1 explicit evaluation
точная оценка
формализованная оценка
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > explicit evaluation
2 explicit evaluation
1) Вычислительная техника: точная оценка, формализованная оценка2) Макаров: вычисление по явной формуле, явная оценка -
3 explicit evaluation
формализованная оценка; точная оценкаEnglish-Russian information technology > explicit evaluation
4 EE
1) Компьютерная техника: Expensive Edition2) Военный термин: educational establishment, electromagnetic environment, electronic engineering, electronic environment, electronic equipment, elements of expense, emergency equipment, emergency establishment, engagement effectiveness, expiration of enlistment, external environment3) Техника: electrically erased, electromagnetic evaluation, electronic editing, electronics engineering division, electronics-to-electronics, energy exchanger, exoelectron emission4) Математика: Explicit Equality5) Религия: Evangelism Explosion6) Железнодорожный термин: Ellis and Eastern Company7) Грубое выражение: Exciting Ejaculations8) Сокращение: EW Expendable, Early English, Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineering, Electrical or Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Envoy Extraordinary, earth entry, employee, end to end, experimental establishment, errors excepted, exclusive economic zone, Early Edition, Early Entry, Earth Electrode, Eased Edges (lumber industry), Easter Egg (hidden area of a program or site), Eastern European, Ecosystem Evaluation, Edge Enhancement (video), Edward Elric (protagonist of anime series FullMetal Alchemist), Electrical Energy, Electrical Essence (forum), Electronic Encyclopedia, Electronic Engineer, Element Energy, Elementary Education, Elite Edition, Empire Earth (game), End-Effector, Energy Expenditure, Energy and Environment, Engraver's Express, Inc, Enter Exponent (calculator function), Enterprise Edition (Java2), Environmental Education, Environmental Engineering, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Epreuve d'essai (French: proof print), Equal Exchange, Equipment Engineering, Ersatz Elevator (Lemony Snicket), Escape and Evasion, Estonia, Estoy Escuchando (Spanish: now playing), Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Eternal Echo (band), Eternal Energy, Eternity Engine (gaming), Ether Extract, Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy, Euskadiko Ezquerra (Basque Division of the Spanish Left Wing Party), Evaluation Engineering, Evil Empire (gaming), Evropaiki Enosi (Greek: European Union), Excess Emission(s), Execution Environment, Executive Editor, Exercise Experience, Exotic Ethnic (gaming), Experts Exchange, Exponent, Exponential Elevation, Expressed Emotion (psychiatric term used in schizophrenia settings), Expression Engine (Pmachine.com), Extended Edition (DVD movie version), Extended Employment program, Extended Essay (International Baccalaureate), Extreme Edition (Intel Pentium 4), Exudative Epidermitis (Porcine Circovirus 2), emergency establishment (US DoD), раннеанглийский язык9) Вычислительная техника: Extended Edition, Emotion Engine (Sony, Playstation)10) Экология: ecological efficiency11) Деловая лексика: Economic Empowerment12) Образование: English Essay13) Сетевые технологии: Enterprise Edition14) ЕБРР: energy efficiency15) Полимеры: external environments16) Программирование: Enter Exponent17) Химическое оружие: emergency exit, engineering evaluation18) Расширение файла: Extended Edition (IBM)19) SAP.тех. работник20) Электротехника: electrical equipment21) НАСА: Exploration Era22) Программное обеспечение: Easy Editor, Expected Error23) Единицы измерений: English Equivalent24) AMEX. El Paso Electric Company25) Международная торговля: Export Enforcement -
5 Ee
1) Компьютерная техника: Expensive Edition2) Военный термин: educational establishment, electromagnetic environment, electronic engineering, electronic environment, electronic equipment, elements of expense, emergency equipment, emergency establishment, engagement effectiveness, expiration of enlistment, external environment3) Техника: electrically erased, electromagnetic evaluation, electronic editing, electronics engineering division, electronics-to-electronics, energy exchanger, exoelectron emission4) Математика: Explicit Equality5) Религия: Evangelism Explosion6) Железнодорожный термин: Ellis and Eastern Company7) Грубое выражение: Exciting Ejaculations8) Сокращение: EW Expendable, Early English, Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineering, Electrical or Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Envoy Extraordinary, earth entry, employee, end to end, experimental establishment, errors excepted, exclusive economic zone, Early Edition, Early Entry, Earth Electrode, Eased Edges (lumber industry), Easter Egg (hidden area of a program or site), Eastern European, Ecosystem Evaluation, Edge Enhancement (video), Edward Elric (protagonist of anime series FullMetal Alchemist), Electrical Energy, Electrical Essence (forum), Electronic Encyclopedia, Electronic Engineer, Element Energy, Elementary Education, Elite Edition, Empire Earth (game), End-Effector, Energy Expenditure, Energy and Environment, Engraver's Express, Inc, Enter Exponent (calculator function), Enterprise Edition (Java2), Environmental Education, Environmental Engineering, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Epreuve d'essai (French: proof print), Equal Exchange, Equipment Engineering, Ersatz Elevator (Lemony Snicket), Escape and Evasion, Estonia, Estoy Escuchando (Spanish: now playing), Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Eternal Echo (band), Eternal Energy, Eternity Engine (gaming), Ether Extract, Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy, Euskadiko Ezquerra (Basque Division of the Spanish Left Wing Party), Evaluation Engineering, Evil Empire (gaming), Evropaiki Enosi (Greek: European Union), Excess Emission(s), Execution Environment, Executive Editor, Exercise Experience, Exotic Ethnic (gaming), Experts Exchange, Exponent, Exponential Elevation, Expressed Emotion (psychiatric term used in schizophrenia settings), Expression Engine (Pmachine.com), Extended Edition (DVD movie version), Extended Employment program, Extended Essay (International Baccalaureate), Extreme Edition (Intel Pentium 4), Exudative Epidermitis (Porcine Circovirus 2), emergency establishment (US DoD), раннеанглийский язык9) Вычислительная техника: Extended Edition, Emotion Engine (Sony, Playstation)10) Экология: ecological efficiency11) Деловая лексика: Economic Empowerment12) Образование: English Essay13) Сетевые технологии: Enterprise Edition14) ЕБРР: energy efficiency15) Полимеры: external environments16) Программирование: Enter Exponent17) Химическое оружие: emergency exit, engineering evaluation18) Расширение файла: Extended Edition (IBM)19) SAP.тех. работник20) Электротехника: electrical equipment21) НАСА: Exploration Era22) Программное обеспечение: Easy Editor, Expected Error23) Единицы измерений: English Equivalent24) AMEX. El Paso Electric Company25) Международная торговля: Export Enforcement -
6 ee
1) Компьютерная техника: Expensive Edition2) Военный термин: educational establishment, electromagnetic environment, electronic engineering, electronic environment, electronic equipment, elements of expense, emergency equipment, emergency establishment, engagement effectiveness, expiration of enlistment, external environment3) Техника: electrically erased, electromagnetic evaluation, electronic editing, electronics engineering division, electronics-to-electronics, energy exchanger, exoelectron emission4) Математика: Explicit Equality5) Религия: Evangelism Explosion6) Железнодорожный термин: Ellis and Eastern Company7) Грубое выражение: Exciting Ejaculations8) Сокращение: EW Expendable, Early English, Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineering, Electrical or Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Envoy Extraordinary, earth entry, employee, end to end, experimental establishment, errors excepted, exclusive economic zone, Early Edition, Early Entry, Earth Electrode, Eased Edges (lumber industry), Easter Egg (hidden area of a program or site), Eastern European, Ecosystem Evaluation, Edge Enhancement (video), Edward Elric (protagonist of anime series FullMetal Alchemist), Electrical Energy, Electrical Essence (forum), Electronic Encyclopedia, Electronic Engineer, Element Energy, Elementary Education, Elite Edition, Empire Earth (game), End-Effector, Energy Expenditure, Energy and Environment, Engraver's Express, Inc, Enter Exponent (calculator function), Enterprise Edition (Java2), Environmental Education, Environmental Engineering, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Epreuve d'essai (French: proof print), Equal Exchange, Equipment Engineering, Ersatz Elevator (Lemony Snicket), Escape and Evasion, Estonia, Estoy Escuchando (Spanish: now playing), Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Eternal Echo (band), Eternal Energy, Eternity Engine (gaming), Ether Extract, Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy, Euskadiko Ezquerra (Basque Division of the Spanish Left Wing Party), Evaluation Engineering, Evil Empire (gaming), Evropaiki Enosi (Greek: European Union), Excess Emission(s), Execution Environment, Executive Editor, Exercise Experience, Exotic Ethnic (gaming), Experts Exchange, Exponent, Exponential Elevation, Expressed Emotion (psychiatric term used in schizophrenia settings), Expression Engine (Pmachine.com), Extended Edition (DVD movie version), Extended Employment program, Extended Essay (International Baccalaureate), Extreme Edition (Intel Pentium 4), Exudative Epidermitis (Porcine Circovirus 2), emergency establishment (US DoD), раннеанглийский язык9) Вычислительная техника: Extended Edition, Emotion Engine (Sony, Playstation)10) Экология: ecological efficiency11) Деловая лексика: Economic Empowerment12) Образование: English Essay13) Сетевые технологии: Enterprise Edition14) ЕБРР: energy efficiency15) Полимеры: external environments16) Программирование: Enter Exponent17) Химическое оружие: emergency exit, engineering evaluation18) Расширение файла: Extended Edition (IBM)19) SAP.тех. работник20) Электротехника: electrical equipment21) НАСА: Exploration Era22) Программное обеспечение: Easy Editor, Expected Error23) Единицы измерений: English Equivalent24) AMEX. El Paso Electric Company25) Международная торговля: Export Enforcement -
7 ER
1) Общая лексика: emergency response (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Escape Request3) Биология: endoplasmic reticulum4) Медицина: пункт первой помощи (emergency room), estrogen receptor (эстрогеновый рецептор), event rate (доказательная медицина)5) Американизм: Emergency Response, Enslaved Race, Extended Resolution6) Спорт: Engineered For Racing, Event Referee, Extra Receiver7) Военный термин: EAGLE REACH, Eastern Region, Electro Rheological, Electronic Reserve, Emergency Reserve, Ever Ready, Expected Runs, Extended Response, echo ranging, effectiveness report, electronic reconnaissance, emergency request, emergency rescue, en-route, engineering regulations, engineering report, equipment regulations, equipment requirements, evaluation report, explosives report, extended range, Extended Range (дальнего действия; дальнобойный)8) Техника: earth return, effective resistance, electro reflectance, electron recording, electron resist, electrorefining, emergency recovery, equivalent roentgen, erase relay, error rate, error recorder9) Химия: Electron Reflectometer10) Метеорология: Earth Resource11) Юридический термин: Evaluate Refute, Everybody Run, Expert Resources, Evidence Rules (court rules)12) Политика: Eritrea13) Телекоммуникации: Egress Router, equipment room14) Сокращение: Electro-rheological (fluid), English Russian, Exfiltration Rocket, electrical resistance, engine room, enhanced radiation, established reliability, electron-recording tube, external resistance, станция скорой помощи15) Физиология: Eat Regularly, Emergency room, Enhanced Response, External Rotation16) Электроника: Electrode Rod, Electronic Ram17) Вычислительная техника: explicit rate18) Нефть: enhanced recovery, erosion, reservoir recovery efficiency, аварийное восстановление (работоспособности, emergency recovery), добыча нефти с воздействием на пласт (для повышения нефтеотдачи), установленная надёжность (established reliability)19) Иммунология: Estrogen receptor20) Пищевая промышленность: Extra Rare21) Фирменный знак: Erie22) Экология: environmental report23) СМИ: Edit And Revise24) SAP. работодатель25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Employee Relations, expense report, extended reach, expenditure request [estimate] (similar/identical to OME), expenditure request (similar/identical to OME; estimate)26) ЕБРР: exhaustible resources, tender evaluation report27) Полимеры: evolution reaction, extruded rod28) Автоматика: entity-relationship29) Полупроводники: electro-reflectance30) Химическое оружие: engineering regulation, environmental restoration31) Расширение файла: Error Recovery32) Нефть и газ: engineering room33) Имена и фамилии: Edward Rizzo, Elizabeth Regina34) Фармация: extended release (с продленным высвобождением активного вещества (лекарственная форма))35) Должность: Easily Replaced36) Чат: Electronic Relationships37) Правительство: East Rudolf38) НАСА: Eastern Range, Eva Rescue39) Международная торговля: External Relations -
8 Er
1) Общая лексика: emergency response (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Escape Request3) Биология: endoplasmic reticulum4) Медицина: пункт первой помощи (emergency room), estrogen receptor (эстрогеновый рецептор), event rate (доказательная медицина)5) Американизм: Emergency Response, Enslaved Race, Extended Resolution6) Спорт: Engineered For Racing, Event Referee, Extra Receiver7) Военный термин: EAGLE REACH, Eastern Region, Electro Rheological, Electronic Reserve, Emergency Reserve, Ever Ready, Expected Runs, Extended Response, echo ranging, effectiveness report, electronic reconnaissance, emergency request, emergency rescue, en-route, engineering regulations, engineering report, equipment regulations, equipment requirements, evaluation report, explosives report, extended range, Extended Range (дальнего действия; дальнобойный)8) Техника: earth return, effective resistance, electro reflectance, electron recording, electron resist, electrorefining, emergency recovery, equivalent roentgen, erase relay, error rate, error recorder9) Химия: Electron Reflectometer10) Метеорология: Earth Resource11) Юридический термин: Evaluate Refute, Everybody Run, Expert Resources, Evidence Rules (court rules)12) Политика: Eritrea13) Телекоммуникации: Egress Router, equipment room14) Сокращение: Electro-rheological (fluid), English Russian, Exfiltration Rocket, electrical resistance, engine room, enhanced radiation, established reliability, electron-recording tube, external resistance, станция скорой помощи15) Физиология: Eat Regularly, Emergency room, Enhanced Response, External Rotation16) Электроника: Electrode Rod, Electronic Ram17) Вычислительная техника: explicit rate18) Нефть: enhanced recovery, erosion, reservoir recovery efficiency, аварийное восстановление (работоспособности, emergency recovery), добыча нефти с воздействием на пласт (для повышения нефтеотдачи), установленная надёжность (established reliability)19) Иммунология: Estrogen receptor20) Пищевая промышленность: Extra Rare21) Фирменный знак: Erie22) Экология: environmental report23) СМИ: Edit And Revise24) SAP. работодатель25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Employee Relations, expense report, extended reach, expenditure request [estimate] (similar/identical to OME), expenditure request (similar/identical to OME; estimate)26) ЕБРР: exhaustible resources, tender evaluation report27) Полимеры: evolution reaction, extruded rod28) Автоматика: entity-relationship29) Полупроводники: electro-reflectance30) Химическое оружие: engineering regulation, environmental restoration31) Расширение файла: Error Recovery32) Нефть и газ: engineering room33) Имена и фамилии: Edward Rizzo, Elizabeth Regina34) Фармация: extended release (с продленным высвобождением активного вещества (лекарственная форма))35) Должность: Easily Replaced36) Чат: Electronic Relationships37) Правительство: East Rudolf38) НАСА: Eastern Range, Eva Rescue39) Международная торговля: External Relations -
9 er
1) Общая лексика: emergency response (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Escape Request3) Биология: endoplasmic reticulum4) Медицина: пункт первой помощи (emergency room), estrogen receptor (эстрогеновый рецептор), event rate (доказательная медицина)5) Американизм: Emergency Response, Enslaved Race, Extended Resolution6) Спорт: Engineered For Racing, Event Referee, Extra Receiver7) Военный термин: EAGLE REACH, Eastern Region, Electro Rheological, Electronic Reserve, Emergency Reserve, Ever Ready, Expected Runs, Extended Response, echo ranging, effectiveness report, electronic reconnaissance, emergency request, emergency rescue, en-route, engineering regulations, engineering report, equipment regulations, equipment requirements, evaluation report, explosives report, extended range, Extended Range (дальнего действия; дальнобойный)8) Техника: earth return, effective resistance, electro reflectance, electron recording, electron resist, electrorefining, emergency recovery, equivalent roentgen, erase relay, error rate, error recorder9) Химия: Electron Reflectometer10) Метеорология: Earth Resource11) Юридический термин: Evaluate Refute, Everybody Run, Expert Resources, Evidence Rules (court rules)12) Политика: Eritrea13) Телекоммуникации: Egress Router, equipment room14) Сокращение: Electro-rheological (fluid), English Russian, Exfiltration Rocket, electrical resistance, engine room, enhanced radiation, established reliability, electron-recording tube, external resistance, станция скорой помощи15) Физиология: Eat Regularly, Emergency room, Enhanced Response, External Rotation16) Электроника: Electrode Rod, Electronic Ram17) Вычислительная техника: explicit rate18) Нефть: enhanced recovery, erosion, reservoir recovery efficiency, аварийное восстановление (работоспособности, emergency recovery), добыча нефти с воздействием на пласт (для повышения нефтеотдачи), установленная надёжность (established reliability)19) Иммунология: Estrogen receptor20) Пищевая промышленность: Extra Rare21) Фирменный знак: Erie22) Экология: environmental report23) СМИ: Edit And Revise24) SAP. работодатель25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Employee Relations, expense report, extended reach, expenditure request [estimate] (similar/identical to OME), expenditure request (similar/identical to OME; estimate)26) ЕБРР: exhaustible resources, tender evaluation report27) Полимеры: evolution reaction, extruded rod28) Автоматика: entity-relationship29) Полупроводники: electro-reflectance30) Химическое оружие: engineering regulation, environmental restoration31) Расширение файла: Error Recovery32) Нефть и газ: engineering room33) Имена и фамилии: Edward Rizzo, Elizabeth Regina34) Фармация: extended release (с продленным высвобождением активного вещества (лекарственная форма))35) Должность: Easily Replaced36) Чат: Electronic Relationships37) Правительство: East Rudolf38) НАСА: Eastern Range, Eva Rescue39) Международная торговля: External Relations -
10 function
1) функция, назначение3) функционировать; действовать; срабатывать4) матем. функция•to apply function to... — применять функцию к...function of N variables — функция от N переменных-
alert function
algebraic function
all-pole function
all-zero function
ambiguity function
amplitude function
analog function
analytic function
approximation function
autocorrelation function
base-conversion function
basic function
Bessel function
beta function
Boolean function
Butterworth function
calculable function
characteristic function
circular function
complex-valued function
complex function
composite function
continuous function
contrast transfer function
control function
convolution function
cooling function
coordinate function
correction function
correlation function
criterion function
cross-ambiguity function
cross-correlation function
cylindrical function
damage function
damped sinusoidal function
decision function
decreasing function
demodulation transfer function
density function
describing function
differentiable function
digital function
Dirac delta-function
discontinuous function
distribution function
driving function
driving-point function
elementary function
elliptic function
entire function
ergodic function
error function
evaluation function
even function
explicit function
exponential function
failure rate function
forcing function
fractional rational function
frequency function
frequency response function
gamma function
gate function
generalized function
generating function
generic function
Gibbs function
goal function
Green function
grouped data function
Hamiltonian function
Hankel function
hardening function
harmonic function
hashing function
hash function
Heaviside step function
Heaviside function
Helmholtz function
help function
Hildebrand function
holding function
holomorphic function
homogeneous function
hyperbolic function
hypergeometric function
illegal function
implicit function
increasing function
indicator function
infeed function
inference function
influence function
integral function
intrinsic function
inverse function
invert function
Lagrange function
lemniscate function
library function
likelihood function
linear function
living function
locus function
logarithmic function
loss function
luminance function
majorant function
meta-inference function
minorant function
modified Bessel function
modulating function
modulation transfer function
monotone function
moving control function
moving function
multiple harmonic function
multiple-valued function
network function
nonlinear function
normalized function
numerical function
objective function
odd function
one-valued function
optical transfer function
payoff function
periodic function
phase transfer function
photoelectric work function
playback function
point spread function
polyharmonic function
potential function
preference function
probability density function
processor defined function
programming-planning functions
quadratically integrable function
ramp function
random function
rate-distortion function
rational function
real function
recurrent function
recursive function
regression function
reliability function
renewal function
return transfer function
risk function
safety function
sample function
sawtooth function
scalar function
scaling function
scattering function
shift function
sine function
single-valued function
smooth function
special functions
spectral density function
spectral function
spherical function
state function
step function
stress function
subharmonic function
test function
thermionic work function
thermodynamic availability function
thermodynamic function
threshold function
time function
transfer function
transformed function
transient function
trigonometrical function
trigonometric function
truth function
unit step function
utility function
vector function
visibility function
volume function
water-management function
wave function
weighting function
weight function
wired logic function
work function
world function
yield function
zeta function -
11 SEF
1) Общая лексика: Smoke Evacuation Fan (вентилятор дымоудаления)2) Медицина: spectral edge frequency3) Военный термин: shielding effectiveness factor, single-engined fighter, support equipment facility, surface effect, systems engineering facility4) Техника: Single Ended Fast, storage, extension frame5) Сокращение: Space Education Foundation, Stability Enhancement Function, System Engineering Facility (USA), Search Engine Friendly6) Физика: Spectral Energy Flux7) Вычислительная техника: Source Explicit Forwarding, severely errored framing seconds8) Воздухоплавание: Small End Forward9) Фирменный знак: Small Enterprise Foundation10) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: (Side Entry Feeder) боковой питатель11) Образование: Self Evaluation Formula12) Сетевые технологии: Simplified Edi Format13) Автоматика: small engineering firm -
12 SEM
1) Компьютерная техника: State Event Machines3) Американизм: Someone Else's Money4) Военный термин: standard electronic module, standard error of the mean, systems engineering management5) Техника: Sibyl equipment module, Societe d'Enterprise de Montages, solar energy measurement, space environmental monitor, standard electronic modules program6) Статистика: стандартная погрешность средней величины (standard error of the mean)7) Кино: Sexually Explicit Material8) Сокращение: Scanning Electron Microscope, Security Engineered Machinery (USA), Semitic - Other, Simulation, Engineering & Modelling, Superconducting Electrical Machinery, scanning election microscope, shared equity mortgages9) Университет: Science Engineering And Mathematics10) Физика: Structural Equation Modeling, Structural Equation Models12) Электроника: Synthesizer Expander Module, растровый электронный микроскоп13) Вычислительная техника: Secure Extension Mode (AMD, TCB)14) Нефть: сканирующая электронная микроскопия (для анализов керна; scanning electron microscopy)15) Генетика: сканирующая растровая микроскопия16) Биохимия: Scanning Electron Micrographs17) Фирменный знак: Spec Epics Motors18) Экология: Space Environment Monitor19) Деловая лексика: Sound And Efficient Management, Strategic Enterprise Management20) Бытовая техника: РЭМ21) Бурение: сканирующий электронный микроскоп (scanning electron microscope)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: растровая электронная микроскопия23) Образование: Special End And Middle24) Сетевые технологии: Server Enhancement Module25) Макаров: scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, sem, secondary electron multiplier26) Безопасность: Security Event Management27) Интернет: Search Engine Marketing28) Расширение файла: Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP)29) Общественная организация: Systematic Evaluation Of Members30) Должность: Search Engine Marketer31) NYSE. General Semiconductor, Inc.32) Программное обеспечение: Synthesis Enterprise Manager33) Международная торговля: Single European Market, Stock Exchange of Mauritius -
13 Sem
1) Компьютерная техника: State Event Machines3) Американизм: Someone Else's Money4) Военный термин: standard electronic module, standard error of the mean, systems engineering management5) Техника: Sibyl equipment module, Societe d'Enterprise de Montages, solar energy measurement, space environmental monitor, standard electronic modules program6) Статистика: стандартная погрешность средней величины (standard error of the mean)7) Кино: Sexually Explicit Material8) Сокращение: Scanning Electron Microscope, Security Engineered Machinery (USA), Semitic - Other, Simulation, Engineering & Modelling, Superconducting Electrical Machinery, scanning election microscope, shared equity mortgages9) Университет: Science Engineering And Mathematics10) Физика: Structural Equation Modeling, Structural Equation Models12) Электроника: Synthesizer Expander Module, растровый электронный микроскоп13) Вычислительная техника: Secure Extension Mode (AMD, TCB)14) Нефть: сканирующая электронная микроскопия (для анализов керна; scanning electron microscopy)15) Генетика: сканирующая растровая микроскопия16) Биохимия: Scanning Electron Micrographs17) Фирменный знак: Spec Epics Motors18) Экология: Space Environment Monitor19) Деловая лексика: Sound And Efficient Management, Strategic Enterprise Management20) Бытовая техника: РЭМ21) Бурение: сканирующий электронный микроскоп (scanning electron microscope)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: растровая электронная микроскопия23) Образование: Special End And Middle24) Сетевые технологии: Server Enhancement Module25) Макаров: scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, sem, secondary electron multiplier26) Безопасность: Security Event Management27) Интернет: Search Engine Marketing28) Расширение файла: Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP)29) Общественная организация: Systematic Evaluation Of Members30) Должность: Search Engine Marketer31) NYSE. General Semiconductor, Inc.32) Программное обеспечение: Synthesis Enterprise Manager33) Международная торговля: Single European Market, Stock Exchange of Mauritius -
14 sem
1) Компьютерная техника: State Event Machines3) Американизм: Someone Else's Money4) Военный термин: standard electronic module, standard error of the mean, systems engineering management5) Техника: Sibyl equipment module, Societe d'Enterprise de Montages, solar energy measurement, space environmental monitor, standard electronic modules program6) Статистика: стандартная погрешность средней величины (standard error of the mean)7) Кино: Sexually Explicit Material8) Сокращение: Scanning Electron Microscope, Security Engineered Machinery (USA), Semitic - Other, Simulation, Engineering & Modelling, Superconducting Electrical Machinery, scanning election microscope, shared equity mortgages9) Университет: Science Engineering And Mathematics10) Физика: Structural Equation Modeling, Structural Equation Models12) Электроника: Synthesizer Expander Module, растровый электронный микроскоп13) Вычислительная техника: Secure Extension Mode (AMD, TCB)14) Нефть: сканирующая электронная микроскопия (для анализов керна; scanning electron microscopy)15) Генетика: сканирующая растровая микроскопия16) Биохимия: Scanning Electron Micrographs17) Фирменный знак: Spec Epics Motors18) Экология: Space Environment Monitor19) Деловая лексика: Sound And Efficient Management, Strategic Enterprise Management20) Бытовая техника: РЭМ21) Бурение: сканирующий электронный микроскоп (scanning electron microscope)22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: растровая электронная микроскопия23) Образование: Special End And Middle24) Сетевые технологии: Server Enhancement Module25) Макаров: scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, sem, secondary electron multiplier26) Безопасность: Security Event Management27) Интернет: Search Engine Marketing28) Расширение файла: Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP)29) Общественная организация: Systematic Evaluation Of Members30) Должность: Search Engine Marketer31) NYSE. General Semiconductor, Inc.32) Программное обеспечение: Synthesis Enterprise Manager33) Международная торговля: Single European Market, Stock Exchange of Mauritius -
15 function
1) функция; назначение2) работать, функционировать, действовать•- admittance functionbetween functions — между операциями, в периоды между операциями
- advanced CAD function
- alert function
- analytic function
- assumed function
- auxiliary function
- averaged function
- basis function
- characteristic function
- chip-carrying function
- closed-loop transfer function
- complementary function
- control function
- coupling function
- custom macro function
- cut-and-paste function
- decision function
- describing function
- descriptive function
- Dirac function
- dispatching functions
- dissipative function
- distribution function
- dynamic transfer function
- error transfer function
- evaluation function
- explicit function
- feed forward function
- feed function
- feedback transfer function
- force function
- forward transfer function
- frequency distribution function
- frequency function
- frequency response function
- given function
- Hamiltonian function
- hindrance function
- holding function
- implicit function
- influence function
- input function
- instantly posted function
- interface functions
- interrelated functions
- interstage function
- inverse function
- involute function
- IPG function
- jump function
- key hardware functions
- key software functions
- kitting function
- look-ahead function
- machine-dependent functions
- machine-incorporated functions
- machining time monitoring function
- memory-related functions
- meshing error function
- message function
- metering function
- miscellaneous functions
- monitored function
- monitoring function
- neural transfer function
- noncomputable function
- objective function
- offsetting function
- open-loop transfer function
- operational functions
- optimal decision function
- output function
- overall transfer function
- penalty function
- peripheral functions
- pick-and-place functions
- position function
- positioning function
- power function
- preparatory G-function
- primary function
- probability density function
- probability distribution function
- profit function
- programming-planning functions
- programming-related functions
- qualitative functions
- ramp function
- random function
- restorative function
- return transfer function
- robot-dependent functions
- safety function
- sensor-motor function
- sigma function
- sigmoid function
- spindle speed function
- spindle-await function
- standby function
- step function
- storage function
- support function
- switching function
- system function
- target function
- tool function
- transfer function
- unit-impulse function
- unit-pulse function
- unit-step function
- universal function
- universal miscellaneous functions
- weight function
- weighting function
- window function
- zero-order function
- zero-return function
- zero-set functionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > function
16 function
1) функция, назначение || функционировать, действовать2) матем. функция•- abnormal function
- access function
- additive function
- address function
- adherence function
- aggregate function
- analog function
- AND function
- AND-to-OR function
- antihyperbolic function
- antitrigonometric function
- arbitrary Boolean function
- arc hyperbolic function
- arc trigonometric function
- array element successor function
- assumed function
- autocorrelation function
- band-limited function
- basis function
- belief function
- blending function
- Boolean function
- buffer function
- built-in function
- characteristic function
- circuit function
- closed function
- collate function
- completely defined function
- composite function
- computable function
- computer function
- concave function
- continuous function
- control function
- convex function
- correlation function
- course-of-value function
- criterion function
- cross-correlation function
- curried function
- dagger function
- damped function
- decision function
- decreasing function
- degate function
- delta function
- demand function
- describing function
- difference function
- discrete finite-valued function
- distribution function
- driving function
- EITHER-OR function
- elliptic function
- entire function
- entire rational function
- entity-to-entity function
- enumerative function
- error function
- essential functions
- evaluation function
- even function
- except function
- exclusive OR function
- executive function
- explicit function
- exponential function
- exponent function
- exponentially decreasing function
- external function
- failure density function
- failure rate function
- feedback function
- finite discrete-valued function
- finite-valued function
- fitted function
- frequency function
- general function
- generalized function
- generating function
- generic function
- hashing function
- hash function
- ill-behaved function
- ill-defined function
- illegal function
- implicit function
- inclusive OR function
- infinite-valued function
- infrared function
- inhibit function
- internal function
- intrinsic function
- inverse function
- joint distribution function
- jump function
- key function
- K-out-of-N function
- library function
- list function
- logical function
- logic function
- logical addition function
- logical multiplication function
- logistic function
- majority function
- membership function
- merit function
- mixed-radix function
- moment-generating function
- morphic Boolean function
- morphic function
- multioutput function
- multiple-valued function
- noncomputable function
- normal function
- NOT function
- nullary function
- objective function
- odd function
- one-valued function
- onto function
- open function
- OR function
- OR-ELSE function
- output function
- partial function
- payoff function
- Peirce function
- penalty function
- piece linear function
- piece regular function
- piecewise continuous function
- positive definite function
- power function
- predefined function
- primitive function
- processing function
- propositional function
- ramp function
- random function
- ranking function
- reckonable function
- recursive function
- remainder function
- response function
- risk function
- safety-related function
- scalar function
- service function
- Sheffer stroke function
- Sheffer function
- shifting function
- shuffle function
- signal function
- signum function
- single-output function
- single-valued function
- smoothed function
- spectral function
- staircase function
- standard function
- statement function
- step function
- storage function
- strictly increasing function
- successor function
- support function
- switching function
- syntactic function
- table function
- testing function
- threshold function
- transfer function
- transition function
- traversal function
- unate function
- unit-impulse function
- universal function
- utility function
- vector function
- weight function
- weighted sum objective function
- weighting functionEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > function
17 cost
18 form
1) анкета; бланк2) вид; форма || придавать вид или форму3) контур; очертание4) конфигурация6) строит. опалубка; элемент опалубки7) скамейка, лавочка8) формуляр9) составлять; образовывать10) формироваться•calculation in a series form — матем. вычисление с помощью ряда
evaluation of indeterminate form — матем. раскрытие неопределённости
fraction in a factored form — матем. дробь в форме разложения на множители
in an expanded form — в виде ряда; в развёрнутом виде
integration in a closed form — матем. интегрирование в конечном виде
of closed form — матем. в конечном виде, с конечным числом членов
preparation of type form — полигр. чернение набора
reduction to a normal form — матем. приведение к нормальной форме
to bring into a canonical form — матем. приводить к канонической форме; приводить к каноническому виду
to form a circle — замыкаться в кольцо; образовывать кольцо
to rearrange in the form — переписывать в виде; преобразовывать к виду ( об уравнениях)
- absolutely convergent form - absolutely extreme form - definite form - elementary form - elimination form of inverse - everywhere regular form - evolutionary operation form - geodesic curvature form - indefinite form - p-adically equivalent form - relatively bounded form - repair request form - third fundamental form - totally definite form - totally discontinuous formto take on a form — принимать форму; принимать вид
19 formula
1) рецепт2) формула || формульный3) формулировка•- arithmetically valid formula - back interpolation formula - computational formula - computing formula - corrector formula - formally decidable formula - formally refutable formula - formula of finite increments - geometrically valid formula - homomorphically stable formula - identically false formula - identically true formula - intuitionistically valid formula - logically valid formula - maximum likelihood formula - modally valid formula - monotonically increasing formula - numeralwise expressible formula - numeralwise representable formula - positively valid formula - primitively recursive formula - reciprocity formula - secondarily valid formula - square stable formula - universally valid formulato follow the formula — подчиняться [следовать] формуле; описываться формулой
20 mapping
1) картирование, картографирование, составление карт2) отображение || отображающий•- almost open mapping - almost proper mapping - almost separably-valued mapping - completely regular mapping - correlative mapping - countably biquotient mapping - countably multiple mapping - homotopically regular mapping - homotopically stable mapping - homotopy inverse mapping - locally homeomorphic mapping - locally homomorphic mapping - locally infinitesimal stable mapping
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Evaluation — is systematic determination of merit, worth, and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards. Evaluation often is used to characterize and appraise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises,… … Wikipedia
Evaluation approaches — are conceptually distinct ways of thinking about, designing and conducting evaluation efforts. Many of the evaluation approaches in use today make unique contributions to solving important problems, while others refine existing approaches in some … Wikipedia
Explicit Congestion Notification — (ECN) is an extension to the Internet Protocol and is defined in RFC 3168 (2001). ECN allows end to end notification of network congestion without dropping packets. It is an optional feature, and is only used when both endpoints signal that they… … Wikipedia
Evaluation strategy — Evaluation strategies Strict evaluation Applicative order Call by value Call by reference Call by sharing Call by copy restore Non strict evaluation Normal order Call by name Call by need/Lazy evaluation … Wikipedia
Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation — The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation ref|JC is an American/Canadian based Standards Developer Organization (SDO). The Joint Committee represents a coalition of major professional associations formed in 1975 to help improve… … Wikipedia
Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria — (TCSEC) is a United States Government Department of Defense (DoD) standard that sets basic requirements for assessing the effectiveness of computer security controls built into a computer system. The TCSEC was used to evaluate, classify and… … Wikipedia
Exponential integral — is a mathematical function of a single argument which has no established notation.DefinitionsFor real values of x , the exponential integral Ei( x ) can be defined as : mbox{Ei}(x)=int { infty}^xfrac{e^t}t,dt., The definition above can be used… … Wikipedia
Kloosterman sum — In mathematics, a Kloosterman sum is a particular kind of exponential sum. Let a , b , m be natural numbers. Then :K(a,b;m)=sum {0leq xleq m 1, gcd(x,m)=1 } e^{2pi i (ax+bx^*)/m},Here x* is the inverse of x modulo m . They are named for the Dutch … Wikipedia
Chiral anomaly — A chiral anomaly is the anomalous nonconservation of a chiral current. In some theories of fermions with chiral symmetry, the quantization may lead to the breaking of this (global) chiral symmetry. In that case, the charge associated with the… … Wikipedia
Paul Frampton — Paul Howard Frampton (born October 31, 1943, in England) is a theoretical physicist and notable model builderin particle phenomenology. He is active in the fields of high energy physics and cosmology and is Louis D. Rubin, Jr. Distinguished… … Wikipedia
Paul Frampton — Paul Frampton. Paul Howard Frampton (* 31. Oktober 1943 in Kidderminster, Worcestershire) ist ein britischer Physiker. Frampton studierte ab 1962 an der Universität Oxford (Brasenose College), wo er 1965 seinen Master Abschluss machte und 1968… … Deutsch Wikipedia