Перевод: с английского на все языки

со всех языков на английский


  • 21 idea

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > idea

  • 22 represent

    1. verb
    1) (to speak or act on behalf of: You have been chosen to represent our association at the conference.) representar
    2) (to be a sign, symbol, picture etc of: In this play, the man in black represents Death and the young girl Life.) representar
    3) (to be a good example of; to show or illustrate: What he said represents the feelings of many people.) representar
    - representative
    2. noun
    1) ((also rep rep) a person who represents a business; a travelling salesman: Our representative will call on you this afternoon.) representante
    2) (a person who represents a person or group of people: A Member of Parliament is the representative of the people in his constituency.) representante
    represent vb representar
    1 representar
    represent [.rɛprɪ'zɛnt] vt
    1) symbolize: representar
    the flag represents our country: la bandera representa a nuestro país
    2) : representar, ser un representante de
    an attorney who represents his client: un abogado que representa su cliente
    3) portray: presentar
    he represents himself as a friend: se presenta como amigo
    figurar v.
    representar v.
    ser agente de v.
    ser apoderado de v.
    ser representante de v.
    a) ( stand for) representar
    b) ( constitute) representar, constituir*

    this represents a radical change in policyesto representa or constituye un radical cambio de política

    2) ( act as representative for) \<\<client/president\>\> representar; \<\<company\>\> ( Busn) ser* representante or agente de
    3) (frml) ( describe) presentar
    1) (=stand for, symbolize) representar
    2) (=act or speak for) [+ client, country] representar a; [+ company] ser agente de; [+ change, achievement] representar

    his early work is well represented in the exhibition — sus primeros trabajos están bien representados en la exposición, su primera época está bien representada

    3) frm (=convey, explain) presentar, describir

    it has been represented to us that... — se ha pretendido que..., se nos ha dicho que...

    * * *
    a) ( stand for) representar
    b) ( constitute) representar, constituir*

    this represents a radical change in policyesto representa or constituye un radical cambio de política

    2) ( act as representative for) \<\<client/president\>\> representar; \<\<company\>\> ( Busn) ser* representante or agente de
    3) (frml) ( describe) presentar

    English-spanish dictionary > represent

  • 23 marketing

    марк., рек., збут n маркетинг; організація збуту; реалізація; збут; система збуту; торгівля; a маркетинговий; збутовий
    система організації підприємницької діяльності, що орієнтується на врахування вимог ринку та активний вплив на попит з метою розширення збуту товарів; ♦ на організаційному рівні маркетинг охоплює великий спектр діяльності, пов'язаний з рекламуванням (advertising¹), стимулюванням збуту (promotion¹), плануванням (planning), стимулюванням сфери торгівлі (merchandising), реалізацією (sales¹) товарів чи послуг, їх популяризацією (publicity¹) тощо
    agricultural marketing сільськогосподарський маркетинг • маркетинг сільськогосподарської продукції; brand — маркетинг товарної марки; competitive marketing конкурентний маркетинг • маркетинг конкурентів; concentrated marketing концентрований маркетинг; consumer marketing маркетинг на споживчому ринку; consumer-orientated marketing маркетинг з орієнтацією на споживача; cooperative marketing спільний маркетинг • збут через систему кооперативів; corporate marketing маркетинг корпорацій • корпоративний маркетинг; counteractive marketing протидіючий маркетинг; data-driven marketing маркетинг, керований потоком даних; direct marketing прямий маркетинг • збут без посередників; domestic marketing маркетинг на внутрішньому ринку; domicile marketing маркетинг житла; electronic marketing електронний маркетинг; export marketing маркетинг експорту; foreign marketing маркетинг на закордонних ринках; full-scale marketing повномас-штабний маркетинг; generic marketing маркетинг немарочних товарів; global marketing; industrial marketing промисловий маркетинг; innovative marketing новаторський маркетинг; integrated marketing інтегрований маркетинг; international marketing міжнародний маркетинг; joint marketing спільний маркетинг; local marketing маркетинг на місцевому рівні; mass marketing масовий маркетинг; media marketing маркетинг засобів поширення інформації • маркетинг засобів реклами; multistep marketing багатоступеневий маркетинг; national marketing загальнонаціональний маркетинг; niche marketing; non-profit marketing маркетинг некомерційних організацій • маркетинг у сфері некомерційної діяльності; one-step marketing одноступеневий маркетинг; political marketing політичний маркетинг; product marketing товарний маркетинг; product-differentiated marketing товарно диференційований маркетинг; publishing marketing маркетинг видавничої діяльності • книжковий ринок • видавничий маркетинг; regional marketing місцевий маркетинг • регіональний збут • маркетинг регіонального масштабу; retail marketing роздрібний маркетинг • маркетинг у сфері роздрібної торгівлі; scientific marketing науковий маркетинг; service marketing маркетинг послуг; social marketing суспільний маркетинг; target marketing цільовий маркетинг; test marketing пробний маркетинг; video marketing відеомаркетинг; world marketing всесвітній маркетинг • маркетинг у світовому масштабі
    marketing activities діяльність у галузі маркетингу • маркетингова діяльність; marketing agreement угода про збут продукції; marketing analysis аналіз збуту; marketing association збутова асоціація; marketing audit перевірка збуту • ревізія збуту; marketing board рада з маркетингу; marketing budget бюджет маркетингу • маркетинговий бюджет; marketing campaign кампанія організації й стимулювання збуту; marketing cartel картель у сфері збуту продукції; marketing competition конкуренція за ринки збуту; marketing concept маркетингове поняття; marketing contribution сприяння збуту продукції; marketing contol регулювання збуту • керування маркетингом; marketing cooperative збутовий кооператив; marketing costs витрати збуту • маркетингові витрати; marketing department комерційний відділ • відділ збуту; marketing director директор відділу збуту • завідувач відділу збуту; marketing effort маркетинговий захід • захід у сфері організації і стимулювання збуту; marketing environment маркетингове середовище; marketing executive спеціаліст у галузі маркетингу; marketing exhibition торговельна виставка; marketing expenses витрати збуту; marketing information system система маркетингової інформації; marketing manager завідувач відділу збуту; marketing method метод збуту продукції; marketing mix; marketing organization збутова організація; marketing plan план збуту продукції; marketing policy політика в галузі збуту • стратегія в галузі збуту; marketing possibilities можливості маркетингу • можливості збуту; marketing potential сподівана реалізація • потенціал маркетингу; marketing practice методика маркетингу; marketing purpose мета маркетингу; marketing research маркетингові дослідження • аналіз можливостей збуту; marketing scheme програма збуту продукції • система маркетингу; marketing strategy маркетингова стратегія • стратегія маркетингу; marketing syndicate синдикат у сфері збуту • маркетинговий синдикат; marketing team маркетингова команда; marketing technique методи маркетингу
    marketing ‡ business organization (384)
    маркетинг < англ. marketing < market — ринок, збут
    * * *
    маркетинг; реалізація; збут

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > marketing

  • 24 sale(s)

    1. n ком. продаж; реалізація; збут; купівля-продаж; 2. торгівля; торгова угода; 3. розпродаж; 4. pl обсяг продажу; товарооборот; a торговельний; торговий; збутовий; продажний; 5. pl бухг. виручка
    1. перетворення якого-небудь товару чи послуги тощо на гроші; 2. господарська діяльність з обороту, купівлі й продажу товарів; 3. продаж за зниженими цінами (сезонний, у зв'язку із закриттям магазину тощо); 4. оборот товарів, сукупність актів купівлі і продажу; 5. надходження (revenue²) з продажу товарів чи від надання послуг
    account sale(s) звіт про продаж товару; actual sale(s)s фактичний продаж; advance sale(s) попередній продаж; annual sale(s)s річний обсяг продажу • річний товарооборот; anticipated sale(s)s очікуваний продаж; area sale(s)s збут в межах території; average sale(s)s середній обсяг продажу; average daily sale(s)s середньодобовий обсяг продажу; bear sale(s) продаж при спекуляції на зниження цін акцій на біржі; block sale(s) продаж партії цінних паперів; break-even sale(s)s беззбитковий обсяг продажу; bulk sale(s) масовий продаж • продаж всього товарного запасу; bull sale(s) продаж при спекуляції на підвищення цін акцій на біржі; cash sale(s) продаж за готівку; cash-and-carry sale(s) продаж за готівку без доставки додому; cash-on-delivery sale(s) продаж післяплатою • продаж з оплатою після доставки; cash-only sale(s) продаж тільки за готівку; catalogue sale(s) продаж за каталогом • роздрібний продаж товарів за каталогом; clearance sale(s) розпродаж; commision sale(s) продаж на комісійній основі; company sale(s)s обсяг продажу фірми; competitive sale(s)s конкурентоспроможний продаж; compulsory sale(s) примусовий продаж • примусовий продаж з торгів • продаж з молотка; conditional sale(s) умовний продаж; consignment sale(s) продаж на консигнаційній основі; corporate sale(s)s загальнофірмовий продаж; credit sale(s) продаж в кредит; current sale(s)s поточний збут • поточний продаж; daily sale(s)s денний товарооборот; deferred payment sale(s) торговельна угода з відкладеним платежем • торговельна угода з відстроченим платежем; direct sale(s) прямий продаж; discount sale(s) продаж зі знижкою; exchange sale(s) біржовий продаж; exclusive sale(s) виключне право продажу; export sale(s) продаж на експорт; fleet sale(s) продаж великими партіями; floor sale(s) продаж зі стенда; forward sale(s) продаж на строк; franchise sale(s) продаж торговельних привілеїв • франшизний продаж; going-out-of-business sale(s) розпродаж у зв'язку із закриттям справи; gross sale(s)s валовий обсяг продажу • валовий обсяг виручки • валова сума продажу; guaranteed sale(s) продаж товару постачальником з гарантією повернення непроданих товарів за повну вартість; increased sale(s)s розширення збуту; indirect sale(s)s непрямий продаж; individual sale(s) індивідуальний продаж; instalment sale(s) продаж на виплат; lagging sale(s)s повільний збут • сповільнення збуту; lost sale(s) втрачений збут; mailorder sale(s) продаж поштою; mix-and-match sale(s) продаж з вільним комплектуванням набору; net sale(s)s чиста виручка • чиста сума продажу; off-the-floor sale(s) продаж зі стенда; one-day sale(s) одноденний розпродаж; private sale(s) продаж за приватною угодою; profitable sale(s) вигідний продаж • зисковний збут; projected sale(s) планова сума продажу • плановий обсяг збуту; property sale(s) продаж нерухомого майна; public sale(s) публічний торг • прилюдний торг • аукціон • продаж з аукціону; record sale(s)s значний збут • винятковий обсяг продажу • рекордний обсяг продажу; retail sale(s) роздрібний продаж; rummage sale(s) розпродаж старих речей; seasonal sale(s) сезонний розпродаж • сезонний збут; stocktaking sale(s) розпродаж товарних залишків; telephone sale(s)s продаж по телефону; test-market sale(s)s збут на пробному ринку • пробний продаж; tie-in sale(s)s продаж товарів з примусовим асортиментом; total sale(s)s загальний обсяг продажу • загальний обсяг збуту; unit sale(s)s продаж штуками • штучний продаж; volume sale(s)s продаж великої кількості; warehouse sale(s) розпродаж зі складу; yearly sale(s) річний збут • річний товарооборот
    «as is» sale(s) продаж на умовах «як є»; drop in sale(s)s зниження збуту; fall in sale(s)s зниження збуту; forecast of sale(s)s прогноз збуту; for sale(s) продається; increase in sale(s)s збільшення збуту; not for sale(s) не для продажу; rise in sale(s)s збільшення збуту; sale(s)s abroad продаж за кордоном; sale(s)s account рахунок продажу; sale(s)s activities збутова діяльність; sale(s)s agency торговельне агентство • збутова організація; sale(s)s agent агент зі збуту; sale(s)s agreement договір про продаж; sale(s)s amount обсяг збуту; sale(s)s analysis аналіз збуту; sale(s)s and distribution expenses торговельні витрати; sale(s) and leaseback продаж зі зворотною орендою; sale(s) and repurchase arrangement згода на продаж і зворотну купівлю; sale(s) and repurchase transaction операція продажу і зворотної купівлі; sale(s)s approach методика стимулювання збуту; sale(s)s area торговельна площа; sale(s)s assistant консультант-продавець; sale(s)s association торговельна асоціація; sale(s) at cut prices продаж за зниженими цінами; sale(s) at reduced prices продаж за зниженими цінами; sale(s) at retail продаж вроздріб; sale(s)s book журнал обліку продажу; sale(s)s budget торговельний кошторис; sale(s) by auction продаж з аукціону; sale(s) by commission комісійний продаж; sale(s) by court order продаж за постановою суду; sale(s) by description продаж за описом; sale(s) by lot продаж партіями; sale(s) by private treaty продаж за приватною угодою; sale(s) by retail продаж вроздріб; sale(s) by sample продаж за зразком; sale(s) by weight продаж на вагу; sale(s)s campaign кампанія організації і стимулювання збуту; sale(s)s catalogue торговельний каталог; sale(s)s centre торговельний центр; sale(s)s clerk продавець; sale(s)s commission комісійна плата за продаж; sale(s)s conditions стан збуту • умови продажу • умови торгівлі; sale(s) contract договір продажу • договір купівлі-продажу; sale(s)s convention торговельна конвенція; sale(s)s coverage покриття витрат на продаж; sale(s)s department відділ збуту; sale(s)s district торговельна дільниця; sale(s) docket квитанція розрахункової палати брокеру-продавцю; sale(s)s drive кампанія зі збільшення збуту; sale(s)s duty збір за продаж • торговельний податок; sale(s)s effectiveness test перевірка ефективності збуту; sale(s)s exhibition торговельна виставка; sale(s)s expenses торговельні витрати; sale(s)s experience досвід продажу товарів • досвід збуту товарів; sale(s)s figures дані про продаж товарів; sale(s)s firm збутова фірма; sale(s)s-floor operation робота торговельного залу крамниці; sale(s)s force робітники торговельних підприємств • торговельні агенти; sale(s)s forecast прогноз обсягу продажу • прогноз обсягу збуту; sale(s) for future delivery продаж на строк; sale(s) from stock продаж зі складу; sale(s)s incentive засіб стимулювання збуту; sale(s)s increase збільшення збуту; sale(s) item виріб, який продається; sale(s)s journal журнал обліку продажу • книга реєстрації продажу; sale(s)s leads орієнтація на потенційних покупців; sale(s)s links торговельні зв'язки; sale(s) lot партія, яка продається; sale(s)s manager керівник відділу збуту • керівник служби збуту • завідувач відділу збуту; sale(s)s manual інструкція зі збуту; sale(s)s meeting нарада з організації збуту; sale(s)s method методика продажу; sale(s)s monopoly торговельна монополія; sale(s)s negotiations переговори щодо продажу товару; sale(s)s objective мета продажу; sale(s) of bonds продаж облігацій; sale(s) of equipment продаж обладнання; sale(s)s office відділ збуту; sale(s) of goods продаж товарів; sale(s) of land продаж землі; sale(s) of a patent продаж права на патент; sale(s) of pledge продаж застави; sale(s) of securities продаж цінних паперів • реалізація цінних паперів; sale(s) of shares продаж акцій • реалізація акцій; sale(s) of stock продаж акцій • реалізація акцій; sale(s) of subsidiary продаж дочірньої компанії; sale(s) on approval продаж з правом покупця відмовитися від товару • продаж з правом повернути товар; sale(s) on commission продаж на комісійній основі; sale(s) on consignment продаж за консигнацією; sale(s) on credit продаж у кредит; sale(s) on an open account продаж з оплатою на відкритий рахунок; sale(s) on trial продаж на пробу; sale(s)s opportunity можливість збуту; sale(s)s outlet торговельна точка • торговельне підприємство; sale(s)s parameter характеристика збуту; sale(s)s per employee обсяг продажу з розрахунку на одного працівника; sale(s)s personnel торговельний персонал; sale(s)s pitch постійне місце продажу; sale(s)s point торговельна точка; sale(s)s potential очікуваний обсяг збуту; sale(s)s price продажна ціна • реалізаційна ціна; sale(s)s problems проблеми збуту; sale(s)s proceeds виручка від реалізації товару • дохід від продажу продукції; sale(s)s profit прибуток від продажу; sales promotion; sale(s)s psychology врахування психологічного фактора при організації збуту; sale(s)s quota торговельна квота; sale(s)s rebate торговельна знижка • повернення торговельної переплати; sale(s)s records торговельна статистика; sale(s)s reductions зниження обсягу збуту; sale(s)s report звіт про продаж; sale(s)s representative торговельний представник • торговельний агент; sale(s)s return дохід від продажу; sale(s)s slip розписка про продаж; sale(s)s strategy стратегія підтримання рівня збуту; sale(s)s tax податок з продажу • податок на доходи від продажу • податок з обороту • торговельний збір; sale(s)s team група збуту • колектив продавців; sale(s)s technique методика продажу • підхід до покупця; sale(s)s terms умови продажу; sale(s)s ticket товарна наліпка; sale(s)s turnover оборотність товарних запасів • товарооборот; sale(s) under execution продаж за рішенням суду; sale(s)s value загальна вартість продажу • загальна вартість проданих товарів; sale(s)s volume обсяг продажу • обсяг товарообороту • обсяг збуту; sale(s)s warranty гарантія продажу; sale(s) with option of repurchase продаж з правом зворотної купівлі; sale(s) with reservation умовний продаж; sale(s)s year рік продажу; to approve for sale(s) ухвалювати/ ухвалити продаж; to be on sale(s) продаватися; to command a ready sale(s) швидко продаватися; to conclude a sale(s) укладати/укласти договір про продаж; to develop sale(s)s збільшувати/збільшити продаж; to exhibit for sale(s) виставляти/виставити на продаж; to have a ready sale(s) швидко продаватися; to increase sale(s)s збільшувати/збільшити продаж; to maintain sale(s)s підтримувати/підтримати збут; to negotiate sale(s)s вести переговори про продаж; to offer for sale(s) виставляти/виставити на продаж; to promote sale(s)s сприяти/посприяти продажу; to put up for sale(s) виставляти/виставити на продаж; to release for sale(s) давати/дати дозвіл на продаж; to rescind a sale(s) скасовувати/скасувати продаж • анульовувати/анулювати продаж; to stimulate sale(s)s стимулювати продаж; to undertake the sale(s) організовувати/організувати продаж

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > sale(s)

  • 25 automobile

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > automobile

  • 26 Futebol

       Portugal's most popular sport or game, for decades the national sport. There are at least two different theories about how soccer was introduced to Portugal and both are set in the late 1880s. One story is that soccer was introduced when Portuguese students with a soccer ball returned from England.
       Another version is that the sport was brought to Portugal by resident or visiting Britons. The game was first played only by foreigners, but soon became popular among Portuguese. Some of the earliest soccer games were played on fields in the property of the Eastern Telegraph Company in Carcavelos, outside Lisbon. The word in Portuguese, futebol, derives from the English word football. Organized by the entrepreneur Guilherme Pinto Basto, the first exhibition game between Portuguese and Britons was in 1888, and the first match, between Oporto and Lisbon was held in 1894, with King Carlos I in attendance.
       Especially after World War I, futebol acquired a mass, popular following. By midcentury, Portugal's periodical with the largest circulation was Lisbon's soccer newspaper Bola ("Ball"). After 1939, many soccer stadiums were constructed, and Portuguese fans became divided into supporters of two rival professional soccer teams: Sporting or Benfica, both from the Lisbon region. In the World Cup soccer games of 1966, Portugal's national team achieved fame and distinction, reaching the semifinals, only to lose to the Brazilians. Starring on Portugal's 1966 World Cup team was the celebrated Mozambique-born Eusébio. In that World Cup contest, Portugal became the first national team to reach the semifinals in their first appearance in the contest. In 2004, Portugal hosted the Euro cup, and Portugal's national team was defeated in the final by Greece. In May 2006, Portugal's national soccer team was ranked seventh out of 205 countries by the world soccer association (FIFA).

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Futebol

  • 27 Bright, Sir Charles Tilston

    SUBJECT AREA: Telecommunications
    b. 8 June 1832 Wanstead, Essex, England
    d. 3 May 1888 Abbey Wood, London, England
    English telegraph engineer responsible for laying the first transatlantic cable.
    At the age of 15 years Bright left the London Merchant Taylors' School to join the two-year-old Electric Telegraph Company. By 1851 he was in charge of the Birmingham telegraph station. After a short time as Assistant Engineer with the newly formed British Telegraph Company, he joined his brother (who was Manager) as Engineer-in-Chief of the English and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company in Liverpool, for which he laid thousands of miles of underground cable and developed a number of innovations in telegraphy including a resistance box for locating cable faults and a two-tone bell system for signalling. In 1853 he was responsible for the first successful underwater cable between Scotland and Ireland. Three years later, with the American financier Cyrus Field and John Brett, he founded and was Engineer-in-chief of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, which aimed at laying a cable between Ireland and Newfoundland. After several unsuccessful attempts this was finally completed on 5 August 1858, Bright was knighted a month later, but the cable then failed! In 1860 Bright resigned from the Magnetic Telegraph Company to set up an independent consultancy with another engineer, Joseph Latimer Clark, with whom he invented an improved bituminous cable insulation. Two years later he supervised construction of a telegraph cable to India, and in 1865 a further attempt to lay an Atlantic cable using Brunel's new ship, the Great Eastern. This cable broke during laying, but in 1866 a new cable was at last successfully laid and the 1865 cable recovered and repaired. The year 1878 saw extension of the Atlantic cable system to the West Indies and the invention with his brother of a system of neighbourhood fire alarms and even an automatic fire alarm.
    In 1861 Bright presented a paper to the British Association for the Advancement of Science on the need for electrical standards, leading to the creation of an organization that still exists in the 1990s. From 1865 until 1868 he was Liberal MP for Greenwich, and he later assisted with preparations for the 1881 Paris Exhibition.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1858. Légion d'honneur. First President, Société Internationale des Electriciens. President, Society of Telegraph Engineers \& Electricians (later the Institution of Electrical Engineers) 1887.
    1852, British patent (resistance box).
    1855, British patent no. 2,103 (two-tone bell system). 1878, British patent no. 3,801 (area fire alarms).
    1878, British patent no. 596 (automatic fire alarm).
    "The physical \& electrical effects of pressure \& temperature on submarine cable cores", Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers XVII (describes some of his investigations of cable characteristics).
    Further Reading
    C.Bright, 1898, Submarine Cables, Their History, Construction \& Working.
    —1910, The Life Story of Sir Charles Tilston Bright, London: Constable \& Co.

    Biographical history of technology > Bright, Sir Charles Tilston

  • 28 Hodgkinson, Eaton

    b. 26 February 1789 Anderton, Cheshire, England
    d. 18 June 1861 near Manchester, England
    English engineer who devised d new form of cast-iron girder.
    Eaton Hodgkinson's father, a farmer, died when he was 6 years old, but his mother was a resourceful woman who set up a business in Salford and ensured that her son received a sound schooling. Most important for his education, however, was his friendship with the Manchester scientific luminary Dr. Dalton, who instructed him in practical mathematics. These studies led Hodgkinson to devise a new form of cast-iron girder, carefully tested by experiments and which was widely adopted for fire-proof structures in the nineteenth century. Following Dalton, Hodgkinson became an active member of the Manchester Philosophical Society, of which he was elected President in 1848. He also became an active member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Hodgkinson's work on cast-iron girders secured him a Fellowship of the Royal Society, and the Royal Medal of the Society, in 1841. It was Hodgkinson also who verified the mathematical value of the pioneering experiments carried out by William Fairbairn for Robert Stephenson's proposed wrought-iron tube structure which, in 1849, became the Britannia Bridge over the Menai Straits. He received a Silver Medal for this work at the Paris Exhibition of 1858. Hodgkinson served as a member of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the application of iron to railway structures. In 1847 he was appointed Professor of the Mechanical Principles of Engineering at University College, London, but his health began to fail shortly after. He was elected an Honorary Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1851. Described as "singularly simple and guileless", he was widely admired and respected.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    President, Manchester Philosophical Society 1848. FRS 1841. Royal Society Medal 1841.
    Further Reading
    Dictionary of National Biography, London.
    Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 21:542–5.

    Biographical history of technology > Hodgkinson, Eaton

  • 29 Kirkaldy, David

    b. 4 April 1820 Mayfield, Dundee, Scotland
    d. 25 January 1897 London, England
    Scottish engineer and pioneer in materials testing.
    The son of a merchant of Dundee, Kirkaldy was educated there, then at Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh, and at Edinburgh University. For a while he worked in his father's office, but with a preference for engineering, in 1843 he commenced an apprenticeship at the Glasgow works of Robert Napier. After four years in the shops he was transferred to the drawing office and in a very few years rose to become Chief. Here Kirkaldy demonstrated a remarkable talent both for the meticulous recording of observations and data and for technical drawing. His work also had an aesthetic appeal and four of his drawings of Napier steamships were shown at the Paris Exhibition of 1855, earning both Napier and Kirkaldy a medal. His "as fitted" set of drawings of the Cunard Liner Persia, which had been built in 1855, is now in the possession of the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich, London; it is regarded as one of the finest examples of its kind in the world, and has even been exhibited at the Royal Academy in London.
    With the impending order for the Royal Naval Ironclad Black Prince (sister ship to HMS Warrior, now preserved at Portsmouth) and for some high-pressure marine boilers and engines, there was need for a close scientific analysis of the physical properties of iron and steel. Kirkaldy, now designated Chief Draughtsman and Calculator, was placed in charge of this work, which included comparisons of puddled steel and wrought iron, using a simple lever-arm testing machine. The tests lasted some three years and resulted in Kirkaldy's most important publication, Experiments on Wrought Iron and Steel (1862, London), which gained him wide recognition for his careful and thorough work. Napier's did not encourage him to continue testing; but realizing the growing importance of materials testing, Kirkaldy resigned from the shipyard in 1861. For the next two and a half years Kirkaldy worked on the design of a massive testing machine that was manufactured in Leeds and installed in premises in London, at The Grove, Southwark.
    The works was open for trade in January 1866 and engineers soon began to bring him specimens for testing on the great machine: Joseph Cubitt (son of William Cubitt) brought him samples of the materials for the new Blackfriars Bridge, which was then under construction. Soon The Grove became too cramped and Kirkaldy moved to 99 Southwark Street, reopening in January 1874. In the years that followed, Kirkaldy gained a worldwide reputation for rigorous and meticulous testing and recording of results, coupled with the highest integrity. He numbered the most distinguished engineers of the time among his clients.
    After Kirkaldy's death, his son William George, whom he had taken into partnership, carried on the business. When the son died in 1914, his widow took charge until her death in 1938, when the grandson David became proprietor. He sold out to Treharne \& Davies, chemical consultants, in 1965, but the works finally closed in 1974. The future of the premises and the testing machine at first seemed threatened, but that has now been secured and the machine is once more in working order. Over almost one hundred years of trading in South London, the company was involved in many famous enquiries, including the analysis of the iron from the ill-fated Tay Bridge (see Bouch, Sir Thomas).
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland Gold Medal 1864.
    1862, Results of an Experimental Inquiry into the Tensile Strength and Other Properties of Wrought Iron and Steel (originally presented as a paper to the 1860–1 session of the Scottish Shipbuilders' Association).
    Further Reading
    D.P.Smith, 1981, "David Kirkaldy (1820–97) and engineering materials testing", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 52:49–65 (a clear and well-documented account).
    LRD / FMW

    Biographical history of technology > Kirkaldy, David

  • 30 Langen, Eugen

    b. 1839 Germany
    d. 1895 Germany
    German engineer and businessmen.
    A sound engineering training combined with an inherited business sense were credentials that Langen put to good use in his association with internal-combustion engines. The sight of a working engine built by N.A. Otto in 1864 convinced Langen that this was a means to provide power in industry. Shortly afterwards, assisted by members of his family, he formed the company N.A.Otto and Cie, Cologne, the world's first engine factory. At the Paris Exhibition of 1867, the new Otto-Langen Atmospheric Gas Engine was awarded a Gold Medal, and in 1870 Crossley Bros of Manchester was appointed sole agent and manufacturer in Britain. Under Langen's guidance, the firm grew, and in 1872 it was renamed Die Gasmotoren Fabrik, employing Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. Apart from running the business, Langen often played peacemaker when differences arose between Daimler and Otto. The success of the firm, known today as Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz, owed much to Langen's business and technical skills. Langen was a strong supporter of Otto's constant efforts to produce a better engine, and his confidence was justified by the appearance, in 1876, of Otto's four-stroke engine. The two men remained close friends until Otto's death in 1892.
    Further Reading
    Friederick Sass, 1962, Geschichte des deutschen Verbrennungsmotorenbaues von 1860 bis 1918, Berlin: Springen Verlag (a detailed account).
    Gustav Goldbeck, 1964, Kraft für die Welt: 100 Jahre Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG, Dusseldorf (an account of the history and development of Klockner Humboldt).

    Biographical history of technology > Langen, Eugen

  • 31 Polhem, Christopher

    b. 18 December 1661 Tingstade, Gotland, Sweden d. 1751
    Swedish engineer and inventor.
    He was the eldest son of Wolf Christopher Polhamma, a merchant. The father died in 1669 and the son was sent by his stepfather to an uncle in Stockholm who found him a place in the Deutsche Rechenschule. After the death of his uncle, he was forced to find employment, which he did with the Biorenklou family near Uppsala where he eventually became a kind of estate bailiff. It was during this period that he started to work with a lathe, a forge and at carpentry, displaying great technical ability. He realized that without further education he had little chance of making anything of his life, and accordingly, in 1687, he registered at the University of Uppsala where he studied astronomy and mathematics, remaining there for three years. He also repaired two astronomical pendulum clocks as well as the decrepit medieval clock in the cathedral. After a year's work he had this clock running properly: this was his breakthrough. He was summoned to Stockholm where the King awarded him a salary of 500 dalers a year as an encouragement to further efforts. Around this time, one of increasing mechanization and when mining was Sweden's principal industry, Pohlem made a model of a hoist frame for mines and the Mines Authority encouraged him to develop his ideas. In 1693 Polhem completed the Blankstot hoist at the Stora Kopparberg mine, which attracted great interest on the European continent.
    From 1694 to 1696 Polhem toured factories, mills and mines abroad in Germany, Holland, England and France, studying machinery of all kinds and meeting many foreign engineers. In 1698 he was appointed Director of Mining Engineering in Sweden, and in 1700 he became Master of Construction in the Falu Mine. He installed the Karl XII hoist there, powered by moving beams from a distant water-wheel. His plan of 1697 for all the machinery at the Falu mine to be driven by three large and remote water-wheels was never completed.
    In 1707 he was invited by the Elector of Hanover to visit the mines in the Harz district, where he successfully explained many of his ideas which were adopted by the local engineers. In 1700, in conjunction with Gabriel Stierncrona, he founded the Stiersunds Bruk at Husby in Southern Dalarna, a factory for the mass production of metal goods in iron, steel and bronze. Simple articles such as pans, trays, bowls, knives, scissors and mirrors were made there, together with the more sophisticated Polhem lock and the Stiersunds clock. Production was based on water power. Gear cutting for the clocks, shaping hammers for plates, file cutting and many other operations were all water powered, as was a roller mill for the sheet metal used in the factory. He also designed textile machinery such as stocking looms and spinning frames and machines for the manufacture of ribbons and other things.
    In many of his ideas Polhem was in advance of his time and Swedish country society was unable to absorb them. This was largely the reason for the Stiersund project being only a partial success. Polhem, too, was of a disputatious nature, self-opinionated almost to the point of conceit. He was a prolific writer, leaving over 20,000 pages of manuscript notes, drafts, essays on a wide range of subjects, which included building, brick-making, barrels, wheel-making, bell-casting, organ-building, methods of stopping a horse from bolting and a curious tap "to prevent serving maids from sneaking wine from the cask", the construction of ploughs and threshing machines. His major work, Kort Berattelse om de Fornamsta Mechaniska Inventioner (A Brief Account of the Most Famous Inventions), was printed in 1729 and is the main source of knowledge about his technological work. He is also known for his "mechanical alphabet", a collection of some eighty wooden models of mechanisms for educational purposes. It is in the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm.
    1729, Kort Berattelse om de Fornamsta Mechaniska Inventioner (A Brief Account of the Most Famous Inventions).
    Further Reading
    1985, Christopher Polhem, 1661–1751, TheSwedish Daedalus' (catalogue of a travelling exhibition from the Swedish Institute in association with the National Museum of Science and Technology), Stockholm.

    Biographical history of technology > Polhem, Christopher

  • 32 Staite, William Edwards

    b. 19 April 1809 Bristol, England
    d. 26 September 1854 Caen, France
    English inventor who did much to popularize electric lighting in early Victorian England and demonstrated the first self-regulating arc lamp.
    Before devoting the whole of his attention to the electric light, Staite was a partner in a business of iron merchants and patented a method of obtaining extracts and essences. From 1834 he attempted to produce a continuous light by electricity. The first public exhibition of Staite's arc lamp incorporating a fixed-rate clockwork mechanism was given in 1847 to the Sunderland Literary and Philosophical Society. He also demonstrated an incandescent lamp with an iridioplatinum filament. Sir Joseph Wilson Swan recorded that it was attending lectures by Staite in Sunderland, Newcastle and Carlisle that started him on the quest which many years later was to lead to his incandescent lamp.
    In association with William Petrie (1821–1904), Staite made an important advance in the development of arc lamps by introducing automatic regulation of the carbon rods by way of an electromagnet. This was the first of many self-regulating arc lamps that were invented during the nineteenth century employing this principle. A contributory factor in the success of Staite's lamp was the semi enclosure of the arc in a transparent vessel that reduced the consumption of carbons, a feature not used again until the 1890s. His patents included processes for preparing carbons and the construction of primary cells for arc lighting. An improved lamp used by Staite in a theatrical production at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, in April 1849 may be considered the first commercial success of the electric light in England. In spite of the limitations imposed by the use of primary cells as the only available source of power, serious interest in this system of electric lighting was shown by railway companies and dock authorities. However, after he had developed a satisfactory arc lamp, an end to these early experiments was brought about by Staite's death.
    July 1847, British patent no. 1,1783 (electromagnetic regulation of an arc lamp).
    His manuscript "History of electric light" is in the Institution of Electrical Engineers archives.
    Further Reading
    J.J.Fahie, 1902, "Staite and Petrie's electric light 1846–1853", Electrical Engineer 30:297–301, 337–40, 374–6 (a detailed reliable account).
    G.Woodward, 1989, "Staite and Petrie: pioneers of electric lighting", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 136 (Part A): 290–6 GW

    Biographical history of technology > Staite, William Edwards

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