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с португальского на английский


  • 1 exhibition

    1) (a public display (eg of works of art, industrial goods etc): an exhibition of children's books.) exibição/exposição
    2) (an act of showing or revealing: What an exhibition of bad temper!) demonstração
    * * *
    [eksib'i82n] n 1 exposição, mostra. on public exhibition / exposto ao público. 2 exibição pública. 3 explicação, explanação. 4 prova, declaração. 5 bolsa de estudos só para universidades. 6 Med prescrição médica. 7 Amer competição. to make an exhibition of oneself fazer figura ridícula, tornar-se ridículo em público.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > exhibition

  • 2 exhibition

    1) (a public display (eg of works of art, industrial goods etc): an exhibition of children's books.) exposição
    2) (an act of showing or revealing: What an exhibition of bad temper!) demonstração

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > exhibition

  • 3 exhibition

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > exhibition

  • 4 to make an exhibition of oneself

    to make an exhibition of oneself
    fazer figura ridícula, tornar-se ridículo em público.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to make an exhibition of oneself

  • 5 industrial exhibition

    in.dus.tri.al ex.hi.bi.tion
    [ind∧striəl eksib'iʃən] n exposição industrial.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > industrial exhibition

  • 6 bronze

    noun, adjective
    1) ((of) an alloy of copper and tin: The medal is (made of) bronze.) bronze
    2) ((of) its reddish brown colour.) bronze
    3) ((a work of art) made of bronze: an exhibition of bronzes.) bronze
    - bronze medal
    * * *
    [br'ɔnz] n 1 bronze: liga de cobre com estanho ou outros metais. bronze medal / medalha de bronze (competição). 2 estátua, placa etc. de bronze. 3 cor de bronze, marrom-avermelhado. • vt 1 ficar cor de bronze. 2 bronzear, dar cor de bronze a. the Bronze Age a Idade do Bronze.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bronze

  • 7 co-operate

    (to work together: They have promised to co-operate (with us) in the planning of the exhibition.) colaborar
    - co-operative
    * * *
    [kou'ɔpəreit] vt cooperar, colaborar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > co-operate

  • 8 demonstration

    1) (a display or exhibition (of how something works etc): I'd like a demonstration of this dishwasher.) demonstração
    2) ((also demo ['demou] - plural demos) a public expression of opinion by holding meetings and processions, showing placards etc.) manifestação
    * * *
    [demənstr'eiʃən] n 1 demonstração, prova concludente. 2 manifestação, comício, passeata. 3 palestra ou explicação em que se demonstra como fazer ou usar algo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > demonstration

  • 9 exhibit

    [iɡ'zibit] 1. verb
    1) (to show; to display to the public: My picture is to be exhibited in the art gallery.) exibir/expor
    2) (to show (a quality etc): He exhibited a complete lack of concern for others.) demonstrar
    2. noun
    1) (an object displayed publicly (eg in a museum): One of the exhibits is missing.) objecto exposto
    2) (an object or document produced in court as part of the evidence: The blood-stained scarf was exhibit number one in the murder trial.) prova
    - exhibitor
    * * *
    [igz'ibit] n 1 exibição, apresentação, exposição. 2 Jur prova documento, testemunho. 3 objetos expostos. • vt+vi 1 exibir, expor, apresentar. 2 mostrar, revelar. 3 Jur apresentar provas. 4 Med prescrever ou administrar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > exhibit

  • 10 exposition

    1) (a detailed explanation (of a subject).) exposição
    2) (( abbreviation expo) an exhibition: a trade exposition.) exposição
    * * *
    [eksp2z'i82n] n 1 exposição: a) explicação, interpretação, esclarecimento. b) exibição, mostra. 2 Mus parte inicial de algumas formas musicais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > exposition

  • 11 fair

    I [feə] adjective
    1) (light-coloured; with light-coloured hair and skin: fair hair; Scandinavian people are often fair.) claro
    2) (just; not favouring one side: a fair test.) justo
    3) ((of weather) fine; without rain: a fair afternoon.) bonito
    4) (quite good; neither bad nor good: Her work is only fair.) suficiente/razoável
    5) (quite big, long etc: a fair size.) um certo tamanho/algo grande
    6) (beautiful: a fair maiden.) belo/formoso
    - fairly
    - fair play
    II [feə] noun
    1) (a collection of entertainments that travels from town to town: She won a large doll at the fair.) feira
    2) (a large market held at fixed times: A fair is held here every spring.) feira
    3) (an exhibition of goods from different countries, firms etc: a trade fair.) feira
    * * *
    [fɛə] n 1 feira. 2 feira de amostras. 3 Amer bazar de caridade. the book faira feira do livro.
    [fɛə] n Poet mulher formosa. • vt+vi 1 Mech acabar (uma peça). 2 fazer ou tornar-se propício. 3 aclarar, desanuviar-se (tempo). • adj 1 regular, satisfatório. 2 uniforme, suave. 3 proporcionado, formoso, belo. 4 claro, límpido. 5 claro, louro (cabelo, face). 6 limpo, íntegro. 7 desimpedido. 8 sereno (céu). 9 bom, favorável (vento). he is in a fair way to succeed / ele tem boas perspectivas de êxito. 10 prometedor, auspicioso. 11 cortês, amável, agradável. 12 oportuno, plausível. 13 sólido, com base (esperança). 14 considerável, amplo. 15 nítido, legível (letra). 16 legítimo, justo. he has a fair chance / ele tem uma oportunidade justa. 17 honesto, franco (jogo, luta). • adv 1 de modo justo, favorável. they played fair / eles jogaram honestamente. the wind sits fair / o vento está favorável. 2 em cheio. 3 diretamente. a fair share uma parte justa. by fair means por bem, sem violência. by fair means or foul de um modo ou de outro. fair and softly goes afar devagar se vai ao longe. fair and square honesto, justo. fair field and no favour possibilidades iguais para todos. fair water água límpida. fair wear and tear Tech desgaste justo: dano ou desgaste causado aos bens em conseqüência de uso normal. the belly is not filled with fair words palavras bonitas não enchem barriga. the stone hit him fair in the head a pedra caiu-lhe diretamente na cabeça. to bid fair to prometer, ser auspicioso. to give someone fair warning avisar em tempo. to have a fair livelihood ter para viver comodamente. to stand fair for ter esperanças. to stand fair with a person estar em bons entendimentos com alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fair

  • 12 help

    [help] 1. verb
    1) (to do something with or for someone that he cannot do alone, or that he will find useful: Will you help me with this translation?; Will you please help me (to) translate this poem?; Can I help?; He fell down and I helped him up.) ajudar
    2) (to play a part in something; to improve or advance: Bright posters will help to attract the public to the exhibition; Good exam results will help his chances of a job.) ajudar
    3) (to make less bad: An aspirin will help your headache.) ajudar
    4) (to serve (a person) in a shop: Can I help you, sir?) ser útil
    5) ((with can(not), could (not)) to be able not to do something or to prevent something: He looked so funny that I couldn't help laughing; Can I help it if it rains?) (não poder) deixar de
    2. noun
    1) (the act of helping, or the result of this: Can you give me some help?; Your digging the garden was a big help; Can I be of help to you?) ajuda
    2) (someone or something that is useful: You're a great help to me.) ajuda
    3) (a servant, farmworker etc: She has hired a new help.) auxiliar
    4) ((usually with no) a way of preventing something: Even if you don't want to do it, the decision has been made - there's no help for it now.) remédio
    - helpful
    - helpfully
    - helpfulness
    - helping
    - helpless
    - helplessly
    - helplessness
    - help oneself
    - help out
    * * *
    [help] n 1 ajuda, auxílio. 2 medicamento, remédio. 3 alívio, socorro, amparo. 4 auxiliar, ajudante. • vt+vi 1 ajudar, assistir ( with com, in em). she helped me with the washing / ela ajudou-me a lavar a roupa. 2 socorrer, amparar. 3 remediar, medicar. 4 prevenir, evitar, impedir. it can’t be helped / não pode ser evitado. 5 deixar de fazer, abster-se. I cannot help laughing / não posso deixar de rir. he can’t help doing it / ele não consegue abster-se disto. 6 servir(-se) (à mesa). help yourself / sirva-se à vontade. by the help of com o auxílio de. more than one can help mais do que é necessário. she cannot help it ela não tem culpa. so help me God! Deus me ajude! there is no help for it não há remédio para isto. to help down a) ajudar a descer. b) fig contribuir para a ruína. to help forward ajudar, favorecer. to help into ajudar a entrar. to help off ajudar a partir, a livrar-se de. to help out a) ajudar a sair. b) sustentar. to help someone to conseguir alguma coisa para alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > help

  • 13 inaugurate

    1) (to place (a person) in an official position with great ceremony: to inaugurate a president.) empossar
    2) (to make a ceremonial start to: This meeting is to inaugurate our new Social Work scheme.) inaugurar
    3) (to open (a building, exhibition etc) formally to the public: The Queen inaugurated the new university buildings.) inaugurar
    - inaugural
    * * *
    [in'ɔ:gjureit] vt 1 inaugurar. 2 celebrar. 3 iniciar. 4 empossar. the President of the United States of America is inaugurated on January 20th / o presidente dos Estados Unidos da América é empossado no dia 20 de janeiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > inaugurate

  • 14 mean

    [mi:n] I adjective
    1) (not generous (with money etc): He's very mean (with his money / over pay).) avarento
    2) (likely or intending to cause harm or annoyance: It is mean to tell lies.) indigno
    3) ((especially American) bad-tempered, vicious or cruel: a mean mood.) mau
    4) ((of a house etc) of poor quality; humble: a mean dwelling.) humilde
    - meanness
    - meanie
    II 1. adjective
    1) ((of a statistic) having the middle position between two points, quantities etc: the mean value on a graph.) médio
    2) (average: the mean annual rainfall.) médio
    2. noun
    (something that is midway between two opposite ends or extremes: Three is the mean of the series one to five.) meio-termo
    III 1. past tense, past participle - meant; verb
    1) (to (intend to) express, show or indicate: `Vacation' means `holiday'; What do you mean by (saying/doing) that?) querer dizer
    2) (to intend: I meant to go to the exhibition but forgot; For whom was that letter meant?; He means (= is determined) to be a rich man some day.) tencionar
    2. adjective
    ((of a look, glance etc) showing a certain feeling or giving a certain message: The teacher gave the boy a meaning look when he arrived late.) significativo
    - meaningless
    - be meant to
    - mean well
    * * *
    [mi:n] n 1 meio, meio-termo, média. 2 means forma, expediente, modo. 3 means recursos. • vt+vi (ps, pp meant) 1 significar. what do you mean? / o que você quer dizer? 2 pretender, tencionar. 3 destinar. 4 dispor-se a. • adj 1 baixo, vil, desprezível. 2 inferior, pobre. 3 mesquinho, egoísta. 4 malvado, maldoso, ruim. 5 médio, intermediário. 6 sl ótimo, excelente. 7 envergonhado, humilhado. a man of means homem de recursos, abastado. by all means certamente, sem dúvida. by any means de qualquer maneira. by means of por meio de. by no means de nenhuma maneira. to feel mean a) sentir-se humilhado, envergonhado. b) sentir-se mal, não estar bem. to live beyond one’s means viver além de suas possibilidades. you don’t mean it! o senhor não está falando sério.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mean

  • 15 preview

    (a viewing of a performance, exhibition etc before it is open to the public.) pré-estreia
    * * *
    [pr'i:vju:] n 1 pré-estréia. 2 apresentação prévia de algumas cenas de um filme ou programa de TV com o objetivo de propaganda. 3 ponto de vista, indicação ou pesquisa prévia. • vt apresentar ou assistir em pré-estréia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > preview

  • 16 pride of place

    (the most important place: They gave pride of place at the exhibition to a Chinese vase.) lugar de honra
    * * *
    pride of place
    lugar de honra. to feel a pride at, to take a pride in orgulhar-se de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pride of place

  • 17 show

    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) mostrar
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) ver-se
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) exibir
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) mostrar
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) conduzir
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) mostrar
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) provar
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) mostrar
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) espectáculo
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) exibição
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) fingimento
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) aparência
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) exibição
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up
    * * *
    [ʃou] n 1 mostra, exibição. she made a show of her new dress / ela exibiu seu vestido novo. 2 espetáculo, exposição. it is on show / está exposto, em exposição. the newest film now showing / o filme mais novo em cartaz. 3 aparência, demonstração, aspecto. your garden makes a fine show / seu jardim é muito bonito. 4 aparência falsa, pretexto. 5 traço, indício, vestígio. 6 coll divertimento, entretenimento. he always steals the show / ele toma conta do espetáculo, chama a atenção. • vt+vi 1 mostrar, expor, exibir. it shows dirt / suja facilmente. he showed his teeth / ele mostrou os dentes. 2 revelar, manifestar, demonstrar. he showed his feelings / sua expressão facial (ou corporal) revelou seus sentimentos. 3 aparecer, estar visível. it does not show / não é visível. never show your face again! / nunca mais apareça aqui! 4 indicar, mostrar. time will show it / o tempo mostrá-lo-á. his work shows him to be a gifted writer / seu trabalho demonstra ser ele um escritor talentoso. we showed him the door / mostramos-lhe a porta, fig pusemo-lo para fora. 5 dirigir, guiar, conduzir. 6 explicar, esclarecer. 7 salientar, ressaltar. 8 provar. 9 conceder. 10 coll classificar-se (numa corrida). don’t give the show away coll não fale nada, guarde segredo. he runs/ bosses the whole show ele toma conta do negócio todo. show him mercy! perdoa-lhe! show of hands votação levantando as mãos. show yourself a man mostre que é homem. to give one a fair show dar a alguém uma oportunidade. to have something to show for mostrar serviço, mostrar resultados. to put up a good show fazer uma boa tentativa. to show forth anunciar. to show in mandar entrar, acompanhar para dentro. to show off aparecer com todo o brilho, salientar-se, destacar-se, exibir-se, ostentar. to show one’s hand pôr as cartas na mesa. to show someone out acompanhar alguém até a porta. to show the white feather fugir. to show up a) aparecer, apresentar-se, mostrar-se. b) desmascarar-se. c) acompanhar para cima. to show up against destacar-se de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > show

  • 18 under the auspices of

    (arranged or encouraged by (a society etc): This exhibition is being held under the auspices of the Arts Council.) auspícios
    * * *
    under the auspices of
    sob os auspícios de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > under the auspices of

  • 19 view

    [vju:] 1. noun
    1) ((an outlook on to, or picture of) a scene: Your house has a fine view of the hills; He painted a view of the harbour.) vista
    2) (an opinion: Tell me your view/views on the subject.) opinião
    3) (an act of seeing or inspecting: We were given a private view of the exhibition before it was opened to the public.) vista
    2. verb
    (to look at, or regard (something): She viewed the scene with astonishment.) ver
    - viewpoint
    - in view of
    - on view
    - point of view
    * * *
    [vju:] n 1 vista: a) visão, aspecto. b) faculdade de ver física ou mentalmente. it disappeared from view / desapareceu de vista. c) cenário, panorama, paisagem. the window commands a view over the sea / a janela dá para o mar. 2 ponto de vista, opinião, parecer. 3 concepção, idéia, teoria. 4 percepção, compreensão. 5 exame, inspeção, consideração geral. 6 intenção, propósito, intento, desígnio. 7 fig perspectiva, expectativa. • vt 1 ver, observar, visualizar, enxergar. 2 examinar, averiguar. she viewed the books with a critical eye / ela examinou os livros criticamente. 3 assistir (especialmente televisão). 4 considerar, ponderar. a bird’s eye view a) vista panorâmica, vista aérea. b) visão de conjunto, visão geral. at first view à primeira vista. at one view num relance. in my view na minha opinião. in view a) à vista. b) em estudo. c) como objetivo. d) na expectativa ou esperança. in view of devido a, por causa de, em virtude de, em vista de. on nearer view examinando melhor ou de mais perto. on view em exibição, em exposição, aberto ao público, exposto. plain to the view bem visível. to fall in with someone’s views concordar com o ponto de vista de alguém. to keep in view não perder de vista, manter em mente. to meet a person’s views concordar com alguém. to take a poor view of ter uma opinião desfavorável sobre. to take a too bright view of ter opinião demasiadamente favorável sobre. to take a view of olhar, examinar. to take the long view olhar para longe, examinar os efeitos a longo prazo. to take (ou hold) the view of ter ou manter a opinião de. with a view to a) com a finalidade ou a intenção de. b) na esperança ou na expectativa de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > view

  • 20 worth

    [wə:Ɵ] 1. noun
    (value: These books are of little or no worth; She sold fifty dollars' worth of tickets.) valor
    2. adjective
    1) (equal in value to: Each of these stamps is worth a cent.) equivalente
    2) (good enough for: His suggestion is worth considering: The exhibition is well worth a visit.) digno de
    - worthlessly
    - worthlessness
    - worthy
    3. noun
    (a highly respected person.) notabilidade
    - worthiness
    - - worthy
    - worthwhile
    - for all one is worth
    * * *
    [wə:θ] n 1 valor: a) preço, custo. b) qualidade. c) conceito. d) mérito. e) importância, significação, excelência. f) utilidade. 2 propriedade, riqueza, bens. • adj 1 que vale, valedor. 2 que merece, merecedor, digno. 3 equivalente a. 4 que tem o preço de. 5 que vale a pena. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois voando. a book worth reading um livro digno de ser lido. a man of great worth um homem de grande valor, de grandes méritos. an hour’s worth of work valor equivalente a uma hora de trabalho. a shilling’s worth of cheese queijo por um xelim. a week’s worth of food alimento suficiente para uma semana. for all one is worth com o máximo esforço. he is said to be worth hundred pounds a month consta que ele tem uma renda mensal de cem libras. he’s worth his weight in gold ele vale seu peso em ouro, seu valor é inestimável. he took him for all he was worth fig ele sangrou-o, fê-lo pagar excessivamente. I tell you that for what it is worth digo-lhe isto com reserva. it is worth it! vale a pena! it is worth its price vale o preço. not to be worth a bucket of warm spit não valer nada. not to be worth the paper it’s written on ser sem valor, não ter o menor valor. not worth mentioning a) indigno de ser mencionado. b) insignificante. of little worth de pouco valor. she died worth a million ela morreu deixando um milhão. this guy doesn’t sing worth a damn/ a shit sl esse cara não conta nada. to be worth valer. it is worth little/ much/ nothing / vale pouco/muito/não vale nada. what is it worth? / quanto vale? it is worth ten shillings to him / vale-lhe dez xelins. to be worth doing, to be worth while doing valer a pena. what is it worth? / quanto vale? it is worth doing / vale a pena fazê-lo. the risk is worth taking / vale a pena correr o risco. to judge people by their worth julgar as pessoas pelo seu valor. to make life worth living valer a pena viver.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > worth

См. также в других словарях:

  • exhibition — [ ɛgzibisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • exibition XIIe; lat. exhibitio ♦ Action d exhiber. 1 ♦ Dr. Présentation (d une pièce). Exhibition de pièces, de titres. ⇒ présentation, représentation. 2 ♦ (1314) Action de montrer (spécialt au public). ⇒ présentation.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • exhibition — exhibition, show, exhibit, exposition, fair are comparable when meaning a public display of objects of interest. Exhibition and, less often in strictly formal use except in art circles, show are applicable to any such display of objects of art,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Exhibition — may refer to:*Exhibition (equestrian), a sport involving horses and riders *Exhibition game, a friendly match *Exhibition hall, where exhibitions are held *Exhibition (scholarship), a financial award to scholars *Exhibitioner, a student who has… …   Wikipedia

  • exhibition — ex‧hi‧bi‧tion [ˌeksˈbɪʆn] noun [countable] especially BrE MARKETING a public event where businesses and other organizations show their products and services so that people can go and see them: • Exhibitions and trade shows are expensive but… …   Financial and business terms

  • Exhibition — Ex hi*bi tion, n. [L. exhibitio a delivering: cf. F. exhibition.] 1. The act of exhibiting for inspection, or of holding forth to view; manifestation; display. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is exhibited, held forth, or displayed; also, any public… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Exhibition — Sf Zurschaustellung (im Deutschen speziell: der Geschlechtsteile) per. Wortschatz fach. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. exhibitio ( ōnis), zu l. exhibēre vorzeigen, beibringen, herschaffen , zu l. habēre haben, führen, tragen und l. ex .… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • exhibition — et irritation de deux ou plusieurs à l encontre les uns des autres, Commissio. Exhibition publique de gladiateurs ou de bestes farouches, Munus. L exhibition des jeux avec grande assemblée, Ludorum exhibitio …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • exhibition — Exhibition. s. f. v. Terme de Pratique. Representation des papiers. Aprés l exhibition de son contract. faire exhibition des pieces selon la sentence du Juge …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • exhibition — ► NOUN 1) a public display of items in an art gallery or museum. 2) a display or demonstration of a skill or quality. ● make an exhibition of oneself Cf. ↑make an exhibition of oneself …   English terms dictionary

  • exhibition — early 14c., from O.Fr. exhibicion, exibicion show, exhibition, display, from L.L. exhibitionem (nom. exhibitio), noun of action from pp. stem of exhibere to show, display, lit. to hold out, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + habere to hold (see …   Etymology dictionary

  • Exhibition [1] — Exhibition (lat.), in der Rechtssprache das Vorlegen, Vorzeigen oder Zugänglichmachen einer Sache. Schon das römische Recht gab demjenigen, der ein rechtliches Interesse daran hatte, daß ihm eine Sache vorgelegt oder sonst zugänglich gemacht… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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