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  • 1 bosom

    n ( ANAT)
    biust m; (fig: of family) łono nt
    * * *
    ['buzəm] 1. noun
    1) (a woman's breasts: She has a large bosom.) piersi
    2) (the chest: She held him tenderly to her bosom.) pierś, łono
    3) (the innermost part: in the bosom of his family.) łono
    2. adjective
    (intimate; close: a bosom friend.) serdeczny

    English-Polish dictionary > bosom

  • 2 act

    n abbr
    * * *
    [ækt] 1. verb
    1) (to do something: It's time the government acted to lower taxes.) działać
    2) (to behave: He acted foolishly at the meeting.) zachowywać się
    3) (to perform (a part) in a play: He has acted (the part of Romeo) in many theatres; I thought he was dying, but he was only acting (= pretending).) grać, występować
    2. noun
    1) (something done: Running away is an act of cowardice; He committed many cruel acts.) akt, wyczyn
    2) ((often with capital) a law: Acts of Parliament.) akt
    3) (a section of a play: `Hamlet' has five acts.) akt, prawo, ustawa
    4) (an entertainment: an act called `The Smith Family'.) występ sceniczny, numer
    - actor
    - act as
    - act on
    - act on behalf of / act for
    - in the act of
    - in the act
    - put on an act

    English-Polish dictionary > act

  • 3 crest

    ( of hill) szczyt m, wierzchołek m; ( of bird) czub(ek) m, grzebień m ( z piór); ( coat of arms) herb m
    * * *
    1) (the comb or tuft on the head of a cock or other bird.) grzebień
    2) (the summit or highest part: the crest of a wave; the crest of a mountain.) grzbiet
    3) (feathers on the top of a helmet.) pióropusz
    4) (a badge or emblem: the family crest.) klejnot

    English-Polish dictionary > crest

  • 4 junior

    ['dʒuːnɪə(r)] 1. adj
    niższy rangą, młodszy
    2. n
    ( subordinate) podwładny(-na) m(f); ( BRIT) ≈ uczeń/uczennica m/f szkoły podstawowej ( w wieku 7-11 lat)

    he's my junior by 2 years, he's 2 years my junior — jest ode mnie o 2 lata młodszy

    * * *
    ['‹u:njə] 1. noun, adjective
    ((a person who is) younger in years or lower in rank or authority: He is two years my junior; The school sent two juniors and one senior to take part; junior pupils; He is junior to me in the firm; the junior school.) młod(sz)y, junior
    2. adjective
    ((often abbreviated to Jnr, Jr or Jun. when written) used to indicate the son of a person who is still alive and who has the same name: John Jones Junior.) junior, młodszy
    3. noun
    ((especially American) a name for the child (usually a son) of a family: Do bring Junior!)

    English-Polish dictionary > junior

  • 5 pioneer

    [paɪə'nɪə(r)] 1. n 2. vt
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a person who goes to a new, often uninhabited or uncivilized (part of a) country to live and work there: The American pioneers; ( also adjective) a pioneer family.) pionier
    2) (a person who is the first to study some new subject, or use or develop a new technique etc: Joseph Lister was one of the pioneers of modern medicine; The Wright brothers were the pioneers of aeroplane flight.) pionier
    2. verb
    (to be the first to do or make: Who pioneered the use of vaccine for preventing polio?) zapoczątkować, torować drogę

    English-Polish dictionary > pioneer

  • 6 rear

    [rɪə(r)] 1. adj 2. n
    ( back) tył m; ( buttocks) tyłek m (inf)
    3. vt
    cattle, chickens hodować; children wychowywać (wychować perf)
    4. vi
    (also: rear up) stawać (stanąć perf) dęba
    * * *
    I 1. [riə] noun
    1) (the back part of something: There is a second bathroom at the rear of the house; The enemy attacked the army in the rear.) tył(y)
    2) (the buttocks, bottom: The horse kicked him in his rear.) tyłek
    2. adjective
    (positioned behind: the rear wheels of the car.) tylny
    - rearguard II [riə] verb
    1) (to feed and care for (a family, animals etc while they grow up): She has reared six children; He rears cattle.) wychowywać, hodować
    2) ((especially of a horse) to rise up on the hind legs: The horse reared in fright as the car passed.) wspiąć się
    3) (to raise (the head etc): The snake reared its head.) podnieść

    English-Polish dictionary > rear

  • 7 root

    [ruːt] 1. n
    (of plant, tooth) korzeń m; ( MATH) pierwiastek m; ( of hair) cebulka f; (of problem, belief) źródło nt
    2. vi
    ukorzeniać się (ukorzenić się perf), wypuszczać (wypuścić perf) korzenie
    3. vt
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    I 1. [ru:t] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows under the ground and draws food and water from the soil: Trees often have deep roots; Carrots and turnips are edible roots.) korzeń
    2) (the base of something growing in the body: the roots of one's hair/teeth.) nasada, korzeń
    3) (cause; origin: Love of money is the root of all evil; We must get at the root of the trouble.) źródło
    4) ((in plural) family origins: Our roots are in Scotland.) korzenie
    2. verb
    (to (make something) grow roots: These plants aren't rooting very well; He rooted the plants in compost.) zakorzenić sie, zasadzić
    - root crop
    - root out
    - take root
    II [ru:t] verb
    1) (to poke about in the ground: The pigs were rooting about for food.) ryć
    2) (to search by turning things over etc: She rooted about in the cupboard.) grzebać

    English-Polish dictionary > root

См. также в других словарях:

  • Family therapy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 94.42 MeSH …   Wikipedia

  • Family Guy (season 3) — Family Guy Season 3 Volume 2 (R1) Season 3 (R2) DVDs for the 3rd Season. Country of origin United States …   Wikipedia

  • Family farm — Family farm, Wisconsin. A family farm is a farm owned and operated by a family,[1] and often passed down from generation to generation. It is the basic unit of the mostly agricultural economy of much of human history and continues to be so in… …   Wikipedia

  • Family — • In the classical Roman period the familia rarely included the parents or the children. Its English derivative was frequently used in former times to describe all the persons of the domestic circle, parents, children, and servants. Present usage …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Family 1 — is a group of the Greek Gospel manuscripts, varying in date from the 12th to the 15th century. The group takes its name from the minuscule codex 1, now in Basel. Family 1 is also kown as the Lake Group , symbolized as f 1. Hermann von Soden calls …   Wikipedia

  • Family Tree (Björk album) — Family Tree Box set by Björk Released November 4, 2002 …   Wikipedia

  • Family Force 5 — (From Left to Right: Fatty, Crouton, Soul Glow Activatur, Nadaddy, Chap Stique Background information Origin Atlanta, GA …   Wikipedia

  • Family life education — (FLE) is the effort made by several American professional organizations and universities to strengthen families through social science education. Definition The premier professional organization in the U.S. for Family Life Educators, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Family preservation — was the movement to help keep children at home with their families rather than in foster homes or institutions. This movement was a reaction to the earlier policy of Family Breakup, which pulled children out of unfit homes. Extreme poverty alone… …   Wikipedia

  • Family resource program — Family resource programs are community based organizations that support families in a variety of ways. Examples include family resource centres, family places, family centres and neighbourhood houses. They can also be linked to schools, community …   Wikipedia

  • Family history — is the systematic narrative and research of past events relating to a specific family, or specific families. Introduction While genealogy is the convenient label for the field, family history is the over arching term, since genealogy in the… …   Wikipedia

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