1 export demand
эк. спрос на экспорт, экспортный спрос (спрос на производимые в данной стране товары и услуги со стороны других стран)Syn:See: -
2 export demand
pent up demand — сдерживаемый спрос; неудовлетворенный спрос
3 export demand
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > export demand
4 export demand
спрос на экспортАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > export demand
5 export demand
Экономика: спрос на экспорт (англ. термин взят из репортажа агентства Bloomberg), экспортный спрос (англ. термин взят из репортажа агентства Bloomberg) -
6 export demand
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > export demand
7 export demand elasticity
межд. эк. = elasticity of demand for exportsАнгло-русский экономический словарь > export demand elasticity
8 export demand forecast
Нефть: прогноз экспортаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > export demand forecast
9 export demand forecast
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > export demand forecast
10 elasticity of export demand
межд. эк. = elasticity of demand for exportsATTRIBUTES:
price elasticity of export demand — ценовая эластичность спроса на экспорт, эластичность спроса на экспорт по цене
Англо-русский экономический словарь > elasticity of export demand
11 export
1. сущ.1) межд. эк. экспорт, вывоз, экспортирование (вывоз за границу товаров для продажи на внешних рынках и оказание услуг нерезидентам как за рубежом, так и на территории родной страны предоставляющей услуги компании)ATTRIBUTES:
military export — военный экспорт, экспорт военных товаров
export from Japan — экспорт [вывоз\] из Японии
export articles, articles of export — статьи [предметы\] экспорта [вывоза\]
volume of export(s) — объем экспорта (обычно о натуральных единицах: тоннах и т. п.)
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:capital export, direct export, export of counterrevolution, export of jobs, export of revolution, export of unemployment, indirect export, invisible export 1), merchandise export 1), service export, temporary export, visible export 1) certificate for export, country of export, propensity to export COMBS: Automated Export Reporting Program, debt-for-export swap, debt service-to-exports ratio, debt-to-export ratio, export-biased growth, Export Administration Regulations, Export Assistance Center, Export Enhancement Program, Export-Import Bank, export/import business, export-import company, export-import trade, Export Information System, export-led growth, Export Legal Assistance Network, export management company, export-oriented industrialization, export participation rate, export performance requirement, gold export point, import-export company, import-export trade, Targeted Export Assistance Program, Bank Export Services Act, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1. 1)2) межд. эк., преим. мн. статья [предмет\] экспорта [вывоза\] ( экспортируемый товар или услуга)Sugar and copra are the chief exports. — Сахар и копра являются главными статьями экспорта.
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:domestic exports, foreign exports, demand for exports, duty on exports, supply of exports, reexport 1. 2)3) мн., межд. эк., стат. объем [стоимость, сумма\] экспорта (стоимость или количество экспортированных товаров; также название разделов в статистической или финансовой отчетности, в которых отражается информация о величине экспорта за период)Balance of trade is the difference between a country’s total imports and exports. — Сальдо торгового баланса определяется как разница между общей суммой импорта и экспорта.
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplus4) комп. экспорт, экспортирование (перенос текстовой информации, графических объектов и т. п. из данного файла или программного приложения в другой файл/приложение)Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplus2. гл.1) межд. эк. вывозить, экспортировать ( продавать товары за границу)The company exports mainly to the US, Japan, Canada and Asia. — Компания экспортирует преимущественно в США, Японию, Канаду и Азию.
Ant:exportation 2)See:2) комп. экспортировать (переносить информацию из данного файла или программного приложения в другой файл/приложение)Ant:exportation 2)See:exportation 2)3. прил.межд. эк. экспортный, вывозной ( относящийся к экспорту)export policy — экспортная политика, политика в области экспорта
Ant:Automated Export System, District Export Council, export advertising, export agent, export bias, export bill of lading, export bonus, export bounty, export broker, export business, export capacity, export cartel, export clearance, export competition, export concentration, export contract, export control, export credit, export crediting, export declaration, export demand, export department, export disincentives, export distributor, export documents, export duty, export earnings, export elasticity, export entry, export factoring, export finance, export financing, export gold point, export house, export incentives, export industry, export insurance, export invoice, export leasing, export letter of credit, export licence, export licensing, export limitation, export manager, export market, export marketing, export merchant, export multiplier, export permit, export pessimism, export platform, export potential, export price, export prices, export pricing, Export Processing Zone, export producer, export products, export promotion, export propensity, export quota, export rate, export refunds, export regulation, export restitution, export restraints, export restrictions, Export Revolving Line of Credit, export risk, export sales, export specialization, export specie point, export statistics, export subsidization, export subsidy, export supply, export surplus, export tariff, export tax, export trade, export trading company, export transaction, export turnover, Export Yellow PagesSee:Automated Export System, District Export Council, export advertising, export agent, export bias, export bill of lading, export bonus, export bounty, export broker, export business, export capacity, export cartel, export clearance, export competition, export concentration, export contract, export control, export credit, export crediting, export declaration, export demand, export department, export disincentives, export distributor, export documents, export duty, export earnings, export elasticity, export entry, export factoring, export finance, export financing, export gold point, export house, export incentives, export industry, export insurance, export invoice, export leasing, export letter of credit, export licence, export licensing, export limitation, export manager, export market, export marketing, export merchant, export multiplier, export permit, export pessimism, export platform, export potential, export price, export prices, export pricing, Export Processing Zone, export producer, export products, export promotion, export propensity, export quota, export rate, export refunds, export regulation, export restitution, export restraints, export restrictions, Export Revolving Line of Credit, export risk, export sales, export specialization, export specie point, export statistics, export subsidization, export subsidy, export supply, export surplus, export tariff, export tax, export trade, export trading company, export transaction, export turnover, Export Yellow Pages
* * *
экспорт: вывоз (продажа) товаров и услуг за границу, в отличие от операций с национальными покупателями.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *вывоз товаров, капиталов или услуг за границу для реализации на внешних рынках -
12 demand
1. n1) требование2) потребность, нужда3) спрос
- accumulated demand
- active demand
- actual demand
- additional demand
- after-market demand
- aggregate demand
- alternate demand
- animated demand
- annual demand
- anticipated demand
- average monthly demand
- back-ordered demand
- borrowing demand
- brisk demand
- capital demand
- cash demand
- claimant's demands
- competitive demand
- complementary demand
- composite demand
- conflicting demands
- considerable demand
- consumer demand
- consumer's demand
- counter demand
- current demand
- declining demand
- decreased demand
- decreasing demand
- deferred demand
- derived demand
- diminishing demand
- domestic demand
- effective demand
- effective consumer demand
- effectual demand
- elastic demand
- emergency demand
- end-product demand
- excess demand
- excessive demand
- expected demand
- export demand
- external demand
- extra demand
- fair demand
- falling demand
- final demand
- fixed demand
- fluctuating demand
- general demand
- generalized demand
- great demand
- growing demand
- heavy demand
- home demand
- housing demand
- immediate demand
- import demand
- increased demand
- increasing demand
- independent demand
- individual demand
- inelastic demand
- investment demand
- job demand
- joint demand
- justified demand
- keen demand
- labour demand
- limited demand
- liquidated demand
- lively demand
- loan demand
- lost demand
- local demand
- market demand
- maximum demand
- maximum likely demand
- maximum possible demand
- maximum reasonable demand
- minimum demand
- monthly demand
- moving demand
- nondefence demand
- normal demand
- onerous demand
- one-time demand
- overall demand
- peak demand
- pent-up demand
- persistent demand
- plaintiff's demands
- planned demand
- poor demand
- potential demand
- price-dependent demand
- primary demand
- product demand
- prospective demand
- reasonable demand
- related demand
- replacement demand
- resource demand
- rival demand
- sagging demand
- salary demand
- satisfied demand
- saturated demand
- scanty demand
- seasonal demand
- slack demand
- slight demand
- sluggish demand
- small demand
- social demand
- solvent demand
- stable demand
- stagnant demand
- stationary demand
- steady demand
- steep demand
- substantial demand
- summed demand
- tax demand
- uncovered demand
- unsatisfied demand
- unsaturated demand
- urgent demand
- wage demand
- weak demand
- weighted moving demand
- world demand
- world market demand
- demand for advances
- demand for capital
- demand for consumer goods
- demand for credit
- demand for currency
- demand for equipment
- demand for funds
- demand for gold
- demand for money
- demand for payment
- demand for product
- demand for raw materials
- demand for refund
- demand for return
- demand for service
- demand for space
- demand of goods
- demands on the market
- supply and demand
- on demand
- advance demands
- be in demand
- boost demand
- comply with demand
- continue in demand
- cut demands
- decline a demand
- depress the demand
- determine demands
- enforce demands
- exceed the demand
- fill a demand
- find demand on the market
- forecast demand
- grant demands
- have demand
- keep up with the demand
- lay down demands
- make demands
- meet the demand
- meet demands
- put forward demands
- quell demand
- reduce demands
- reject a demand
- satisfy the demand
- satisfy demands
- sound out the demand for securities
- stimulate the demand
- supply a demand
- turn down a demand2. vEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > demand
13 demand
1. сущ.1) общ. нужда, потребностьday-to-day demands — повседневные нужды [потребности\]
See:2) общ. требование, настойчивая просьба; предъявление требованияSee:3) эк. спрос (общее количество товара, которое отдельно взятый покупатель или покупатели всего рынка готовы купить при данной цене)COMBS:
high-demand items — ходовые товары; товары, пользующиеся большим спросом
low-demand items — товары, пользующиеся незначительным спросом
decrease/increase in demand — сокращение/повышение спроса
See:aftermarket demand, aggregate demand, consumer demand, consumer's demand, customer demand, domestic demand, excess demand, export demand, import demand, individual demand, market demand, net demand, reciprocal demand, relative demand, unwholesome demand, demand analysis, demand elasticity, demand reversal, demand states, demand theory, elasticity of demand, law of demand, be in demand, supply4) общ. запрос; вопрос5) юр. заявка, иск, претензия; законное притязание2. гл.The Government will make a demand against the commercial carrier for reimbursement of the fair market value of the loss. — Правительство подаст законное требование коммерческому перевозчику на возмещение убытков по справедливой рыночной стоимости.
1)а) общ. требовать, предъявлять требование, настоятельно проситьto demand payment from smb. — требовать плату [оплату\] с кого-л.
б) общ. делать запрос, запрашивать ( информацию); спрашивать, задавать вопрос2) общ. требовать, нуждатьсяThis job demands a lot of time. — Эта работа требует массы времени.
* * *
1) спрос: объем товаров и услуг, которые покупатели готовы взять по данной цене; обеспеченное деньгами желание купить определенные товары или услуги; см. law of demand; 2) до востребования (напр., счет); см. demand deposit; 3) требование; предъявление требования.* * *. личная или общественная потребность в средствах производства, предметах потребления и услугах. Наряду с ценой и предложением С. является одним из основных элементов рыночного механизма, регулирования товарно-денежных отношений. . до востребования Словарь экономических терминов 1 .* * *потребность в различных товарах, складывающаяся из множества конкретных требований массы потребителей, отличающихся большим разнообразием и постоянно меняющихся-----Банки/Банковские операцииодно из взаимных условий отношений банка с клиентами, партнерами -
14 export elasticity
межд. эк. эластичность экспорта (относительное изменение предложения экспортных товаров или спроса на экспортные товары в результате относительного изменения экспортных цен или доходов потребителей)See: -
15 export supply
эк. экспортное предложение, предложение на экспорт (характеризуется общим количеством какого-л. товара, которое отечественные производители готовы поставить на экспорт при данных уровнях цен на внутреннем и мировом рынках)Syn:See: -
16 demand for exports
17 elasticity of demand for exports
межд. эк. эластичность спроса на экспорт (обычно имеется в виду эластичность экспорта по цене или доходу: относительное изменение спроса зарубежных потребителей на экспорт данной страны в результате изменения уровня цен на экспортируемые товары или в результате изменения уровня дохода иностранных потребителей)ATTRIBUTES:
price elasticity of demand for exports — ценовая эластичность спроса на экспорт, эластичность спроса на экспорт по цене
Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > elasticity of demand for exports
18 import demand
эк. спрос на импорт, импортный спрос (спрос, предъявляемый внутри страны на иностранные товары и услуги)Syn:See: -
19 pollution export
"экспорт" загрязнений (в развивающиеся страны)English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > pollution export
20 domestic demand
эк. внутренний спрос (суммарный спрос на отечественные и иностранные товары и услуги, предъявляемый потребителями данной страны)Syn:See:
См. также в других словарях:
Export Promotion Bureau of Pakistan — Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) is the apex agency of the Government of Pakistan engaged in promotion and growth of country s exports. Since its establishment in 1963 as an attached department of the Ministry of Commerce, EPB continues to… … Wikipedia
Export subsidy — is a government policy to encourage export of goods and discourage sale of goods on the domestic market through low cost loans or tax relief for exporters, or government financed international advertising or R D. An export subsidy reduces the… … Wikipedia
Demand vacuum — is a term used in the economic theory of supply and demand. It refers to economic circumstances that occur in a market when demand for a locally produced product is far exceeded in export markets. The result is little or no availability of a… … Wikipedia
demand — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 firm request ADJECTIVE ▪ legitimate, realistic, reasonable ▪ I think your demand for a higher salary is perfectly reasonable. ▪ outrageous, unrealistic … Collocations dictionary
Export — In economics, an export is any good or commodity, transported from one country to another country in a legitimate fashion, typically for use in trade. Export is an important part of international trade. Its counterpart is import.Export goods or… … Wikipedia
Export Land Model — The Export Land Model, or Export Land Model, refers to work done by Dallas geologist Jeffrey Brown, building on the work of others, and discussed widely on The Oil Drum. [ [http://www.theoildrum.com/tag/export land model Export Land Model… … Wikipedia
Export prices — The Export Price Index tracks changes in the price firms receive for the products they export. Increases in the EPI are typically due to strong foreign demand or higher internal costs within the exporter’s country. Generally, only increases… … Wikipedia
Demand deposit — Banking A series on Financial services … Wikipedia
Water export — Water exports involve exporting freshwater from one country to another. Large increases in human population and economic growth throughout the world during the twentieth century placed a huge stress on the world’s freshwater resources. Combined… … Wikipedia
Molson Export — beer is an Ale with an ABV of 5%, i.e. a warm fermented beer, brewed by Molson Canada – a brewery founded in Montreal in 1786, making it North America’s oldest. First brewed in 1903, Molson Export is itself the oldest of all the Molson beer… … Wikipedia
Aggregate demand — This article is about a concept in macroeconomics. For microeconomic demand aggregated over consumers, see Demand curve. In macroeconomics, aggregate demand (AD) is the total demand for final goods and services in the economy (Y) at a given time… … Wikipedia