1 experimental stage
smouldering stage — стадия медленного горения; стадия тления
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > experimental stage
2 experimental stage
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > experimental stage
3 experimental stage
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > experimental stage
4 experimental stage
1) Техника: стадия испытаний2) Экономика: стадия экспериментальных работ, этап экспериментальных работ3) Автомобильный термин: период испытания, стадия испытания4) Горное дело: стадия экспериментирования -
5 experimental stage
6 experimental stage
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > experimental stage
7 experimental stage
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > experimental stage
8 experimental stage
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > experimental stage
9 experimental stage
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > experimental stage
10 experimental stage
этап экспериментальных работ; стадия испытанийEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > experimental stage
11 experimental stage
12 experimental stage
стадия испытания; период испытанияАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > experimental stage
13 experimental stage
14 experimental stage
Англо-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > experimental stage
15 experimental stage
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > experimental stage
16 experimental stage
17 in the experimental stage
Математика: на стадии экспериментаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > in the experimental stage
18 stage
2) горн. подвесной полок4) ярус5) стеллаж6) этап; стадия; период; фаза; очередь ( строительства)7) каскад; ступень9) отрезок маршрута; ж.-д. перегон10) ракетная ступень; ракетный блок; отсек11) кинопавильон12) предметный столик ( микроскопа)14) полигр. травить ( клише) с выкрыванием; выкрывать, корректировать ( копию)•-
adaptor stage
all-cryogenic stage
all-reusable stage
axial flow compressor stage
axial stage
ballistic stage
blue-print stage
brick-layer's stage
buffer stage
carbonization stage
central core stage
centrifugal compressor stage
centripetal compressor stage
char-forming stage
CNC postprocessor stage
commercial prototype stage
completed veneer stage
compressor stage
conceptual stage
core stage
design stage
development stage
differential stage
double-ended stage
drive stage
driver stage
electrochemical stage
electrode stage
equilibrium stage
equipping stage
expendable stage
experimental stage
extraction stage
fabricable stage
final stage
flood stage
flood-crest stage
fully reusable stage
furnace stage
groundwater stage
growth stage
impulse stage
indexing stage
input stage
intermediate stage
killer stage
landing stage
liquid stage
low stage
mixed flow compressor stage
neck stage
object stage
output stage
partial stage
partially reusable stage
pilot stage
planning stage
plastic stage
postpressing stage
prepressing stage
preselector stage
pressure stage
production stage
prototype stage
reaction stage
research stage
return stage
reusable stage
scanning stage
scheduling stage
semireusable stage
single-ended stage
solid stage
specimen stage
stage of depletion
start-up stage
stepover stage
testing stage
tipping stage
turbine stage
verification stages -
19 stage
1) каскад; ступень2) стадия, фаза; этап (напр. процесса)3) фтт крист. фаза, устойчивое состояние системы (отличающееся по симметрии или степени упорядоченности от других возможных состояний той же самой системы)4) тлв сцена5) тлв инсценировать; ставить6) тлв павильон синхронной съёмки (напр. кинофильма)7) предметный столик ( микроскопа)8) полка; полки; стеллаж•- amorphous stage
- amplifier stage
- audio stage
- bottleneck stage
- buffer stage
- burst stage
- chroma stage
- color killer stage
- complementary stage
- conceptual stage
- crystalline stage
- Darlington stage
- dc inserter stage
- decode stage
- design stage
- differential stage
- double-ended stage
- drift-compensated stage
- driver stage
- equilibrium stage
- experimental stage
- first audio stage
- floating-input stage
- gaseous stage
- gating stage
- group stage
- growth stage
- hardware stage
- high-frequency stage
- input stage
- intermediate stage
- intermediate-frequency stage
- killer stage
- liquid stage
- low-frequency stage
- modulated stage
- modulator stage
- neutralized radio-frequency stage
- non-equilibrium stage
- object stage
- output stage
- pilot stage
- power-amplifier stage
- preamplifier stage
- pre-decode stage
- preselector stage
- prototype stage
- pulse-forming stage
- quiet input stage
- radio-frequency stage
- scanning stage
- single-ended stage
- solid stage
- sound stage
- split-load stage
- switching stage
- T-stage
- testing stage
- universal stage
- vapor stage
- video stage -
20 stage
1) каскад; ступень2) стадия, фаза; этап (напр. процесса)3) фтт.; крист. фаза, устойчивое состояние системы (отличающееся по симметрии или степени упорядоченности от других возможных состояний той же самой системы)4) тлв. сцена5) тлв. инсценировать; ставить6) тлв. павильон синхронной съёмки (напр. кинофильма)7) предметный столик ( микроскопа)8) полка; полки; стеллаж•- amplifier stage
- audio stage
- bottleneck stage
- buffer stage
- burst stage
- chroma stage
- color killer stage
- complementary stage
- conceptual stage
- crystalline stage
- Darlington stage
- dc inserter stage
- decode stage
- design stage
- differential stage
- double-ended stage
- drift-compensated stage
- driver stage
- equilibrium stage
- experimental stage
- first audio stage
- floating-input stage
- gaseous stage
- gating stage
- group stage
- growth stage
- hardware stage
- high-frequency stage
- input stage
- intermediate stage
- intermediate-frequency stage
- killer stage
- liquid stage
- low-frequency stage
- modulated stage
- modulator stage
- neutralized radio-frequency stage
- non-equilibrium stage
- object stage
- output stage
- pilot stage
- power-amplifier stage
- preamplifier stage
- pre-decode stage
- preselector stage
- prototype stage
- pulse-forming stage
- quiet input stage
- radio-frequency stage
- scanning stage
- single-ended stage
- solid stage
- sound stage
- split-load stage
- stage of selection
- switching stage
- testing stage
- T-stage
- universal stage
- vapor stage
- video stageThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > stage
См. также в других словарях:
Experimental cancer treatment — Experimental cancer treatments are medical therapies intended or claimed to treat cancer (see also tumor ) by improving on, supplementing or replacing conventional methods (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy).The entries listed… … Wikipedia
experimental — experimentally, adv. /ik sper euh men tl/, adj. 1. pertaining to, derived from, or founded on experiment: an experimental science. 2. of the nature of an experiment; tentative: The new program is still in an experimental stage. 3. functioning as… … Universalium
experimental — adjective Date: 15th century 1. of, relating to, or based on experience or experiment 2. a. serving the ends of or used as a means of experimentation < an experimental school > b. relating to or having the characteristics of experiment ;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
experimental — adjective 1) the experimental stage Syn: exploratory, investigational, trial, test, pilot; speculative, conjectural, hypothetical, tentative, preliminary, untested, untried 2) experimental music Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
experimental — adjective 1) the experimental stage Syn: exploratory, investigational, trial, test, pilot, speculative, tentative, preliminary 2) experimental music Syn: new, innovative, creative … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
experimental — ex•per•i•men•tal [[t]ɪkˌspɛr əˈmɛn tl[/t]] adj. 1) pertaining to, derived from, or founded on experiment: an experimental science[/ex] 2) tentative: an experimental stage[/ex] 3) based on or derived from experience; empirical • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
Experimental theatre — is a general term for various movements in Western theatre that began in the 20th century as a reaction against the then dominant conventions governing the writing and production of drama, and against naturalism in particular. The term has… … Wikipedia
Stage fright — or performance anxiety refers to an anxiety, fear or persistent phobia related to performance in front of an audience or camera. In the context of public speaking, this is known as glossophobia, one of the most common phobias. This form of… … Wikipedia
experimental — [adj] exploratory beginning, developmental, empirical, experiential, first stage, laboratory, momentary, on approval, pilot, preliminary, preparatory, primary, probationary, provisional, speculative, temporary, tentative, test, trial, trial and… … New thesaurus
stage design — Aesthetic composition of a dramatic production as created by lighting, scenery, costumes, and sound. While elements such as painted screens and wheeled platforms were used in the Greek theatre of the 4th century BC, most innovations in stage… … Universalium
stage — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 period/state in progress/development ADJECTIVE ▪ distinct ▪ The process has three distinct stages. ▪ beginning, early, initial, opening, preliminary … Collocations dictionary