1 extend
1. IIextend somewhere extend westwards (Londonwards, far and wide, etc.) простираться /тянуться/ на запад и т.д.2. IIIextend smth.1) extend the frontiers of a state (the boundaries of a park, the city boundaries, etc.) расширять границы государства и т.д.; extend a schoolhouse увеличивать площадь школьного здания (за счет пристройки, надстройки и т.п.), extend one's premises снять или получить дополнительную площадь; extend a railway (a fence, a wall, etc.) протянуть дальше железную дорогу и т.д.; extend a line удлинять /продолжать/ линию; extend one's business расширить дело; extend one's influence (one's power, one's operations, etc.) распространить влияние и т.д.; extend one's connections наладить более широкие связи2) extend one's leave (smb.'s visit, etc.) продлить отпуск и т.д.3) book. extend one's arm (one's hand, one's leg) протянуть вытянуть/ руку и т.д.3. VIIextend smth. to do smth. extend the application of the rule to cover this case распространить правило и на этот случай4. XIIhave (get) smth. extended have (get) a visa extended (the term extended, the time extended until the end of next month, etc.) продлить визу и т.д.; добиться продления визы и т.д.5. XVI1) extend for some distance extend for many kilometres (for miles and miles, for miles in both directions, to the length of 10 miles, etc.) тянуться /простираться/ на многие километры и т.д.; extend to some place /as far as some place / extend to Europe (to China, etc.) доходить до Европы и т.д.; extend as far as the river доходить /простираться/ до самой реки; extend from some place to some place extend from China to Europe простираться от Китая до Европы; extend through some place extend through several countries проходить через несколько стран; extend beyond smth. his power extends beyond his country (beyond this place, beyond the seas, etc.) его могущество /власть/ простирается /распространяется/ далеко за пределы страны и т.д.2) extend for (till, into, from... to /till/..., etc.) some time the exhibition (the conference, smb.'s visit, etc.) will extend for a fortnight (till Wednesday, from Wednesday to Saturday, from May till October, etc.) выставка и т.д. продлятся /будет продолжаться/ две недели и т.д.; extend into months (over a period of several years, over ten weeks, etc.) растягиваться на месяцы и т.д., продолжаться месяцами и т.д.; extend to smth. the chapter extends to a hundred pages глава занимает /в этой главе/ сто страниц6. XXI11) extend smth. to (into, over, etc.) smth. extend the railroad to the border протянуть /проложить/ железную дорогу до границы; extend the novel to three volumes растянуть роман на целых три тома; extend one's influence over smb. распространить свое влияние на кого-л.; extend one's power and influence into neighbouring countries подчинить соседние страны своей власти и влиянию2) extend smth. across (to, under, etc.) smth. extend a rope across the street (under the arch, over the bridge, etc.) протянуть веревку через улицу и т.д.; extend one's arm to the full length вытянуть руку на всю длину3) extend smth. into (for) some time extend one's visit into months (into years, etc.) растянуть свой визит на несколько месяцев и т.д.; extend the time for a few days растянуть срок на несколько дней4) extend smth. to smb. offic. extend help to poor people оказывать помощь бедным; extend a helping hand to one's friends протянуть руку помощи друзьям; extend sympathy to smb. выражать сочувствие кому-л.; extend kindness to one's neighbours проявлять любезность в отношении соседей; extend an invitation to smb. приглашать кого-л.: extend congratulations to smb. поздравлять кого-л.; extend a welcome to smb. USA оказывать радушный прием кому-л., проявлять радушие по отношению к кому-л. -
2 talk
1. nразговор, беседа; pl переговорыmore peace talks are going to take place / getting underway / lie ahead — переговоры о мирном урегулировании будут продолжены
to be more flexible in the talks — проявлять бо́льшую гибкость на переговорах
to begin (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to bring a country into the talks between smb — вовлекать / подключать какую-л. страну к переговорам между кем-л.
to come to the talks empty-handed — приходить на переговоры с пустыми руками ( без новых предложений)
to complete / to conclude talks — завершать переговоры
to damage the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to demand a prompt resumption of peace talks — требовать скорейшего возобновления переговоров о мире
to derail / to disrupt the talks — срывать переговоры
to dominate the two days of talks — быть главным вопросом на переговорах, которые продлятся два дня
to extend talks amid reports of smth — продлевать переговоры, в то время как поступают сообщения о чем-л.
to hamper the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to have / to hold further / more talks with smb — проводить дальнейшие переговоры / продолжать переговоры с кем-л.
to hold talks at the request of smb — проводить переговоры по чьей-л. просьбе
to hold talks in an exceptionally warm atmosphere — вести переговоры в исключительно теплой атмосфере
to iron out difficulties in the talks — устранять трудности, возникшие в ходе переговоров
to maintain one's talks for 10 days — продолжать переговоры еще 10 дней
to make good / substantial progress at / in the talks — добиваться значительного / существенного успеха на переговорах
to make smb more flexible in the talks — заставлять кого-л. занять более гибкую позицию на переговорах
to obstruct the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to offer unconditional talks to smb — предлагать кому-л. провести переговоры, не сопровождаемые никакими условиями
to open (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to push forward the talks — активизировать переговоры; давать толчок переговорам
to put the proposals to arms reduction talks — ставить предложения на рассмотрение участников переговоров о сокращении вооружений
to re-launch / to reopen talks — возобновлять переговоры
to restart / to resume talks — возобновлять переговоры
to resume talks after a lapse of 18 months — возобновлять переговоры после полуторагодового перерыва
to schedule talks — намечать / планировать переговоры
to start (the) talks — начинать / открывать переговоры
to steer a diplomatic course in one's talks — проводить дипломатическую линию на переговорах
to stymie the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
to torpedo the talks — вредить / мешать / препятствовать переговорам, подрывать переговоры
- accession talksto walk out of / to withdraw from talks — уходить с переговоров, отказываться от продолжения переговоров
- after a full day of talks
- ambassadorial talks
- ambassadorial-level talks
- another round of talks gets under way today
- arduous talks
- arms control talks
- arms talks
- backstage talks
- barren talks
- beneficial talks
- bilateral talks
- bittersweet talk
- border talks
- breakdown in talks
- breakdown of talks - businesslike talks
- by means of talks
- by talks
- call for fresh talks
- carefully prepared talks
- cease-fire talks
- CFE talks
- coalition talks
- collapsed talks
- completion of talks
- conduct of talks
- confidential talks
- confrontational talks
- constructive talks
- conventional arms control talks
- conventional forces in Europe talks
- conventional stability talks
- conventional talks
- conventional-force talk
- cordial talks
- crux of the talks
- current round of talks
- deadlocked talks
- delay in the talks
- detailed talks
- direct talks
- disarmament talks
- discreet talks
- disruption of talks
- divisive talks
- early talks
- election talk
- emergency talks
- equal talks
- Europe-wide talks
- exhaustive talks
- exploratory talks
- extensive talks
- face-to-face talks
- failure at the talks
- failure of the talks
- familiarization talks
- farewell talks
- final round of talks
- follow -up talks
- follow-on talks
- force-reduction talks
- formal talks
- forthcoming talks
- four-way talks
- frank talks
- fresh round of talks
- fresh talks
- friendly atmosphere in the talks
- friendly talks
- frosty talks
- fruitful talks
- fruitless talks
- full talks
- full-scale talks
- further talks
- get-to-know-you talks
- good-faith talks
- hard-going talks
- highest-level talks
- high-level talks
- in a follow-up to one's talks
- in the course of talks
- in the last round of the talks
- in the latest round of the talks
- in the talks
- inconclusive talks
- indirect talks
- industrial promotion talks
- informal talks
- intensive talks
- intercommunal talks
- interesting talks
- interparty talks
- last-ditch talks
- last-minute talks
- lengthy talks
- low-level talks
- make-or-break talks
- man-to-man talks
- marathon talks
- MBFR talks
- meaningful talks
- mediator in the talks
- membership talks
- ministerial talks
- more talks
- multilateral talks
- Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction talks
- news lockout during the talks
- no further talks are scheduled
- non-stop talks
- normalization talks
- nuclear and space arms talks
- observer at the talks
- offer of talks
- on-and-off talks
- Open Skies Talk
- open talks
- outcome of the talks
- pace of the talks
- participant in the talks
- parties at the talks
- pay talks
- peace talks
- pep talk
- political talks
- positive talks
- preliminary talks
- preparatory talks
- present at the talks are...
- pre-summit talks
- pre-talks
- prime-ministerial talks
- private talks
- productive talks
- profound talks
- programmatic talk
- proposed talks
- proximity talks
- rapid progress in talks
- rapprochement talks
- realistic talks
- renewal of talks
- resumed talks
- resumption of talks
- reunification talks - sales talks
- scheduled talks
- secret talks
- security talks
- sensible talks
- separate talks
- serious talks
- session of the talks
- setback in the talks
- sincere talks
- stage-by-stage talks
- stormy talks
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
- Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
- substantial talks
- substantive talks
- successful progress of the talks
- summit talks
- talk was conducted in an atmosphere
- talk was held in an atmosphere
- talk will be dominated by the row which...
- talks about talk
- talks are alarmingly behind schedule
- talks are at a standstill
- talks are critical
- talks are deadlocked
- talks are due to resume
- talks are getting nowhere
- talks are going ahead
- talks are going well
- talks are heading for deadlock
- talks are in doubt
- talks are in high gear
- talks are in jeopardy
- talks are into their final day
- talks are not going fast enough
- talks are only a start
- talks are progressing at a snail's pace
- talks are progressing smoothly
- talks are progressing well
- talks are set to fail
- talks are stalemated
- talks are still on track
- talks are taking place in a constructive atmosphere
- talks are underway
- talks at a ministerial level
- talks at the highest level
- talks at the level of deputy foreign ministers
- talks between smb have run into last-minute difficulties
- talks between the two sides
- talks bogged down on smth
- talks broke down
- talks came to a standstill
- talks center on smth
- talks collapsed
- talks come at a time when...
- talks concentrate on
- talks dragged on for years
- talks ended in agreement
- talks ended in failure
- talks ended inconclusively
- talks ended without agreement
- talks failed to make any progress
- talks faltered on smth
- talks foundered on smth
- talks get underway
- talks go into a second day
- talks go on
- talks had a successful start
- talks had been momentous
- talks hang by a thread
- talks hang in the balance
- talks have been constructive and businesslike
- talks have broken up in failure
- talks have ended on an optimistic note
- talks have ended with little sign of agreement
- talks have ended with little sign of program
- talks have fallen through
- talks have got off to a friendly start
- talks have got off to a successful start
- talks have made little progress towards peace
- talks have never been closer to an agreement
- talks have reached deadlock
- talks have reopened
- talks have run into difficulties
- talks have run into trouble
- talks inch forward
- talks is burgeoning again about...
- talks made progress
- talks may continue into tomorrow
- talks may not get off the ground
- talks now under way
- talks of peace
- talks of procedural nature
- talks on a range of issues
- talks on conventional stability
- talks open
- talks overran by half an hour
- talks overshadowed by smth
- talks produced no results
- talks reconvene
- talks remain deadlocked
- talks restart
- talks resume
- talks stalled over the issue
- talks under the auspices of smb
- talks went into the small hours of the morning
- talks went late into the night
- talks went on late into the night
- talks went smoothly
- talks were due to start a month ago
- talks were not conclusive
- talks were suspended
- talks were warm, friendly and cordial
- talks will cover smth
- talks will focus on smth
- talks will go ahead
- talks will take place at the undersecretaries of foreign affairs level
- talks will yield an agreement
- talks with smb are not acceptable
- talks with the mediation of smb
- talks without preconditions
- talks would make little headway
- the agreement was signed at the end of 5 days of talks
- the area affected in the talks
- the outcome of the talks is not easy to predict
- the pace of the talks is slow
- the progress of the talks
- there was a sense of achievement at the end of the talks
- this problem will be at the heart of the talks
- those in the talks
- three days of talks have failed to make any tangible progress
- three-sided talks
- three-way talks
- too much talks and not enough action
- top-level talks
- touchstone of progress in the talks
- trade talks
- trilateral talks
- tripartite talks
- two-way talks
- umbrella peace talks
- unconditional talks
- United Nations-mediated talks
- United Nations-sponsored talks
- unity talks
- unofficial talk
- unproductive talks
- unscheduled talks
- useful talks
- walkout from the talks
- weighty talks
- wide range of talks
- wide-ranging talks
- workmanlike talks 2. vвести беседу, разговариватьto talk about smth — вести переговоры о чем-л.
to talk to smb direct — вести с кем-л. прямые переговоры
to talk to smb through a third party — вести переговоры с кем-л. через посредника
to talk tough — вести беседу / говорить резко
3 organization
nорганизация; устройство; объединение; структураto ban an organization — объявлять вне закона / запрещать организацию
to be accredited to an organization — быть аккредитованным при какой-л. организации
to boot a country from an organization — выдворять какую-л. страну из какой-л. организации
to disband / to dissolve an organization — распускать организацию
to eliminate smb from an organization — исключать кого-л. из организации
to establish an organization — основывать / учреждать организацию
to found an organization — основывать / учреждать организацию
to infiltrate an organization — внедряться в какую-л. организацию
to keep faith in an organization — сохранять веру в какую-л. организацию
to put an organization on a legal footing — придавать юридический статус какой-л. организации
- AAPSO- Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization
- anti-war organizations
- at the headquarters of the organization
- Australian Security Intelligence Organization
- autonomous organization
- banned organization
- Basque separatist organization
- breakaway organization
- Central Treaty Organization
- child care organization
- competent organization
- comprehensive trade organization
- Conservative Students Organization
- consultative organization
- country-wide organization
- democratic organization
- design organization
- educational organization
- emigrant organization
- environmental organization
- ethnic organization
- European Organization for Nuclear Research
- expansion of an organization
- ex-service organization
- extremist organization
- fascist organization
- finance and banking organization
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- governmental organization
- government-run organization
- grassroots organization
- Greenpeace Organization
- humanitarian organization
- illegal organization
- independent organization
- inferior organization
- informal organization
- intelligence organization
- intergovernmental organization
- International Civil Aviation Organization
- International Criminal Police Organization
- International Labour Organization
- International Maritime Organization
- international monetary and financial organization
- International Organization of Standardization
- international organization
- International Radio and Television Organization
- International Refugee Organization
- International Shipping Organization
- International Trade Organization
- interstate trade and economic organizations
- kindred organizations
- legal organization
- mass public organizations
- military organization
- monetary and credit organizations
- mutual-aid organizations
- National Organization for Women
- nongovernmental organizations
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- organization based in Washington
- organization committed to violence
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation
- Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Organization for Trade Cooperation
- Organization of African Unity
- Organization of American States
- Organization of Asian News Agencies
- Organization of Central American States
- organization of labor
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- Organization of Regional Cooperation for Development
- outlawed organization
- Palestine Liberation Organization
- Pan-American Health Organization
- paramilitary organization
- patriotic organization
- political organization
- political wing of an organization
- preferred provider organization
- primary organization
- procurement organization
- pro-fascist organization
- proscribed organization
- public organization
- rebirth of an organization
- regional organization
- related organizations
- religious organization
- revanchist organization
- revolutionary organization
- sales organization
- scientific organization of labor
- self-financing organization
- self-governing organization
- self-supporting organization
- self-sustained organization
- separatist organization
- sister organizations
- social organization
- socio-political organization
- South-East Asia Treaty Organization
- splinter organization
- sponsoring organization
- state-political organization
- steering organization
- terrorist organization
- trade-union organization
- trading organization
- transnational organization
- ultra-right fascist-type organization
- umbrella organization
- underground organization
- underworld organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- United Nations Organization
- United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine
- United Towns Organization
- universal organization
- unofficial organization
- Warsaw Treaty Organization
- withdrawal from an organization
- World Health Organization
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- World Meteorological Organization
- World Tourism Organization
- World Trade Organization
- worldwide organization
- youth organization -
4 stay
1. nразрешение остаться в стране; пребывание где-л.2. vto extend one's stay somewhere — продлевать свое пребывание где-л.
оставаться; пребыватьto stay away — бойкотировать (что-л.), воздерживаться от участия (в чем-л.)
to stay on — продолжать оставаться у власти; продолжать исполнять свои обязанности
to stay out (of smth) — не вмешиваться (во что-л.)
5 go
1. n разг. ход, ходьба; движениеthe boat rolled gently with the come and go of small waves — лодка мягко покачивалась на мелких волнах
on the go — на ходу; на ногах
passing go — решающий ход в настольной игре «го»
2. n разг. обстоятельство, положение; неожиданный поворот делtell me how things go ? — расскажите мне, как идут дела?
3. n разг. попыткаto have a go at — попытаться, рискнуть, попытать счастья
4. n разг. приступ5. n разг. порция6. n разг. сделка, соглашение7. n разг. разг. энергия, воодушевление; рвение; увлечение8. n разг. разг. успех; удача; успешное предприятиеto make a go of it — добиться успеха, преуспеть
he is convinced that he can make a go of it — он уверен, что добьётся в этом деле успеха
9. n разг. редк. походка10. n разг. ход; бросок«мимо»
quite the go — последний крик моды; предмет всеобщего увлечения
first go — первым делом, сразу же
at a go — сразу, зараз
11. a амер. разг. быть в состоянии готовности; работать12. v идти, ходить13. v направляться, следовать; ехать, поехатьto go on a journey — поехать в путешествие; совершать путешествие
to go on a visit — поехать с визитом; поехать погостить
14. v ездить, путешествовать, передвигатьсяto go at a crawl — ходить, ездить или двигаться медленно
15. v ходить, курсировать16. v уходить, уезжатьwe came at six and went at nine — мы пришли в шесть, а ушли в девять
I must be going now, I must be gone — теперь мне нужно уходить
she is gone — она ушла, её нет
17. v отходить, отправлятьсяto go gunning — охотиться, ходить на охоту
18. v двигаться, быть в движенииgo along — идти, двигаться
go forth — быть опубликованным, изданным
19. v двигаться с определённой скоростьюto go along — двигаться дальше; идти своей дорогой
to go nap — поставить всё на карту, идти на большой риск
20. v работать, действовать, функционировать21. v жить, действовать, функционироватьhe manages to keep going — он как-то тянет, ему удаётся держаться
22. v тянуться, проходить, пролегать, простиратьсяmountains that go from east to west — горы, тянущиеся с востока на запад
go by — проходить, проезжать мимо
23. v дотягиваться; доходитьto go to the races — ходить на скачки; ходить на бега
go about — расхаживать, ходить туда и сюда; слоняться
24. v протекать, проходитьvacation goes quickly — не успеваешь оглянуться, а отпуск кончился
I hope all goes well with you — надеюсь, что у вас всё хорошо
how did the voting go? — как завершилось голосование?; каковы результаты голосования?
25. v исчезать; проходить26. v исчезнуть, пропастьthe key has gone somewhere — ключ куда-то распространяться; передаваться
27. v передаваться28. v иметь хождение, быть в обращенииto go out of curl — быть выбитым из колеи; утратить форму
to go to oblivion — быть преданным забвению, быть забытым
29. v идти; брать на себя; решатьсяto go snacks — делить поровну; делиться ; брать свою долю
30. v податься; рухнуть; сломаться, расколотьсяfirst the sail went and then the mast — сперва подался парус, а затем и мачта
there goes another button! — ну вот, ещё одна пуговица отлетела!
31. v потерпеть крах, обанкротитьсяto go phut — лопнуть, потерпеть крах
go to smash — разориться; обанкротиться
to go to smash — разориться, обанкротиться
to go bust — остаться без копейки, обанкротиться
32. v отменяться, уничтожаться33. v отказываться; избавляться34. v быть расположенным, следовать в определённом порядкеto go by the title of … — быть известным под именем …
35. v храниться, находиться; становиться36. v умещаться, укладыватьсяthe thread is too thick to go into the needle — нитка слишком толстая, чтобы пролезть в иголку
37. v равняться38. v заканчиваться определённым результатом39. v гласить, говоритьthe story goes that he was murdered — говорят, что его убили
properly speaking, you ought to go — собственно говоря, вы должны уйти
40. v звучатьthe tune goes something like this … — вот как, примерно, звучит этот мотив
41. v звонитьI hear the bells going — я слышу, как звонят колокола
42. v бить, отбивать время43. v умирать, гибнутьshe is gone — она погибла, она умерла
to go to rack and ruin — обветшать; разрушиться; погибнуть
44. v пройти, быть принятымto take a turn, to go for a turn — пройтись
to go for a trot — быстро пройтись, пробежаться
45. v быть приемлемым46. v разг. выдерживать, терпеть47. v справляться, одолевать48. v ходить определённым шагомgo and see — заходить; зайти; навещать; навестить
go to see — заходить; зайти; навещать; навестить
49. v спариватьсяСинонимический ряд:1. energy (noun) birr; energy; hardihood; pep; potency; tuck2. fling (noun) crack; fling; pop; shot; slap; stab; try; whack; whirl3. occurrence (noun) circumstance; episode; event; happening; incident; occasion; occurrence; thing4. success (noun) arrival; flying colors; prosperity; success; successfulness5. time (noun) bout; hitch; innings; shift; siege; spell; stint; time; tour; trick; turn; watch6. vigor (noun) bang; drive; getup; get-up-and-go; punch; push; snap; starch; vigor; vitality7. agree (verb) accord; agree; check; check out; cohere; comport; conform; consist; consort; correspond; dovetail; fit in; harmonise; harmonize; jibe; march; quadrate; rhyme; square; tally8. bear (verb) abide; bear; brook; digest; endure; lump; stand; stick out; stomach; suffer; support; sustain; swallow; sweat out; take; tolerate9. become (verb) become; come; get; grow; wax10. decline (verb) decline; deteriorate; fade11. depart (verb) depart; exit; get away; get off; leave; pop off; pull out; push off; quit; retire; retreat; run along; shove off; take off; withdraw12. die (verb) cash in; conk; decease; demise; die; drop; expire; go away; go by; pass away; pass out; peg out; perish; pip; succumb13. disappear (verb) disappear; dissolve; vanish14. enjoy (verb) enjoy; like; relish15. fit (verb) belong; fit16. give (verb) bend; break; break down; buckle; cave; cave in; collapse; crumple; fold up; give; yield17. go on (verb) continue; go on; maintain; persist18. go with (verb) go with; suit19. happen (verb) befall; betide; chance; develop; do; fall out; hap; happen; occur; rise; transpire20. make (verb) head; make; set out; strike out21. move (verb) move; travel; walk22. offer (verb) bid; offer23. proceed (verb) advance; cruise; elapse; fare; hie; journey; pass; proceed; progress; push on; wend24. resort (verb) apply; recur; refer; repair; resort; resort to; turn25. run (verb) carry; extend; lead; range; reach; run; stretch; vary26. set (verb) bet; gamble; lay; risk; set; stake; venture; wager27. spend (verb) conclude; consume; exhaust; expend; finish; run through; spend; stop; terminate; use up; wash up28. succeed (verb) arrive; click; come off; come through; flourish; go over; make out; pan out; prosper; prove out; score; succeed; thrive; work out29. work (verb) act; function; operate; perform; workАнтонимический ряд:appear; approach; arrive; become; break down; clash; come; endure; enter; fail; improve; lack; live; persist; quit; regress; remain; rest; stand; stay
См. также в других словарях:
Wikipedia:Featured article candidates — Here, we determine which articles are to be featured articles (FAs). FAs exemplify Wikipedia s very best work and satisfy the FA criteria. All editors are welcome to review nominations; please see the review FAQ. Before nominating an article,… … Wikipedia
mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… … Universalium
Antarctica — /ant ahrk ti keuh, ahr ti /, n. the continent surrounding the South Pole: almost entirely covered by an ice sheet. ab. 5,000,000 sq. mi. (12,950,000 sq. km). Also called Antarctic Continent. * * * Antarctica Introduction Antarctica Background:… … Universalium
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France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… … Universalium
Mexico — /mek si koh /, n. 1. a republic in S North America. 97,563,374; 761,530 sq. mi. (1,972,363 sq. km). Cap.: Mexico City. 2. a state in central Mexico. 6,245,000; 8268 sq. mi. (21,415 sq. km). Cap.: Toluca. 3. Gulf of, Mexican, Golfo de México /gawl … Universalium
run — run1 [ rʌn ] (past tense ran [ ræn ] ; past participle run) verb *** ▸ 1 move quickly with legs ▸ 2 control/organize ▸ 3 machine: work ▸ 4 liquid: flow ▸ 5 try to be elected ▸ 6 vehicle: travel ▸ 7 be shown/performed ▸ 8 reach amount/rate ▸ 9… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
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