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См. также в других словарях:

  • exteriorization — n. embodying in an outward form. Syn: externalization, externalisation, exteriorisation. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exteriorization — noun see exteriorize …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • exteriorization — noun The physical embodiment of an abstraction …   Wiktionary

  • exteriorization — n. a surgical procedure in which an organ is brought from its normal site to the surface of the body. This may be done as a temporary or permanent measure; for example, the intestine may be brought to the surface of the abdomen (see colostomy).… …   Medical dictionary

  • exteriorization — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A physical entity typifying an abstraction: embodiment, externahzation, incarnation, manifestation, materialization, objectification, personalization, personification, substantiation, type. Rhetoric: prosopopeia. See… …   English dictionary for students

  • exteriorization — n. externalization, process of making external …   English contemporary dictionary

  • exteriorization — ex·te·ri·or·iza·tion …   English syllables

  • exteriorization — n. a surgical procedure in which an organ is brought from its normal site to the surface of the body. This may be done as a temporary or permanent measure; for example, the intestine may be brought to the surface of the abdomen (see colostomy).… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • exteriorization — noun embodying in an outward form • Syn: ↑externalization, ↑externalisation, ↑exteriorisation • Derivationally related forms: ↑exteriorise (for: ↑exteriorisation), ↑exteriorize …   Useful english dictionary

  • Выворачивание Наружу, Эксплантация (Exteriorization) — хирургическое вмешательство, заключающееся в выведении какого либо органа на поверхность тела из его нормального положения. Данная операция может выполняться как временная или постоянная мера; например, кишечник может выводиться на поверхность… …   Медицинские термины

  • marsupialization — Exteriorization of a cyst or other such enclosed cavity by resecting the anterior wall and suturing the cut edges of the remaining wall to adjacent edges of the skin, thereby creating a pouch. [L. marsupium, pouch] * * * mar·su·pi·al·iza·tion or… …   Medical dictionary

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