1 facing distance
воен. дистанция между шеренгами -
2 facing distance
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > facing distance
3 facing distance
[ʹfeısıŋ͵dıstəns] воен. -
4 facing distance
['feɪsɪŋˌdɪstəns]Военный термин: дистанция между шеренгами -
5 facing distance
6 facing distance
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > facing distance
7 distance
расстояние, дистанция; удаление, дальность; располагать на известном расстоянии ( с промежутками) ;— minimum safety distance— safety distance nuclear -
8 distance
distance between centers — расстояние между центрами (напр. токарного станка)
distance between the table and the spindle nose — расстояние от рабочей поверхности стола до торца шпинделя
distance from column to tool facing — расстояние от стойки до наружной плоскости резцедержателя ( на долбёжном станке)
- adjustably spaced distanceto move to a prescribed distance — передвигать на заданное расстояние, передвигаться на заданное расстояние
- angular distance
- apex distance
- arbor distance
- back angle distance
- back cone distance
- between-centers distance
- braking distance
- calculated center distance
- center distance
- center-to-center distance
- clearance distance
- code-word distance
- cone distance
- creepage distance
- cross-traverse distance
- curvilinear distance
- datum distance
- departure distance per command
- departure distance
- feet distance
- free distance
- ideal distance
- incremental distance
- inner cone distance
- inside cone distance
- instantaneous center distance
- least programmable distance
- left-to-right distance between housings
- locating distance
- master standoff distance
- mean cone distance
- mean transverse back cone distance
- measuring distance
- midplane distance
- motion distance of each command
- motion distance
- mounting distance
- move distance
- nominal measuring center distance
- nominal setting distance
- operating center distance
- pitch distance
- prescribed distance
- reference center distance
- safe distance
- sensing distance
- setting distance
- spindle distance
- spindlenose-to-table distance
- spraying distance
- squared distance
- stacking distance
- standard center distance
- standoff distance
- starting distance
- stepping distance
- stopping distance
- teeth distance
- testing center distance
- throat distance
- tight mesh center distance
- tip distance
- transition distance
- transportation distance
- travel distance
- true distanceEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > distance
9 distance from column to tool facing
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > distance from column to tool facing
10 flight distance
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > flight distance
11 individual distance
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > individual distance
12 сторона
1) side;
hand перен. тж.;
direction смотреть, глядеть, озираться по сторонам ≈ to gaze about, to look around на той стороне реки, по ту сторону реки ≈ across the river лицевая сторона дома ≈ facade, front на ту сторону ≈ across обратная сторона медали ≈ the reverse of the medal с правой стороны ≈ on the right side лицевая сторона ≈ the right side изнаночная сторона ≈ the wrong side с внутренней стороны ≈ on the inside в сторону ≈ (кого-л./чего-л.) towards smb., in smb.'s direction;
театр. aside;
(от кого-л./чего-л.) away from smb./smth. в стороне ≈ aside, aloof, apart, some distance away from;
to keep one's distance, to remain aloof ( держаться) ;
to let smth. pass ( оставлять) на стороне ≈ (быть на чьей-л. стороне) to be on smb.'s side;
(находиться) on the side, elsewhere, away from home на сторону ≈ abroad, away from home со стороны ≈ (кого-л.) from the direction of;
(человек) from the outside, outsider проходить стороной ≈ to pass by во все стороны ≈ extensively
2) (в споре) part, party воюющая сторона ≈ belligerent, combatant брать чью-л. сторону, принимать чью-л. сторону, держать чью-л. сторону, становиться на чью-л. сторону ≈ to take smb.'s part/side, to side with smb. перейти на чью-л. сторону ≈ to come over to smb.'s side заинтересованная сторона ≈ interested party договаривающиеся стороны ≈ contracting parties
3) (страна) place, region, country;
parts мн.
4) (точка зрения) aspect;
slant ∙ его дело сторона ≈ it doesn't concern him шутки в сторону ≈ joking aside, away with jokes уводить разговор в сторону ≈ to get off the subject с чьей-л. стороны ≈ on the part of smb. с одной стороны ≈ on the one hand с другой стороны ≈ on the other hand с моей стороны ≈ for my part со своей стороны ≈ from one's part, as far as one is concerned обходить стороной ≈ to avoid smth., to pass smth. by на все четыре стороны ≈ wherever one wishes продавать на сторону смотреть со стороны зевать по сторонамсторон|а - ж.
1. side;
(направление) way;
стороны горизонта cardinal points;
свернуть в сторону леса turn in the direction of the forest;
разойтись в разные стороны go* off in different directions;
со всех сторон on all sides, on every hand;
в ту сторону in that direction;
в какую сторону он пошёл? which way did he go?;
вам в какую сторону? which way are you going?;
в нашу сторону our way;
смотреть в другую сторону look the other way;
смотреть в сторону кого-л., чего-л. look in the direction of smb., smth. ;
look towards smb., smth. ;
из ~ы в сторону from side to side;
по ту сторону чего-л., the other side of smth., beyond smth., на той ~е on the other side;
по ~ам, по обе ~ы on either side;
по обе ~ы дороги on/along both sides of the road;
смотреть по ~ам look about one;
со ~ы чего-л. from the direction of smth. ;
дом не защищён со ~ы моря the house is unprotected on the side nearest/facing the sea;
в ~е от дороги at a certain distance from the road;
лес останется в ~е you will see the woods in the distance;
свернуть в сторону turn aside;
с разных сторон from all/different directions;
(из разных источников) from various sources с внутренней, наружной ~ы on the inside, outside;
посмотреть на что-л. со ~ы regard smth. in а detached spirit;
~ звуковой дорожки кино sound track side;
2. (страна) land: родная ~ native land, one`s own country;
на чужой ~е on foreign soil, in foreign parts;
3. (вопроса, дела) aspect;
рассматривать вопрос со всех сторон consider а question in all its aspects;
сильные и слабые стороны доклада the strong and weak sides/aspects of a report;
с какой бы ~ы ни посмотреть whatever way you look at it;
4. (в переговорах, споре, на суде) side, party;
быть на ~е кого-л. be* on the side of smb. ;
принять сторону кого-л. ;
стать на сторону кого-л. take* smb.`s side, side with smb. ;
оставаться в ~е hold* one self aloof, keep* aloof;
держаться в ~е stand* aside;
на ~е elsewhere;
продать что-л. на ~у sell* smth. on the side;
с чьей-л. ~ы on smb.`s part;
очень мило с вашей ~ы it is very kind of you;
с одной ~ы..., с другой ~ы... on the one hand... on the other hand... -
13 block
- block
- n1. камень, блок (бетонный, керамический)
2. отрезок бревна или бруса, колода
3. распорка или подкос между балками
4. глыба ( скальной породы)
5. блок, блочная обойма ( полиспаста)
6. квартал ( города)
7. многоквартирный дом
8. преграда; засор; затор || засорять, закупоривать
- block of buildings
- block of flats
- A block
- anchor block
- anchoring block
- angle block
- apex block
- arch block
- architrave block
- asphalt block
- autoclaved aerated concrete block
- backhaul cable guide block
- backhaul line guide block
- backing block
- baffle block
- balance block
- base block
- bearing block
- bed block
- bedroom block
- bond-beam block
- bottom block
- brake block
- breeze block
- building block
- bullnose block
- burnt clay masonry block
- camber block
- cavity block
- ceiling block
- cellular block
- chain block
- chimney block
- cinder block
- clay block
- clinker block
- closer block
- colored concrete paving blocks
- concrete block
- concrete filler block
- concrete paving block
- corner block
- cover block
- crown block
- cushion block
- cutter block
- cyclopean block
- cylinder block
- decorative block
- differential pulley block
- diffusion block
- distance block
- dormitory block
- dosseret block
- double-sheave pulley block
- end block
- energy dispersion block
- face block
- faced block
- facing block
- fall block
- fiddle block
- filler block
- fire block
- fixing block
- floating block
- flue block
- foam-filled block
- foot block
- foundation block
- gin block
- glass block
- glue block
- gypsum block
- heel block
- hewn masonry wall block
- high-rise block
- hoisting block
- hollow wall block
- hollow block
- hook block
- impost block
- inertia block
- interlocking concrete blocks
- invert block
- key block
- keyed hollow clay block
- LECA block
- lifting block
- lightweight concrete block
- lower load block
- masonry block
- modular masonry block
- multistory block
- nailing block
- offset block
- one-hand block
- parquet block
- partition block
- paving block
- plinth block
- point blocks
- precast concrete block
- pulley block
- running block
- rusticated stone block
- sample block
- sawn masonry wall block
- school block
- science block
- single-sheave block
- small-element concrete blocks
- smooth hollow clay block
- snatch block
- solid block
- split-face block
- split block
- stay block
- stone block
- street block
- swivel block
- tackle block
- three-dimensional utility block
- tower block
- traveling block
- two-core concrete block
- unit block
- unit-built block
- unitized bathroom block
- upper load block
- walling block
- wall block
- wood block
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
14 bar
I сокр. от
barometer II сокр. от
barometric III сокр. от
barrelбарабан; бочкаIV2) бар ( врубовой машины)4) лом, вага7) мн. ч. стержневая арматура ( железобетона)8) гидр. бар9) сортовой ( круглый или полосовой) прокат13) (инструментальная) оправка14) шкала; масштабная шкала; линейка, (измерительная) рейка16) бар (105 Па)17) преграда; шлагбаум || преграждать, загораживать19) полоса21) штанга ( печатающего устройства)22) прямоугольник ( в блок-схемах)23) черта ( надстрочный знак)24) швейн. закрепка; металлическая петля, петлица25) трик. гребёнка26) усиливать27) исключать, запрещать•-
A-frame tie bar
adjustable boring bar
air bar
aligning bar
angle bar
anode tail bar
antiroll bar
arch bar
armature bars
articulated roof bar
back guide bar
back needle bar
barking bar
battening bar
batten bar
bearing bar
bearing plate bar
beater bar
bent up bar
best bar
black bar
blanking bar
boring bar
box-section equalizer bar
braking bar
branch-off bar
brass bar
breakdown bar
bright-drawn bar
bulb bar
bumper bar
bundled bars
cantilever bar
carrier bar
carrier slide bar
cast-on bar
catch bar
channel bar
charging bar
Charpy V-notch bar
check bar
chill bar
chimney bar
circumferentially notched round bar
clamping bar
claw bar
closure bar
cloud bar
coiled bar
cold twisted bar
cold-drawn bar
collecting bars
color bar
commutator bar
compound bar
compression bar
compressor bar
concrete-reinforcing bar
console boring bar
contact bar
corrugated steel bar
coupling bar
cross bar
crow bar
cutter bar
datum leveling bar
deformed bar
diagonal bar
diagonal brace stabilizer bar
diamond bar
distance bar
distributing bar
dolly bar
door locking bar
dowel bar
dozer bar
draw bar
dropping bar
dummy bar
earthing bar
electrode bar
electrode hanger bar
end bar
equalizer bar
equalizing bar
error bar
expandable cross bar
extreme service shoe bar
eye bar
facing point bar
fender bar
fire bar
fireclay bar
fish bar
fishplate bar
fixed adjustment boring bar
fixed bar
flat bar
flat cold-rolled bar
flat hot-rolled bar
flat-type piling bar
fork-test bar
fraction bar
frame bar
frame needle bar
front guide bar
furnace bar
gas conductor-cooled bar
glazing bar
graduated bar
guide bar
gunwale angle bar
gunwale bar
gutter angle bar
gutter bar
hairpin tuning bar
handle bar
Hanover bars
hard bar
hatch bar
hatch-securing bar
hinged bar
Holdcroft bars
hooked bar
hum bars
impact bar
indented bar
index bar
ingoing bar
ingot bar
inlay bar
Ioffe bars
joint bar
Jominy bar
lead bar
lead sinker bar
lengthening bar
lifting bar
link bar
loader bar
loading bar
lock bar
locking bar
loop bar
magazine bar
magnetic bar
mandrel bar
measuring bar
microadjustable boring bar
needle bar
noise bar
notched bar
notch bar
numerically controlled spindle bar
outgoing bar
pattern bar
pedestal tie bar
piercer bar
piling bar
pinch bar
plain bar
point bar
polished rod carrier bar
port bar
porter bar
power draw bar
presser bar
print bar
proofing bar
pry bar
push bar
pusher bar
rack bar
railway crossing bar
rapping bar
reaction bar
red-hot bar
refractory bar
reinforcement bar
reinforcing bar
repeating space bar
replaceable sprocket tip bar
replacement grouser bar
rest bar
reverse-lock sheet piling bar
rider bar
ripping bar
rocker bar
roll bar
roller-nose bar
roof bar
rotary bar
rubbing bar
running-on bar
sash bar
scanty bar
shuffle bar
sine bar
sinker bar
sinker guide bar
skim bar
skimmer bar
slay bar
slick bar
slide bar
sliding bar
solid bar
solid sway bar
space bar
spacer bar
spanner bar
spindle bar
splice bar
split needle bar
spreader bar
spring steel roof bar
sprocket-nose bar
stabilizer bar
standard length bar
steel bar
stem bar
stem cutting bar
stiff bar
straight web piling bar
stringerangle bar
stringer bar
strip bar
suction bar
support bar
sway bar
tabulator bar
tamping bar
tapping bar
telescopic lengthening bar
tensile bar
tension bar
test bar
thin-walled bar
throw bar
thrust bar
tie bar
tie-plate bar
tin bar
tommy bar
tongue bar
tool bar
toothed bar
torsion bar
tow bar
towing bar
track bar
track press tool holder bar
transfer bar
transom bar
treadle bar
truss bar
turning bar
type bar
universal bar
unrestrained bar
vent bar
water bar
waterway angle bar
waterway bar
weather bar
web bar
wedge bar
weft bar
weight bar
welt bar
white bar
winding bar
window bar
wire bar
wiring bar
wooden bar
wrecking bar
yarn feeder bar
zee bar
z-piling bar -
15 unit
1) сборочная единица; узел; блок2) установка; агрегат3) единица, единица измерения || единичный; удельный4) часть; секция || секционный•as a unit — 1) в сборе 2) как единая сборочная единица; как единый узел
unit under test — 1) объект контроля 2) объект диагностирования, объект технического диагностирования
- AC unit- actuating unit
- adapter plate unit
- adaptive control unit
- address and data interface unit
- address unit
- adjusting unit
- air-aspirating unit
- answer-back unit
- arithmetic unit
- arithmetic/logic unit
- arithmetical unit
- ASC unit
- assembly unit of N-order
- assembly unit
- audio response unit
- autoloading unit
- automatic calling unit
- auxiliary data translator unit
- availability control unit
- axis unit
- axis-processing unit
- balancer unit
- banking unit
- bar feed unit
- base assembly unit
- base unit
- basic information unit
- basic length unit
- basic logic unit
- batch control unit
- bearing unit
- behind-the-tape reader unit
- belt shuttle unit
- belt-driven shuttle unit
- bench-testing unit
- blemished unit
- bolt-on unit
- booster unit
- boring spindle unit
- boring unit
- boring-and-milling unit
- brake unit
- broach retriever unit
- broach-handling unit
- broken tool sensing unit
- buffer unit
- building-block machining unit
- bulk transfer unit
- business unit
- card punching unit
- carousel loading unit
- carousel unit
- carrier unit
- cartridge unit
- cellular unit
- center unit for machine frame
- central processing unit
- central processor unit
- chain storage unit
- changer unit
- changing unit
- check unit
- chiller unit
- chip disposal unit
- clamping unit
- claw unit
- CNC machining unit
- CNC standard unit
- CNC unit
- coating application unit
- coating removal unit
- coherent unit
- column unit
- combination valve unit
- command unit
- communications central processing unit
- complementary unit
- computerized numerical control unit
- condensing unit
- cone variable-speed friction drive unit
- console unit
- constant coefficient unit
- constant delay unit
- construction unit
- control unit
- controlling unit
- conveying unit
- conveyor unit
- coolant management unit
- coolant recovery unit
- coolant unit
- cooler unit
- cooling unit
- coordinate preprogramming unit
- copying unit
- correction unit
- cover unit
- CPC handling unit
- cross tapping unit
- cross-slide unit
- cutoff unit
- cutting unit
- D unit
- damping unit
- data preparation unit
- data transmission control unit
- deep hole boring unit
- delay unit
- derived unit
- detecting unit
- detection unit
- developing unit
- digital display unit
- digital readout unit
- digital unit
- dimension readout unit
- diode array unit
- disk-type variable-speed friction drive unit
- displacement unit
- display unit
- distance-keeping unit
- double-acting unit
- double-notching unit
- double-pump and combination unit
- double-pump unit
- double-reduction gear unit
- double-reduction right-angle reduction gear unit
- double-reduction twin gear unit
- double-reduction twin unit
- double-reduction wormgear unit
- double-spindle unit
- down-hole internal deburrer unit
- dresser unit
- dressing unit
- drill unit
- drilling and milling unit
- drilling spindle unit
- drilling unit
- drilling/tapping unit
- drive unit
- drive/feed unit
- DRO unit
- dual work pallet shuttle unit
- dual-head laser beam unit
- dust-collecting unit
- dust-removing unit
- dynamic unit
- EDM unit
- electrical machining units
- electromagnetic unit
- electron-beam unit
- entry level dedicated unit
- environmental compensation unit
- exchanger unit
- fabricated unit
- facing unit
- fan coil unit
- feed box unit
- feed change unit
- feed drive cartridge unit
- feed unit
- feedback unit
- feed-in boring unit
- feed-out boring unit
- fetch-and-carry unit
- filtration unit
- fine boring unit
- flexible spindle units
- flexible tray unit
- floor unit
- focusing unit
- free-standing unit
- free-wheel unit
- free-wheeling unit
- frontal variable-speed friction drive unit
- functional unit
- fundamental unit
- gage control unit
- gage indicating unit
- gage unit
- gaging unit
- gas turbine starter auxiliary power unit
- gear unit
- gearbox unit
- gear-reversing unit
- grasping unit
- grinding spindle unit
- gripper unit
- guide unit
- handling unit
- hardware/software add-on unit
- harmonic drive unit
- head unit
- headstock-type workpiece holding unit
- hoisting unit
- horizontal power unit
- horizontal way unit
- hydraulic clamping unit
- hydraulic feed unit
- hydraulic power unit
- hydraulic testing unit
- hydraulic unit
- hydrostatic bearing unit
- ICAM manufacturing unit
- ICAM unit
- icon-driven control unit
- indexer/fourth axis unit
- indexing head unit
- indexing platen unit
- indexing table unit
- indexing unit
- in-die tapping unit
- information retrieval unit
- information unit
- input batch control unit
- input unit
- input-output unit
- in-system unit
- integral unit
- interface unit
- intermediate storage unit
- interpolating unit
- inverting unit
- keyboard unit
- knee-type unit
- lapping and superfinishing unit
- laser beam composition unit
- laser beam unit
- laser processing unit
- laser unit
- laser-calibration unit
- laser-source unit
- lead screw tap unit
- lexical unit
- lift unit
- lift-and-carry unit
- light unit
- linear ball bearing unit
- linear drive unit
- linear screw unit
- linear slide roller bearing unit
- linear unit
- live storage unit
- load/unload unit
- loading unit
- loading-and-unloading unit
- logic unit
- logical unit
- lubricating pump unit
- machine control unit
- machine tool control unit
- machine tooling unit
- machine unit
- machine-dedicated unit
- machining center unit
- machining head unit
- machining unit
- magnetic pickup unit
- magnetic tape unit
- manned flexible unit
- marking unit
- master unit
- material-handling unit
- MDI unit
- measurement unit
- measuring unit
- memory unit
- message display unit
- microdispensing unit
- microprocessor correction unit
- microprocessor NC unit
- microprocessor unit
- microprocessor-based unit
- microprocessor-type NC unit
- middle-level 3-D representation unit
- milling spindle unit
- minicomputer control unit
- miniload AS/RS unit
- mist coolant unit
- miter saw unit
- mobile unit
- mobile work storage unit
- modular cell unit
- modular loading unit
- modular unit
- motor unit
- motor-reduction unit
- multichannel analyzer unit
- multidrill unit
- multiple screw-driving unit
- multiple-power path gear unit
- multiple-reduction gear unit
- multiple-reduction unit
- multiple-spindle torque unit
- multipurpose machining unit
- multispindle boring unit
- multitap unit
- NC data creation unit
- NC unit
- nested gear unit
- notching unit
- nutating unit
- off-machine unit
- off-system unit
- oil coalescer unit
- oil-filled feed unit
- one stage gear unit
- one stage unit
- on-machine unit
- operation unit
- operational unit
- operator-friendly program unit
- orientation transfer unit
- output batch control unit
- output unit
- overhead gantry unit
- overhead spindle unit
- pack unit
- pallet change unit
- pallet exchange unit
- pallet shuttle unit
- pallet-pool unit
- parallel-shaft reduction gear unit
- PC expansion board unit
- PC-based CAD unit
- pendant control unit
- pendant pushbutton control unit
- pendant unit
- peripheral control unit
- peripheral processing unit
- photo-eye tracing unit
- pick-and-place unit
- pickup unit
- piece-holding unit
- pilot unit
- placement unit
- planetary gear unit
- planetary reduction gearing unit
- plant unit
- plasma-arc unit
- plasmarc unit
- platen unit
- PLC unit
- plugboard input unit
- plugboard unit
- plug-in unit
- pneumatic unit
- portable unit
- power feed unit
- power supply unit
- power train unit
- power unit
- power-generating unit
- power-tooling unit
- practical correction unit
- practical unit
- presetting unit
- pressurized air bearing unit
- primary storage unit
- probe unit
- processing unit
- production unit
- program unit
- programming unit
- propulsion unit
- pulling unit
- pump unit
- pumping unit
- pump-motor unit
- quill feed cam unit
- quill spindle unit
- quill unit
- raster unit
- readout unit
- reducing unit
- reduction gear unit
- reduction gearing unit
- reduction unit
- reed make contact unit
- regulating unit
- remote display unit
- replacement unit
- retriever unit
- right-angle milling unit
- right-angled milling unit
- robot power unit
- robot unit
- robot-transfer unit
- roller bearing unit
- roller unit
- roller-marking unit
- rotary unit
- rotating seal unit
- S unit
- scanning unit
- scheduling unit
- screen projection unit
- screwing unit
- sealed reed contact unit
- self-contained NC unit
- self-contained unit
- sensing unit
- sensor unit
- servo unit
- shankless boring unit
- sheet metal stamping automatic unit
- shop replaceable unit
- shuttle unit
- shuttle-and-lift unit
- side unit
- single-acting unit
- single-light unit
- single-reduction gear unit
- single-reduction unit
- sizing unit
- slant bed unit
- slave unit
- slide unit
- sliding table unit
- smallest replaceable unit
- spare unit
- speeder unit
- speed-increase unit
- speed-up spindle unit
- speed-up unit
- spindle box unit
- spindle cartridge unit
- spindle drive unit
- spindle unit
- stabilizing unit
- stand-alone unit
- standard build units
- starter auxiliary power unit
- static tooling unit
- steam generating unit
- stock feed unit
- storage unit
- stylus unit
- sub-multiple unit
- swing arm-mounted control unit
- tangent unit
- tapping unit
- teach control unit
- terminal control unit
- test unit
- testing unit
- thermal detecting unit
- tilting unit
- tolerance unit
- tool storage unit
- tool-presetting unit
- tool-spindle unit
- toroidal variable-speed friction drive unit
- track and store unit
- transfer unit
- transmission control unit
- transmission unit
- transmitter/receiver unit
- transport unit
- triple-reduction gear unit
- triple-reduction unit
- tuning unit
- turnaround unit
- turning spindle unit
- turnround unit
- turret unit
- twin gear unit
- twin saw unit
- twin-drive unit
- twin-screen unit
- unit of displacement
- unit of measure
- unit of measurement
- unit of physical quantity
- unit of product
- unit of work per unit of time
- unmanned machining unit
- vacuum unit
- variable coefficient unit
- variable delay unit
- variable preload bearing unit
- variable ratio unit
- variable speed unit
- variable-speed friction drive unit
- V-axis grinding unit
- V-belt variable-speed drive unit
- V-drive unit
- vertical way unit
- vibratory feed unit
- vise unit
- visual display unit
- vocal output unit
- VTL unit
- waveform gear reduction unit
- wheel-dressing unit
- wheel-head unit
- wing unit
- wing-base unit
- work storage unit
- work-holding headstock unit
- workshop video unit
- work-testing unit
- worm reduction unit
- writing unit
- yet-to-be-assembled unitEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > unit
16 block
2) строительный блок (бетонный, керамический искусственный камень); брусчатка ( на мостовой); шашка ( дорожная)3) колодка; чурбан4) распорка6) участок месторождения, подготовленный для выемки7) эл. узел; группа элементов9) дор. блок, блокировка; заграждение; препятствие; "пробка" на дороге10) блочный12) набрасывать эскиз (плана, чертежа)13) блокировать; загораживать; засорять; заклинивать•block and tackle — тали, полиспаст
- block of flats - block of houses - block of uniform height - adobe block - anchor block - angle block of rigging - arch block - asphalt paving block - auditorium block - backhaul cable guide block - backhaul line guide block - base block - bed block - bottom block - brake block - building substructure block - building superstructure block - cavity block - ceiling block - cellular block - cement block - chain block - chain-and-tackle block - chain-pulley block - chimney block - choke block - cinder block - clay block - concrete block - concrete block pavement - concrete foundation block - concrete paving block - control block - crown block - cupola block - cushion block - differential blocks - direct access block of flats - distributing block - double block - double pulley block - drive block - enlarged block - fill block - fixed block - foam-filled block - formwork block with laid reinforcement - foundation block - frazzi block - gallery access block of flats - glass block - hoisting block - hydraulically driven block - jigging block - junction block - key block - kitchen-sanitary building block module - large-size block - lens-shaped three-dimensional block - lifting block - lintel block - manifold block - multiple sheave block - multiple sheaved block - panel block - parquet block - planetary block - plot block - precast foundation block - pulley block - reverse block - rope block - running block - sanitary building block module - scraper block - setting block - sheave block - single-sheaved block - sister block - slab block - slag concrete block - small-size block - snatch block - spacer block - split-face block - standing block - stone block - stucco ceiling block - tackle block - tension block - terminal block - three-dimensional block - tilting block - tower block - upper block - vitrified block - wall block - walling block - welded blockto block up — забивать, засорять, закупоривать, заклинивать, образовывать "пробку" ( на дороге)
* * *1. камень, блок (бетонный, керамический)2. отрезок бревна или бруса, колода3. распорка или подкос между балками4. глыба ( скальной породы)5. блок, блочная обойма ( полиспаста)6. квартал ( города)7. многоквартирный дом8. преграда; засор; затор || засорять, закупоривать- block of buildings
- block of flats
- A block
- anchor block
- anchoring block
- angle block
- apex block
- arch block
- architrave block
- asphalt block
- autoclaved aerated concrete block
- backhaul cable guide block
- backhaul line guide block
- backing block
- baffle block
- balance block
- base block
- bearing block
- bed block
- bedroom block
- bond-beam block
- bottom block
- brake block
- breeze block
- building block
- bullnose block
- burnt clay masonry block
- camber block
- cavity block
- ceiling block
- cellular block
- chain block
- chimney block
- cinder block
- clay block
- clinker block
- closer block
- colored concrete paving blocks
- concrete block
- concrete filler block
- concrete paving block
- corner block
- cover block
- crown block
- cushion block
- cutter block
- cyclopean block
- cylinder block
- decorative block
- differential pulley block
- diffusion block
- distance block
- dormitory block
- dosseret block
- double-sheave pulley block
- end block
- energy dispersion block
- face block
- faced block
- facing block
- fall block
- fiddle block
- filler block
- fire block
- fixing block
- floating block
- flue block
- foam-filled block
- foot block
- foundation block
- gin block
- glass block
- glue block
- gypsum block
- heel block
- hewn masonry wall block
- high-rise block
- hoisting block
- hollow wall block
- hollow block
- hook block
- impost block
- inertia block
- interlocking concrete blocks
- invert block
- key block
- keyed hollow clay block
- LECA block
- lifting block
- lightweight concrete block
- lower load block
- masonry block
- modular masonry block
- multistory block
- nailing block
- offset block
- one-hand block
- parquet block
- partition block
- paving block
- plinth block
- point blocks
- precast concrete block
- pulley block
- running block
- rusticated stone block
- sample block
- sawn masonry wall block
- school block
- science block
- single-sheave block
- small-element concrete blocks
- smooth hollow clay block
- snatch block
- solid block
- split-face block
- split block
- stay block
- stone block
- street block
- swivel block
- tackle block
- three-dimensional utility block
- tower block
- traveling block
- two-core concrete block
- unit block
- unit-built block
- unitized bathroom block
- upper load block
- walling block
- wall block
- wood block -
17 angular
угловой; угловатый; коленчатый- angular addendum - angular asymmetry - angular attitude - angular backlash - angular ball bearing - angular bellows seal - angular belt - angular belt drive - angular belting - angular buttressing - angular cam spacing - angular change - angular clearance - angular coefficient - angular configuration - angular-contact ball bearing - angular contact bearing - angular-contact thrust bearing - angular correlation - angular cut - angular cutter - angular defect - angular deflection - angular deformation - angular density - angular dependence - angular dependent mode - angular deviation - angular diameter - angular difference - angular dimension - angular discrepancy - angular discrimination - angular dislocation - angular disparity - angular displacement - angular displacement resolution - angular distance - angular distribution - angular distribution analyzer - angular disturbance - angular divergence - angular domain - angular drift - angular drilling - angular drive - angular-drive subhead - angular energy characteristic - angular extend - angular error - angular facing - angular feed - angular file - angular fishplate - angular fixturing - angular flute - angular fold - angular gage - angular gage setting - angular gashing - angular gear - angular head - angular height of thread - angular hole - angular ignition spacing - angular impulse - angular incidence - angular inclination - angular increment - angular instrument - angular joint - angular kinetic energy - angular lag - angular length - angular limit - angular localization - angular location - angular locator - angular machining - angular measure - angular measurements - angular milling - angular misalignment - angular misalignment loss - angular modulation - angular modulation method - angular momentum - angular momentum barrier - angular momentum eigenfunction - angular momentum equation - angular momentum of particle about point - angular momentum operator - angular momentum quantization - angular momentum transfer - angular motion - angular movement - angular-movement pickup - angular movement sensor - angular movement transducer - angular nonlinearity - angular observation - angular opening of cone - angular offset - angular oscillations - angular perspective - angular pitch - angular plate - angular play - angular point - angular position - angular-position pickup - angular position sensor - angular position transducer - angular positioning - angular-positioning head - angular power transmission - angular range - angular rate - angular readings - angular region - angular repeatability - angular resolution - angular resolution limit - angular resolution photoemission - angular resolution spectroscopy - angular resolving power - angular rigidity - angular rod - angular rotation - angular scale - angular sensor - angular separation - angular setting - angular-shaped groove - angular sine vise - angular size - angular slide - angular slip - angular spacing - angular spectrum - angular speed ratio - angular spread - angular steel - angular stone - angular strain - angular subtense - angular synchro comparator - angular table - angular test - angular thread - angular tooth - angular tooth thickness - angular transmission - angular travel - angular twist - angular unit - angular value - angular valve - angular variations - angular velocity - angular velocity ratio - angular velocity vector - angular vertex - angular vibration - angular vise - angular wheel - angular width - angular wire gage - angular work -
18 antenna
антенна; антенныйcommand destruct system antenna — антенна (радио) командной системы ликвидации [подрыва] (ракеты)
radar augmentation output antenna — антенна усилителя отражённых сигналов РЛС; передающая антенна радиолокационного ответчика
См. также в других словарях:
facing distance — noun : the minimum distance (as 14 inches) between men necessary to make the facings in military drill … Useful english dictionary
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance — Official game logo. Developer(s) Square Enix 1st Production Department … Wikipedia
Drumcree conflict — Facing north towards Drumcree Church … Wikipedia
JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium
GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY — Names The name Ereẓ Israel (the Land of Israel) designates the land which, according to the Bible was promised as an inheritance to the Israelite tribes. In the course of time it came to be regarded first by the Jews and then also by the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Inner German border — Innerdeutsche Grenze North and central Germany … Wikipedia
United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
Railroad switch — For other uses, see Switch (disambiguation). A right hand railroad switch with point indicator pointing to right … Wikipedia