1 fallir
2 fallir
1) умереть, скончаться2) обанкротиться, стать неплатежеспособным3) не исполнить ( обязательство); не предоставить встречное удовлетворение -
3 fallir
v.to fail.* * *VI1) Caribe (=quebrar) to go bankrupt2) † (=fallar) to fail3) † (=caducar) to run out, expire -
4 fallir
гл.1) общ. кончаться, умирать2) юр. не предоставить встречное удовлетворение, скончаться, стать неплатёжеспособным, умереть, не исполнить (обязательство)3) Венесуэл. обанкротиться -
5 fallir
vi; Ам.обанкро́титься -
6 fallir
• fail -
7 fallir
• Am chybět• Am zkrachovat* * *• Am udělat bankrot• Am udělat úpadek• mít neúspěch• nezdařit se• zhatit se -
8 fallir
intr 1) умирам; 2) греша; 3) не удържам на думата си. -
9 fallir
10 quebrar
fallir, trencar -
11 falla
f.1 fault, defect (defecto).2 fault (geology).3 geological fault, fault, break, rift.4 breakdown, failure, faulty operation, failure to operate correctly.5 Falla, Manuel de Falla.pres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: fallar.pres.subj.1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: fallir.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: fallar.* * *1 (defecto) defect, fault2 GEOGRAFÍA fault————————1 (figura) <CARDBOARD figure burnt on Saint Joseph?s Day in Valencia
► nombre femenino plural las fallas* * *noun f.* * *SF1) (Geol) faultgéneros que tienen fallas — seconds, defective goods
4) LAm (=error) error, oversightfalla de tiro — (Mil) misfire
5) LAm (Mec) failure, breakdownfalla de encendido — (Aut) ignition fault
6) LAm (=escasez) lack, shortage7) And (Naipes) void* * *1)a) (de tela, cristal) flawb) (Geol) fault2)a) (de motor, máquina - en la composición) defect, fault; (- en el funcionamiento) failureb) ( en organización - en composición) defect, fault; (- en el funcionamiento)c) ( de persona) mistakeno hay falla! — (AmC fam) no problem!
d) (Dep) miss3)a) (AmL exc CS fam) ( lástima) pity, shameb) (Col) (Educ) day's absence ( from school)4)a) ( figura) model, figure ( burned during the Fallas)•• Cultural note:The most important festival in the autonomous region of Valencia. The Fallas take place every year between March 12 and 19. Fallas are groups of huge painted cardboard and wood figures which depict current events and famous people. The highlight is the burning of the fallas on the night of March 19. Each neighborhood makes its own falla. They are erected on one night, known as the plantá, and displayed the next day. A panel of judges ‘pardons’ the best one and it is placed in the falla museum* * *= fault line, fault.Ex. These views underlie the fault line that divides British politics today.Ex. Satellite images have shown a large number of ground faults along the course of the river that would have drained the waters underground.----* línea de falla = fault line.* * *1)a) (de tela, cristal) flawb) (Geol) fault2)a) (de motor, máquina - en la composición) defect, fault; (- en el funcionamiento) failureb) ( en organización - en composición) defect, fault; (- en el funcionamiento)c) ( de persona) mistakeno hay falla! — (AmC fam) no problem!
d) (Dep) miss3)a) (AmL exc CS fam) ( lástima) pity, shameb) (Col) (Educ) day's absence ( from school)4)a) ( figura) model, figure ( burned during the Fallas)•• Cultural note:The most important festival in the autonomous region of Valencia. The Fallas take place every year between March 12 and 19. Fallas are groups of huge painted cardboard and wood figures which depict current events and famous people. The highlight is the burning of the fallas on the night of March 19. Each neighborhood makes its own falla. They are erected on one night, known as the plantá, and displayed the next day. A panel of judges ‘pardons’ the best one and it is placed in the falla museum* * *= fault line, fault.Ex: These views underlie the fault line that divides British politics today.
Ex: Satellite images have shown a large number of ground faults along the course of the river that would have drained the waters underground.* línea de falla = fault line.* * *A1 (defecto) flawuna falla en el tejido a flaw o defect in the fabricla pieza tenía una falla the part was defective2 ( Geol) fault3debe haber una falla en el motor there must be something wrong with the enginehubo muchas fallas de organización it was badly organized, there were a lot of organizational mix-upspor una falla del personal médico because of a mistake o blunder by medical staffCompuestos:( Inf) security hole( AmL) human errorse debió a una falla humana it was caused by human errorBuna falla que no haya podido venir a pity o shame she couldn't come ( colloq)C* * *
Del verbo fallar: ( conjugate fallar)
falla es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
falla sustantivo femenino
b) (Geol) fault
(— en el funcionamiento) failure;
◊ falla humana (AmL) human error;
¡qué falla! what a stupid mistake!c) (Dep) miss
3 (AmL exc CS fam) ( lástima) pity, shame
◊ Fallas )b)
fallar ( conjugate fallar) verbo intransitivo
1 [juez/jurado] falla a or en favor/en contra de algn to rule in favor( conjugate favor) of/against sb
[ planes] to go wrong;
le falló la puntería he missed;
a ti te falla (AmL) (fam) you've a screw loose (colloq)
verbo transitivo ( errar) to miss;
falla sustantivo femenino
1 (defecto) defect, fault
2 LAm (error, fallo) mistake, fault
3 Geol fault
fallar 1
I vi Jur to rule
II vtr (un premio) to award
fallar 2 verbo intransitivo
1 to fail: le falló la memoria, his memory failed
2 (decepcionar) to disappoint: no nos falles, don't let us down
' falla' also found in these entries:
- fallar
- fallo
- fail
- fault
- memory
- rift
- serve
- failure
- lapse
- malfunction
* * *falla nf1. [defecto] fault, defect;este cajón tiene una falla there's something wrong with this drawer;está rebajado porque tiene una falla it's reduced because it's imperfect2. Am [error] mistake;un trabajo lleno de fallas a piece of work full of mistakes;una falla humana a human error;una falla técnica a technical fault3. Geol faultla falla de San Andrés the San Andreas Fault4. [figura de cartón] = giant papier-mâché figure burnt during las Fallas in Valencia5.las Fallas [fiesta] = festival in Valencia during which giant papier-mâché figures are burntFALLASThe Fallas are an annual celebration held in Valencia, Spain, in the weeks leading up to St. Joseph's Day (March 18th). The festivities are centred round gigantic papier-mâché sculptures (the fallas) which are erected in public squares all over the city. They are constructed over the preceding eleven months by different local groups and normally depict caricatures of politicians and other celebrities of the year. Valencia is renowned for its fireworks, and they are much in evidence during the festival, especially during the famous “mascletá”, in which thousands of fire crackers are exploded with deafening effect. At the end of the final week of festivities prizes are awarded to the best or most original fallas and the figures are then burnt. A small figure (or “ninot”) is preserved from the winning falla, and kept in a special museum.* * *f1 GEOL fault;la falla de San Andrés the San Andreas Fault2 de fabricación flaw3:* * *falla nf1) : flaw, defect2) : (geological) fault3) : fault, failing* * *falla n (en geología) fault -
12 fallido
adj.1 failed, unsuccessful, faulty.2 insolvent.m.bankrupt.past part.past participle of spanish verb: fallir.* * *► adjetivo1 unsuccessful, frustrated\deuda fallida COMERCIO bad debt* * *ADJ1) [esfuerzo] unsuccessful; [esperanza] disappointed; [deuda] bad, irrecoverable; (Mec, Mil) dudun tiro fallido — a missed shot, a shot wide of the mark o target
2) Caribe (Com) (=quebrado) bankrupt* * *- da adjetivoa) <intento/esfuerzo> failed (before n)b) (Com, Fin) < comerciante> bankrupt* * *= abortive, failed, unsuccessful, bungled.Ex. The Consumers' Association had been founded in 1957 following a similar abortive service set up by the British Standards Institution two years previously.Ex. The project studies the interaction between users and automated information retrieval systems with the aim of reducing the number of failed searches.Ex. Hundreds of unsuccessful children's books are written by practising mothers and only a few are lucky enough to have their work published.Ex. He was also blamed for the bungled imposition of a state of emergency in Nyasaland in March 1959.----* intento de atraco fallido = failed robbery attempt.* intento de robo fallido = failed robbery attempt.* intento fallido = failed attempt, bungled attempt.* resultar fallido = nothing + come of.* * *- da adjetivoa) <intento/esfuerzo> failed (before n)b) (Com, Fin) < comerciante> bankrupt* * *= abortive, failed, unsuccessful, bungled.Ex: The Consumers' Association had been founded in 1957 following a similar abortive service set up by the British Standards Institution two years previously.
Ex: The project studies the interaction between users and automated information retrieval systems with the aim of reducing the number of failed searches.Ex: Hundreds of unsuccessful children's books are written by practising mothers and only a few are lucky enough to have their work published.Ex: He was also blamed for the bungled imposition of a state of emergency in Nyasaland in March 1959.* intento de atraco fallido = failed robbery attempt.* intento de robo fallido = failed robbery attempt.* intento fallido = failed attempt, bungled attempt.* resultar fallido = nothing + come of.* * *1 ‹intento/esfuerzo› failed ( before n)un tiro fallido a shot that missed, a shot that went over/wide of the targetcréditos fallidos bad debtsbad debt* * *
fallido,-a adjetivo unsuccessful, vain
un intento fallido, a vain attempt
' fallido' also found in these entries:
- bankrupt
- bungle
- false
- unsuccessful
* * *fallido, -a adj[esfuerzo, intento] unsuccessful, failed; [esperanza] vain; [disparo] missed* * *adj1 esfuerzo failed, unsuccessful2:disparo fallido DEP miss* * *fallido, -da adj: failed, unsuccessful* * *fallido adj failed -
13 fallo
m.1 mistake (error). (peninsular Spanish)tener un fallo to make a mistakeun fallo humano a human errorun fallo técnico a technical fault2 fault (defecto). (peninsular Spanish)tener muchos fallos to have lots of faults3 verdict (veredicto).4 failure, lapse, miss, infelicity.5 resolution, decision, judgment, judgement.6 breakdown.7 empty cell.8 shock.pres.indicat.1 1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: fallar.2 1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: fallir.* * *► adjetivo1 (naipes) void————————1 DERECHO judgement, ruling2 (en concurso) decision————————2 (defecto) fault, defect* * *noun m.1) fault, mistake2) sentence, verdict* * *1. SM1) (=mal funcionamiento) failure; (=defecto) fault2) (=error) mistake¡qué fallo! — what a stupid mistake!
3) (Jur) [de un tribunal] judgment, rulingel fallo fue a su favor — the judgment o ruling was in her favour
4) [de concurso, premio] decision5) (Naipes) void2.ADJ(Naipes)* * *1) (en concurso, certamen) decision; (Der) ruling, judgment2) (Esp) falla 2)3) (Esp) ( lástima)qué fallo! si llego a saber que estás aquí te lo traigo — what a shame! if I'd known you were going to be here I would have brought it
•* * *= breakdown, failing, failure, fault, flaw, malfunction, pitfall, slip, dysfunction, miss, crash, slip-up.Ex. Moreover, it would have been subject to frequent breakdown, for at that time and long after complexity and unreliability were synonymous.Ex. No supervisor should be a tiresome nag, but the achievements and failings of a persons's performance deserves mention in a constructive way at timely, regular intervals.Ex. DBMS systems aim to cope with system failure and generate restart procedures.Ex. Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.Ex. The author lists 10 advantages of procuring the journals through STC, but counterbalances these by listing 14 flaws in the corporation's organisation.Ex. All users are charged direct search costs plus an overhead for each request to allow for indirect costs (labour, hardware, software, training, system malfunction).Ex. Nevertheless, it is worth drawing a comparison between them so that menu-based information retrieval systems might avoid some of the pitfalls of traditional classification.Ex. Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion with no more slips that would be expected of a keyboard adding machine.Ex. Dysfunctions in performance were chiefly attributable to user failure to locate books (bad signposting and disappearance of stock through theft).Ex. But the costs that I've seen so far aren't worth it for what it gets for our patrons, that is, the number of misses we can afford compared to the costs of making sure people don't miss.Ex. In addition, programmers may not always anticipate all the mistakes which can be made, and so crashes occur anyway, though under more limited circumstances.Ex. Minor slip-ups are things like - your fly is undone while giving a presentation, you accidentally let out an audible burp at a work luncheon, wardrobe malfunctions, you pass gas.----* a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.* arreglar un fallo = fix + fault.* detectar un fallo = detect + fault.* fallo cardíaco = heart attack, heart failure.* fallo de vestuario = wardrobe malfunction.* fallo mecánico = machine failure.* sin fallos = flawlessly.* tener fallos = be flawed.* * *1) (en concurso, certamen) decision; (Der) ruling, judgment2) (Esp) falla 2)3) (Esp) ( lástima)qué fallo! si llego a saber que estás aquí te lo traigo — what a shame! if I'd known you were going to be here I would have brought it
•* * *= breakdown, failing, failure, fault, flaw, malfunction, pitfall, slip, dysfunction, miss, crash, slip-up.Ex: Moreover, it would have been subject to frequent breakdown, for at that time and long after complexity and unreliability were synonymous.
Ex: No supervisor should be a tiresome nag, but the achievements and failings of a persons's performance deserves mention in a constructive way at timely, regular intervals.Ex: DBMS systems aim to cope with system failure and generate restart procedures.Ex: Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.Ex: The author lists 10 advantages of procuring the journals through STC, but counterbalances these by listing 14 flaws in the corporation's organisation.Ex: All users are charged direct search costs plus an overhead for each request to allow for indirect costs (labour, hardware, software, training, system malfunction).Ex: Nevertheless, it is worth drawing a comparison between them so that menu-based information retrieval systems might avoid some of the pitfalls of traditional classification.Ex: Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion with no more slips that would be expected of a keyboard adding machine.Ex: Dysfunctions in performance were chiefly attributable to user failure to locate books (bad signposting and disappearance of stock through theft).Ex: But the costs that I've seen so far aren't worth it for what it gets for our patrons, that is, the number of misses we can afford compared to the costs of making sure people don't miss.Ex: In addition, programmers may not always anticipate all the mistakes which can be made, and so crashes occur anyway, though under more limited circumstances.Ex: Minor slip-ups are things like - your fly is undone while giving a presentation, you accidentally let out an audible burp at a work luncheon, wardrobe malfunctions, you pass gas.* a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.* arreglar un fallo = fix + fault.* detectar un fallo = detect + fault.* fallo cardíaco = heart attack, heart failure.* fallo de vestuario = wardrobe malfunction.* fallo mecánico = machine failure.* sin fallos = flawlessly.* tener fallos = be flawed.* * *A (en un concurso, certamen) decision; ( Der) ruling, judgmentel fallo es inapelable there is no right of appeal against the judgment o rulingCompuesto:photo finishB (en naipes) voidtener or llevar fallo a tréboles to have a void in o be void in clubsC ( Esp)1 (error) mistake¡qué/vaya fallo! ( fam); what a stupid mistake!, what a stupid thing to do!2 (defecto) faultse detectó un fallo en el sistema de seguridad a fault was found in the security systemCompuestos:heart failuremurió de un fallo cardíaco he died of heart failure o of a heart attack( Inf) security holehuman errordebido a un fallo humano due to human error* * *
Del verbo fallar: ( conjugate fallar)
fallo es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
falló es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
fallar ( conjugate fallar) verbo intransitivo
1 [juez/jurado] fallo a or en favor/en contra de algn to rule in favor( conjugate favor) of/against sb
[ planes] to go wrong;
le falló la puntería he missed;
a ti te falla (AmL) (fam) you've a screw loose (colloq)
verbo transitivo ( errar) to miss;
fallo sustantivo masculino
(Der) ruling, judgmentb) (Esp) See Also→ falla 2
fallar 1
I vi Jur to rule
II vtr (un premio) to award
fallar 2 verbo intransitivo
1 to fail: le falló la memoria, his memory failed
2 (decepcionar) to disappoint: no nos falles, don't let us down
fallo 1 sustantivo masculino
1 Jur judgement, sentence
2 (de un premio) award
fallo 2 sustantivo masculino
1 (error) mistake: se enfadó por un fallo sin importancia, he got angry over nothing
2 (de un órgano, de un motor) failure
fallo técnico, mechanical failure
' fallo' also found in these entries:
- amaraje
- desperfecto
- error
- estructural
- falla
- fallar
- guardagujas
- imagen
- tentativa
- anular
- impugnar
- revocar
- decree
- disappoint
- failure
- findings
- give out
- glitch
- judgement
- judgment
- lapse
- malfunction
- miss
- repair
- ruling
- sentence
- show up
- verdict
* * *fallo1 nmtuve dos fallos en el examen I made two mistakes in the exam;tu ejercicio no ha tenido ningún fallo there were no mistakes in your exercise;cometieron dos fallos desde el punto de penalti they missed two penalties;fue un fallo no llevar el abrelatas it was silly o stupid not to bring the can opener;un fallo técnico a technical fault;un fallo humano a human errortener muchos fallos to have lots of faults;tener fallos de memoria to have memory lapses3. [veredicto] verdict;[en concurso] decision;el fallo del jurado the jury's verdictfallo absolutorio acquittal;fallo judicial court rulingfallo2, -a adjChile Agr failed* * *m1 mistake;fallo del sistema INFOR system error2 TÉC fault3 JUR judg(e)ment* * *fallo nm1) sentencia: sentence, judgment, verdict2) : error, fault* * *fallo n1. (error) mistake / error2. (tiro errado) miss3. (defecto) defect / flaw4. (avería) faultun fallo en el motor a fault in the engine / an engine fault
См. также в других словарях:
fallir — (Del lat. fallere, engañar, quedar inadvertido.) ► verbo intransitivo 1 Acabarse, terminarse o faltar una cosa. SE CONJUGA COMO mullir 2 Equivocarse, cometer una falta o error. 3 Engañar o faltar una persona a su palabra. * * * fallir (del lat.… … Enciclopedia Universal
fallir — fa|llir Mot Agut Verb intransitiu … Diccionari Català-Català
fallecer — (Derivado del lat. fallere.) ► verbo intransitivo 1 Morir, dejar de vivir una persona: ■ el herido falleció antes de llegar al centro hospitalario. SE CONJUGA COMO carecer 2 Acabarse, terminarse o faltar una cosa. SINÓNIMO fallir fenecer * * *… … Enciclopedia Universal
fallido — (Derivado de fallir.) ► adjetivo 1 Que falla o no da el resultado esperado: ■ el plan ha resultado fallido. SINÓNIMO fracasado [frustrado] ► adjetivo/ sustantivo 2 ECONOMÍA Se refiere a la cantidad o crédito que no se puede cobrar. * * * fallido … Enciclopedia Universal
fallar — I (Del lat. afflare, soplar, oler la pista de algo.) ► verbo transitivo DERECHO Determinar el juez la sentencia de un juicio o litigio: ■ el juez tiene que fallar la sentencia mañana. SINÓNIMO sentenciar II (Derivado de fallir.) … Enciclopedia Universal
fallidero — fallidero, a (de «fallir»; ant.) adj. *Perecedero. * * * fallidero, ra. (Der. del ant. fallir, faltar, errar, y este del lat. fallĕre, engañar). adj. ant. Que puede perecer o acabarse … Enciclopedia Universal
Gramática del español — Estatua del gramático Antonio de Nebrija en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, por Anselmo Nogués. En 1492, Nebrija fue el primer europeo en escribir una gramática de una lengua románica o neolatina, el español … Wikipedia Español
Verbo defectivo — En morfología, un verbo defectivo es un verbo cuyo paradigma flexivo o conjugación carece de algún tiempo, modo o persona en su conjugación regular, o varias de estas cosas al mismo tiempo. Contenido 1 Ejemplos 2 Causas de la defectividad 3 Véase … Wikipedia Español
Falla — I (Del lat. vulgar falla.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 Defecto material o deficiencia en el funcionamiento de una cosa. SINÓNIMO error falta 2 INDUMENTARIA Y MODA, HISTORIA Manto que usaban las mujeres. 3 Falta de cumplimiento de una obligación. II… … Enciclopedia Universal
equivocar — ► verbo transitivo/ pronominal 1 Incurrir en error, tener, tomar, considerar o decir una cosa por otra: ■ se equivocó de día y no asistió a la reunión. SE CONJUGA COMO sacar SINÓNIMO errar ► verbo transitivo 2 Hacer cometer un error a una persona … Enciclopedia Universal
falibilidad — (Derivado de fallir.) ► sustantivo femenino Posibilidad de fallar o equivocarse: ■ la falibilidad de las leyes es evidente. SINÓNIMO defectibilidad * * * falibilidad f. Cualidad de falible. * * * falibilidad. f. Cualidad de falible. || 2. Riesgo… … Enciclopedia Universal