1 pinching
1. n щипание2. n сжимание, сдавливание3. n щемящая боль4. n экономия, урезывание расходов5. n сад. пинцировка, пинцирование, чеканка6. n мат. стягивание7. a жмущий, сдавливающий8. a мучительный; щемящий9. a тягостный, стесняющий10. a бережливый, экономный; скупойСинонимический ряд:1. stingy (adj.) cheeseparing; close; closefisted; costive; hardfisted; hardhanded; ironfisted; mean; mingy; miserly; narrow-fisted; narrowhearted; niggard; niggardly; parsimonious; penny-pinching; penny-wise; penurious; pinchpenny; save-all; scrimpy; scrimy; stingy; tight; tightfisted; ungenerous; ungiving2. arresting (verb) apprehending; arresting; detaining; nabbing; picking up; pulling in; running in3. extorting (verb) exacting; extorting; gouging; shaking down; squeezing; wrenching; wresting; wringing4. scrimping (verb) scraping; screwing; scrimping; skimping; sparing; stinting5. stealing (verb) abstracting; annexing; appropriating; collaring; filching; hooking; lifting; nipping; pilfering; pillaging; pocketing; purloining; stealing; swiping; thieving -
2 wrenching
1. отвертывание; завертывание2. тяжелыйСинонимический ряд:1. ripping (noun) bursting; cleaving; ripping; rupturing; severing; slashing; slicing; splitting; tearing2. colouring (verb) belying; coloring; colouring; confusing; distorting; falsifying; garbling; loading; misrepresenting; misstating; perverting; warping3. extorting (verb) exacting; extorting; gouging; pinching; screwing; shaking down; squeezing; wresting; wringing4. spraining (verb) spraining; turning; twisting5. tugging (verb) jerking; lurching; snapping; tugging; twitching -
3 exacting
1. a требовательный, взыскательный; строгий2. a настоятельный3. a трудный, обременительный, изнурительныйСинонимический ряд:1. hard (adj.) arduous; backbreaking; burdensome; careful; critical; demanding; difficult; exact; exigent; formidable; grievous; hard; harsh; heavy; laborious; making severe demands; onerous; oppressive; precise; rigid; rigorous; rigourous; rough; scrupulous; severe; stern; strenuous; strict; superincumbent; taxing; tough; trying; unbending; unyielding; weighty2. particular (adj.) choosy; dainty; fastidious; finicky; fussy; meticulous; particular; pernickety; picky3. demanding (verb) call for; calling; challenging; claiming; demanding; insist on; postulating; requiring; requisitioning; soliciting4. extorting (verb) exacting; extorting; gouging; pinching; screwing; shaking down; squeezing; wrenching; wresting; wringing5. levying (verb) assessing; imposing; levying; putting; putting on; putting uponАнтонимический ряд:easy; lenient -
4 screwing
свинчивание; завинчиваниеСинонимический ряд:1. crumpling (verb) crimping; crinkling; crumpling; rumpling; scrunching; wrinkling2. extorting (verb) exacting; extorting; gouging; shaking down; squeezing; wrenching; wresting; wringing3. scrimping (verb) pinching; scraping; scrimping; skimping; sparing; stinting -
5 squeezing
1. n тех. уплотнение, обжатие2. n кино анаморфирование3. n притеснение, нажим4. n l5. n выжимки6. n отходыСинонимический ряд:1. compression (noun) compression; concentration; condensation; condensing; confining; contracting; increasing pressure; pressurizing2. narrowing (noun) binding; constriction; contraction; narrowing; reduction; strangling; tightness3. extorting (verb) exacting; extorting; gouging; pinching; screwing; shaking down; wrenching; wresting; wringing4. holding (verb) clasping; embracing; enfolding; holding; hugging5. pressing (verb) bearing; compressing; constraining; constricting; cramming; crowding; crushing; expressing; flocking; jamming; mashing; mobbing; pressing; pushing; squashing -
6 wringing
скручивать; скручиваниеСинонимический ряд:1. afflicting (verb) afflicting; agonizing; crucifying; excruciating; harrowing; martyrizing; racking; smiting; striking; tormenting; torturing; trying2. extorting (verb) exacting; extorting; gouging; pinching; screwing; shaking down; squeezing; wrenching; wresting -
7 extracting
1. a извлекающий2. a добывающий3. a арх. отвлекающийСинонимический ряд:1. educing (verb) educing; eliciting; evincing; evoking; extorting; milking2. excerpting (verb) excerpting3. gathering (verb) culling; garnering; gathering; gleaning; pick up; picking up4. pulling (verb) plucking; pulling; tearing; yanking -
8 milking
1. n доение; дойка2. n разовый надойСинонимический ряд:1. educing (verb) educing; eliciting; evincing; evoking; extorting; extracting2. fleecing (verb) bleeding; fleecing; mulcting; rooking; sticking; sweating
См. также в других словарях:
extort — verb (T) to illegally force someone to give you money by threatening them: extort money from/out of sb: Landlords tried to cover their losses by extorting high rents from tenants. extortion noun (U): Confessions were obtained by extortion.… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
extort — verb he was convicted of extorting money from local residents Syn: force, extract, exact, wring, wrest, screw, squeeze, obtain by threat(s), blackmail someone for; informal put the bite on someone for; soak, rook … Thesaurus of popular words
extort — [[t]ɪkstɔ͟ː(r)t[/t]] extorts, extorting, extorted 1) VERB If someone extorts money from you, they get it from you using force, threats, or other unfair or illegal means. [V n from n] Corrupt government officials were extorting money from him...… … English dictionary
extort — UK [ɪkˈstɔː(r)t] / US [ɪkˈstɔrt] verb [transitive] Word forms extort : present tense I/you/we/they extort he/she/it extorts present participle extorting past tense extorted past participle extorted to illegally get money or information from… … English dictionary
extort — ex·tort /ik stȯrt/ vt [Latin extortus, past participle of extorquere to remove by twisting, obtain by force, from ex out + torquere to twist]: to obtain (as money) from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or unlawful use of authority or… … Law dictionary
extort — ex|tort [ ık stɔrt ] verb transitive to illegally get money or information from someone using force or threats: Gangsters have been extorting money from local businessmen … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
exorbitant — inordinate, extravagant, *excessive, immoderate, extreme Analogous words: *onerous, burdensome, oppressive, exacting: greedy, grasping, *covetous: extorting or extortionate (see corresponding verb at EDUCE) Antonyms: just (price, charge)… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
grasping — greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, *covetous Analogous words: rapacious, ravening, ravenous (see VORACIOUS): extorting or extortionate (see corresponding verb at EDUCE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms