communication system
- desktop-video system
- DFS/Copernicus system
- dial-telephone system
- differential phase shift-keying system
- differential-duplex system
- differential-magnetic system
- digital camera system
- digital hybrid-key telephone system
- digital mass storage system
- digital microwave radio transmission system
- digital telephone communication system
- digital transmission system
- digital TV-communication system
- Digital UNIX system
- digital-analog system
- digital-cellular system
- digital-data modulation system
- digital-effect system
- digital-message entry system
- digital-termination system
- direct-broadcasting satellite system
- directing system
- direct-modulation system
- direct-sequence system
- direct-telephone communication system
- discrete communication system
- discrete sound system
- discrete-addressing system
- disk-operating system
- DISOSS system
- dispatch telephone communication system
- dispatch-center system
- dispersed-insonation system
- distributed-insonation system
- distributed-processing system
- documental-type communication system
- Dolby systems
- domestic satellite communication system
- double-band telephone communication system
- double-channel transmission system
- double-current transmission system
- double-pole communication system
- double-sideband large carrier system
- DSCS system
- D-system
- dual-cable system
- dual-reflector system
- duplexed system
- Earth-to-space transmission system
- ECM system
- electric communication system
- electronic antishock system
- electronic data-gathering system
- electronic data-processing system
- electronic-message system
- electronic-scanning system
- electronic-switching system
- Ellipso system
- emergency telephone communication system
- emergency-broadcast system
- EMX system
- equidistant system
- error-correction system
- error-detection system
- Eutelsat system
- extensible system
- external paging system
- facsimile system
- fast-acting servicing system
- fault-tolerant system
- fax communication system
- fax transmitting system
- feed system
- fiber transmission system
- fiber-optic transmission system
- field-sequential system
- final mile system
- finishing system
- fire alarm system
- fire warning system
- first generation cellular system
- five-channel communication system
- fixed satellite system
- Flexcam system
- flexible access system
- Flitsatcom system
- focusing system
- four-channel sound system
- four-dimensional system
- four-wire telephone communication system
- frame-sequential system
- frequency shift-keying system
- frequency-carrier system
- frequency-control system
- front-bass reflex speaker system
- fully digital system
- gate system
- Gaussian system
- generalized system
- generating dynamic system
- generator-dc-motor system
- GIGASET radio system
- global positioning system
- Global system
- Gopher system
- grandfathered system
- group-alerting and dispatching system
- guide system
- hard-wired CCTV system
- hazard system
- helical-scan system
- HF-synchronizing system
- high-precision navigating system
- Hi-linear system
- home system
- home-telephone system
- home-type system
- homing-guidance system
- host system
- hydroacoustic system
- ideal communication system
- idealized system
- image informaion system
- image-forming system
- immedial servicing system
- incompatible system
- independent system
- information retrieval system
- information system radio system
- information system
- information-feedback system
- information-measuring system
- infrared alarm system
- Inmarsat system
- Inmarsat-A system
- Inmarsat-B system
- Inmarsat-C system
- Inmarsat-D system
- Inmarsat-M system
- Inmarsat-P system
- integrated telephone system
- integrated videographic teleconferencing system
- integrated-antenna system
- integrated-communication system
- integrated-modulation system
- integrated-office system
- Intelsat system
- interactive system
- intercarrier-sound system
- intercommunication system
- intercontinental tropospheric system
- interlock system
- intermachine exchange system
- intermediate system
- international communication system
- interphone system
- Intervision system
- intraband signaling system
- intruder alarm system
- inward-outward dialing system
- ionoscatter system
- ionosphere sounder system
- ionospheric system
- Iridium system
- isolated system
- Italsat system
- J-carrier system
- joint-multichannel trunking and switching system
- K-carrier system
- key system
- key-telephone system
- land satellite communication system
- large-grained communication system
- laser communication system
- L-band satellite system
- L-carrier system
- Leasat system
- lightning protection system
- limited distortion system
- line amplifiers system
- link system
- little-channel relay system
- local alarm system
- local battery system
- local communication system
- local radio paging system
- long-haul system
- long-range system
- loop system
- loud-speaking communication system
- low-traffic system
- magnetic tape recording system
- Mail system
- management-information system
- manual cellular system system
- manual telephone set system
- Marisat system
- master television system
- master-antenna television system
- matrix sound system
- message feedback system
- message procession system
- message registration system
- message-switched system
- meteor radio system
- Metrobus system
- micro component system
- Micro Press Cluster Printing system
- micro-lens system
- microprocessor system
- microwave relay system
- midi system
- mine radio telephone system
- mini system
- mixed media system
- mixed numbering system
- mobile cellular communication system
- mobile land communication system
- mobile radio system
- mobile relay system
- mobile system
- modulated system
- monetary mobile system
- MS-Mail system
- multiareal system
- multicassette system
- multichannel telephone system
- multicomputer system
- multidisk system
- multiformat recording system
- multifrequency tone signaling system
- multiguard system
- multilevel mixed system
- multimedia system
- multiple-channel system
- multiqueue system
- Multiscrypt system
- multistandard system
- multitrack editing system
- mutibeam antenna system
- muting system
- Nagravision system
- NAMTS system
- narrow-angle TV system
- national communication system
- navigation system
- n-channel communication system
- n-channel DPSK system
- n-channel transmission system
- network standalone system
- network system
- network-operation system
- networks numbering system
- neutral direct-current telegraph system
- n-head video system
- NMT system
- noise-reduction system
- nonhoming tuning system
- noninterlaced television system
- nonsegmented system
- Norsat system
- n-satellite system system
- n-tone DPSK system
- n-tone MFSK system
- NTSC system
- NTT system
- obligatory message system
- Odyssey system
- off-line system
- on-line computer system
- on-line secured system
- open numbering system
- open system
- operative-engineering communication system
- opposite signals system
- optical-communication system
- optical-information system
- optical-projection system
- optoelectronic system
- oscillating system
- oscillation system
- outband signaling system
- package-and-resource tracking system
- pagemaster system
- paging system
- PAL system
- parametric system
- PATHWORKS system
- pattern recognition system
- personal holding guard system
- phase shift-keying system
- phone system
- Piccolo system
- pilot-controller system
- polar direct-current telegraph system
- portable mobile system
- power control system
- power controlling system
- power-line carrier system
- power-supply system
- press-to-talk system
- Prestel system
- primary-supply system
- privacy system
- private branch paging system
- private movable system
- private videodata system
- private videotex system
- process-interface system
- PROFS system
- programmable cross-connect system
- programmable cross-connected system
- programmed radio system
- prompting system
- protected wireline distribution system
- protection system
- pseudoquadraphony system
- pseudotrunking system
- public videodata system
- public videotex system
- pulse-code system
- pulse-frequency system
- pulse-time system
- quadraphonic sound system
- quadruple-diversity system
- R1 system
- R2 system
- radio buoy system
- radio command system
- radio communication system
- Radio Data system
- radio facsimile system
- Radiocom 2000 system
- radio-control system
- radio-paging system
- radio-relay system
- radiosonde-radio-wind system
- radio-telemetering system
- real time pulse-echo system
- real time system
- receiver lockout system
- recording system
- recovery system
- redundant system
- reference-information system
- regional electronic payment system
- relay-radio system
- remote concentrating system
- remote control system
- remote diagnostic system
- remote information system
- remote semiconcentrating system
- remote sensing system
- remote signaling system
- rendering system
- rerecording system
- reserved servicing system
- RF/Transmission system
- rotary system
- safety alarm system
- safety system
- Satcom system
- satellite comminication system
- satellite marine comminication system
- Satellite Master Antenna Television system
- satellite radio system
- satellite-aircraft communication system
- SB-communication system
- SBL communication system
- scalable system
- scanning trunking system
- SCO UNIX system
- searchless identification system
- seat reservation system
- SECAM system
- second generation cellular system
- second room system
- secondary supply system
- secrecy system
- section communication system
- security system
- segmented system
- seismic system
- selective calling system
- selective frequency base station system
- selective protective system
- selective telephone system
- self-adjusting system
- self-balancing differential system
- self-contained system
- self-test system
- selsyn system
- semiautomatic-switching system
- semiautomatized cellular system
- sensory system
- servo system
- shadow-batch system
- short-haul microwave system
- Sicral system
- Sigma Servo system
- signal system
- simplex movable system
- single-band transmission system
- single-busbar system
- single-cable communication system
- single-cable system
- single-channel system
- single-current transmission system
- single-pulse tracking system
- Skynet system
- small-grained communication system
- SmarTrunk II radio communication system
- solid-state uninterruptible power battery system
- Sony bus system
- sound alarm system
- sound equalization system
- sound navigation system
- sound reinforcement system
- sound warning system
- space-division system
- space-switched system
- spark-safe system
- speaker system
- special communication system
- speech-processing system
- speech-recognition system
- split-speaker system
- spread-spectrum system
- stabilizing system
- stage monitoring system
- standalone double point system
- star-circuit system
- STAREX CMX system
- starting communication system
- start-stop system
- stationary satellite system
- step-by-step system
- stereo sound system
- stereophonic sound system
- storage system
- storage-and-retrieval system
- Strowger system
- submarine fiber-optic system
- subprimary digital transmission system
- subscriber carrier system
- subscriber switching system
- suffix system
- Supersat system
- supervisory control system
- surround sound system
- switched telecommunication system
- switching system
- sync communication system
- synchro system
- synchronous communication system
- synchronous digital system
- TAGS system
- tandem system
- tariffication system
- T-carrier system
- TDF system
- teleautomatic system
- Telecom system
- telecommunication system
- telecommunications system
- telecommunication-service priority system
- telecommunications-service priority system
- telecontrol system
- telemechanic system
- telemetering system
- telemetry system
- telephone system
- telephone-answering system
- telephone-communication system
- telephone-communications system
- teleprocessing system
- Telesat system
- teletex system
- teletypewriter system
- television-telephone system
- Tele-X system
- Telsar system
- terminal system
- terrestrial radio-relay system
- theft-prevention system
- thin-route system
- third generation communication system
- three-axle stabilizing system
- three-channel HF-telephone system
- three-channel transmission system
- three-color system
- three-lens optical system
- three-primary system
- three-wire system
- time-dissemination system
- time-frequency hopping system
- time-switched system
- total access communication system
- total area coverage system
- transmission system
- trichromatic system
- triple-interlace system
- triplex system
- trunk communication system
- TV-observation system
- twelve-channel transmission system
- two-arm system
- two-band system
- two-color system
- two-roller transfer system
- two-step control system
- two-way CATV system
- two-way system
- two-wire telephone communication system
- ultra-match system
- ULTRIX system
- unified radioaccess system
- unilateral-control system
- unilateral-synchronization system
- uninterruptible-power system
- Unisat system
- universal alarm system
- universal-battery system
- universal-electronic system
- universal-movable system
- Uniworks system
- vestigial-sideband system
- video editing system
- video home system
- video recording system
- videocom system
- videoteleconference system
- videotex system
- virtual studio system
- vision system
- vocoder system
- voice dialog system
- voice frequency carrier telegraph system
- voice modulation system
- voice post system
- volume control system
- waiting system
- warning system
- watch system
- watching system
- waterside facsimile communication system
- wave-propagating system
- wide-angle TV system
- Winfax Pro system
- wired broadcasting system
- wireless CCTV system
- wireless home system
- wireless infrared speaker system
- wire-radio communication system
- XY system
- zone-selective protection system
- zoning systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > system
16 network
1) сетьа) локальная, региональная или глобальная вычислительная сетьб) коммуникационная сеть; сеть связи (напр. телефонная)в) сеть вещательных станций (напр. телевизионных)д) замкнутая совокупность функционально однотипных организаций или предприятийе) способ представления знаний в виде связного орграфа в системе искусственного интеллектаж) сетка2) работать в сети; обмениваться информацией с помощью сети; использовать сеть или сети3) создавать сеть или сети; покрывать сетью (напр. вещательных станций) определённую территорию4) плести сеть или сетку; применять сеть или сетку; образовывать сеть или сетку5) схема; цепь; контур•- networks of limited equivalence
- network of microcomputer
- abstract semantic network
- active network
- activity network
- adaptive network
- adaptive resonance theory network
- additive Grossberg network - aperiodic network
- ART network
- artificial mains network - asynchronous neural network - back propagation network
- back-up radio network
- balanced network
- balanced Feistel network
- balancing network
- BAM network
- banner network
- baseband network
- basic network
- Bayes network
- beam-forming network - biconjugate network
- bidirectional associative memory network
- bilateral network
- biological neural network
- Boltzman machine neural network
- Boolean network
- brain-state-in-a-box network
- bridge network
- bridged-T network - bus network
- butterfly network
- C-network
- cellular neural network
- cellular radio network
- channel-switching network
- chaotic neural network - circuit-switching network
- class A-network
- class B-network
- class C-network
- client-server network
- closed private network - common-user network
- communications network
- company network
- compromise network
- computer network - connected network
- connectionist network
- connectionless network
- connection-oriented network
- constant-K network
- constant-M network
- continuous Hopfield network
- corrective network
- countable network - coupling network
- crossover network
- customer-access network
- data network
- data transmission network
- decoding network
- decoupling network
- dedicated network
- deemphasis network
- deep-space network
- delta network
- demand-assigned network
- dial-up network
- difference network
- differentiated network
- differentiating network
- digipeater network
- digital communication network
- digital satellite network
- digital switching network - discrete Hopfield network
- dislocation network
- dissymmetrical network
- distributed network
- distributed operating multi-access interactive-network
- distributed parameter network
- dividing network
- Doba's network
- dual network
- edge-dislocation network
- eight-pole network
- eight-terminal network
- electric network - equivalent networks - extensional semantic network
- extensive network - feedback network
- feedforward network
- Feistel network - fixer network
- four-pole network
- four-terminal network
- fractal network
- frequency-dependent negative-resistance network
- fully connected network
- fully connected neural network
- full mesh network
- full meshed network
- fuzzy neural network
- generalized additive network - ground-station network - Hamiltonian neural network
- Hamming's neural network
- Hebb network
- Hecht-Nielsen network
- Hecht-Nielsen neural network
- heterogeneous network
- heterogeneous neural network
- high-capacity network - higher-order neural network
- homogeneous network
- homogeneous neural network
- Hopfield's neural network
- Hopfield-Tank network
- Hopfield-Tank neural network
- hybrid network
- inductance network
- inductance-capacitance network
- inductance-resistance network
- industrial district network
- information network
- in-office network of links - Internet relay chat network
- inter-organizational network
- interstage network
- inverse networks
- IRC network
- irredundant network
- isolation network
- L-network
- ladder network - lattice network
- lead network
- leased-line network
- linear network - load-matching network - long-distance network
- long-haul network
- loop network
- loudspeaker dividing network
- lumped network
- lumped-constant network
- lumped-distributed network
- Kohonen network
- Kohonen self-organizing network
- Kosko network
- Kosko neural network
- learning vector quantization network
- LVQ network
- Markovian network
- matching network
- McCulloch-Pitts network
- merging network
- mesh network
- meshed network
- message-switched network
- metropolitan area network
- mid-level network
- minimum-phase network
- MPLS network
- multiaccess network
- multi-attractor network
- multidimensional network
- multidrop network
- multifractal network
- multiinput-multioutput network
- multilayer neuron network
- multiple-access network
- multiply-connected network
- multipoint network
- multiport network
- multiprotocol label switching network - multistage switching network
- multistar network
- multistation network
- multisystem network
- multiterminal network
- multiterminal-pair network
- municipal area network - neural network with local connections
- neural-like network
- nodal network
- nonlinear network
- nonplanar network
- nonreciprocal network
- nonuniformly distributed network
- notch network
- n-pole network
- n-port network
- n-terminal network
- n-terminal pair network
- O-network
- one-port network
- optical network
- optical fiber network
- optical neural network
- originating switching network
- packet commutation network - packet satellite network
- packet switch network
- packet switching network
- paging network
- parallel network
- parallel-T network
- parallel two-terminal pair networks
- partial mesh network
- partial meshed network
- passive network
- peaking network
- peer-to-peer network
- perceptron-type network
- percolation network
- personal communication network
- phase-advance network
- phase-shifting network
- phase-splitting network
- phasing network
- pi-network
- piece-linear network
- pilot wire controlled network
- planar network
- polarization matching network
- power distribution network
- preassigned network
- preemphasis network
- private network
- private-line intercity network - quadrupole network - radar network
- radio network
- radio access network
- radio intercom network
- radio-relay network
- rearrangeable network
- reciprocal network
- recognition network
- recurrent neural network
- regression neural network
- repeater network
- replicative neural network
- research network
- resistance-capacitance network
- resistive network
- resource-sharing computer-communication-network
- ring-switched computer network
- routing network
- satellite-earth stations network - second-order network
- selective network
- semantic network
- semiconductor network
- series network
- series-peaking network
- series-shunt network
- series-shunt peaking network
- shaping network
- short-haul network
- shuffle network
- shunt network
- shunt-peaking network
- signal-shaping network
- single-layer neural network
- singly terminated network - sorting network
- speaker dividing network
- stabilization network
- star network
- statistical Hopfield's network
- statistical Hopfield's neural network
- steering network - strategic network
- structurally dual networks
- structurally symmetrical networks
- stub network
- summation network
- summing network
- support network
- switched network
- switched message network
- switched telecommunications network
- switching network
- synchronous network
- synchronous neural network - T-network
- tapered distribution network
- technologies support network
- telecommunication network - terminating switching network - token bus network
- Token Ring network
- token ring network
- transit network
- transmission network
- transputer network
- tree network - trusted network
- twin-T network
- two-pole network
- two-port network
- two-terminal network
- two-terminal-pair network
- unbalanced Feistel network
- undersea network
- uniformly distributed network
- unilateral network
- universal network
- untrained neural network - world-wide communication network
- WS network
- X-network
- Y-network
- π-network -
17 network
1) сетьа) локальная, региональная или глобальная вычислительная сетьб) коммуникационная сеть; сеть связи (напр. телефонная)в) сеть вещательных станций (напр. телевизионных)д) замкнутая совокупность функционально однотипных организаций или предприятийе) способ представления знаний в виде связного орграфа в системе искусственного интеллектаж) сетка2) работать в сети; обмениваться информацией с помощью сети; использовать сеть или сети3) создавать сеть или сети; покрывать сетью (напр. вещательных станций) определённую территорию4) плести сеть или сетку; применять сеть или сетку; образовывать сеть или сетку5) схема; цепь; контур•- abstract semantic network
- active network
- activity network
- adaptive network
- adaptive resonance theory network
- additive Grossberg network
- advanced intelligent network
- advertiser network
- aeronautical fixed telecommunications network
- all-pass network
- aperiodic network
- ART network
- artificial mains network
- artificial neural network
- asynchronous network
- asynchronous neural network
- attached resource computer network
- attenuation network
- automatic digital network
- automatic voice network
- back propagation network
- backbone network
- back-up radio network
- balanced Feistel network
- balanced network
- balancing network
- BAM network
- banner network
- baseband network
- basic network
- Bayes network
- beam-forming network
- because it's time network
- Benetton network
- biconjugate network
- bidirectional associative memory network
- bilateral network
- biological neural network
- Boltzman machine neural network
- Boolean network
- brain-state-in-a-box network
- bridge network
- bridged-T network
- broadband communication network
- broadband integrated services digital network
- building-out network
- bus network
- butterfly network
- C network
- cellular neural network
- cellular radio network
- channel-switching network
- chaotic neural network
- charge-routing network
- circuit-switched data network
- circuit-switched public data network
- circuit-switching network
- class A network
- class B network
- class C network
- client-server network
- closed private network
- combinatorial network
- commercial network
- common-user network
- communications network
- company network
- compromise network
- computer + science network
- computer network
- concatenated network
- conferencing network
- connected network
- connectionist network
- connectionless network
- connection-oriented network
- constant-K network
- constant-M network
- continuous Hopfield network
- corrective network
- countable network
- counterpropagation network
- coupled-line network
- coupling network
- crossover network
- customer-access network
- data network
- data transmission network
- decoding network
- decoupling network
- dedicated network
- deemphasis network
- deep-space network
- delta network
- demand-assigned network
- dial-up network
- difference network
- differentiated network
- differentiating network
- digipeater network
- digital communication network
- digital satellite network
- digital switching network
- digital time-division network
- directed network
- discrete Hopfield network
- dislocation network
- dissymmetrical network
- distributed network
- distributed operating multi-access interactive network
- distributed parameter network
- dividing network
- Doba's network
- dual network
- edge-dislocation network
- eight-pole network
- eight-terminal network
- electric network
- electronic space-division analog network
- elementary digital network
- equalizing network
- equivalent networks
- European academic and research network
- European Unix network
- exponential network
- extensional semantic network
- extensive network
- fast neural network
- FDNR network
- feedback network
- feedforward network
- Feistel network
- FIDO technology network
- firm network
- fixer network
- four-pole network
- four-terminal network
- fractal network
- frequency-dependent negative-resistance network
- full mesh network
- full meshed network
- fully connected network
- fully connected neural network
- fuzzy neural network
- general regression neural network
- generalized additive network
- global area network
- ground-station network
- ground-wave emergency network
- H network
- Hamiltonian neural network
- Hamming's neural network
- Hebb network
- Hecht-Nielsen network
- Hecht-Nielsen neural network
- heterogeneous network
- heterogeneous neural network
- high energy physics network
- high-capacity network
- higher-order network
- higher-order neural network
- homogeneous network
- homogeneous neural network
- Hopfield's neural network
- Hopfield-Tank network
- Hopfield-Tank neural network
- hybrid network
- inductance network
- inductance-capacitance network
- inductance-resistance network
- industrial district network
- information network
- in-office network of links
- integrated broadband communication network
- integrated business network
- integrated digital network
- integrated enterprise network
- integrated services digital network
- integrating network
- intelligent network
- intelligent optical network
- intercom network
- Internet relay chat network
- inter-organizational network
- interstage network
- inverse networks
- IRC network
- irredundant network
- isolation network
- Kohonen network
- Kohonen self-organizing network
- Kosko network
- Kosko neural network
- L network
- ladder network
- LAN outer network
- land network
- lattice network
- lead network
- learning vector quantization network
- leased-line network
- linear integrated network
- linear network
- linear varying parameter network
- load-matching network
- local area network
- local computer network
- long-distance network
- long-haul network
- loop network
- loudspeaker dividing network
- lumped network
- lumped-constant network
- lumped-distributed network
- LVQ network
- Markovian network
- matching network
- McCulloch-Pitts network
- merging network
- mesh network
- meshed network
- message-switched network
- metropolitan area network
- mid-level network
- minimum-phase network
- MPLS network
- multiaccess network
- multi-attractor network
- multidimensional network
- multidrop network
- multifractal network
- multiinput-multioutput network
- multilayer neuron network
- multiple-access network
- multiply-connected network
- multipoint network
- multiport network
- multiprotocol label switching network
- multiprotocol transport network
- multiservice network
- multistage switching network
- multistar network
- multistation network
- multisystem network
- multiterminal network
- multiterminal-pair network
- municipal area network
- national information network
- network of microcomputer
- networks of limited equivalence
- networks ot general equivalence
- neural network with local connections
- neural network
- neural-like network
- nodal network
- nonlinear network
- nonplanar network
- nonreciprocal network
- nonuniformly distributed network
- notch network
- n-pole network
- n-port network
- n-terminal network
- n-terminal pair network
- one-port network
- O-network
- optical fiber network
- optical network
- optical neural network
- originating switching network
- packet commutation network
- packet data network
- packet radio network
- packet satellite network
- packet switch network
- packet switching network
- paging network
- parallel network
- parallel two-terminal pair networks
- parallel-T network
- partial mesh network
- partial meshed network
- passive network
- peaking network
- peer-to-peer network
- perceptron-type network
- percolation network
- personal communication network
- phase-advance network
- phase-shifting network
- phase-splitting network
- phasing network
- piece-linear network
- pilot wire controlled network
- pi-network
- planar network
- polarization matching network
- power distribution network
- preassigned network
- preemphasis network
- private network
- private-line intercity network
- probabilistic neural network
- projection pursuit network
- public data network
- public land mobile network
- public switched network
- public switched telephone network
- public telegraph network
- public telephone network
- pulse-forming network
- quadripole network
- quadrupole network
- quantum neural network
- queuing network
- radar network
- radio access network
- radio intercom network
- radio network
- radio-relay network
- rearrangeable network
- reciprocal network
- recognition network
- recurrent neural network
- regression neural network
- repeater network
- replicative neural network
- research network
- resistance-capacitance network
- resistive network
- resource-sharing computer-communication network
- ring-switched computer network
- routing network
- satellite tracking and data acquisition network
- satellite-earth stations network
- screw-dislocation network
- second-order network
- selective network
- semantic network
- semiconductor network
- series network
- series-peaking network
- series-shunt network
- series-shunt peaking network
- shaping network
- short-haul network
- shuffle network
- shunt network
- shunt-peaking network
- signal-shaping network
- single-layer neural network
- singly terminated network
- small business network
- social network
- software defined network
- solid-state network
- sorting network
- speaker dividing network
- stabilization network
- star network
- statistical Hopfield's network
- statistical Hopfield's neural network
- steering network
- storage area network
- store-and-forward network
- strategic network
- structurally dual networks
- structurally symmetrical networks
- stub network
- summation network
- summing network
- support network
- switched message network
- switched network
- switched telecommunications network
- switching network
- synchronous network
- synchronous neural network
- synchronous optical network
- systolic network
- tapered distribution network
- technologies support network
- telecommunication network
- telecommunications management network
- teletype network
- terminating switching network
- time delay neural network
- time-division analog network
- time-invariant network
- T-network
- token bus network
- Token Ring network
- token ring network
- transit network
- transmission network
- transputer network
- tree network
- trimming resistive network
- trunk network
- trusted network
- twin-T network
- two-pole network
- two-port network
- two-terminal network
- two-terminal-pair network
- unbalanced Feistel network
- undersea network
- uniformly distributed network
- unilateral network
- universal network
- untrained neural network
- user network
- value-added network
- virtual private network
- weighting network
- wide area network
- wireless intelligent network
- wireless local area network
- wireless wide area network
- work station network
- world-wide communication network
- WS network
- X-network
- Y-networkThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > network
18 unit
1) единица; единое целое4) компонента программы, модуль•- addressing unit
- address unit
- add-subtract control unit
- allocation unit
- alphanumeric unit
- alphameric unit
- analog operational unit
- analog switching unit
- arithmetic and logic unit
- arithmetic control unit
- arithmetic unit
- arithmetic/logic unit
- assembly unit
- assigned unit
- audio response unit
- automatic calling unit
- availability control unit
- available unit
- bad unit
- bistable unit
- buffer unit
- bus guardian unit
- card punching unit
- card-reader unit
- cassette-loaded magnetic tape unit
- central processing unit
- central processor unit
- central terminal unit
- channel control unit
- clock unit
- cluster tape unit
- coefficient unit
- collating unit
- collator unit
- column-shift unit
- comparator unit
- comparing unit
- computing unit
- configuration control unit
- consistent unit
- constant multiplier coefficient unit
- control unit
- coordinate conversion unit
- core storage unit
- data acquisition unit
- data adapter unit
- data collection unit
- data display unit
- data handling unit
- data unit
- delay unit
- detached unit
- differentiating unit
- digital counting unit
- digital time unit
- direct-access unit
- disbursting unit
- disk unit
- display unit
- division unit
- elementary unit
- engineering unit
- equality unit
- essential unit
- executive unit
- fast unit
- feedback unit
- file unit
- forming unit
- fractional arithmetic unit
- free-standing tape unit
- functional unit
- fundamental unit
- gate unit
- generic program unit
- generic unit
- gold unit
- graphical display unit
- graphic display unit
- hard-disk unit
- identity unit
- impossible unit
- incremental tape unit
- indexing unit
- information content binary unit
- information content decimal unit
- information content natural unit
- information unit
- input unit
- input-output unit
- inquiry unit
- instruction control unit
- instruction fetch unit
- instruction unit
- integrating unit
- interface unit
- interrogation unit
- key punch unit
- key-to-disk unit
- key-to-tape unit
- known good unit
- lag unit
- lexical unit
- library unit
- line interface unit
- linear unit
- linguistic unit
- locking unit
- logical unit
- logic unit
- magnetic tape unit
- magnetic-tape file unit
- main control unit
- manageable unit
- manual input unit
- manual word unit
- master units
- memory control unit
- memory management unit
- memory unit
- micrologic unit
- microprocessor based unit
- microprocessor unit
- microprocessor-controlled unit
- microprogram unit
- microprogrammed unit
- modem sharing unit
- modular unit
- monitor unit
- multiplication-division unit
- multiplier unit
- multiply-divide unit
- multiplying unit
- multistation access unit
- network control unit
- off unit
- off-line unit
- on unit
- on-line unit
- operational unit
- operator interface unit
- output unit
- packet-switching unit
- paragraph unit
- parallel arithmetic unit
- peripheral control unit
- peripheral unit
- photographic printing unit
- physical unit
- pluggable unit
- plug-in unit
- plug-to-plug compatible unit
- polygon-filling unit
- port sharing unit
- power distribution unit
- power supply unit
- power unit
- printing unit
- processing unit
- program control unit
- program unit
- protocol unit
- punched card unit
- punch card unit
- punching unit
- query unit
- reader unit
- read-punch unit
- read-write unit
- recovery unit
- referable unit
- remote display unit
- remote entry unit
- reproducing unit
- retirement unit
- ripple through carry unit
- sample unit
- sampling unit
- scaling unit
- segregating unit
- selection channel control unit
- self-contained unit
- semantic unit
- sensing unit
- sensory unit
- serial arithmetic unit
- setup unit
- set unit
- shaping unit
- shared unit
- smallest recoverable unit
- stand-alone unit
- static unit
- storage control unit
- storage unit
- stream unit
- subtracting unit
- summary punching unit
- summing unit
- supply unit
- switching unit
- switchover unit
- symbolic unit
- syntactical unit
- syntactic unit
- system control unit
- system input unit
- system output unit
- tape cartridge unit
- tape control unit
- tape selection unit
- tape unit
- telecommunications control unit
- telephone communication unit
- terminal unit
- time unit
- timing unit
- transmission control unit
- transport unit
- unit of allocation
- unit of language
- unit of operation
- variable speed tape unit
- vertical format unit
- visual display unit
- voice recognition unitEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > unit
19 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
20 collection
1. n собрание2. n собирание3. n сбор денежных пожертвований4. n денежные пожертвования5. n денежный сбор6. n ком. инкассо7. n коллекция8. n совокупность, наборdata collection — сбор данных; совокупность данных
9. n коллекция новых моделей одежды10. n скопление; сборище11. n аккумуляция, аккумулирование12. n унив. проф. семестровые экзамены13. n информ. фондСинонимический ряд:1. accumulation (noun) accumulation; agglomeration; amassment; colluvies; conglomeration; cumulation; cumulus; garner; hoard; mass; trove2. aggregation (noun) aggregation; assortment; medley; multitude; series; store; variety3. anthology (noun) anthology; compilation; corpus4. collecting (noun) acquisition; amassing; assembling; bringing together; collecting; discovering5. contribution (noun) alms; charity; contribution; dole; donation; offering; relief; tithe6. gathering (noun) assemblage; assembly; company; congeries; congregation; crowd; gathering; group; muster; ruck7. set (noun) array; batch; body; bundle; clump; cluster; clutch; knot; lot; setАнтонимический ряд:classification; dispensation; dispersion; disposal; distribution; division
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Maximum Integrated Data Acquisition System — For other uses of MIDAS , see MIDAS (disambiguation). MIDAS Example web page via mhttpd showing status of an experiment … Wikipedia
Data logger — Cube storing technical and sensor data A data logger (also datalogger or data recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time or in relation to location either with a built in instrument or sensor or via external instruments and… … Wikipedia
Fast Search & Transfer — Infobox Company company name = FAST, a Microsoft Subsidiary company foundation = 1997 location = Oslo, Norway key people = John M. Lervik (CEO) area served = Global industry = Information Technology products = Search engines, enterprise search,… … Wikipedia
Acquisition Initiation (ISPL) — Acquisition initiation is the first process within the Information Services Procurement Library and is executed by the customer organization, intending to procure Information Services.Two main activities lie within this process: the making of the … Wikipedia
Data Domain (corporation) — Data Domain Corporation was an Information Technology company from 2001 2009 specializing in target based deduplication solutions for disk based backup.[1] In June 2009, EMC Corporation announced their intention to acquire Data Domain Corp,… … Wikipedia
Data General Corp. v. Digital Computer Controls, Inc. — Data General Corp. v. Digital Computer Controls, Inc. was a 1971 case in which the Delaware Court of Chancery determined that widespread, confidential disclosure of trade secrets does not necessarily compromise their secrecy. Data General… … Wikipedia
Data warehouse appliance — In computing, a data warehouse appliance consists of an integrated set of servers, storage, operating system(s), DBMS and software specifically pre installed and pre optimized for data warehousing (DW). Alternatively, the term can also apply to… … Wikipedia
acquisition — In psychology, the empiric demonstration of an increase in the strength of the conditioned response in successive trials of pairing the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. gradient recalled a. in the steady state a type of gradient echo… … Medical dictionary
Control Data Corporation — (CDC) was a supercomputer firm. For most of the 1960s, it built the fastest computers in the world by far, only losing that crown in the 1970s after Seymour Cray left the company to found Cray Research, Inc. (CRI). CDC was one of the nine major… … Wikipedia
Dundas Data Visualization, Inc. — Dundas Data Visualization Inc. Type Private Industry Dashboard Software, Data Visualization Components and Consulting Services Products (Current) Dundas Dashboard (Previous) Dundas Chart for .NET, Dundas Gauge for .NET, Dundas Map for .NET,… … Wikipedia
высокоскоростной сбор данных — — [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN fast data acquisition … Справочник технического переводчика