1 exhibition centre
Реклама: выставочный центр -
2 exhibition centre
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > exhibition centre
3 exhibition centre
4 All-Russian Exhibition Centre
Общая лексика: Всероссийский выставочный центр (from their official website)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > All-Russian Exhibition Centre
5 National Exhibition Centre
[,næʃənleksɪ'bɪʃən,sentə]Национа́льный вы́ставочный центр (в Бирмингеме [ Birmingham]; один из крупнейших в Великобритании; в нём проводятся Автомобильная выставка [ Motor Show], выставка собак "Крафтс" [ Cruft's] и т.п. Открылся в 1976)English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > National Exhibition Centre
6 exhibition
сущ.1) общ. выставка, показ, демонстрацияSee:2) торг. выставкаmobile [touring, traveling\] exhibition — передвижная выставка
Syn:See:exhibition contractor, industrial exhibition, business efficiency exhibition, catalogue exhibition, exhibition goods, exhibition shop, International Exhibitions Bureau, sales exhibition3) обр., брит. стипендия ( повышенная или именная)Syn:See: -
7 centre
= center1) центр (города, круга); пункт, место2) остриё3) мн. ч. кружала4) середина; сердцевина5) шаблон, угольник6) помещать(ся) в центре; устанавливать между центрами7) центрировать; отмечать кернером, кернить•- centre of curvature - centre of equilibrium - centre of gyration - centre of mass - centre of movement - centre of origin - centre of oscillation - centre of percussion - centre of pressure - centre of rotation - centre of similarity - centre of symmetry - centre of track - centre of vibration - aerodynamic centre - aerodynamical centre - arch centre - arm centre - axle centre - back centre - back dead centre - barrel centre - bell centre - bench centres - between centres - bottom dead centre - business centre - case centre - civic centre - commercial centre - computation centre - computer centre - control centre - coordination centre - crane centres - cultural centre - data-processing centre - dead centre - differential indexing centre - elevating centre - engineering centre - exhibition centre - false centre - female centre - fixed centre - flexural centre - fork centre - forward dead centre - half centre - homothetic centre - ignition centre - industrial centre - information centre - inner dead centre - instantaneous centre - instantaneous centre of acceleration - instantaneous centre of rotation - instantaneous centre of velocity - internal centre - kitchen recycling centre - lathe centre - live centre - miller centre - moment centre - on centre - optical centre - out of centre - outer dead centre - pivot centre - planer centres - plate centre - research centre - running centre - scientific and technical centre - shifting centre - shopping centre - spide centrer - spoke centre - square centre - tail centre - technical-maintenance centre - technological centre - telescopic centres - three-point contact centre - toll centre - top dead centre - trade centre - training centre - triple indexing centre - twist centre - wheel centre -
8 centre
n1) центр2) центр, бюро
- administrative centre
- advertising centre
- bank processing centre
- business centre
- business advisory centre
- business support centre
- buying centre
- cash and deposit centre
- cash processing centre
- cash settlement centre
- commercial centre
- community centre
- computer centre
- computing centre
- coordination centre
- cost centre
- cultural centre
- custodian centre
- data processing centre
- distribution centre
- economic centre
- economic information centre
- engineering centre
- exhibition centre
- financial centre
- franchising centre
- government clearing centre
- industrial centre
- information centre
- manufacturing centre
- nonprofit centre
- offshore centre
- offshore banking centre
- offshore financial centre
- payments centre
- pool centre
- producing centre
- production centre
- profit centre
- profit-and-loss centre
- publicity centre
- research centre
- service centre
- settlement and depositary centre
- shopping centre
- trading centre
- training centre
- welfare centre
- world financial centre
- world trade centreEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > centre
9 center амер.
n1) центр2) центр, бюро
- administrative centre
- advertising centre
- bank processing centre
- business centre
- business advisory centre
- business support centre
- buying centre
- cash and deposit centre
- cash processing centre
- cash settlement centre
- commercial centre
- community centre
- computer centre
- computing centre
- coordination centre
- cost centre
- cultural centre
- custodian centre
- data processing centre
- distribution centre
- economic centre
- economic information centre
- engineering centre
- exhibition centre
- financial centre
- franchising centre
- government clearing centre
- industrial centre
- information centre
- manufacturing centre
- nonprofit centre
- offshore centre
- offshore banking centre
- offshore financial centre
- payments centre
- pool centre
- producing centre
- production centre
- profit centre
- profit-and-loss centre
- publicity centre
- research centre
- service centre
- settlement and depositary centre
- shopping centre
- trading centre
- training centre
- welfare centre
- world financial centre
- world trade centreEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > center амер.
10 центр
муж. centre;
center амер. центр притяжения для кого-л. ≈ centre of attraction for smb. быть в центре внимания ≈ to be the focus of attention;
to be in the spotlight поставить что-л. в центр внимания ≈ to make smth. a centre of attention, to focus attention on smth. помещать в центре ≈ centre центр тяжести ≈ centre of gravity;
the main/focal point, the focus перен. центр вращения ≈ centre of rotation центр водоизмещения ≈ centre of buoyancy центр торговли ≈ centre of trade культурный центр ≈ cultural centre телевизионный центр ≈ television/TV centre электронно-вычислительный центр ≈ electronic computer centre в центре страны ≈ in the centre/heart of country в центре внимания ≈ in the centre of attention нервные центры ≈ nerve centres административный центр ≈ (района, округа и т. п.) town;
(графства в Великобритании и округа в США) count seat;
(городской) civic centreм. centre;
амер. center;
выставочный ~ exhibition centre;
вычислительный ~ computer centre;
деловой ~ business centre;
информационно-вычислительный ~ data-processing centre;
коммерческий ~ commercial/trade centre, centre of commerce;
научно-исследовательский ~ research centre;
~ обучения training centre;
финансовый ~ financial centre;
в ~е города in town;
идти в ~ (города) go* into town;
быть в ~е внимания be* the centre of attention, be* in the limelight. -
11 NEC
1) Общая лексика: National Exhibition Centre2) Медицина: Not Elsewhere Classified ([термин] не классифицированный в других рубриках), necrotising enterocolit3) Военный термин: NATO Economic Committee, Naval Enlisted Code, Navy enlisted classification, Never Ending Changes, Northern Europe Committee, Northern European Command, Northern European Countries, naval exercise coordinator, net explosive content, not elsewhere classified, nuclear energy center4) Техника: NEC company5) Лингвистика: сфера действия6) Грубое выражение: Never Ending Crap7) Оптика: national electric code8) Сокращение: National Electrical Code (safety standard), National Electronic Council, National Electronics Conference, National Executive Committee, Nippon Electric Company (manufacturer), Northern European Command (NATO), necessary, НЭК, необходимо, японская электронная фирма, National Electoral Committee, Национальный экстерн-колледж9) Университет: National Extension College10) Физиология: Neuro Emotional Complex11) Вычислительная техника: Nippon Electronic Company, Nippon Electric Company (Corporate name), Nippon Electronic Corporation (Hersteller), National Electrical Code (USA), Nippon electric company12) Нефть: northeast corner, фирма NEC13) Гастроэнтерология: necrotising enterocolitis14) Транспорт: Northeast Corridor15) Фирменный знак: Nippon Electronics Corporation, Nitrate Elimination Company16) Бурение: северо-восточный угол (north-east corner)17) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Национальный свод законов и стандартов США по электротехнике (National Electrical Code), Национальный свод правил по безопасности электроустановок (National Electrical Code)18) Автоматика: National Exhibition Center19) Сахалин Р: National Electrical Code20) Океанография: North Equatorial Current, Nuclear Energy Commission21) Чат: Nobody's Even Close, Not Even Close -
1) Техника: spaceborne computer engineering conference2) Туризм: Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre -
14 Cruft's
[krʌfts]"Крафтс" (крупнейшая ежегодная выставка собак в Национальном выставочном центре [ National Exhibition Centre] в Бирмингеме)полн. Cruft's Dog Show; Впервые проведена Ч.Крафтом [Charles Cruft] в 1886English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > Cruft's
15 Motor Show
['məutəʃəu]Автомоби́льная вы́ставка (проводится раз в два года в Национальном выставочном центре [ National Exhibition Centre] в Бирмингеме)полн. International Motor ShowEnglish-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > Motor Show
16 Royal International Horse Show
[,rɔɪəlɪntə(ː),næʃənl'hɔːsʃəu]Короле́вская междунаро́дная ко́нная вы́ставка (ежегодная; в Национальном выставочном центре [ National Exhibition Centre] в Бирмингеме; на выставке проводятся состязания по конному спорту)English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > Royal International Horse Show
1) Компьютерная техника: Single Edge Contact Connector2) Военный термин: Survivable Enduring Command Center4) Вычислительная техника: single-edge contact cartridge, Single Edge Connector Case (CPU)5) Фирменный знак: Scottish Exhibition And Conference Centre6) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Single Edge Contact Cartridge7) Безопасность: secret error-correcting code8) Программное обеспечение: Soft Embedded Controller Core -
18 White City
['waɪt,sɪtɪ]"Уа́йт Си́ти" (бывший стадион и выставочный зал в западной части Лондона. Построен в 1908 для франко-британской выставки [Franco-British Exhibition] и Олимпийских игр; там теперь находится Телевизионный центр Би-би-си [ BBC Television Centre])букв. белый городEnglish-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > White City
19 car
автомобиль; легковой автомобиль; тележка; повозка; вагон; вагонетка; электрокар- break new car- car body- car-care centre - car-carrier - car control for disabled drivers - car covers - car dealer - car door - car driver - car drives in first- second- car dumper - car elevator - car embodying chassis and body shell in one unit - car fleet - car for sale - car for the owner-driver - car lift - car lifting jack - CAR of the Year - car operation - car ownership - car park - car polish - car population - car post - car repair shop - car road test - car taken at random from assembly line - car washer - car washers - car washing plant - car wired for radio - car with four independent wheels - car with rigid axles - drive the car in first - keep a car propely tuned up - lay up a car for winter - let a car free-wheel - overtyre a car - put a car on the road - new car on the road - start a car in gear - style a car - the car has good or poor wind shape - the car has good or air shape - the car has km on it - the so many km on it - the car nose-dives - the car oversteers - the car understeers - undertyre a car - winterize a car - ambulance car- baby car- base car- battery car - box car - cab-forward car - type car - cab-over-engine car - cattle car - chain-driven car - charging car - cistern car - city car - closed car - combat car - command car - commercial car - commuter car - compact car - competition car - convertible car - soft-top car - course car - crane car - cross-country car - custom-built car - cycle-car - demonstration car - diesel car - diesel-motor car - door-type car - dream car - drop-bottom car - drop-frame car - dummy car - dump car - economy car - electric car - electric motor car - emergency car - enclosed car - estate car - exhibition car - experimental car - express freight car - express goods motor car - family car - five-seater car - flag car - flat car - four-light car - freight car - front-drive car - front-wheel-drive car - front wheel drive car - full-size car - funeral car - gas-electric car - gasoline tank car - goods car - half-track car - half-track armoured car - hardtop car - high-performance car - high-priced car - high-speed car - hire car - Humberette scout car - Hummer armoured car - hybrid car - imported car - independently sprung car - isothermal liquefied gas tank car - jet-powered car - ladle car - large car - large-capacity car - left-hand drive car - light car - limit-production car - limited-edition car - line axle car - little-used car - low-price car - low-sided car - luxury car - mass-produced car - medium car - medium-powered car - mid-engined car - midjet car - mine car - mini-car - motor car - motor water car - nitrocellulose paint for car bodies - non-tipping car - oil tank car - open car - oversteering car - package car - partially loaded car - passenger car - patrol car - people's car - performance car - permanent open car - peraonal car - petroleum car - plastics-bodied car - pleasure car - police car - pony car - popular car - postal car - premium car - present-day car - private car - production car - prototype car - race car - racing car - racing-sport car - radio car - rail car - railway car loader - railway motor car - rarity car - rear-drive car - rear-engined car - rear-steering car - reconnaissance car - record car - renewed car - rental car - repair car - right-hand car - road car - road-tank car - road-test car - rotary car dumper - scout car - second-hand car - sedan car - self-discharge car - semienclosed car - seven-seater car - shop car - short-chassis car - show car - side car - sightseeing car - slag car - sledge car - small medium car - solar car - speed car - sport-racing car - sports car - sprint car - stake car - standard car - station car - steam car - stock car - street car - street watering car - motoring car - stretched car - supercharged car - supervisor's car - tank-car - taximeter car - test car - thoroughbred car - tonnage of a car dumper - touring car - tow-car - town car - trail car - trailer car - trailing car - traveller's car - tripping car - trouble car - two-seater car - unattended car - understeering car - unitary-construction car - unit-construction car - used car - utility car - vehicle car - vintage car - volume car -
20 stage
1. n сцена, театральные подмостки, эстрадаthe front of the stage, down stage — авансцена
2. n театр, сцена; театральная деятельность; драматическое искусствоto write for the stage — писать для театра, быть драматургом
stage designer — театральный декоратор, театральный художник
thrust stage — сцена, окружённая зрителями с трёх сторон
dressed the stage — обставил сцену; обставленный сцену
3. n киносъёмочный павильонscoring stage — тонателье, павильон звукозаписи
4. n арена, поприще, место действия5. n платформа; подмостки, помост, подмости6. n предметный столик7. n геол. ярус, этажWenlock stage — уэнлокский ярус, силур
8. a сценический, театральный9. a традиционно изображаемый на сцене, шаблонный, стереотипныйstage Englishman — англичанин, каким его принято изображать на сцене
quit the stage — покидать сцену; покинутый сцену
10. v ставить11. v ставиться12. v организовывать, осуществлять13. v инсценировать, подстроить14. n фаза, период, стадия, ступень, этап15. n реакт. ступень ракеты16. n станция, остановка; перегон17. n пристань18. n амер. автобус19. n элк. каскад20. n фаза приливаСинонимический ряд:1. interval (noun) interval; period; phase2. level (noun) class; degree; echelon; grade; level; notch; peg; place; plane; position; rung; step3. platform (noun) dais; frame; platform; proscenium; rostrum; scaffold; scaffolding; soapbox; soap-box4. setting (noun) locale; scene; setting; site5. theater (noun) boards; drama; footlights; limelight; play; proscenium; show biz; show business; staging; the boards; theater; theatre6. do (verb) act; do; dramatise; enact; perform; present7. have (verb) give; have; hold8. mount (verb) mount; produce; put on; show
См. также в других словарях:
exhibition centre — ➔ centre * * * exhibition centre UK US noun [C] UK (US exhibition center) MEETINGS ► a large building designed for holding exhibitions: »This is the planned site for a modern, up to date exhibition centre … Financial and business terms
Exhibition Centre Hotel Beijing (Beijing) — Exhibition Centre Hotel Beijing country: China, city: Beijing (Beijing Exhibition Centre) Exhibition Centre Hotel Beijing Location The Exhibition Centre Hotel is conveniently located, close to the famous International Exhibition Centre and the… … International hotels
Exhibition Centre railway station — Infobox UK station name = Exhibition Centre code = EXG manager = First ScotRail locale = Glasgow borough = Glasgow latitude = longitude = pte = SPT usage0203 = 0.372 usage0405 = 0.499 usage0506 = 0.633 usage0607 = 0.763 platforms = 2 original =… … Wikipedia
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre — Location South Wharf, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Coordinates … Wikipedia
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre — Coordinates: 22°17′1.18″N 114°10′22.25″E / 22.2836611°N 114.1728472°E / 22.2836611; 114.1728472 … Wikipedia
National Exhibition Centre — NEC … Wikipedia
Perth Convention Exhibition Centre — The Perth Convention Exhibition Centre (coord|31|57|25|S|115|51|13|E|type:landmark region:AU) is a convention centre located in Perth, Western Australia. It opened on the 24th August 2004, and is located on the Swan River river foreshore, only a… … Wikipedia
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre — es uno de los dos principales centros de exposiciones en Hong Kong, junto con AsiaWorld Expo. Se encuentra en Wan Chai Norte, en la isla de Hong Kong. Construido a lo largo del Puerto de Victoria, está conectado mediante pasarelas cubiertas con… … Wikipedia Español
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre — The Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, is located in Sydney s Darling Harbour near the Central Business District. The building is adjacent to Cockle Bay, Tumbalong Park and the Harbourside shopping centre.The Sydney Convention and… … Wikipedia
Earls Court Exhibition Centre — Das Earls Court Exhibition Centre. Das Earls Court Exhibition Centre (auch bekannt unter dem Namen Earls Court Arena) ist eine Mehrzweckhalle in West London. Es befindet sich auf der Grenze zwischen den beiden Londoner Stadtbezirken Royal Borough … Deutsch Wikipedia
ExCeL Exhibition Centre — Das ExCeL Exhibition Centre ist ein im November 2000 eröffnetes Messegelände in den Royal Docks, einem Teil der Docklands im Osten von London. Der Name setzt sich zusammen aus Exhibition, Centre und London. Das ExCeL Gelände ist über 400.000 m²… … Deutsch Wikipedia