1 eye-piece
noun (the part of a telescope etc to which one puts one's eye.) göz merceği -
2 eye
adj. göz————————n. göz, bakış, nazar, görüş, bakış açısı, kanı, ilmik, ilik, tomurcuk————————v. süzmek, izlemek, dikkatle bakmak, gözetlemek, kuşkuyla bakmak* * *1. gözle (v.) 2. göz (n.)* * *1. noun1) (the part of the body with which one sees: Open your eyes; She has blue eyes.) göz2) (anything like or suggesting an eye, eg the hole in a needle, the loop or ring into which a hook connects etc.) göz, delik3) (a talent for noticing and judging a particular type of thing: She has an eye for detail/colour/beauty.) görüş kabiliyeti2. verb(to look at, observe: The boys were eyeing the girls at the dance; The thief eyed the policeman warily.) dikkatle bakmak, süzmek- eyeball- eyebrow
- eye-catching
- eyelash
- eyelet
- eyelid
- eye-opener
- eye-piece
- eyeshadow
- eyesight
- eyesore
- eye-witness
- before/under one's very eyes
- be up to the eyes in
- close one's eyes to
- in the eyes of
- keep an eye on
- lay/set eyes on
- raise one's eyebrows
- see eye to eye
- with an eye to something
- with one's eyes open -
3 lens
n. mercek, lens, adese, göz merceği, gözlük camı, objektif* * *mercek* * *[lenz]1) (a piece of glass etc curved on one or both sides and used in spectacles, microscopes, cameras etc: I need new lenses in my spectacles; The camera lens is dirty.) mercek, büyüteç, objektif2) (a similar part of the eye: The disease has affected the lens of his left eye.) göz merceği -
4 eyelid
n. gözkapağı* * *göz kapağı* * *noun (the movable piece of skin that covers or uncovers the eye.) göz kapağı -
5 grit
n. iri kum, kumtaşı, cesaret, dayanıklılık, metanet————————v. gıcırdamak, gıcırdatmak* * *1. gıcırdat (v.) 2. kumtaşı (n.)* * *[ɡrit] 1. noun1) (very small pieces of stone: She's got a piece of grit in her eye.) kum, küçük taş2) (courage: He's got a lot of grit.) cesaret2. verb(to keep (the teeth) tightly closed together: He gritted his teeth to stop himself from crying out in pain.) dişlerini sıkmak- gritty -
6 needle
n. iğne, enjektör, tığ, şiş, ibre————————v. dikmek, iğnelemek, sinirlendirmek, iğne ile delmek, alkol derecesini artırmak* * *1. iğne 2. alay et (v.) 3. iğne (n.)* * *['ni:dl]1) (a small, sharp piece of steel with a hole (called an eye) at one end for thread, used in sewing etc: a sewing needle.) iğne2) (any of various instruments of a long narrow pointed shape: a knitting needle; a hypodermic needle.) şiş, iğne, şırınga3) ((in a compass etc) a moving pointer.) ibre4) (the thin, sharp-pointed leaf of a pine, fir etc.) iğne yaprak•- needlework
См. также в других словарях:
eye|piece — «Y PEES», noun. the lens, or set of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the eye of the user … Useful english dictionary
eye-piece — eyepiece eye piece eye piece eye piece , n. (Opt.) The lens, or combination of lenses, at the eye end of a microscope, telescope or other optical instrument, through which the image formed by the mirror or object glass is viewed. Syn: ocular.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eye·piece — … Useful english dictionary
Eye relief — The eye relief of a telescope, a microscope, or binoculars is the distance from the last surface of an eyepiece at which the eye can be placed to match the eyepiece exit pupil to the eye s entrance pupil. Short eye relief requires the observer to … Wikipedia
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Eye music — (often referred to in English by its exact German translation Augenmusik ) describes graphical features of scores that when performed are unnoticeable by the listener.Difficulties in defining eye musicA clear definition of eye music is elusive,… … Wikipedia
Eye in the Sky (album) — Eye in the Sky Studio album by The Alan Parsons Project Released June 1982 … Wikipedia
eye patch — UK US noun [countable] [singular eye patch plural eye patches] a piece of cloth, plastic etc used for covering one eye Thesaurus: bandages, supports and other dressings … Useful english dictionary
eye patch — n a piece of material worn over one eye, usually because that eye has been damaged … Dictionary of contemporary English
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