1 extended file system-2
= EFS-2English-Russian electronics dictionary > extended file system-2
2 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
3 EFS-2
= extended file system-2файловая система для операционной системы Linux, система EfS-2 -
1) Военный термин: Executed by Firing Squad2) Вычислительная техника: eXtended File System (SGI, Unix, Windows)3) Программное обеспечение: X Font Server, X-Windows File Server -
Вычислительная техника: Clustered eXtended File System (SGI, RAID, XFS) -
6 ext2
Вычислительная техника: second extended file system -
7 EFS-2
сокр. от extended file system-2файловая система для операционной системы Linux, система EFS-2The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > EFS-2
1) Авиация: эквивалентная воздушная скорость2) Медицина: ectopic ACTH syndrome3) Американизм: Emergency Alert System, Emergency Alerting System4) Военный термин: Emergency Action System, Emergency Activation System, Enlisted Aviator Study, Equipment Accountability System, European Atomic Society, enlisted assignment system, executive assignment system, expiration of active service5) Техника: educational analog simulator, engineering automated system, error analysis study, essential auxiliary support, experiment assurance system6) Шутливое выражение: Elite Ant Squad7) Автомобильный термин: electronic air suspension8) Сокращение: Electronic Article Surveillance, Emergency Avionics System, Equivalent Airspeed, Executive and Administrative Schedule (upper labor grade levels), estimated air speed, Extended Area Service (or Engineering Admin. System)9) Университет: Experimental And Applied Sciences10) Вычислительная техника: East Australian Standard-10:00, Enterprise Access System (Dynatech), Enterprise Agreement Subscription (MS, OSL), корпоративная прикладная система11) Деловая лексика: Executive Administrative Staff12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: earthworks cut and fill table13) Макаров: equivalent air speed14) Безопасность: electronic article system, Electronic article surveillance (противокражные электронные системы)15) Расширение файла: East Australian Standard (+10:00), Extended file attributes (OS/2)16) Электротехника: electronic automatic switch17) Должность: Experimental And Applied Science18) Аэропорты: San Sebastian, Spain -
9 eas
1) Авиация: эквивалентная воздушная скорость2) Медицина: ectopic ACTH syndrome3) Американизм: Emergency Alert System, Emergency Alerting System4) Военный термин: Emergency Action System, Emergency Activation System, Enlisted Aviator Study, Equipment Accountability System, European Atomic Society, enlisted assignment system, executive assignment system, expiration of active service5) Техника: educational analog simulator, engineering automated system, error analysis study, essential auxiliary support, experiment assurance system6) Шутливое выражение: Elite Ant Squad7) Автомобильный термин: electronic air suspension8) Сокращение: Electronic Article Surveillance, Emergency Avionics System, Equivalent Airspeed, Executive and Administrative Schedule (upper labor grade levels), estimated air speed, Extended Area Service (or Engineering Admin. System)9) Университет: Experimental And Applied Sciences10) Вычислительная техника: East Australian Standard-10:00, Enterprise Access System (Dynatech), Enterprise Agreement Subscription (MS, OSL), корпоративная прикладная система11) Деловая лексика: Executive Administrative Staff12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: earthworks cut and fill table13) Макаров: equivalent air speed14) Безопасность: electronic article system, Electronic article surveillance (противокражные электронные системы)15) Расширение файла: East Australian Standard (+10:00), Extended file attributes (OS/2)16) Электротехника: electronic automatic switch17) Должность: Experimental And Applied Science18) Аэропорты: San Sebastian, Spain -
10 EFS
1) Компьютерная техника: error free second2) Авиация: Electronic Flight Strip, Extended Flight Store3) Медицина: бессобытийная выживаемость, electrical field stimulation4) Военный термин: Elite Firing Squad, Proper Name of System, electronic firing switches5) Техника: electric field strength, emergency feed water system6) Бухгалтерия: Effective Financing Statement, Electronic Fund Systems7) Грубое выражение: Eat Fuck Sleep8) Оптика: extrafield sensitivity9) Телекоммуникации: End of Frame Sequence (LAN)10) Сокращение: Enhanced Flight Screener (USAF), Enhanced Flight Screener / Screening, Error Free Seconds, Explosionsunter-druckungssystem (Explosion suppression system (Austria))11) Текстиль: Engineered Fiber Selection12) Вычислительная техника: Encrypting File System (Verschluesselung, Windows, MS, DESX)13) Онкология: Event Free Survival - time from diagnosis to defined events (e.g., relapse or death)14) Химическое оружие: Electronic Filing System15) Макаров: electronic frequency selection16) Расширение файла: Encrypting File System, Flowchart (EasyFlow)17) Майкрософт: файловая система EFS18) NYSE. Enhance Financial Services Group, Inc. -
11 EFA
1) Общая лексика: образование для всех (Education for all)2) Компьютерная техника: External Feature Access3) Американизм: Education Finance Act4) Спорт: Equestrian Federation Of Australia5) Военный термин: European fighter aircraft6) Кино: Except For Adults7) Телекоммуникации: external function acknowledge8) Сокращение: Engin de Franchissement de l'Avant (Forward bridging system (France))9) Физиология: Essential Fatty Acid, Essential Fatty Acids10) Иммунология: enhancing factor of allergy11) Образование: Education For All12) Расширение файла: Extended File Attribute -
12 LIM
1) Общая лексика: Line Insulation Monitor (AD)2) Компьютерная техника: Logical Information Machine, линейный интерфейсный модуль3) Американизм: Land Information Memorandum4) Военный термин: light intensity, medium, losing inventory manager5) Техника: ligament instability model, limb infrared monitoring, locator, inner, with marker, lower inlet module6) Математика: левоинвариантное среднее (left invariant mean), предел в среднем (limit in the mean)7) Телевидение: limiter8) Сокращение: Ledningssystem I Marinen (Naval C3I architecture (Sweden)), Live Insertion Module, Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (extended memory system), Low-Inclination Mission, limber, Liquid Injection Moulding9) Университет: Laboratory Information Management10) Электроника: Linear Induction Magnet11) Вычислительная техника: line interface module, Lotus - Intel - Microsoft (Hersteller), (line interface module) линейный интерфейсный модуль, (line interface module) модуль сопряжения с линией Lotus-Intel-Microsoft производства фирм Лотус, Интел, Майкрософт, (line interface module) модуль сопряжения с линией связи производства фирм Лотус, Интел, Майкрософт12) Транспорт: Linear Induction Motor13) Фирменный знак: Lotus Intel Microsoft14) Деловая лексика: Lotus Intel And Microsoft15) Полимеры: liquid injection molding, liquid injection moldable16) Расширение файла: Archive format (LIMIT archiver), Compressed file archive (Limit)17) Электротехника: Line Isolation Monitor -
13 Lim
1) Общая лексика: Line Insulation Monitor (AD)2) Компьютерная техника: Logical Information Machine, линейный интерфейсный модуль3) Американизм: Land Information Memorandum4) Военный термин: light intensity, medium, losing inventory manager5) Техника: ligament instability model, limb infrared monitoring, locator, inner, with marker, lower inlet module6) Математика: левоинвариантное среднее (left invariant mean), предел в среднем (limit in the mean)7) Телевидение: limiter8) Сокращение: Ledningssystem I Marinen (Naval C3I architecture (Sweden)), Live Insertion Module, Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (extended memory system), Low-Inclination Mission, limber, Liquid Injection Moulding9) Университет: Laboratory Information Management10) Электроника: Linear Induction Magnet11) Вычислительная техника: line interface module, Lotus - Intel - Microsoft (Hersteller), (line interface module) линейный интерфейсный модуль, (line interface module) модуль сопряжения с линией Lotus-Intel-Microsoft производства фирм Лотус, Интел, Майкрософт, (line interface module) модуль сопряжения с линией связи производства фирм Лотус, Интел, Майкрософт12) Транспорт: Linear Induction Motor13) Фирменный знак: Lotus Intel Microsoft14) Деловая лексика: Lotus Intel And Microsoft15) Полимеры: liquid injection molding, liquid injection moldable16) Расширение файла: Archive format (LIMIT archiver), Compressed file archive (Limit)17) Электротехника: Line Isolation Monitor -
14 lim
1) Общая лексика: Line Insulation Monitor (AD)2) Компьютерная техника: Logical Information Machine, линейный интерфейсный модуль3) Американизм: Land Information Memorandum4) Военный термин: light intensity, medium, losing inventory manager5) Техника: ligament instability model, limb infrared monitoring, locator, inner, with marker, lower inlet module6) Математика: левоинвариантное среднее (left invariant mean), предел в среднем (limit in the mean)7) Телевидение: limiter8) Сокращение: Ledningssystem I Marinen (Naval C3I architecture (Sweden)), Live Insertion Module, Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (extended memory system), Low-Inclination Mission, limber, Liquid Injection Moulding9) Университет: Laboratory Information Management10) Электроника: Linear Induction Magnet11) Вычислительная техника: line interface module, Lotus - Intel - Microsoft (Hersteller), (line interface module) линейный интерфейсный модуль, (line interface module) модуль сопряжения с линией Lotus-Intel-Microsoft производства фирм Лотус, Интел, Майкрософт, (line interface module) модуль сопряжения с линией связи производства фирм Лотус, Интел, Майкрософт12) Транспорт: Linear Induction Motor13) Фирменный знак: Lotus Intel Microsoft14) Деловая лексика: Lotus Intel And Microsoft15) Полимеры: liquid injection molding, liquid injection moldable16) Расширение файла: Archive format (LIMIT archiver), Compressed file archive (Limit)17) Электротехника: Line Isolation Monitor -
15 driver
1) возбудитель; запускающее устройство; задающее устройство3) рлк подмодулятор5) вчт драйвер8) инструмент для завинчивания или вывинчивания (напр. отвёртка)•- bias driver
- blocking-oscillator driver
- bootstrap driver
- bubble memory driver
- bus driver
- clock driver
- current driver
- device driver
- disk driver
- display driver
- dongle driver
- extended packet driver
- file system driver
- frame driver
- graphics device driver
- line driver
- memory driver
- modulator driver
- mouse driver
- open-collector driver
- packet driver
- printer driver
- pulse driver
- relay driver
- sweep driver
- tape punch driver
- teletype driver
- test driver
- three-phase driver
- time sharing driver
- TWAIN driver
- two-phase driver
- user-written driver
- virtual device driver
- WIA driver -
16 driver
1) возбудитель; запускающее устройство; задающее устройство3) рлк. подмодулятор5) вчт. драйвер8) инструмент для завинчивания или вывинчивания (напр. отвёртка)•- bias driver
- blocking-oscillator driver
- bootstrap driver
- bubble memory driver
- bus driver
- clock driver
- current driver
- device driver
- disk driver
- display driver
- dongle driver
- extended packet driver
- file system driver
- frame driver
- graphics device driver
- line driver
- memory driver
- modulator driver
- mouse driver
- open-collector driver
- packet driver
- printer driver
- pulse driver
- relay driver
- sweep driver
- tape punch driver
- teletype driver
- test driver
- three-phase driver
- time sharing driver
- TWAIN driver
- two-phase driver
- user-written driver
- virtual device driver
- WIA driverThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > driver
17 memory
1) памятьа) вчт запоминающее устройство, ЗУб) вчт совокупность физических и ( или) эмулируемых элементов, используемых в качестве запоминающего устройства2) запоминание3) фтт память формы•- annex memory
- antishock memory
- arm-position memory
- associative memory
- aural memory
- auxiliary memory
- available memory
- available user memory
- back-up memory
- base memory - bit-mapped memory
- bit-oriented memory
- boot flash memory
- bootstrap memory
- bubble memory
- bubble-lattice memory
- buffer memory
- bulk memory - cache memory
- cached memory - cassette memory
- charge-coupled device memory
- charge-transfer device memory
- CMOS memory
- command-chained memory - concurrent Rambus dynamic random access-memory
- content-addressable memory
- continuously charge-coupled random-access-memory - core memory
- counter memory
- cross-tie memory - cylindrical-domain memory
- data flash memory
- declarative memory
- demand-paged virtual memory
- destructive-readout memory - domain memory
- domain-tip memory
- domain-type propagation memory - dual-ported video memory
- dynamic memory - emotional memory - episodic memory
- erasable memory - error detection and correction memory
- expanded memory
- explicit memory - eye memory
- factory-programmable read-only memory
- fast memory - ferrite-sheet memory - file memory
- fixed memory
- flash memory
- flashbulb memory
- fluorescent disk read-only memory
- free memory
- fusible-link programmable read-only memory
- fuzzy associative memory
- genetic memory
- giant-magnetoresistance random-access memory - immediate memory
- immediate access memory
- implicit memory
- installed memory
- internal memory
- intrinsic memory
- involuntary memory
- Josephson memory - logical memory
- long-term memory
- low-temperature memory - main memory
- mask-programmable read-only memory
- matrix-readout memory
- mechanical memory
- mercury memory - motor memory - nonvolatile memory - on-chip memory
- one-level memory - paged memory
- paging memory - permanently allocated memory - photochromic memory
- physical memory
- piggyback-twistor semipermanent memory
- planar bubble memory
- plated-wire memory
- Pockels readout optical memory
- primary memory
- procedural memory - programmable memory
- programmable read-only memory
- prolonged memory
- protein memory
- push-down memory - refresh memory
- repertory memory - reserved memory
- rotating memory - search memory
- segmented bubble memory
- sensory memory
- sequential memory
- sequential access memory
- shadow memory
- shadow random access memory
- shadow read-only memory
- shallow memory
- shared memory
- short-term memory
- single-ported video memory
- slow memory - synchronous active memory - total memory
- total memory under 1 MB
- tse flip-flop memory
- twin-bank memory
- ultra-violet erasable programmable read-only-memory - verbal memory
- vertical Bloch-line memory
- video memory
- video disk memory - volatile memory
- wagon memory - working memory -
18 memory
1) памятьа) вчт. запоминающее устройство, ЗУб) вчт. совокупность физических и или эмулируемых элементов, используемых в качестве запоминающего устройства2) запоминание3) фтт. память формы•- adaptive bidirectional associative memory
- alterable memory
- annex memory
- antishock memory
- arm-position memory
- associative memory
- aural memory
- auxiliary memory
- available memory
- available user memory
- back-up memory
- base memory
- bidirectional associative memory
- biopolymer memory
- bipolar read-only memory
- bipolar-transistor memory
- bit-mapped memory
- bit-oriented memory
- boot flash memory
- bootstrap memory
- bubble memory
- bubble-lattice memory
- buffer memory
- bulk memory
- burst extended data output dynamic random-access memory
- byte addressable memory
- cache memory
- cached dynamic random access memory
- cached memory
- cached video random access memory
- card memory
- cassette memory
- charge-coupled device memory
- charge-transfer device memory
- CMOS memory
- command-chained memory
- compact disk read-only memory extended architecture mode 1
- compact disk read-only memory extended architecture mode 2
- compact disk read-only memory extended architecture
- compact disk read-only memory
- conception memory
- concurrent Rambus dynamic random access memory
- content-addressable memory
- continuously charge-coupled random-access memory
- control read-only memory
- conventional memory
- core memory
- counter memory
- cross-tie memory
- cryogenic continuous film memory
- current-access magnetic bubble memory
- cylindrical-domain memory
- data flash memory
- declarative memory
- demand-paged virtual memory
- destructive-readout memory
- digital versatile disk random access memory
- digital versatile disk read-only memory
- direct memory
- direct Rambus dynamic random access memory
- discrete bidirectional associative memory
- disk memory
- domain memory
- domain-tip memory
- domain-type propagation memory
- double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory
- DRO memory
- dual-ported video memory
- dynamic memory
- dynamic random access memory
- EDAC memory
- electrically alterable read-only memory
- electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
- electrically erasable read-only memory
- electron-beam memory
- electron-beam-accessed memory
- electronically addressable memory
- emotional memory
- enhanced dynamic random access memory
- enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory memory
- episodic memory
- erasable memory
- erasable programmable read-only memory
- error correcting memory
- error detection and correction memory
- expanded memory
- explicit memory
- extended architecture ready compact disk read-only memory
- extended conventional memory
- extended data output dynamic random access memory
- extended data output video random access memory
- extended memory
- external memory
- eye memory
- factory-programmable read-only memory
- fast memory
- fast page mode dynamic random-access memory
- ferric random-access memory
- ferrite-core memory
- ferrite-sheet memory
- ferroelectric random access memory
- field-programmable read-only memory
- file memory
- fixed memory
- flash memory
- flashbulb memory
- fluorescent disk read-only memory
- free memory
- fusible-link programmable read-only memory
- fuzzy associative memory
- genetic memory
- giant-magnetoresistance random-access memory
- high memory
- image memory
- immediate access memory
- immediate memory
- implicit memory
- installed memory
- internal memory
- intrinsic memory
- involuntary memory
- Josephson memory
- keyed-access erasable programmable read-only memory
- line-addressable random-access memory
- linear associative memory
- local memory
- logical memory
- long-term memory
- low-temperature memory
- magnetic random access memory
- magnetic thin-film memory
- magnetic tunnel junction random-access memory
- magnetoelectronic memory
- main memory
- mask-programmable read-only memory
- matrix-readout memory
- mechanical memory
- mercury memory
- metal-oxide-semiconductor electrically-alterable read-only memory
- microprogram memory
- motor memory
- multibank dynamic random access memory
- N-level memory
- nonvolatile memory
- nonvolatile random-access memory
- off-chip memory
- on-chip memory
- one-level memory
- optimal linear associative memory
- ovonic memory
- paged memory
- paging memory
- parameter random-access memory
- permanent memory
- permanently allocated memory
- personality electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
- personality erasable programmable read-only memory
- photochromic memory
- physical memory
- piggyback-twistor semipermanent memory
- planar bubble memory
- plated-wire memory
- Pockels readout optical memory
- primary memory
- procedural memory
- processor information read-only memory
- program flash memory
- programmable memory
- programmable read-only memory
- prolonged memory
- protein memory
- push-down memory
- Rambus dynamic random access memory
- random access memory
- read/write memory
- read-only memory
- refresh memory
- repertory memory
- reprogrammable read-only memory
- reserve memory
- reserved memory
- rotating memory
- scratch-pad memory
- screen memory
- search memory
- segmented bubble memory
- sensory memory
- sequential access memory
- sequential memory
- shadow memory
- shadow random access memory
- shadow read-only memory
- shallow memory
- shared memory
- short-term memory
- single-ported video memory
- slow memory
- sparse distributed associative memory
- stack memory
- standard dynamic random-access memory
- static memory
- static random access memory
- superhigh-speed memory
- synchronous active memory
- synchronous dynamic random access memory
- synchronous graphics random access memory
- synchronous video random access memory
- system management random access memory
- system memory
- temporal associative memory
- total memory under 1 MB
- total memory
- tse flip-flop memory
- twin-bank memory
- ultra-violet erasable programmable read-only memory
- upper memory
- used memory
- verbal memory
- vertical Bloch-line memory
- video disk memory
- video memory
- video random access memory
- virtual channel memory synchronous dynamic random access memory
- virtual memory
- visual memory
- volatile memory
- wagon memory
- window random access memory
- word-organized memory
- working memory
- write-only memoryThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > memory
19 model
1) модель (1. упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; структурная аналогия 2. макет 3. образец; эталон; шаблон 4. пример; тип 5. стиль; дизайн) || моделировать (1. создавать упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; пользоваться структурной аналогией 2. макетировать 3. создавать образец, эталон или шаблон 4. пользоваться примером; относить к определённому типу) || модельный (1. относящийся к упрощённому представлению объекта, процесса или явления; использующий структурную аналогию 2. макетный 3. образцовый; эталонный; шаблонный 4. примерный; типовой)2) служить моделью; выполнять функции модели3) создавать по образцу, эталону или шаблону4) придерживаться определённого стиля; следовать выбранному дизайну•- 2-D model
- adaptive expectations model
- additive model of neural network
- analog model
- antenna scale model
- application domain model
- AR model
- ARCH model
- ARDL model
- ARIMA model
- ARMA model
- atmospheric density model
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- autoregressive distributed lags model
- autoregressive integrated moving average model
- autoregressive moving average model
- band model
- behavioral model
- Benetton model
- Berkeley short-channel IGFET model
- binary model
- binary choice model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model of atom
- Box-Jenkins model
- Bradley-Terry-Luce model
- brain-state-in-a-box model
- breadboard model
- Brookings models
- BSB model
- business model
- CAD model
- capability maturity model
- carrier-storage model
- causal model
- censored model
- centralized model
- charge-control model
- Chen model
- classical normal linear regression model
- classical regression model
- client-server model
- CMY model
- CMYK model
- cobweb model
- collective-electron model
- color model
- compact model
- component object model
- computer model
- computer-aided-design model
- conceptual model of hypercompetition
- conceptual data model
- conductor impedance model
- congruent model
- connectionist model
- continuum model
- Cox proportional hazards regression model
- data model
- Davidson-Hendry-Srba-Yeo model
- descriptive model
- design model
- deterministic model
- DHSY model
- discrete choice model
- distributed component object model
- distributed computing model
- distributed lags model
- distributed system object model
- distribution-free model
- document object model
- domain model
- domain architecture model
- duration model
- dynamic model
- EER-model
- energy-gap model
- entity-relationship model
- ER-model
- error correction model
- errors-in-variables model
- experimental model
- extended entity-relationship model
- extended relational model
- extended relational data model
- extensional model
- ferromagnetic Fermi-liquid model
- file level model
- financial model
- finite-population model
- fixed-effects model
- flat Earth model
- flat free model of advertising
- formalized model
- fractal model
- frame model
- fuzzy model
- GARCH model
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- generalized linear model
- geometric model
- geometrical lags model
- gross-level model
- ground-environment model
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz model
- Heisenberg model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical data model
- HLS model
- holographic model
- HSB model
- HSV model
- Hubbard model
- huge model
- hybrid-pi model
- hypothesis model
- ideal model
- imaging model
- indexed colors model
- information model
- information-logical model
- intensional model
- intercept-only model
- ionospheric model
- irreversible growth model
- Ising model
- ISO/OSI reference model
- Klein model
- Kronig-Penney model
- L*a*b* model
- large model
- large-signal device model
- LCH model
- learning, induction and schema abstraction model
- life cycle model
- limited dependent variable model
- linear model
- linear probability model
- LISA model
- logical model
- logical-linguistic model
- logistic model
- logit model
- loglinear model
- Londons' model of superconductivity
- lookup-table model
- Lorentz model
- low-signal device model
- machine model
- macrolevel model
- magnetic hysteresis model
- magnetohydrodynamic plasma model
- mathematical model
- matrix-memory model
- medium model
- memory model
- MHD plasma model
- microlevel model
- Minsky model
- Minsky frame model
- mixed model
- molecular-field model
- moving average model
- multiple regression model
- multiplicative model
- nested model
- network model
- network data model
- non-nested model
- non-parametric model
- N-state Potts model
- N-tier model
- null model
- object model
- object data model
- one-dimensional model
- one-fluid plasma model
- operations model
- optimizing model
- parabolic-ionosphere model
- parametric model
- parsimonious model
- partial adjustment model
- phenomenological model
- physical model
- pilot model
- Pippard nonlocal model
- plant model
- Poisson model
- polar model
- polynomial lags model
- postrelational model
- postrelational data model
- Potts model
- predictive model
- Preisach model
- preproduction model
- price model of advertising
- probabilistic model
- probit model
- proportional hazard model
- proportional-odds model
- prototype model
- quadratic model
- qualitative dependent variable model
- quantum mechanical model of superconductivity
- quasi-equilibrium model
- quasi-linear model
- random coefficients model
- random-effects model
- register model
- relational model
- relational data model
- relative model
- representative model
- response-surface model
- RGB model
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum model
- rival models
- Rössler model
- RWH model
- saturated model
- scalar model
- SCSI architecture model
- semantic model
- semiotic model
- sharply bounded ionosphere model
- simulation model
- single-ion model
- Skyrme model
- small model
- small-signal device model
- solid model
- spherical Earth model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- Stoner-Wohlfart model
- structural model
- stuck-at-fault model
- surface model
- symbolic model
- symbolic-form model
- synergetic model
- system model
- system object model
- test model
- thermodynamical model
- three-tier model
- tobit model
- transistor model
- translog model
- tropospheric model
- true model
- truncated model
- two-dimensional model
- two-dimensional regression model
- two-fluid model of superconductivity
- two-fluid plasma model
- two-tier model
- Van der Ziel's noise model
- variable parameter model
- vector model
- wire-frame model
- working model -
20 model
1) модель (1. упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; структурная аналогия 2. макет 3. образец; эталон; шаблон 4. пример; тип 5. стиль; дизайн) || моделировать (1. создавать упрощённое представление объекта, процесса или явления; пользоваться структурной аналогией 2. макетировать 3. создавать образец, эталон или шаблон 4. пользоваться примером; относить к определённому типу) || модельный (1. относящийся к упрощённому представлению объекта, процесса или явления; использующий структурную аналогию 2. макетный 3. образцовый; эталонный; шаблонный 4. примерный; типовой)2) служить моделью; выполнять функции модели3) создавать по образцу, эталону или шаблону4) придерживаться определённого стиля; следовать выбранному дизайну•- 2-D model
- adaptive expectations model
- additive model of neural network
- analog model
- antenna scale model
- application domain model
- AR model
- ARCH model
- ARDL model
- ARIMA model
- ARMA model
- atmospheric density model
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- autoregressive distributed lags model
- autoregressive integrated moving average model
- autoregressive model
- autoregressive moving average model
- band model
- behavioral model
- Benetton model
- Berkeley short-channel IGFET model
- binary choice model
- binary model
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model of atom
- Bohr-Sommerfeld model
- Box-Jenkins model
- Bradley-Terry-Luce model
- brain-state-in-a-box model
- breadboard model
- Brookings models
- BSB model
- business model
- CAD model
- capability maturity model
- carrier-storage model
- causal model
- censored model
- centralized model
- charge-control model
- Chen model
- classical normal linear regression model
- classical regression model
- client-server model
- CMY model
- CMYK model
- cobweb model
- collective-electron model
- color model
- compact model
- component object model
- computer model
- computer-aided-design model
- conceptual data model
- conceptual model of hypercompetition
- conductor impedance model
- congruent model
- connectionist model
- continuum model
- Cox proportional hazards regression model
- data model
- Davidson-Hendry-Srba-Yeo model
- descriptive model
- design model
- deterministic model
- DHSY model
- discrete choice model
- distributed component object model
- distributed computing model
- distributed lags model
- distributed system object model
- distribution-free model
- document object model
- domain architecture model
- domain model
- duration model
- dynamic model
- EER-model
- energy-gap model
- entity-relationship model
- ER-model
- error correction model
- errors-in-variables model
- experimental model
- extended entity-relationship model
- extended relational data model
- extended relational model
- extensional model
- ferromagnetic Fermi-liquid model
- file level model
- financial model
- finite-population model
- fixed-effects model
- flat Earth model
- flat free model of advertising
- formalized model
- fractal model
- frame model
- fuzzy model
- GARCH model
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model
- generalized linear model
- geometric model
- geometrical lags model
- gross-level model
- ground-environment model
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz model
- Heisenberg model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical data model
- HLS model
- holographic model
- HSB model
- HSV model
- Hubbard model
- huge model
- hybrid-pi model
- hypothesis model
- ideal model
- imaging model
- indexed colors model
- information model
- information-logical model
- intensional model
- intercept-only model
- ionospheric model
- irreversible growth model
- Ising model
- ISO/OSI reference model
- Klein model
- Kronig-Penney model
- L*a*b* model
- large model
- large-signal device model
- LCH model
- learning, induction and schema abstraction model
- life cycle model
- limited dependent variable model
- linear model
- linear probability model
- LISA model
- logical model
- logical-linguistic model
- logistic model
- logit model
- loglinear model
- Londons' model of superconductivity
- lookup-table model
- Lorentz model
- low-signal device model
- machine model
- macrolevel model
- magnetic hysteresis model
- magnetohydrodynamic plasma model
- mathematical model
- matrix-memory model
- medium model
- memory model
- MHD plasma model
- microlevel model
- Minsky frame model
- Minsky model
- mixed model
- molecular-field model
- moving average model
- multiple regression model
- multiplicative model
- nested model
- network data model
- network model
- non-nested model
- non-parametric model
- N-state Potts model
- N-tier model
- null model
- object data model
- object model
- one-dimensional model
- one-fluid plasma model
- operations model
- optimizing model
- parabolic-ionosphere model
- parametric model
- parsimonious model
- partial adjustment model
- phenomenological model
- physical model
- pilot model
- Pippard nonlocal model
- plant model
- Poisson model
- polar model
- polynomial lags model
- postrelational data model
- postrelational model
- Potts model
- predictive model
- Preisach model
- preproduction model
- price model of advertising
- probabilistic model
- probit model
- proportional hazard model
- proportional-odds model
- prototype model
- quadratic model
- qualitative dependent variable model
- quantum mechanical model of superconductivity
- quasi-equilibrium model
- quasi-linear model
- random coefficients model
- random-effects model
- register model
- relational data model
- relational model
- relative model
- representative model
- response-surface model
- RGB model
- Ridley-Watkins-Hilsum model
- rival models
- Rössler model
- RWH model
- saturated model
- scalar model
- SCSI architecture model
- semantic model
- semiotic model
- sharply bounded ionosphere model
- simulation model
- single-ion model
- Skyrme model
- small model
- small-signal device model
- solid model
- spherical Earth model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- Stoner-Wohlfart model
- structural model
- stuck-at-fault model
- surface model
- symbolic model
- symbolic-form model
- synergetic model
- system model
- system object model
- test model
- thermodynamical model
- three-tier model
- tobit model
- transistor model
- translog model
- tropospheric model
- true model
- truncated model
- two-dimensional model
- two-dimensional regression model
- two-fluid model of superconductivity
- two-fluid plasma model
- two-tier model
- Van der Ziel's noise model
- variable parameter model
- vector model
- wire-frame model
- working modelThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > model
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Extended File System — L extended file system ou ext, est le premier système de fichiers créé en avril 1992 spécifiquement pour le système d exploitation Linux. Il a été conçu par Rémy Card pour surmonter certaines limitations du système de fichiers Minix. Il a plus… … Wikipédia en Français
Extended file system — The extended file system, ext or ext1 was invented in April 1992 and the first file system created specifically for the Linux operating system. It was designed by Rémy Card to overcome certain limitations of the Minix file system.It is the first… … Wikipedia
Extended file system — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar … Wikipedia Español
Extended file system — L extended file system ou ext, est le premier système de fichiers créé en avril 1992 spécifiquement pour le système d exploitation Linux. Il a été conçu par Rémy Card pour surmonter certaines limitations du système de fichiers Minix. Il a plus… … Wikipédia en Français
Extended file attributes — is a file system feature that enables users to associate computer files with metadata not interpreted by the filesystem, whereas regular attributes have a purpose strictly defined by the filesystem (such as permissions or records of creation and… … Wikipedia
MINIX file system — Developer Open Source Community Full name MINIX file system version 3 Introduced 1987 (MINIX 1.0) Partition identifier 0x81 (MBR) Features Dates recorded … Wikipedia
File system — For library and office filing systems, see Library classification. Further information: Filing cabinet A file system (or filesystem) is a means to organize data expected to be retained after a program terminates by providing procedures to store,… … Wikipedia
File System — Système de fichiers Pour les articles homonymes, voir FS et SGF. Un système de fichiers (file system ou filesystem en anglais) ou système de gestion de fichiers (SGF) est une structure de données permettant de stocker les informations et de les… … Wikipédia en Français
File system — Système de fichiers Pour les articles homonymes, voir FS et SGF. Un système de fichiers (file system ou filesystem en anglais) ou système de gestion de fichiers (SGF) est une structure de données permettant de stocker les informations et de les… … Wikipédia en Français
Unix File System — Infobox filesystem full name = UNIX file system name = UFS developer = CSRG introduction os = 4.2BSD introduction date = partition id = directory struct = table file struct = bad blocks struct = max file size = 2^73 bytes (8 ZiB) max files no =… … Wikipedia
Hierarchical File System — Infobox filesystem name = HFS full name = Hierarchical File System developer = Apple Computer introduction os = System 2.1 introduction date = September 17 1985 partition id = Apple HFS (Apple Partition Map) 0xAF (MBR) directory struct = B* tree… … Wikipedia