41 экспериментальный аппарат
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > экспериментальный аппарат
42 EAP
1) Военный термин: Emergency Action Procedures, Enterprise Architecture Plan, effective air path, emergency action procedure, experimental aircraft program, experimental aircraft prototype, Economically Active Population2) Техника: Event Assessment Panel, experimental activity proposal3) Религия: Evidences of Answered Prayer4) Бухгалтерия: Estimated Adjusted Price5) Страхование: estimated annual premium6) Оптика: electro-absorption avalanche photodiode7) Сокращение: Electronic Assembly Plant, Emergency Action Plan (2004), Emergency Action Plan, Experimental Aircraft Programme8) Университет: Education Abroad Program, English For Academic Purposes9) Физиология: Eber Associated Protein, Estrus Associated Protein10) Вычислительная техника: Extensible Authentication Protocol (Cisco, Verschluesselung, RADIUS, WPA)11) Иммунология: Equine Assisted Psychotherapy12) Связь: Extensible Authentication Protocol13) Космонавтика: Environment Assessment Programme (UNEP)14) Транспорт: Employee Assistance Program15) Деловая лексика: Employee Assistance Plan, Enterprise Analytic Portal, employee assistance programme (This gives your employees telephone access to confidential advice and face-to-face counselling if necessary, and protects the business from personal injury claims.)16) Нефтегазовая техника Equivalent Air Pressure17) Образование: Early Access Program, Emea Academic Program, Employee Alcoholism Program18) Сетевые технологии: Enhanced Authentication Protocol, Enterprise Architecture Planning, открытый протокол аутентификации (extensible authentication protocol)19) ЕБРР: environmental action plan20) Электротехника: emergency action program21) Имена и фамилии: Edgar Allen Poe, Elvis Aaron Presley22) Должность: Executive Administrative And Professional23) Правительство: Engineering Access Permit -
43 Whittle, Sir Frank
SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace[br]b. 1 June 1907 Coventry, England[br]English engineer who developed the first British jet engine.[br]Frank Whittle enlisted in the Royal Air Force (RAF) as an apprentice, and after qualifying as a pilot he developed an interest in the technical aspects of aircraft propulsion. He was convinced that the gas-turbine engine could be adapted for use in aircraft, but he could not convince the Air Ministry, who turned down the proposal. Nevertheless, Whittle applied for a patent for his turbojet engine the following year, 1930. While still in the RAF, he was allowed time to study for a degree at Cambridge University and carry out postgraduate research (1934–7). By 1936 the official attitude had changed, and a company called Power Jets Ltd was set up to develop Whittle's jet engine. On 12 April 1937 the experimental engine was bench-tested. After further development, an official order was placed in March 1938. Whittle's engine had a centrifugal compressor, ten combustion chambers and a turbine to drive the compressor; all the power output came from the jet of hot gases.In 1939 an experimental aircraft was ordered from the Gloster Aircraft Company, the E 28/39, to house the Whittle W1 engine, and this made its first flight on 15 May 1941. A development of the W1 by Rolls-Royce, the Welland, was used to power the twin-engined Gloster Meteor fighter, which saw service with the RAF in 1944. Whittle retired from the RAF in 1948 and became a consultant. From 1977 he lived in the United States. Comparisons between the work of Whittle and Hans von Ohain show that each of the two engineers developed his engine without knowledge of the other's work. Whittle was the first to take out a patent, Ohain achieved the first flight; the Whittle engine and its derivatives, however, played a much greater role in the history of the jet engine.[br]Principal Honours and DistinctionsKnighted 1948. Commander of the Order of the Bath 1947. Order of Merit 1986. FRS 1947. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.Bibliography1953, Jet, London (an account not only of his technical problems, but also of the difficulties with civil servants, politicians and commercial organizations).Further ReadingJ.Golley, 1987, Whittle: The True Story, Shrewsbury (this author based his work on Jet, but carried out research, aided by Whittle, to give a fuller account with the benefit of hindsight).JDS -
44 EA
1) Общая лексика: European Cooperation for Accreditation, шт. (инвойс)2) Биология: endemic areas3) Американизм: Exclusive Authorization4) Спорт: Elite Athlete5) Латинский язык: Epistula Augustini6) Военный термин: Economic Analyses, Edgewood arsenal, Emergency Actions, Engineering Analysis, Espionage Act, Evolutionary Acquisition, Executive Agent, Extreme Assassins, educational adviser, electronic attack, electronics assembly, emergency area, enemy action, enemy aircraft, enemy area, energy absorption, engagement area, engineering aid, enlistment allowance, environmental analysis, environmental assessment, escort aircraft, executive assistant, experimental aircraft, Emergency Action (s)7) Техника: earphone amplifier, easy axis, editorial alteration, eikonal approximation, electrical artificer, electrocardiographic amplifier, electronic assembly, enforcement action, engineering assurance, equipment alignment, equivalent availability, ethyl acetate, ethyl acrylate, experimental assembly, extender amplifier8) Сельское хозяйство: exchange acidity9) Химия: Emulsion Aggregation, Epoxy Adhesive10) Метеорология: Energy And Atmosphere11) Юридический термин: Evil Association12) Бухгалтерия: East Anglia, Edward Appleby, Expenditure Authorization13) Грубое выражение: Egotistical Asses, Egotistical Assholes, Einsteins Asshole, Electronic Assholes, Entertaining Assholes, Excruciating Assfuck, Extremely Asshole14) Металлургия: Exhaust Air15) Телекоммуникации: Extended Address, Address Field Extension (HDLC)16) Сокращение: East Africa, Economic Adviser, Electrical Actuator, Electronic Attack (Now know as ECM), Elettronica Aster SpA (Italy), Engineering Authority, Environmental Agency, expectancy age17) Университет: Expanded Academic18) Электроника: усилитель (сигнала) обратной связи (error amplifier)19) Вычислительная техника: effective address, extended attribute, Enterprise Agreement (MS), (Visio for) Enterprise Architects (MS,.NET), Extended Attribute (OS/2), Effective Address (Power4, IBM, CPU), Escrowed Authenticator (Verschluesselung, EES)20) Нефть: expected allowable21) Фирменный знак: Electronic Arts, Electronics Australia, Evening Association22) Экология: Environment Agency23) Патенты: Евразийский патент24) Деловая лексика: Enterprise Architecture, each25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: External Affairs26) Сетевые технологии: electrically alterable27) ЕБРР: Europe Agreement28) Программирование: Erase All29) Химическое оружие: Economic Analysis30) Безопасность: encryption algorithm, Чрезвычайная поправка (Emergency Amendement)31) Электромедицина: электроакупунктура32) Нефть и газ: ОСОС, Оценка состояния окружающей среды33) Электротехника: energy accounting35) Общественная организация: Educate America!, Endometriosis Association36) Должность: Educational Assistant, Employment Authorization, Excused Absence, Executive Administration37) Чат: Easily Amused, Extremely Amazing -
45 Ea
1) Общая лексика: European Cooperation for Accreditation, шт. (инвойс)2) Биология: endemic areas3) Американизм: Exclusive Authorization4) Спорт: Elite Athlete5) Латинский язык: Epistula Augustini6) Военный термин: Economic Analyses, Edgewood arsenal, Emergency Actions, Engineering Analysis, Espionage Act, Evolutionary Acquisition, Executive Agent, Extreme Assassins, educational adviser, electronic attack, electronics assembly, emergency area, enemy action, enemy aircraft, enemy area, energy absorption, engagement area, engineering aid, enlistment allowance, environmental analysis, environmental assessment, escort aircraft, executive assistant, experimental aircraft, Emergency Action (s)7) Техника: earphone amplifier, easy axis, editorial alteration, eikonal approximation, electrical artificer, electrocardiographic amplifier, electronic assembly, enforcement action, engineering assurance, equipment alignment, equivalent availability, ethyl acetate, ethyl acrylate, experimental assembly, extender amplifier8) Сельское хозяйство: exchange acidity9) Химия: Emulsion Aggregation, Epoxy Adhesive10) Метеорология: Energy And Atmosphere11) Юридический термин: Evil Association12) Бухгалтерия: East Anglia, Edward Appleby, Expenditure Authorization13) Грубое выражение: Egotistical Asses, Egotistical Assholes, Einsteins Asshole, Electronic Assholes, Entertaining Assholes, Excruciating Assfuck, Extremely Asshole14) Металлургия: Exhaust Air15) Телекоммуникации: Extended Address, Address Field Extension (HDLC)16) Сокращение: East Africa, Economic Adviser, Electrical Actuator, Electronic Attack (Now know as ECM), Elettronica Aster SpA (Italy), Engineering Authority, Environmental Agency, expectancy age17) Университет: Expanded Academic18) Электроника: усилитель (сигнала) обратной связи (error amplifier)19) Вычислительная техника: effective address, extended attribute, Enterprise Agreement (MS), (Visio for) Enterprise Architects (MS,.NET), Extended Attribute (OS/2), Effective Address (Power4, IBM, CPU), Escrowed Authenticator (Verschluesselung, EES)20) Нефть: expected allowable21) Фирменный знак: Electronic Arts, Electronics Australia, Evening Association22) Экология: Environment Agency23) Патенты: Евразийский патент24) Деловая лексика: Enterprise Architecture, each25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: External Affairs26) Сетевые технологии: electrically alterable27) ЕБРР: Europe Agreement28) Программирование: Erase All29) Химическое оружие: Economic Analysis30) Безопасность: encryption algorithm, Чрезвычайная поправка (Emergency Amendement)31) Электромедицина: электроакупунктура32) Нефть и газ: ОСОС, Оценка состояния окружающей среды33) Электротехника: energy accounting35) Общественная организация: Educate America!, Endometriosis Association36) Должность: Educational Assistant, Employment Authorization, Excused Absence, Executive Administration37) Чат: Easily Amused, Extremely Amazing -
46 ea
1) Общая лексика: European Cooperation for Accreditation, шт. (инвойс)2) Биология: endemic areas3) Американизм: Exclusive Authorization4) Спорт: Elite Athlete5) Латинский язык: Epistula Augustini6) Военный термин: Economic Analyses, Edgewood arsenal, Emergency Actions, Engineering Analysis, Espionage Act, Evolutionary Acquisition, Executive Agent, Extreme Assassins, educational adviser, electronic attack, electronics assembly, emergency area, enemy action, enemy aircraft, enemy area, energy absorption, engagement area, engineering aid, enlistment allowance, environmental analysis, environmental assessment, escort aircraft, executive assistant, experimental aircraft, Emergency Action (s)7) Техника: earphone amplifier, easy axis, editorial alteration, eikonal approximation, electrical artificer, electrocardiographic amplifier, electronic assembly, enforcement action, engineering assurance, equipment alignment, equivalent availability, ethyl acetate, ethyl acrylate, experimental assembly, extender amplifier8) Сельское хозяйство: exchange acidity9) Химия: Emulsion Aggregation, Epoxy Adhesive10) Метеорология: Energy And Atmosphere11) Юридический термин: Evil Association12) Бухгалтерия: East Anglia, Edward Appleby, Expenditure Authorization13) Грубое выражение: Egotistical Asses, Egotistical Assholes, Einsteins Asshole, Electronic Assholes, Entertaining Assholes, Excruciating Assfuck, Extremely Asshole14) Металлургия: Exhaust Air15) Телекоммуникации: Extended Address, Address Field Extension (HDLC)16) Сокращение: East Africa, Economic Adviser, Electrical Actuator, Electronic Attack (Now know as ECM), Elettronica Aster SpA (Italy), Engineering Authority, Environmental Agency, expectancy age17) Университет: Expanded Academic18) Электроника: усилитель (сигнала) обратной связи (error amplifier)19) Вычислительная техника: effective address, extended attribute, Enterprise Agreement (MS), (Visio for) Enterprise Architects (MS,.NET), Extended Attribute (OS/2), Effective Address (Power4, IBM, CPU), Escrowed Authenticator (Verschluesselung, EES)20) Нефть: expected allowable21) Фирменный знак: Electronic Arts, Electronics Australia, Evening Association22) Экология: Environment Agency23) Патенты: Евразийский патент24) Деловая лексика: Enterprise Architecture, each25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: External Affairs26) Сетевые технологии: electrically alterable27) ЕБРР: Europe Agreement28) Программирование: Erase All29) Химическое оружие: Economic Analysis30) Безопасность: encryption algorithm, Чрезвычайная поправка (Emergency Amendement)31) Электромедицина: электроакупунктура32) Нефть и газ: ОСОС, Оценка состояния окружающей среды33) Электротехника: energy accounting35) Общественная организация: Educate America!, Endometriosis Association36) Должность: Educational Assistant, Employment Authorization, Excused Absence, Executive Administration37) Чат: Easily Amused, Extremely Amazing -
47 EAP
EAP, effective air path————————EAP, emergency action(s) procedure(s)————————EAP, experimental aircraft program————————EAP, experimental aircraft prototypeEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > EAP
48 X
X, crossingпреодоление; переправа; форсирование (реки)————————X, exchangeобмен; коммутатор————————X, experimentalопытный, экспериментальный————————X, experimental air-to-air missileэкспериментальная ракета класса "воздух - воздух"————————X, experimental aircraft————————X, experimental and development (systems)————————X, explosiveвзрывчатое вещество, ВВ————————X, extensionстр ствольная коробка; св аппаратура подключения; продление (контракта)————————X, X-axis————————X, X-ray————————X, xyloniteEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > X
49 EA
EA, Edgewood arsenal————————EA, educational adviser————————EA, electronic attack (aircraft)————————EA, electronics assemblyэлектронный блок, блок электронного оборудования————————EA, emergency action————————EA, emergency area————————EA, enemy action————————EA, enemy area————————EA, energy absorption————————EA, engagement areaрайон [зона] поражения; зона обстрела————————EA, engineering aid————————EA, enlistment allowance————————EA, environmental analysis————————EA, environmental assessment————————EA, escort aircraft————————EA, Espionage Act————————EA, executive assistant————————EA, experimental aircraft————————EA; E/A, enemy aircraftEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > EA
50 E
усл категория подготовки ЛС ВВС (ежегодно 20 учебных занятий в составе резерва и 30 дней службы в регулярных войсках)————————усл ненадежный источник разведывательной информации————————усл предметы снабжения общего назначения класса II————————усл рядовой и сержантский состав————————усл стандартный вариант (ракеты)————————E, east————————E, efficiency (award)————————E, electronic (countermeasures)радиоэлектронное подавление, РЭП————————E, electronic (aircraft)————————E, electronicsэлектроника; электронное оборудование————————E, elevationвысота; угол возвышения [места]; прицел————————E, emergencyаварийная [чрезвычайная] обстановка————————E, enemy————————E, energy————————E, engine————————E, engineeringтехника; инженерное дело; инженерно -технические разработки; инженерно - техническое обеспечение————————E, entranceвход; Бр зачисление на военную службу————————E, errorошибка; погрешность; отклонение————————E, estimateоценка; расчет————————E, Excellence (Award)————————E, exerciseучение; упражнение————————E, experimental (aircraft)————————E, exposureвоздействие; незащищенное [открытое] положениеEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > E
51 EAA
1) Военный термин: Export Administration Act, equipment approval authority2) Техника: ethyl acetoacetate3) Сельское хозяйство: essential amino acid4) Химия: Ethylene Acrylic Acid5) Экономика: ЭССХ, Экономические счета по сельскому хозяйству6) Металлургия: European Aluminium Association7) Сокращение: Electrical Appliance Association, Electro-Acoustic Subassembly, Employment Agents Association, Enhanced Airline Assignment (2006), European Armanents Agency, Experimental Aircraft Association, External Access Applique8) Пищевая промышленность: Essential Amino Acids9) Экология: electrical aerosol analyzer10) Пластмассы: Ethylene/ Acrylic Acid Copolymer11) Аэропорты: Eagle, Alaska USA12) НАСА: Earth Attitude Angle -
52 EQX
Военный термин: EW experimental aircraft -
53 Oshkosh
Город на востоке штата Висконсин, на западном берегу озера Уиннебаго [ Winnebago, Lake], в верховьях р. Фокс [ Fox River]. 62,9 тыс. жителей (2000). В МСА Апплтон-Ошкош-Нина [Appleton-Oshkosh-Neenah MSA (MSA)] - 358,3 тыс. человек (2000). Административный центр [ county seat] округа Уиннебаго [Winnebago County] (с 1847). Торгово-промышленный центр. Бумажная и производство детской одежды ("Ош кош би гош" [ OshKosh B'Gosh]), молочных продуктов, упаковочных материалов ("Кёрвуд" [Curwood, Inc.]), мусоровозов ("Лич" [Leach Co.]), большегрузых грузовиков ("Ошкош трак" [Oshkosh Truck Corp.]) и др. Курорт. Аэропорт [Wittman Regional Airport]. Отделение Висконсинского университета [ Wisconsin, University of] (1871). С конца XVII в. регион активно осваивали французские торговцы пушниной. В 1836 на месте французской торговой фактории [ trading post] основано постоянное поселение, названное Атенс [Athens] (в 1840 переименовано в честь вождя племени меномини [ Menominee]). Статус поселка [ village] с 1846, города [ city] с 1853. Развивался как центр деревообработки. Крупная немецкая община [ German-Americans]. Среди достопримечательностей - городской музей [Oshkosh Public Museum], Центр искусств и дендрарий Пейна [Paine Art Center and Arboretum] (здесь представлены образцы английской и французской живописи XIX в.), реставрированное здание "Гранд-опера" [Grand Opera House]. Ежегодный летний авиафестиваль [EAA Fly-In Convention], который проводит Ассоциация экспериментальной ассоциации [Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)], также содержащая музей авиации [EAA Air Adventure Museum]. -
54 EQX
EQX, EW experimental aircraftEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > EQX
55 FAX
FAX, facsimile transmission————————FAX, fighter attack experimental (aircraft)————————FAX, fuel and air explosion————————FAX, fuel-air explosiveEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > FAX
56 FBX
FBX, fighter-bomber, experimental (aircraft)English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > FBX
57 RX
RX, reconnaissance-experimental (aircraft)English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > RX
58 SX
SX, sheet explosive————————SX, striker experimental (aircraft)English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > SX
59 center
центр; пункт; пост; узел; середина; научпо-иселсдовагсльскпй центр, НИЦ; выводить на середину; арт. корректировать; центрировать;air C3 center — центр руководства, управления и связи ВВС
general supply (commodity) center — центр [пункт] снабжения предметами общего предназначения
hard launch (operations) control center — ркт. центр [пункт] управления пуском, защищенный от (поражающих факторов) ЯВ
launch (operations) control center — ркт. пункт управления стартового комплекса [пуском ракет]
tactical fighter weapons (employment development) center — центр разработки способов боевого применения оружия истребителей ТА
— all-sources intelligence center— C center— combat control center— educational center— logistical operations center— logistics services center— operational center— secured communications center— skill development center -
60 test
1. noun1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) prueba, examen, test2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) prueba, examen, test; análisis (de sangre)3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) prueba4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) ensayo, prueba5) (a test match.) partido internacional
2. verb(to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) probar, examinar; hacer un análisis- test pilot
- test-tube
test1 n examen / pruebatest2 vb testar / probar / comprobar
test sustantivo masculino (pl un examen tipo test a multiple-choice exam
test sustantivo masculino test
test de calidad, quality test ' test' also found in these entries: Spanish: alcoholemia - análisis - control - ensayar - ensayo - evaluación - examen - graduar - lección - negativa - negativo - positiva - positivo - probar - probeta - prueba - psicotécnica - psicotécnico - suficiencia - testar - verificación - admisión - bebé - citología - comprobación - convivencia - dar - ejercicio - interrogación - Papanicolau - piloto - resistencia - seguro - sondeo - tentar - verificar English: accurately - acid test - aptitude test - attest - blood test - breath test - detest - driving test - ease - polygraph - protest - protester - review - score - smear test - test - test case - test drive - test pilot - test run - test-tube baby - testament - testicle - testify - testimonial - testimony - worried - answer - blood - blow - Breathalyzer - dope - driving - endurance - fail - full - go - grade - graduated - litmus - means - multiple - Pap smear - pass - pilot - positive - quiz - remote - screen - settr[test]1 (trial) prueba2 SMALLEDUCATION/SMALL (gen) examen nombre masculino, prueba; (multiple choice) test nombre masculino3 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL análisis nombre masculino1 (gen) probar2 (patience, loyalty) poner a prueba3 SMALLEDUCATION/SMALL hacerle una prueba a4 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL analizar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto stand the test of time resistir el paso del tiempoto take a car for a test drive probar un coche en carreteratest flight vuelo de pruebatest match partido internacionaltest pilot piloto de pruebastest tube probetatest ['tɛst] vt: examinar, evaluartest vi: hacer pruebastest n: prueba f, examen m, test mto put to the test: poner a prueban.• ensayo s.m.• examen s.m.• piedra de toque s.f.• probatura s.f.• prueba s.f.• tanteo s.m.• test s.m.v.• ensayar v.• examinar v.• experimentar v.• probar v.• tantear v.• verificar v.test
1)a) ( Educ) prueba f; ( multiple-choice type) test mto do o take a test — hacer* una prueba/un test
to give o set somebody a test — hacerle* or ponerle* a alguien una prueba/un test
b) (of machine, drug) prueba fto put something to the test — poner* algo a prueba
to stand the test of time — resistir el paso del tiempo; (before n) <run, flight> experimental, de prueba
c) (analysis, investigation)blood/urine test — análisis m de sangre/orina
to have an eye/a hearing test — hacerse* un examen de la vista/del oído
2) ( Sport) partido m internacional
a) \<\<student/class\>\> examinar, hacerle* una prueba a; \<\<knowledge/skill\>\> evaluar*b) test (out) \<\<product/vehicle/weapon\>\> probar*, poner* a pruebathese cosmetics have not been tested on animals — no se han utilizado animales en las pruebas de laboratorio de estos cosméticos
c) \<\<friendship/endurance\>\> poner* a pruebad) \<\<blood/urine\>\> analizar*; \<\<sight/hearing/reflexes\>\> examinar; \<\<hypothesis\>\> comprobar*to test somebody for something: she was tested for AIDS se le hizo un análisis para determinar si tenía el sida; to test something FOR something: the eggs were tested for salmonella — los huevos fueron analizados para determinar si estaban infectados de salmonela
[test]just testing! — (hum) era sólo para ver qué decías
1. N1) (Scol, Univ) examen m ; (multiple-choice) test m ; (esp for job) prueba f•
to do a test — (Scol, Univ) hacer un examen; (multiple choice) hacer un test; (for job) hacer una prueba•
to fail a test — (Scol, Univ) suspender un examen; (multiple choice) suspender un test; (for job) no pasar una prueba•
to give sb a test (in sth) — examinar a algn (de algo), poner a algn un examen (de algo)•
an oral test — un examen oral•
to pass a test — (Scol, Univ) aprobar un examen; (multiple choice) aprobar un test; (for job) pasar una prueba•
to take a test — (Scol, Univ) hacer un examen; (multiple choice) hacer un test; (for job) hacer una pruebaaptitude, intelligence•
a written test — un examen oral/escrito2) (Aut) (also: driving test) examen m de conducir•
to fail one's test — suspender el examen de conducir•
to pass one's test — aprobar el examen de conducir•
to take one's test — hacer el examen de conducir3) (Med) [of organs, functioning] prueba f ; [of sample, substance] análisis m invbreath, fitness, litmus, smear•
it was sent to the laboratory for tests — lo mandaron al laboratorio para que lo analizaran4) (=trial) [of aircraft, new product, drug] prueba fflight I, 1., 1), screen 3.•
they want to ban cosmetics tests on animals — quieren prohibir las pruebas de cosméticos en animales5) (fig) prueba fhe now faces the toughest test of his leadership — ahora se enfrenta a la prueba más difícil durante su periodo como líder
holidays are a major test of any relationship — irse de vacaciones es una de las pruebas más difíciles a la que se somete cualquier relación
acid, endurance•
to put sth to the test — poner or someter algo a prueba6) (Cricket, Rugby) (also: test match) partido m internacional2. VT1) [+ student, pupil] examinar; [+ candidate] (for job) hacer una prueba a; [+ knowledge] evaluar; [+ understanding] poner a prueba•
to test sb on sth — (Scol, Univ) examinar a algn de algo; (esp for job) hacer una prueba de algo a algn; (for revision) hacer preguntas de algo a algn (para repasar)can you test me on my French/spelling? — ¿me haces preguntas de francés/ortografía?
2) (Med) [+ blood, urine, sample] analizar•
to have one's eyes tested — hacerse una revisión de la vista•
to test sb/sth for sth, to test sb for AIDS — hacer la prueba del SIDA a algnto test sb for drugs — (gen) realizar pruebas a algn para comprobar si ha consumido drogas; [+ athlete, sportsperson] realizar el control antidoping a algn
my doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes — mi médico quiere que me haga un análisis para ver or frm determinar si tengo diabetes
the urine is tested for protein — se hace un análisis de orina para determinar el contenido de proteínas
3) (=conduct trials on) [+ aircraft, weapon, new product, drug] probar•
all our products are tested for quality — probamos la calidad de todos nuestros productos•
to test sth on sth/sb — probar algo con or en algo/algnnone of our products are tested on animals — ninguno de nuestros productos se prueba con or en animales
4) (=check) probar- test the waters5) (fig) (=put to the test) [+ person, courage] poner a pruebahis resolve will be tested to the limits this week — su resolución se pondrá a prueba al máximo esta semana
3.VI (=conduct a test)testing, testing... — (Telec) probando, probando...
it is a method used to test for allergies — es un método utilizado en pruebas de alergia•
just testing! — hum ¡por si acaso pregunto!•
to test negative/ positive (for sth) — dar negativo/positivo (en la prueba de algo)4.CPD(nuclear) test ban N — prohibición f de pruebas nucleares
test ban treaty N — (also: nuclear test ban treaty) tratado m de prohibición de pruebas nucleares
test card N — (TV) carta f de ajuste
test case N — (Jur) juicio m que sienta jurisprudencia
test cricket N — críquet m a nivel internacional
test data NPL — resultados mpl de prueba
test-drivetest drive N — (by potential buyer) prueba f en carretera; (by mechanic, technician) prueba f de rodaje
test flight N — vuelo m de prueba, vuelo m de ensayo
test marketing N — pruebas de un producto nuevo en el mercado
test marketing has already shown the product to be a great success — las pruebas realizadas en el mercado ya han mostrado que el producto tiene un éxito tremendo
test match N — (Cricket, Rugby) partido m internacional
test paper N — (Scol, Univ) examen m ; (multiple-choice) test m ; (Chem) papel m reactivo
test pattern N (US) (TV) — = test card
test piece N — (Mus) pieza f elegida para un certamen de piano
test pilot N — piloto mf de pruebas
test run N — (lit) vuelta f de prueba, prueba f ; (fig) puesta f a prueba
test tube baby N — bebé mf probeta
- test out* * *[test]
1)a) ( Educ) prueba f; ( multiple-choice type) test mto do o take a test — hacer* una prueba/un test
to give o set somebody a test — hacerle* or ponerle* a alguien una prueba/un test
b) (of machine, drug) prueba fto put something to the test — poner* algo a prueba
to stand the test of time — resistir el paso del tiempo; (before n) <run, flight> experimental, de prueba
c) (analysis, investigation)blood/urine test — análisis m de sangre/orina
to have an eye/a hearing test — hacerse* un examen de la vista/del oído
2) ( Sport) partido m internacional
a) \<\<student/class\>\> examinar, hacerle* una prueba a; \<\<knowledge/skill\>\> evaluar*b) test (out) \<\<product/vehicle/weapon\>\> probar*, poner* a pruebathese cosmetics have not been tested on animals — no se han utilizado animales en las pruebas de laboratorio de estos cosméticos
c) \<\<friendship/endurance\>\> poner* a pruebad) \<\<blood/urine\>\> analizar*; \<\<sight/hearing/reflexes\>\> examinar; \<\<hypothesis\>\> comprobar*to test somebody for something: she was tested for AIDS se le hizo un análisis para determinar si tenía el sida; to test something FOR something: the eggs were tested for salmonella — los huevos fueron analizados para determinar si estaban infectados de salmonela
just testing! — (hum) era sólo para ver qué decías
См. также в других словарях:
Experimental aircraft — In generic use, an experimental aircraft is an aircraft that has not yet been fully proven in flight. Often, this implies that new aerospace technologies are being tested on the aircraft, though the label is more broad. Experimental aircraft is… … Wikipedia
Experimental Aircraft Association — (EAA) Zweck: Unterstützung von Amateurflugzeugbauern Vorsitz: Rod Hightower Gründungsdatum … Deutsch Wikipedia
Experimental Aircraft Association — The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is an international organization of aviation enthusiasts based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Since its inception, it has grown internationally with over 170,000 members.HistoryThe EAA was founded in 1953 by… … Wikipedia
Experimental Aircraft Association — Pour les articles homonymes, voir EAA. Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) est une association fondée en 1953 par des constructeurs amateurs d’aéronefs aux États Unis pour développer et faciliter la pratique des sports aériens. Au fil du… … Wikipédia en Français
Experimental Aircraft Association — ▪ aviation organization organization dedicated to supporting and promoting recreational aviation around the world. The EAA has members from more than 100 countries and more than 1,000 local chapters. Membership is open to anyone interested in… … Universalium
Monnett Experimental Aircraft — Type Experimental Aircraft Kits and Plans Industry Experimental Aircraft Manufacturer Fate Sold to INAV Ltd. 1986 Successor Great Plains Aircraft Supply Company Headquarters Elgin, Il … Wikipedia
List of experimental aircraft — This is a list of experimental aircraft. Most aircraft are marked as experimental when they are first designed, whether or not they are later produced. This list will focus on notable vehicles that never went into production and experimental… … Wikipedia
Aircraft registration — A Van s Aircraft RV 7 displaying registration G KELS. The G prefix denotes a civil aircraft registered in the United Kingdom An aircraft registration is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies a civil aircraft, in similar fashion to a… … Wikipedia
Aircraft diesel engine — Thielert Centurion aircraft diesel engine. The aircraft diesel engine or aero diesel has not been widely used as an aircraft engine. Diesel engines were used in airships and were tried in aircraft in the late 1920s … Wikipedia
Experimental — can refer to... * Experiment, it refers to ideas or techniques not yet established or finalized involving innovation. It is a practice of art and search. * Experimental aircraft * Experimental analysis of behavior * Experimental archaeology *… … Wikipedia
Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… … Wikipedia