1 experimental aircraft
експериментальний ЛА; дослідний варіант ПСEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > experimental aircraft
2 aircraft
(мн. aircraft)1. n1) літальний апарат, ЛА; повітряне судно, ПС; літак; вертоліт, гелікоптер; проф. борт2) збірн. авіація2.◊aircraft in distress — ПС, що зазнає лиха
aircraft in missing — ПС, що зникло безвісти
aircraft in service — ПС, що експлуатується
aircraft is considered to be missing — ПС вважається таким, що зникло безвісти
aircraft on register — ПС, занесене до реєстру авіакомпанії
aircraft requiring assistance — ПС, що потребує допомоги
aircraft under command — ПС, кероване (диспетчерською службою)
aircraft under control — ПС, кероване (екіпажем)
to decelerate the aircraft to... — знижувати швидкість ПС до...
to fly an aircraft — пілотувати ПС; керувати повітряним судном
to follow up the aircraft — супроводжувати ПС; забезпечувати контроль польоту ПС
to install on the aircraft — монтувати [установлювати] на повітряному судні (напр. на крилі)
to land the aircraft — саджати [приземляти] ПС
to level the aircraft out — вирівнювати ПС (на заданій висоті); установлювати ПС у горизонтальне положення
to pull an aircraft — 1) брати штурвал на себе; 2) виводити ПС з пікірування
to reequip an aircraft — переобладнувати ПС; заміняти [замінювати] обладнання ПС
to release the aircraft — припиняти диспетчерський контроль (за польотом) повітряного судна; дозволити повітряному судну вийти з зони контролю
to restore an aircraft — відновлювати [(від)ремонтувати] ПС
to return the aircraft to flyable status — приводити ПС у стан льотної готовності (шляхом технічного доопрацювання)
to roll out the aircraft — 1) виводити ПС із крену; 2) викочувати ПС (з ангару)
to rotate an aircraft — відривати [піднімати] передню опору шасі повітряного судна (під час зльоту)
to steer an aircraft — вести ПС; керувати повітряним судном (під час руління)
to substitute the aircraft — заміняти [замінювати] ПС (на інше)
to trim the aircraft — балансувати [тримерувати] ПС
to vend an aircraft — поставляти [постачати] ПС (експлуатанту)
to warn the aircraft — попереджати [попереджувати] ПС (про небезпеку); остерегти [застерегти ] ПС (від небезпеки)
•- accelerator aircraft - active aircraft - active-cooling hypersonic aircraft - aerodynamically balanced aircraft - airborne aircraft - all-body aircraft - all-cargo aircraft - all-metal aircraft - all-purpose aircraft - all-weather aircraft - all-wing aircraft - ambulance aircraft - amphibian aircraft - approaching aircraft - arriving aircraft - attack aircraft - authorized aircraft - balanced aircraft - baseline aircraft - basic aircraft - boost-glide aircraft - business aircraft - canard aircraft - cargo aircraft - chartered aircraft - civil aircraft - clean aircraft - cleared aircraft - combat aircraft - combination aircraft - commuter-size aircraft - conflicting aircraft - conventional takeoff and landing aircraft - convertible aircraft - critical aircraft - damaged aircraft - delta-wing aircraft - departing aircraft - derived aircraft - disabled aircraft - double-decker aircraft - eastbound aircraft - enemy aircraft - entire aircraft - environmentally attuned aircraft - executive aircraft - experimental aircraft - feeder aircraft - first-generation aircraft - fixed-wing aircraft - fly-by-wire aircraft - folding-wing aircraft - following aircraft - forest patrol aircraft - forestry surveillance aircraft - freight aircraft - friendly aircraft - fuel-conservative aircraft - full-scale aircraft - general aircraft - general-purpose aircraft - handy aircraft - heavier-than-air aircraft - heavy aircraft - heavy transport aircraft - high-altitude aircraft - high-capacity aircraft - high-speed aircraft - high-time aircraft - high-wing aircraft - holding aircraft - hospital aircraft - hushkitted aircraft - hypersonic aircraft - hydrogen-fuelled aircraft - improperly loaded aircraft - inbound aircraft - in-coming aircraft - in-flight aircraft - in-service aircraft - instructional aircraft - interchanged aircraft - intruder aircraft - intruding aircraft - inward aircraft - irrepairable aircraft - jet aircraft - laden aircraft - land aircraft - land-based aircraft - laser-powered aircraft - leased aircraft - licensed aircraft - lift-fuselage aircraft - light aircraft - lighter-than-air aircraft - litter aircraft - long-bodied aircraft - long-distance aircraft - long-haul aircraft - long-range aircraft - long-range search aircraft - low annoyance aircraft - low-wing aircraft - mail-carrying aircraft - making way aircraft - manned aircraft - medium-range cargo aircraft - medium-range search aircraft - methane-fuelled aircraft - mid-wing aircraft - military aircraft - minishuttle launcher aircraft - missing aircraft - modern aircraft - modified aircraft - mother aircraft - multicrew aircraft - multi-engine aircraft - multiengined aircraft - multipurpose aircraft - narrow-body aircraft - NASP aircraft - nearly invisible aircraft - nonnoise certificated aircraft - oncoming aircraft - one-engined aircraft - originating aircraft - outbound aircraft - outdated aircraft - out-of-balance aircraft - outward aircraft - overweight aircraft - owner-operated aircraft - parked aircraft - passenger aircraft - passive-cooling hypersonic aircraft - patrol aircraft - piloted aircraft - piston aircraft - piston-engined aircraft - piston-powered aircraft - practice aircraft - preceding aircraft - preproduction aircraft - pressurized aircraft - production aircraft - profitable aircraft - prop-driven aircraft - propeller-driven aircraft - prototype aircraft - quiet aircraft - receiver aircraft - reconnaissance aircraft - reduced takeoff and landing aircraft - regular-body aircraft - research aircraft - rotary wing aircraft - RTOL aircraft - school aircraft - search aircraft - short-range aircraft - short-range search aircraft - short takeoff and landing aircraft - single-engine aircraft - small-size aircraft - solar powered aircraft - state aircraft - stayed afloat aircraft - stealth aircraft - STOL aircraft - stretched aircraft - subsonic aircraft - supersonic aircraft - training aircraft - transonic aircraft - transport aircraft - turboprop aircraft - twin-engine aircraft - twin-fuselage aircraft - ultra-large aircraft - under command aircraft - underway aircraft - unidentified aircraft - unlawfully seized aircraft - unmanned aircraft - unpressurized aircraft - used aircraft - vectored-thrust aircraft - vertical takeoff and landing aircraft - very long-range search aircraft - VTOL aircraft - widebody aircraft
См. также в других словарях:
Experimental aircraft — In generic use, an experimental aircraft is an aircraft that has not yet been fully proven in flight. Often, this implies that new aerospace technologies are being tested on the aircraft, though the label is more broad. Experimental aircraft is… … Wikipedia
Experimental Aircraft Association — (EAA) Zweck: Unterstützung von Amateurflugzeugbauern Vorsitz: Rod Hightower Gründungsdatum … Deutsch Wikipedia
Experimental Aircraft Association — The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is an international organization of aviation enthusiasts based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Since its inception, it has grown internationally with over 170,000 members.HistoryThe EAA was founded in 1953 by… … Wikipedia
Experimental Aircraft Association — Pour les articles homonymes, voir EAA. Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) est une association fondée en 1953 par des constructeurs amateurs d’aéronefs aux États Unis pour développer et faciliter la pratique des sports aériens. Au fil du… … Wikipédia en Français
Experimental Aircraft Association — ▪ aviation organization organization dedicated to supporting and promoting recreational aviation around the world. The EAA has members from more than 100 countries and more than 1,000 local chapters. Membership is open to anyone interested in… … Universalium
Monnett Experimental Aircraft — Type Experimental Aircraft Kits and Plans Industry Experimental Aircraft Manufacturer Fate Sold to INAV Ltd. 1986 Successor Great Plains Aircraft Supply Company Headquarters Elgin, Il … Wikipedia
List of experimental aircraft — This is a list of experimental aircraft. Most aircraft are marked as experimental when they are first designed, whether or not they are later produced. This list will focus on notable vehicles that never went into production and experimental… … Wikipedia
Aircraft registration — A Van s Aircraft RV 7 displaying registration G KELS. The G prefix denotes a civil aircraft registered in the United Kingdom An aircraft registration is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies a civil aircraft, in similar fashion to a… … Wikipedia
Aircraft diesel engine — Thielert Centurion aircraft diesel engine. The aircraft diesel engine or aero diesel has not been widely used as an aircraft engine. Diesel engines were used in airships and were tried in aircraft in the late 1920s … Wikipedia
Experimental — can refer to... * Experiment, it refers to ideas or techniques not yet established or finalized involving innovation. It is a practice of art and search. * Experimental aircraft * Experimental analysis of behavior * Experimental archaeology *… … Wikipedia
Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… … Wikipedia