1 exporter currency
soft currency — неконвертируемая валюта; неустойчивая валюта
currency used for payment — валюта, используемая для платежа
2 currency
n1) валюта, деньги
- accounting currency
- adjustable currency
- agreed currency
- agreement currency
- anchor currency
- appreciated currency
- article eight currency
- automatic currency
- base currency
- blocked currency
- cheap currency
- cheque currency
- clearing currency
- collective currency
- common currency
- controlled currency
- convertible currency
- convertible in gold currency
- counterfeit currency
- credit currency
- dealt currency
- decimal currency
- deposit currency
- depreciated currency
- depreciating currency
- devalued currency
- domestic currency
- double currency
- elastic currency
- emergency currency
- exotic currency
- exporter's currency
- falling currency
- fiat currencies
- fiduciary currency
- floating currency
- fluctuating currency
- forced currency
- foreign currency
- fractional currency
- free currency
- freely convertible currency
- freely floating currency
- full-bodied currency
- fully convertible currency
- functional currency
- general asset currency
- gold currency
- green currency
- hand-to-hand currency
- hard currency
- home currency
- importer's currency
- inconvertible currency
- inflated currency
- international currency
- intervention currency
- irredeemable currency
- jointly floating currency
- key currency
- lawful currency
- leading currency
- local currency
- major currencies
- managed currency
- metallic currency
- mixed currency
- national currency
- nonconvertible currency
- overvalued currency
- paper currency
- partially convertible currency
- pegged currency
- permitted currencies
- quotation currency
- redeemable in gold currency
- reference currency
- regulated currency
- reporting currency
- reserve currency
- revalued currency
- scarce currency
- settled currency
- shaky currency
- silver currency
- single currency
- small denomination currency
- soft currency
- sound currency
- splinter currency
- stable currency
- standard currency
- third-country currency
- trading currency
- transaction currency
- treasury currency
- undervalued currency
- unstable currency
- vehicle currency
- volatile currency
- currency in circulation
- currency of account
- currency of a bill
- currency of clearing
- currency of a contract
- currency of credit
- currency of exchange clause
- currency of money
- currency of payment
- currency of price
- currency pegged to the dollar
- appreciate currency
- back currency
- compute in currency
- control currency
- convert currency
- debase currency
- deposit currency
- depreciate currency
- devalorize currency
- devaluate currency
- devalue currency
- dump currency
- earn currency
- exchange currency
- express in currency
- manage currency
- pay in currency
- prop up currency
- purchase currency
- realize for foreign currency
- regulate currency
- remit currency
- revalorize currency
- revalue currency
- sell for foreign currency
- transfer currency from one account to another
- transfer currency to an accountEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > currency
3 currency
1) валюта, денежная единица2) деньги в обращении, денежные инструменты• -
4 exporter's currency
1) Банковское дело: валюта страны экспортёра2) Инвестиции: валюта страны-экспортёра -
5 exporter's currency
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > exporter's currency
6 exporter's currency
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > exporter's currency
7 валюта
фин. экон. currency английская валюта ≈ sterling курс валюты твердая валюта иностранная валюта золотая валютавалют|а - ж. (денежная система) currency;
бумажная ~ paper currency;
блокированная ~ blocked currency;
замкнутая ~ inconvertible currency;
иностранная ~ foreign currency;
конвертируемая ~ convertible/hard currency;
международная ~ international currency;
национальная ~ national currency;
неконвертируемая ~ inconvertible/soft currency;
неустойчивая ~ unstable currency;
~, привязанная к доллару currency pegged to the dollar;
резервная ~ reserve currency;
свободно конвертируемая ~ freely convertible currency;
твёрдая ~ hard currency;
устойчивая ~ stable currency;
~ векселя currency of a bill;
~ контракта currency of contract;
~ кредита currency of credit;
~ платежа currency of payment;
~ перевода currency of a transfer;
~ расчёта transactions currency, clearing currency;
~ сделки bargain currency;
~ страны-импортёра, экспортёра importer`s, exporter`s currency;
~ счёта currency of an account;
~ цены currency of price;
~ный currency attr. ;
~ная котировка quotation currency;
~ная операция currency transaction;
~ный курс rate of exchange, exchange;
~ный рынок exchange market, currency market. -
8 credit
1. n1) кредит2) бухг. кредит, правая сторона счета3) аккредитив4) доверие
- acceptance credit
- accommodation credit
- adjustment credit
- agricultural credit
- assignment credit
- averaged rate credit
- back-to-back credit
- bank credit
- banker's credit
- banking credit
- blank credit
- blocked credit
- book credit
- bridging credit
- broker's credit
- budgetary credit
- buyer's credit
- cash credit
- cheap credit
- clean credit
- clearing credit
- collateral credit
- collateralized credit
- commercial credit
- commercial bank credit
- commercial documentary credit
- commercial paper credit
- commodity credit
- company credit
- consumer credit
- consortium credit
- countervailing credit
- convenience credit
- conversion credit
- currency credit
- current account credit
- deferred credit
- direct credit
- directed credit
- disabled access credit
- discount credit
- documentary credit
- dollar credit
- draft credit
- drawing credit
- earmarked credit
- evergreen credit
- export credit
- exporter's credit
- export promotion credit
- extended credit
- external credit
- external trade credit
- farm credit
- financial credit
- fixed credit
- foreign currency credit
- frame credit
- frozen credit
- goods credit
- government credit
- guaranteed credit
- illicit credit
- impaired credit
- import credit
- importer's credit
- import promotion credit
- individual credit
- industrial credit
- installment credit
- insurer's credit
- intercompany credit
- interest-free credit
- interfirm credit
- intergovernmental credit
- interim credit
- intermediate-term credit
- international credit
- interstate credit
- investment credit
- irrevocable credit
- leasing credit
- limited credit
- lombard credit
- long credit
- long-term credit
- low-interest credit
- margin credit
- marginal credit
- maximum credit
- medium-term credit
- mercantile credit
- mixed credit
- monetary credit
- mortgage credit
- mutual credit
- noninstallment credit
- noninterest bearing credit
- nonrefundable credit
- on-call credit
- open credit
- open-end credit
- open account credit
- overdue credit
- overnight credit
- packing credit
- paper credit
- personal credit
- preferential credit
- public credit
- real estate credit
- reciprocal credits
- rediscount credit
- refinance credit
- rehabilitation import credit
- reimbursement credit
- rescheduled credit
- reserve credit
- retail credit
- revocable credit
- revolving credit
- rollover credit
- rural credit
- secondary credit
- second mortgage credit
- secured credit
- self-liquidating credit
- shaky credit
- short credit
- short-term credit
- sight credit
- social credit
- soft credit
- sovereign credit
- spot credit
- stabilization credit
- standby credit
- starting credit
- state credit
- state-guaranteed credit
- sterling credit
- store credit
- supermarginal credit
- supplier's credit
- swing credit
- syndicate credit
- syndicated bank credit
- tax credit
- temporary credit
- term credit
- tied credit
- tight credit
- total credit
- trade credit
- uncommitted credit
- uncovered credit
- unlimited credit
- unsecured credit
- untied credit
- unused credit
- used credit
- usurer's credit
- working credit
- credit against goods
- credit against securities
- credit against shipped goods
- credit at the bank
- credit for dependents
- credit for inventories
- credit in foreign currency
- credit in kind
- credit on consumer goods
- credit on easy terms
- credit on favourable terms
- credit on goods
- credit on landed property
- credit of leased equipment
- credit on mortgage
- credit on property
- credit on real estate
- credit on real property
- credit on securities
- credit with the bank
- credit backed by commercial paper
- credit extended under an intergovernmental agreement
- credit guaranteed by the government
- against credit
- on credit
- under credit
- advance a credit
- allot credits
- allow a credit
- apply for a credit
- arrange a credit
- block a credit
- buy on credit
- call in a credit
- cancel a credit
- clear the credit
- draw a credit
- establish a credit
- exceed the credit
- extend a credit
- freeze a credit
- furnish a credit
- get a credit
- give a credit
- give on credit
- grant a credit
- guarantee a credit
- lend a credit
- lodge a credit
- obtain a credit
- open a credit
- procure bank credit
- prolong a credit
- provide a credit
- receive a credit
- redeem a credit
- refuse credit
- reimburse a credit
- reject credit
- renew a credit
- repay a credit
- resume a credit
- sell on credit
- supply a credit
- suspend credit
- take on credit
- tighten credit
- use a credit
- utilize a credit
- withdraw a credit2. vкредитовать счет; записать (сумму) в кредит счета
- credit an account with an amount
- credit an amount to an account
- credit and debitEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > credit
9 credit
1.кредитовать счет; записать (сумму) в кредит счета, провести по кредиту2.1) кредит2) бухг. кредит, правая сторона счета3) аккредитив4) доверие•
См. также в других словарях:
Currency intervention — is the buying or selling of currency by central banks in an attempt to manipulate the price of a particular currency. Contents 1 Japanese Yen 2 Chinese Yuan 3 United States and the Great Depression … Wikipedia
Currency — Money. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * currency cur‧ren‧cy [ˈkʌrənsi ǁ ˈkɜːr ] written abbreviation cur noun currencies PLURALFORM FINANCE 1. [counta … Financial and business terms
currency — money. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The currency that the security is traded in. London Stock Exchange Glossary * * * currency cur‧ren‧cy [ˈkʌrənsi ǁ ˈkɜːr ] written abbreviation cur noun currencies PLURALFORM … Financial and business terms
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… … Universalium
Malaysia — /meuh lay zheuh, sheuh/, n. 1. a constitutional monarchy in SE Asia: a federation, comprising the former British territories of Malaya, Sabah, and Sarawak: member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 20,376,235; 126,310 sq. mi. (327,143 sq. km). Cap … Universalium
Foreign Exchange Management Act — The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act of 1973 (FERA)in India was repealed on 1st June, 2000. It was replaced by the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), which was passed in the winter session of Parliament in 1999. Enacted in 1973, in the… … Wikipedia
United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium
brazil — /breuh zil /, n. brazilwood. [1350 1400; ME brasile < ML < It < Sp brasil, deriv. of brasa live coal (the wood being red in color) < Gmc; see BRAISE] * * * Brazil Introduction Brazil Background: Following three centuries under the rule of… … Universalium
Brazil — Brazilian /breuh zil yeuhn/, adj., n. /breuh zil /, n. a republic in South America. 164,511,366; 3,286,170 sq. mi. (8,511,180 sq. km). Cap.: Brasília. Portuguese and Spanish, Brasil. Official name, Federative Republic of Brazil. * * * Brazil… … Universalium
Economy of the People's Republic of China — Economies of Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are administered separately from the rest of People s Republic of China. Therefore, the information below pertains only to mainland China unless specified otherwise. For the… … Wikipedia