1 export of goods and services
межд. эк., стат. = exports of goods and servicesАнгло-русский экономический словарь > export of goods and services
2 export of goods and services
English-Russian base dictionary > export of goods and services
3 export of goods and services
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > export of goods and services
4 export of goods and services
1) Экономика: экспорт товаров и услуг (статья в платёжном балансе)2) Деловая лексика: экспорт товаров и услуга3) Макаров: экспорт товаров и услуг (статья в платежном балансе)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > export of goods and services
5 export of goods and services
Politics english-russian dictionary > export of goods and services
6 export of goods and services
экспорт товаров и услуг (статья в платёжном балансе)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > export of goods and services
7 export of goods and services
экспорт товаров и услуг (статья в платёжном балансе)English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > export of goods and services
8 XGS (Export of Goods and Services)
Финансы: экспорт товаров и услугУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > XGS (Export of Goods and Services)
9 net export of goods and services
Англо-русский экономический словарь > net export of goods and services
10 exports of goods and services
межд. эк., стат. экспорт товаров и услуг (статья в платежном балансе, по которой отражается общая стоимость товаров и услуг, экспортированных из данной страны за определенный период)Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > exports of goods and services
11 export
1. nвывоз, экспорт, экспортирование; предметы вывоза, статьи экспорта2. vвывозить, экспортировать -
12 export
1. n1) вывоз, экспорт, экспортирование2) pl предметы вывоза, статьи экспорта•to cut down exports — сокращать / снижать экспорт
to diversify the exports — диверсифицировать экспорт товаров, производить многономенклатурную продукцию на экспорт
to eliminate export(s) — изымать / исключать экспорт
- agricultural exportto improve exports — улучшать экспорт, способствовать развитию экспорта
- articles of export
- capital export
- chief exports
- concessional exports
- decline in the volume of exports
- direct export
- drop in export
- export by countries of destination
- export by countries of origin
- export of goods and services
- export of illegal arms
- export of private capital
- export of technology
- export of vast sums of private capital
- exports are surging
- exports exceed imports
- exports run down
- huge illegal exports
- invisible exports
- lost exports
- military export
- national export
- net export
- net exports
- nonagricultural export
- projected export
- slackening in exports
- slow growth of exports
- staple exports
- state regulation of export
- subsidized export
- surge of exports
- underdevelopment of exports - world export 2. vвывозить; экспортировать -
13 export
1) вывоз, экспорт, экспортирование || вывозить, экспортировать || экспортный2) экспорт; предметы вывоза; статьи экспорта -
14 export
экспорт; отвод водыexport ratio — квота экспорта; экспортная доля продукции
export programme — программа экспорта; план экспорта
15 export
1. сущ.1) межд. эк. экспорт, вывоз, экспортирование (вывоз за границу товаров для продажи на внешних рынках и оказание услуг нерезидентам как за рубежом, так и на территории родной страны предоставляющей услуги компании)ATTRIBUTES:
military export — военный экспорт, экспорт военных товаров
export from Japan — экспорт [вывоз\] из Японии
export articles, articles of export — статьи [предметы\] экспорта [вывоза\]
volume of export(s) — объем экспорта (обычно о натуральных единицах: тоннах и т. п.)
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:capital export, direct export, export of counterrevolution, export of jobs, export of revolution, export of unemployment, indirect export, invisible export 1), merchandise export 1), service export, temporary export, visible export 1) certificate for export, country of export, propensity to export COMBS: Automated Export Reporting Program, debt-for-export swap, debt service-to-exports ratio, debt-to-export ratio, export-biased growth, Export Administration Regulations, Export Assistance Center, Export Enhancement Program, Export-Import Bank, export/import business, export-import company, export-import trade, Export Information System, export-led growth, Export Legal Assistance Network, export management company, export-oriented industrialization, export participation rate, export performance requirement, gold export point, import-export company, import-export trade, Targeted Export Assistance Program, Bank Export Services Act, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1. 1)2) межд. эк., преим. мн. статья [предмет\] экспорта [вывоза\] ( экспортируемый товар или услуга)Sugar and copra are the chief exports. — Сахар и копра являются главными статьями экспорта.
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:domestic exports, foreign exports, demand for exports, duty on exports, supply of exports, reexport 1. 2)3) мн., межд. эк., стат. объем [стоимость, сумма\] экспорта (стоимость или количество экспортированных товаров; также название разделов в статистической или финансовой отчетности, в которых отражается информация о величине экспорта за период)Balance of trade is the difference between a country’s total imports and exports. — Сальдо торгового баланса определяется как разница между общей суммой импорта и экспорта.
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplus4) комп. экспорт, экспортирование (перенос текстовой информации, графических объектов и т. п. из данного файла или программного приложения в другой файл/приложение)Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplus2. гл.1) межд. эк. вывозить, экспортировать ( продавать товары за границу)The company exports mainly to the US, Japan, Canada and Asia. — Компания экспортирует преимущественно в США, Японию, Канаду и Азию.
Ant:exportation 2)See:2) комп. экспортировать (переносить информацию из данного файла или программного приложения в другой файл/приложение)Ant:exportation 2)See:exportation 2)3. прил.межд. эк. экспортный, вывозной ( относящийся к экспорту)export policy — экспортная политика, политика в области экспорта
Ant:Automated Export System, District Export Council, export advertising, export agent, export bias, export bill of lading, export bonus, export bounty, export broker, export business, export capacity, export cartel, export clearance, export competition, export concentration, export contract, export control, export credit, export crediting, export declaration, export demand, export department, export disincentives, export distributor, export documents, export duty, export earnings, export elasticity, export entry, export factoring, export finance, export financing, export gold point, export house, export incentives, export industry, export insurance, export invoice, export leasing, export letter of credit, export licence, export licensing, export limitation, export manager, export market, export marketing, export merchant, export multiplier, export permit, export pessimism, export platform, export potential, export price, export prices, export pricing, Export Processing Zone, export producer, export products, export promotion, export propensity, export quota, export rate, export refunds, export regulation, export restitution, export restraints, export restrictions, Export Revolving Line of Credit, export risk, export sales, export specialization, export specie point, export statistics, export subsidization, export subsidy, export supply, export surplus, export tariff, export tax, export trade, export trading company, export transaction, export turnover, Export Yellow PagesSee:Automated Export System, District Export Council, export advertising, export agent, export bias, export bill of lading, export bonus, export bounty, export broker, export business, export capacity, export cartel, export clearance, export competition, export concentration, export contract, export control, export credit, export crediting, export declaration, export demand, export department, export disincentives, export distributor, export documents, export duty, export earnings, export elasticity, export entry, export factoring, export finance, export financing, export gold point, export house, export incentives, export industry, export insurance, export invoice, export leasing, export letter of credit, export licence, export licensing, export limitation, export manager, export market, export marketing, export merchant, export multiplier, export permit, export pessimism, export platform, export potential, export price, export prices, export pricing, Export Processing Zone, export producer, export products, export promotion, export propensity, export quota, export rate, export refunds, export regulation, export restitution, export restraints, export restrictions, Export Revolving Line of Credit, export risk, export sales, export specialization, export specie point, export statistics, export subsidization, export subsidy, export supply, export surplus, export tariff, export tax, export trade, export trading company, export transaction, export turnover, Export Yellow Pages
* * *
экспорт: вывоз (продажа) товаров и услуг за границу, в отличие от операций с национальными покупателями.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *вывоз товаров, капиталов или услуг за границу для реализации на внешних рынках -
16 export
̘. ̈n.ˈekspɔ:t
1. сущ.
1) а) экспорт, вывоз the export of oil ≈ экспорт нефти Syn: exportation б) экспортируемый товар
2) обыкн. мн. объем экспорта( итоговая стоимость вывезенных товаров)
2. гл.
1) экспортировать, вывозить (товары) (to;
from) They sell to their own country but they don't yet export to other countries. ≈ Они продают свою продукцию внутри страны, но на экспорт пока не вышли.
2) перевозить;
переезжать Syn: remove
3. прил. экспортный, вывозной export bill ≈ экспортная накладная, накладная на экспортируемые товары export reject ≈ бракованные экспортные товары (запрещенные для экспорта и продаваемые на внутреннем рынке) export surplus ≈ превышение стоимости экспорта над стоимостью импорта вывоз, экспорт, экспортирование - * version /make/ экспортное исполнение - the * of wheat вывоз зерна - articles of * предметы вывоза, статьи экспорта предмет вывоза обыкн. pl экспорт (о стоимости или количестве вывезенных товаров) - invisible *s невидимые статьи экспорта - *s amounted to... экспорт составил сумму... - *s of imported merchandise реэкспорт - *s of goods and services экспорт товаров и услуг (статья бюджета) - value of *s ценность /стоимость/ экспорта вывозить, экспортировать agricultural ~ экспорт сельскохозяйственной продукции building ~ строительные работы на экспорт exclusive ~ right исключительное право на экспорт export вывоз, экспорт ~ вывоз ~ вывозить, экспортировать ~ вывозить ~ (обыкн. pl) общее количество, общая сумма вывоза ~ предмет вывоза ~ экспорт, вывоз ~ вчт. экспорт ~ экспорт ~ экспортировать, вывозить (товары) ~ экспортировать ~ attr. экспортный, вывозной;
export duty экспортная пошлина government guaranteed ~ экспорт, гарантированный государством machinery ~ экспорт оборудования projects ~ экспорт проектов -
17 export
1. [ʹekspɔ:t] n1) вывоз, экспорт, экспортированиеexport version /make/ - экспортное исполнение
articles of export - предметы вывоза, статьи экспорта
2) предмет вывозаexports amounted to... - экспорт составил сумму...
2. [ıkʹspɔ:t] vvalue of exports - ценность /стоимость/ экспорта
вывозить, экспортировать -
18 export control
межд. эк. экспортный контроль, контроль за экспортом, контроль экспорта (деятельность государства, направленная на реализацию установленного законами порядка осуществления экспорта товаров и услуг; меры контроля могут включать лицензирование экспорта, запрет на экспорт каких-л. товаров, регистрацию экспортных контрактов и т. п.)See:Export Control Automated Support System, Export Control Classification Number, Export Control Commodity Number, Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, Arms Export Control Act, Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls, export licensing, export restrictions, dual-use, Commerce Control List, Export Administration Act, Export Administration Regulations, Wassenaar Arrangement, Australia Group, Denied Persons List, Destination Control Statement, pre-license check, post-shipment verification, embargo, export quota, trade policy, Canada Border Services Agency* * ** * *система организационно-правовых и экономических мер по ограничению, запрету и контролю за экспортом тех или иных товаров -
19 export
1. n1) вывоз, экспорт, экспортирование2) pl предметы вывоза; статьи экспорта
- agricultural export
- capital export
- considerable export
- controlled exports
- crude exports
- currency export
- direct export
- duty-free export
- food exports
- gold export
- gross exports
- growing exports
- heavy export
- increasing exports
- indirect export
- invisible exports
- net exports
- nonagricultural export
- pipeline export
- subsidized export
- technical export
- temporary exports
- total exports
- traditional export
- unadjusted exports
- unpaid exports
- unrequitted exports
- visible exports
- world-wide exports
- export in terms of value
- export of capital
- export of foodstuffs
- export of gold
- export of goods
- export of high technology products
- export of licences
- export of machinery and equipment
- export of natural gas
- export of oil
- export of raw materials
- export of services
- export of technology
- ban export
- be available for export
- be engaged in the export of
- be packed for export
- curtail exports
- decrease exports
- expand exports
- facilitate exports
- finance export
- handle export
- increase exports
- pack for export
- prohibit export
- put restrictions on export
- reduce exports
- step up export2. vвывозить, экспортироватьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > export
20 export duties and taxes
экспортные пошлины и налоги
Таможенные пошлины и все иные пошлины, налоги или сборы, взимаемые при или в связи с экспортом товаров, за исключением любых сборов, величина которых ограничивается приблизительной стоимостью оказанных услуг или которые взимаются таможенной службой по поручению другого государственного органа. Экспортные пошлины разрешены действующими нормами ВТО (Статья I ГАТТ-1994) (Глава 2 Генерального приложения к Пересмотренной Киотской конвенции)
[Упрощение процедур торговли: англо-русский глоссарий терминов (пересмотренное второе издание) НЬЮ-ЙОРК, ЖЕНЕВА, МОСКВА 2011 год]EN
export duties and taxes
Customs duties and all other duties, taxes or charges which are collected in connection with the exportation of goods, but not including any charges which are limited in amount to the approximate cost of services rendered or collected by the customs on behalf of another national authority (General annex, Chapter 2, to the Rvised Kyoto Convention)
[Trade Facilitation Terms: An English - Russian Glossary (revised second edition) NEW YORK, GENEVA, MOSCOW 2360]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > export duties and taxes
См. также в других словарях:
Goods and Services Tax (Hong Kong) — Goods and Services Tax (GST) was a proposed Value Added Tax in Hong Kong. Consultation over a period of nine months was launched on 2006 07 19 and stirred considerable controversy.It launched a fierce debate amongst local taxpayers, lawmakers,… … Wikipedia
Goods and Services Tax (Singapore) — Goods and Services Tax (Abbreviation: GST; Chinese: 消费税) was introduced in Singapore on April 1, 1994 at 3%, but later increased to 4% on 1 January 2003 and 5% on 1 January 2004. It was raised again to 7% on 1 July 2007.Singapore’s GST is a broad … Wikipedia
Goods and Services Tax (Canada) — The Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) (French: Taxe sur les produits et services, TPS) is a multi level value added tax introduced in Canada on January 1, 1991, by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and finance minister Michael Wilson. The GST… … Wikipedia
Goods and Services Tax — Die Goods and Services Tax (gebräuchliche Abkürzung: GST) ist eine der Mehrwertsteuer vergleichbare Steuer, die in verschiedenen englischsprachigen Ländern auf verkaufte Güter und erbrachte Dienstleistungen erhoben wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… … Deutsch Wikipedia
export credit agency — (ECA) International, United Kingdom A private, governmental or quasi governmental agency which provides support to promote the export of goods and services from the country in which the export credit agency (ECA) is based. The support can take… … Law dictionary
Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India — The Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited (ECGC in short) is a company wholly owned by the Government of India. It provides export credit insurance support to Indian exporters and is controlled by the Ministry of Commerce.… … Wikipedia
Export Credits Guarantee Department — (ECGD) United Kingdom The United Kingdom s (UK s) official export credit agency (ECA). It aims to help UK exporters of goods and services sell to overseas buyers and UK firms to invest overseas. To do this it works with exporters, project… … Law dictionary
Export performance — is the relative success or failure of the efforts of a firm or nation to sell domestically produced goods and services in other nations.Export performance can be described in objective terms such as sales, profits, or marketing measures or by… … Wikipedia
export market — ➔ market1 * * * export market UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE, ECONOMICS a country or group of countries to which goods and services from another country are sold: »The EU is Minnesota s single largest export market. »Russia is the biggest export… … Financial and business terms
Export — In economics, an export is any good or commodity, transported from one country to another country in a legitimate fashion, typically for use in trade. Export is an important part of international trade. Its counterpart is import.Export goods or… … Wikipedia
Export-Import Bank of the United States — Infobox Government agency agency name = Export Import Bank of the United States seal width = 140px formed = February 2, 1934 headquarters = Washington, D.C. employees = 395 (2006) budget = chief1 name = James H. Lambright chief1 position =… … Wikipedia