1 expansion stroke
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > expansion stroke
2 expansion stroke
= firing stroke рабочий такт; рабочий ход; ход расширения; такт расширения -
3 expansion stroke
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > expansion stroke
4 expansion stroke
рабочий ход, рабочий тактАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > expansion stroke
5 expansion stroke
6 expansion stroke
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > expansion stroke
7 expansion stroke
1) Морской термин: рабочий ход расширения2) Военный термин: рабочий ход (поршня)3) Техника: рабочий такт, рабочий ход, рабочий ход поршня, такт расширения4) Автомобильный термин: ход расширения5) Автоматика: рабочий ход (двигателя) -
8 expansion stroke
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рабочий такт, рабочий ходАнгло-русский дорожно-транспортный словарь > expansion stroke
10 expansion stroke
11 expansion stroke
ход расширения, такт расширения, рабочий ход ( двигателя)English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > expansion stroke
12 expansion stroke
13 expansion stroke
ход расширения- часть хода поршня между верхней мертвой точкой и отверстием всасывающего клапана.
Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > expansion stroke
14 expansion stroke
ход расширения- часть хода поршня между верхней мертвой точкой и отверстием всасывающего клапана.
English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > expansion stroke
15 expansion stroke
такт расширения; ход расширения; рабочий ход (двигателя) -
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1) ход; перемещение; величина хода (напр. рабочего органа) || осуществлять ход; перемещать2) ход, такт ( поршня двс)3) удар || ударять4) штрих; черта5) вчт. шаг; такт•-
active scanning stroke
alternate key stroke
armature stroke
back stroke
carriage stroke
character stroke
compression stroke
descent stroke
direct stroke
double stroke
down stroke
downward leader stroke
downward stroke
dual stroke
ejection stroke
expansion stroke
explosion stroke
firing stroke
idle stroke
in stroke
induced stroke
induction stroke
inlet stroke
intake stroke
joining stroke
key stroke
leader stroke
lightning stroke
mold stroke
operating stroke
out stroke
power stroke
rebound stroke
retrace stroke
return stroke
scan stroke
scavenging stroke
Sheffer stroke
slow traverse stroke
stepped leader stroke
stitch stroke
suction stroke
sweep stroke
thin stroke
upward stroke
working stroke -
19 stroke
1) ход; перемещение; величина хода || перемещать; осуществлять ход, осуществлять рабочий ход2) удар || ударять3) штрих; след (напр. от напильника)•at the same stroke — за один ход, за один рабочий ход ( об обработке на станке)
in one stroke — за один ход, за один рабочий ход ( об обработке на станке)
strokes per minute — частота ходов (напр. ползуна) в минуту
- approach strokeper table stroke — на один ход стола ( о подаче); на двойной ход стола ( о подаче на строгальном станке)
- axial stroke
- axis stroke
- back stroke
- backward stroke
- broaching stroke
- broach-pulling stroke
- check stroke
- clearance stroke
- compression stroke
- cutting stroke
- dead stroke
- discharge stroke
- double stroke
- down stroke
- downward stroke
- draw stroke
- driving stroke
- exhaust stroke
- exit stroke
- expansion stroke
- fixed length stroke
- forward stroke
- geometric effective plunger stroke
- hammer stroke
- idle stroke
- in stroke
- in-and-out reach stroke
- intake stroke
- lost return stroke
- noncutting stroke
- nonpositive stroke
- nonworking stroke
- out stroke
- piston stroke
- plunger stroke
- positive stroke
- power stroke
- preset stroke
- press stroke
- pressure stroke
- quick return stroke
- rapid return stroke
- reach stroke
- rearward stroke
- release stroke
- retracting stroke
- return stroke
- reversing stroke
- rolling stroke
- rotational stroke
- slow traverse stroke
- stroke of lever
- substantial stroke
- suction stroke
- traverse stroke
- up stroke
- upward stroke
- valve stroke
- working strokeEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > stroke
20 stroke
ход (поршня); длина хода поршня; удар; толчок; взмах; размах- stroke limitation - stroke of crane - stroke of lever - stroke of piston - stroke of valve - stroke ratio - stroke setting - stroke volume - non-working stroke - upward stroke - valve stroke - working stroke
См. также в других словарях:
expansion stroke — plėtimosi taktas statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Degimo produktų vidaus degimo variklio cilindre išsiplėtimo taktas. atitikmenys: angl. expansion stroke vok. Entspannungshub, m; Expansionshub, m rus. такт расширения, m pranc. temps de… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
expansion stroke — The stroke in the operating cycle of a reciprocating engine in which both the inlet and exhaust valves are closed, the fuel air mixture has been ignited and burned, and the piston is being forced downward by expanding gases. This is the only… … Aviation dictionary
expansion stroke — See power stroke … Dictionary of automotive terms
stroke — The distance the piston moves when travelling from bottom dead center (BDC) to top dead center (TDC) or vice versa. [2] To modify the stroke of an engine by using a different crankshaft to increase or (rarely) reduce the displacement. See… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Expansion — Ex*pan sion, n. [L. expansio: cf. F. expansion.] 1. The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a sheet or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Expansion coupling — Expansion Ex*pan sion, n. [L. expansio: cf. F. expansion.] 1. The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Expansion curve — Expansion Ex*pan sion, n. [L. expansio: cf. F. expansion.] 1. The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Expansion gear — Expansion Ex*pan sion, n. [L. expansio: cf. F. expansion.] 1. The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Expansion joint — Expansion Ex*pan sion, n. [L. expansio: cf. F. expansion.] 1. The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Expansion valve — Expansion Ex*pan sion, n. [L. expansio: cf. F. expansion.] 1. The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Expansion chamber — An Expansion chamber is an exhaust system used on a two stroke cycle engine to enhance its power output by improving its volumetric efficiency. It makes use of the energy left in the burnt exhaust exiting the cylinder to aid the filling of the… … Wikipedia