1 fancy pigeon
Биология: декоративный голубь -
2 fancy pigeon
3 pigeon
band-tailed pigeon полосатохвостый голубь, Columba fasciatablue rock pigeon сизый голубь, Columba liviacape pigeon капский буревестник, Daption capensiscarrier pigeon почтовый голубьdovecote pigeon полудомашний голубьfancy pigeon декоративный голубьferal pigeon одичавший голубьflying pigeon спортивный гоночный голубьfruit pigeons плодоядные голуби, Carpophagagreen pigeon зелёный плодоядный голубь, Treron; Crocopushoming pigeon почтовый голубьkelp pigeon клуша, Larus fuscuspassenger pigeon странствующий голубь, Ectopistes migratoriusred-billed pigeon красноклювый голубь, Columba flavirostrissea pigeon атлантический чистик, Cepphus gryllesnow pigeon снежный голубь, Columba leuconotaspeckled pigeon крапчатый голубь, Columba guineawhite-crowned pigeon белоголовый голубь, Columba leucocephalawild pigeon сизый голубь, Columba liviawood pigeon вяхирь, Columba palumbusEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > pigeon
4 pigeon
голубь ( Columba); pl голубиные ( Columbidae)- bare-eyed pigeon
- black wood pigeon
- blue hill pigeon
- blue pigeon
- blue rock pigeon
- brown-backed ground pigeon
- Cape pigeon
- carrier pigeon
- Celebes dusky pigeon
- crested pigeon
- crowned pigeon
- dovecote pigeon
- dusky pigeon
- fancy pigeon
- feral pigeon
- flying pigeon
- fruit pigeon
- green pigeon
- homing pigeon
- kelp pigeon
- mountain pigeon
- New Zealand pigeon
- Nicobar pigeon
- passenger pigeon
- pheasant pigeon
- pink pigeon
- rameron pigeon
- red-billed pigeon
- rock pigeon
- ruddy pigeon
- rufous pigeon
- sea pigeon
- silver pigeon
- snow pigeon
- Solomon Island crowned pigeon
- speckled pigeon
- spotted pigeon
- tooth-billed pigeon
- topknot pigeon
- white-crowned pigeon
- white-naped pigeon
- wild pigeon
- Wonga pigeon
- wood pigeon* * *• голубь -
5 grade
1. n степень; ступень2. n звание; ранг3. n качество, сортdomestic grade — сорт, предназначенный для внутреннего рынка
grade estimation — оценка качества; определение сорта
4. n качество, уровень5. n амер. класс6. n амер. амер. оценка, отметкаgrade stake — колышек с отметкой, временный репер
7. n амер. с. -х. улучшенная скрещиванием порода8. n амер. подъём или уклон9. n амер. дор. градиент пути10. n амер. уровень11. n амер. спец. отметка12. n амер. спец. градус13. n амер. лингв. ступень абляутаСинонимический ряд:1. causeway (noun) causeway; dam; dike; embankment2. class (noun) class; group; grouping; league; pigeonhole; tier3. degree (noun) classification; degree; estate; level; notch; peg; rung; stage; step4. order (noun) bracket; calibre; order; rank5. quality (noun) caliber; quality; rating; value6. scholastic rating (noun) category; incomplete; mark; passing; scholastic rating7. slope (noun) ascent; descent; downgrade; gradient; inclination; incline; lean; leaning; pitch; rise; slant; slope; tangent; tilt8. year in school (noun) commission; condition; form; level standing; military rank; position; seniority; standard; station; status; stripes; title; year in school9. even (verb) even; flatten; level; smooth10. mark (verb) mark; score11. place (verb) assort; categorise; class; classify; evaluate; give grades to; give marks; group; order; pigeon-hole; place; rank; rate; rate scholastically; value -
6 simple
1. n собир. простой люд; беднота2. n простой человек; бедняк3. n простак, недотёпа4. n составляющее, ингредиент, составная часть, элемент5. a простой, нетрудный, несложный6. a несоставной, простой, с простой структурой; неразложимый7. a скромный, незатейливый, незамысловатый; непритязательный8. a простодушный, бесхитростный, наивный; искреннийto transmute a simple romantic narrative into a prose poem — сделать из бесхитростного романтического рассказа стихотворение в прозе
9. a простоватый, глуповатый, недалёкий10. a придурковатый11. a рядовой; простой12. a сущий, чистый; явный, очевидный13. a тех. простейший14. a мат. простой, элементарныйsimple debt — простой долг, долг из договора не за печатью
simple statement — простое утверждение; простой оператор
15. a геол. однородный16. a биол. контролируемый одним геномСинонимический ряд:1. asinine (adj.) asinine; brainless; dense; fatuous; foolish; ignorant; inane; insensate; mindless; nitwitted; senseless; shallow; sheepheaded; silly; soft; spoony; stupid; unintelligent; unwitty; weak-headed; weak-minded; witless2. clear (adj.) clear; intelligible; lucid; understandable; unmistakable3. customary (adj.) common; customary; ordinary; usual4. easy (adj.) easy; effortless; facile; light; royal; smooth; untroublesome5. informal (adj.) informal; unceremonious; unpretentious6. mean (adj.) humble; lowly; mean; undistinguished7. natural (adj.) artless; guileless; humble; inartificial; ingenuous; innocent; naive; natural; neat; simplehearted; sincere; unaffected; unartful; unartificial; unassuming; unschooled; unsophisticated; unstudied; untutored; unworldly8. plain (adj.) bald; discreet; dry; homely; inelaborate; modest; plain; unadorned; unbeautified; undecorated; unelaborate; unembellished; unembroidered; ungarnished; unornamented; unostentatious; unpretentious; unvarnished9. pure (adj.) absolute; perfect; pure; pure and simple; sheer; unadulterated; unalloyed; undiluted; unmitigated; unmixed; unqualified10. retarded (adj.) backward; dim-witted; dull; feebleminded; half-witted; imbecile; moronic; quarter-witted; retarded; simpleminded; slow; slow-witted11. uncomplicated (adj.) bare; elementary; mere; mild; rudimentary; simplex; simplistic; uncomplicated12. unimportant (adj.) immaterial; inconsequential; insignificant; nonessential; trifling; trivial; unimportant; unnecessary13. fool (noun) butt; chump; dupe; easy mark; fall guy; fish; fool; gudgeon; gull; mark; monkey; patsy; pigeon; sap; saphead; sucker; victimАнтонимический ряд:artful; artificial; complex; complicated; compound; connected; designing; difficult; double; elaborate; embellished; exacting; fancy; intelligent; worldly
См. также в других словарях:
Fancy pigeon — Fancy pigeons are domesticated varieties of the Rock Pigeon ( Columba livia ). They are bred by pigeon fanciers for various traits relating to size, shape, color, and behavior.cite book |last=Levi |first=Wendell |title= The Pigeon|year=… … Wikipedia
Pigeon keeping — is the art and science of breeding domestic pigeons. Mankind has practiced pigeon keeping for about 10,000 years in almost every part of the world. In that time, mankind has substantially altered the morphology and the behavior of the… … Wikipedia
Pigeon racing — For the bicycle company, see Flying Pigeon. Pigeon racing is the sport of releasing specially trained racing pigeons, which then return to their homes over a carefully measured distance. The time it takes the animal to cover the specified… … Wikipedia
pigeon — 1. n. 1 any of several large usu. grey and white birds of the family Columbidae, esp. Columba livia, often domesticated and bred and trained to carry messages etc.; a dove (cf. rock pigeon). 2 a person easily swindled; a simpleton. Phrases and… … Useful english dictionary
Pigeon sport — There are at least four main types of competitive pigeon sport:* Pigeon racing * Tumbling * Highflying * Tippler (Endurance)Though not quite a sport, fancy breeds of pigeons are also bred to standards and judged in a competitive fashion. Levi in… … Wikipedia
Nun (pigeon) — Nun Conservation Status Common Other names Dutch Shell Pigeon … Wikipedia
Dragoon (pigeon) — This article is about breed of pigeon. For other uses, see Dragoon (disambiguation). Dragoon Conservation Status Common … Wikipedia
Domestic Pigeon — Domestic Rock Pigeon Red Sheffield domestic homing pigeon Conservation status Domesticated Scientif … Wikipedia
List of pigeon breeds — This is an alphabetical list of pigeon breeds. Pigeons and doves are members of the bird family Columbidae. Doves tend to be smaller birds and pigeons larger ones, although this distinction is not consistently applied. The birds listed here are… … Wikipedia
Magpie (pigeon) — Magpie Conservation Status Common Classification US Breed Group … Wikipedia
Rock Pigeon — For other uses, see Rock Pigeon (disambiguation). Rock Pigeon Adult C. l. intermedia in India Conservation status … Wikipedia