1 excess of air
Автомобильный термин: избыток воздуха -
2 excess of air
3 excess of air
4 excess of air
5 excess
избыток; излишек; II чрезмерный- excess freight - excess load - excess of air - excess pressure - excess weight -
6 excess
7 excess
в соч. -
8 air
- air
- nвоздух
air and gas — проф. кислород и ацетилен для газовой сварки
- accidental air
- ambient air
- atmospheric air
- combustion air
- compressed air
- conditioned air
- cooling air
- damp air
- delivery air
- dry air
- dust-laden air
- entrained air
- entrapped air
- excess air
- exhaust air
- exit air
- extract air
- false air
- fresh air
- high air
- humid air
- indoor air
- induced air
- inside air
- leaving air
- low air
- make-up air
- mixed air
- moist air
- outdoor air
- outside air
- primary air
- recirculated air
- relief air
- replacement air
- respiration air
- return air
- rinsing air
- room air
- saturated air
- secondary air
- space air
- stagnant air
- standard air
- supersaturated air
- supply air
- surrounding air
- tempered air
- transfer air
- treated air
- ventilation air
- vitiated air
- wet air
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
9 excess air
- excess air
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
10 excess
1) избыток
2) избыточный
3) превышение
4) эксцесс
5) излишек
– coefficient of excess
– color excess
– excess air
– excess air coefficient
– excess air ratio
– excess carrier
– excess cementite
– excess charge
– excess concentration
– excess electron
– excess energy
– excess noise
– excess of a triangle
– excess of nine
– excess of triangle
– excess over
– excess population
– excess profit
– excess torque
– excess voltage
– mass excess
– measure of excess
– neutron excess
– spherical excess
excess oxidant ratio — <engin.> коэффициент избытка окислителя
11 excess
1. n избыток, излишек2. n излишество; чрезмерность; крайностьto excess — чрезмерно, больше чем нужно, до излишества
to drink to excess — пьянствовать, злоупотреблять алкоголем
she was serious almost to excess — она была, пожалуй, слишком серьёзна
3. n крайнее, чрезмерное проявление4. n превышениеthe excess of one over the other — количество, на которое одно превышает другое
in excess of — больше, свыше, сверх
excess of power — превышение власти, полномочий, правомочий
5. n разница в суммахhe paid excess of first over third class — он доплатил разницу между стоимостью билета первого и третьего класса
6. n выход за пределы допустимого, разумного; излишество, превышение, эксцесс7. n эксцесс, беспорядок, волнениеthe excesses of the light — акты насилия, совершаемые правыми
8. n невоздержанность, невоздержание, неумеренность9. n мат. остаток10. n угловой избыток, угловой дефектexcess demand — избыток спроса; избыточный спрос
11. a излишний, избыточный12. a превышающий нормуexcess fare — доплата, приплата
excess baggage — излишек багажа; багаж выше нормы
13. v амер. уволить по сокращению штатов14. v амер. перевести на другую работу в связи с рационализацией15. v амер. временно зачислить в резерв с сохранением жалованьяСинонимический ряд:1. superfluous (adj.) de trop; extra; recrementitious; spare; supererogatory; superfluent; superfluous; supernumerary2. surplus (adj.) excessive; excrescent; overflowing; plethoric; redundant; super abundant; surplus3. exorbitance (noun) exorbitance; lavishness; luxury; profusion4. fat (noun) fat; glut; overage; overflow; overrun; overstock; oversupply; plus; surplusage5. immoderation (noun) dissipation; immoderation; indulgence; inordinateness; intemperance; luxuriance; overindulgence; over-indulgence; too much; waste6. redundancy (noun) fulsomeness; nimiety; redundancy; superfluity7. surplus (noun) balance; embarrassment; excessiveness; overabundance; over-abundance; overkill; overmuch; overplus; plethora; remainder; superabundance; surfeit; surplusАнтонимический ряд:deficiency; distress; economy; failure; frugality; hunger; inadequacy; indigence; insufficiency; lack; moderation; necessity; need; shortage; simplicity; temperance -
12 air
1) воздух
2) вентиляционный
3) воздухоспускный
4) пневматичееский
5) пневматический
6) проветривать
7) сборный
8) <aeron.> авиа-
9) воздушный
10) отбойный
11) дроссельный
– access for air
– actuating air
– admit air
– air ambulance
– air analyzer
– air bag
– air balance
– air base
– air bath
– air beacon
– air binder
– air blast
– air blasting
– air bleed valve
– air bleeder
– air blower
– air bluing
– air box
– air breaking
– air bumper
– air calcination
– air capacitor
– air celestial navigation
– air cell
– air change
– air choke
– air circulation
– air classifier
– air classifying
– air cleaning
– air compressor
– air conditioning
– air cooler
– air cooling
– air crossing
– air curtain
– air cushion
– air damper
– air dash-pot
– air distance recorder
– air distributor
– air door
– air drag
– air draught
– air drier
– air duct
– air ejector condenser
– air entrapment
– air evacuation line
– air filter
– air flow classifier
– air freshener
– air gap
– air gauge
– air hardening
– air heading
– air heater
– air hoist
– air insulation
– air intake
– air jet
– air jigging
– air launching
– air line
– air load
– air lock
– air manifold
– air marker
– air mass
– air medical service
– air meteorological service
– air moisture
– air motor
– air navigation
– air outlet
– air partition
– air passage
– air pipe
– air pit
– air pocket
– air pollution
– air preheater
– air pump
– air purification
– air quality
– air raise
– air refrigerating machine
– air route
– air rudder
– air scale
– air scoop
– air scraper
– air scrubbing
– air separation
– air servicer
– air show
– air shrinkage
– air sickness
– air slaking
– air space
– air stain
– air start
– air supply
– air swinging
– air tightness
– air traffic
– air traffic control
– air traffic controller
– air transport
– air tuyere
– air uptake
– air valve
– air wave
– ambient air
– ascending air
– automatic air regulator
– auxiliary air
– blast-furnace air
– bleed air
– carburetted air
– carriage by air
– carrier air
– combustion air
– compressed air
– compressed air hammer
– compressed air locomotive
– conditioned air
– control air
– cooling air
– cycle air
– damp air
– deliver by air mail
– district air crossing
– ducted air intake
– dusty air
– entrain air
– entrap air
– entrapped air
– evacuate air from
– excess air
– excess air coefficient
– excess air ratio
– exhaust air
– extensive air shower
– foul air
– free air
– fresh air
– gas-heated air heater
– gilled air heater
– go on the air
– ground-based air navigation
– heated air ventilation
– hot air header
– hydraulic air compressor
– induced air
– inducted air
– injection air
– inleakage of air
– ionized air
– large-scale air current
– liquid air
– main air intake
– major air route
– mine air
– multipass air heater
– oil bath air cleaner
– outdoor air
– overfire air
– oxygen-enriched air
– ozonized air
– permanent air
– permanent air crossing
– plate air heater
– plate-fin air preheater
– polluted air
– precompressed air
– preheated air
– primary air
– pure air
– purified air
– rarefied air
– recuperative air cooler
– regenerative air cooler
– return air
– rough air
– saturated air
– sealing air
– self-contained air conditioner
– ship by air freight
– single-pass air heater
– single-stage air heater
– soil air
– split-flow air heater
– spray air cooler
– stagnant air
– standard air
– starting air
– still air
– still air freezing
– suction air duct
– tempering air damper
– tempering air valve
– three-pass air heater
– travel by air
– true air
– turbulent air
– two-stage air heater
– underground air
– unfeather air screw
– used air
– vulcanization in air
– vulcanize in air
compressed air operated fan — вентилятор с пневматическим привод
maritime moderate air — <meteor.> воздух умеренный морской
scale distance of air base — <phot.> базис фотографирования в масштабе аэроснимка, базис фотографирования в масштабе стереомодели
13 excess
1. избыток; излишекexcess baggage — излишек багажа; багаж выше нормы
excess demand — избыток спроса; избыточный спрос
2. превышениеexcess of power — превышение власти, полномочий, правомочий
14 excess
1. излишек2. избыточный -
15 excess air
избыточный воздух
(напр. величина избытка воздуха, необходимого для сжигания топлива, которая зависит от его физического состояния в камере сгорания, размеров частиц твёрдого или вязкости жидкого топлива, доли инертных материалов, а также от типа и конструкции топки и соответствующего оборудования)
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
3.28 избыток воздуха (excess air): Количество воздуха, которое превышает стехиометрическое требование для полного сгорания.
Примечание - Избыток воздуха выражается в процентах.
Источник: ГОСТ Р 53682-2009: Установки нагревательные для нефтеперерабатывающих заводов. Общие технические требования оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > excess air
16 air
воздух; воздушная среда; атмосфера; II проветривать; обдувать воздухом; II атмосферный; воздушный; пневматический- air acetylene welding - air accumulator - air accumulator with rubber bag - air-actuated - air agitation - air analyzer - air and fuel mixture - air and material separator - air and water post - air application time - air-assisted pressure jet atomiser - air bag - air bag steering wheel - air bag triggering unit - air ball - air barrel pump - air bath - air bell - air bellows - air binding - air blast - air blast nozzle - air blasting - air bleed - air bleed hole - air bleed valve - air bleeder - air blow cabinet - air blower - air-borne particles - air bottle - air bound - air box - air brake - air brake controls - air brake dryer - air brake hose - air brake system - air-braked - air brake dynamometer - air brake foot control - air-break - air bubble - air bulking - air bumper - air cap - air cavity - air cell chamber - air-cell cylinder head - air-cell diesel engine - air-cell piston - air cement gun - air chamber - air chamber diesel engine - air channel - air charge - air check - air chill - air clamp - air cleaner - air cleaner and silencer - air cleaner servicer - air cleaner support - air cleaner test dust - air clearance - air clutch - air cock - air compensating jet - air compressor - air-conditioned - air conditioner - air-conditioner compressor - air conditioning - air-conditioning duct - air-conditioning plant - air conduit - air connection - air consumption - air container - air control - air control shutter - air control valve - air-controlled - air conveyer - air-cooled - air-cooled engine - air-cooled flat twin engine - air cooler - air cooling - air-cored - air-core tyre - air coupling - air cowl - air cure - air-cured - air-curing - air correction jet - air current - air cushion - air cushion car - air cushion shock absorber - air cushioned seat - air cushion vehicle - air cylinder - air cylinder cap - air dam - air damper - air damping - air dashpot - air deflector - air delivery - air delivery hoses - air delivery tube in exhaust port - air density - air director - air dispenser - air distributor - air distribution manifold - air diverter valve - air door operation - air draft - air drag - air draught - air-dried crops - air drier - air drill - air-driven - air-dry - air drying - air drying paint - air duct - air duster - air eddy - air ejector fan - air engine - air escape - air escape valve - air escaping - air exhaust - air-extractor - air-fast - air feed - air feeder - air fed foil - air filter - air filter cleaner - air flow - air flow meter - air-foil bearing - air-foil lattice - air-foil skirt - air fountain - air-free - air friction - air-friction dynamometer - air-fuel ratio - air gap - air gauge - air gun - air hardening - air heater - air heating - air hoist - air hole - air horn - air hose - air-in - air inflating - air injection - air injection engine - air inlet - air inlet angle - air inlet housing - air inlet louvers - air inlet pipe - air inlet strainer - air inlet valve - air input - air intake - air intake branch - air intake filter - air intake heater - air intake opening - air intake pipe - air jet - air-lagged - air leak - air leakage - air-leg - air lift - air line - air line distance - air load - air lock - air-locked - air-lubricated foil thrust bearing - air manifold - air mass meter - air mixing chamber - air nozzle - air oil separator - air-operated - air-operated valve grinder - air-out - air outlet angle - air output - air-oven ageing test - air-over hydraulic brake - air-over hydraulics - air passage - air peener - air petrol mixture - air pillow - air pipe - air piston - air-piston accumulator - plunger accumulator - air-powered - air preheater - air pressure - air pressure brake - air pressure gauge - air pressure test - air-proof - air pump - air quenching - air reaction - air receiver - air regulator - air renewal - air reservoir - air resistance - air resistance horsepower - air-retaining liner - air sand blower - air scoop - air screw - air seal - air-seasoned wood - air seeder - air shrinkage - air side - air silencer - air space - air spoiler - air spray - air spring suspension - air-stabilized foil - air starting - air-steam - air steering control - air-storage chamber - air-storage tank - air straightener - air strainer - air strainer and silencer - air strangler - air stream - air suction inlet - air suction valve - air supply - air supply hose - air swirl - air tank - air test - air throttle - air-tight - air-transportable vehicle - air trap - air tube - air tyre - air-tyred - air valve - air vane - air vent - air vent window - air vessel - air washer - air wheel - bleed off air - determine air in the system - discharge air overboard - tap air from the compressor - top-dressing from air - top-dress plants from air - auxiliary air - carburetted air - charge air - combustion air - compressed air - conditioned air - contaminated air - control air - cooling air - dead air - excess air - free air - fresh air - heavy air - induced air - inlet air - light air - liquid air - outer air - precompressed air - preheated air - rarefied air - return air - scavenging air - soil air - stagnant air - standart air - surface air - surrounding air - turbulent air - used air -
17 air
воздух; атмосфера; воздушное пространство; воздушная масса; воздушный; авиационный; атмосферный16th stage air — воздух, отбираемый от 16-й ступени (компрессора)
air taken off the 16th stage compressor — воздух, отбираемый от 16-й ступени компрессора
bounce back into the air — подскакивать [подпрыгивать] в воздух (о самолёте)
enter the bleed air — попадать в воздух, отбираемый от двигателя
— BLC air— calm air— dead air— dry air— free air— open air— thin air— used air -
18 air
1) воздух; воздушная среда4) горн. (рудничная) атмосфера5) излучать радиосигнал ( в эфир)•to determine air in the system — устанавливать наличие воздушной пробки в системе (топливной, гидро- и т. п.);to discharge air overboard — отводить воздух в атмосферу;to go on air — выходить в эфир;to tap air from the compressor — отбирать воздух от компрессора-
actuating air
ambient air
Arctic air
auxiliary air
bleed air
blowing air
charge air
clean air
combined air
combustion air
community air
compressed air
compressor-bleed air
conditioned air
contaminated air
continental air
control air
conveying air
cutting air
dead air
decarbonizing air
diluent air
dissolved air
draw-in air
dry air
dust-free air
dust-laden air
dust-loaded air
dusty air
entrained air
entrapped air
equatorial air
excess air
exhaust air
fluidizing air
flushing air
foul air
free air
fresh air
humid air
incoming air
intake air
light air
makeup air
maritime air
mine air
mixing air
moisture-laden air
ocupational air
off air
oilfree air
overfire air
oxygen-enriched combustion air
ozonized air
plenum air
pocket air
polar air
pollutant-loaded air
pollutionless air
primary air
purge air
ram air
rarefied air
reconditioned air
return air
rinsing air
saturated air
scavenging air
scooped air
secondary air
shop air
stagnant air
standard air
stoichiometric air
subfreezing air
suction air
surface air
tank air
tertiary air
theoretical air
tropical air
underfire air
upper air
vitiated air
zero grade air -
19 air
1) воздух, воздушная среда, атмосфера2) воздушный3) вентилировать, проветривать•- ascending air - auxiliary air - community air - compressed air - control air - cooling air - crisp air - dead air - descending air - dust-loaded air - entrained air - entrapped air - exhaust air - foul air - free air - incoming air - outgoing air - ozonized air - standard air - suction air - transparent air - used air - vitiated air* * *воздух- accidental airair and gas — проф. кислород и ацетилен для газовой сварки
- ambient air
- atmospheric air
- combustion air
- compressed air
- conditioned air
- cooling air
- damp air
- delivery air
- dry air
- dust-laden air
- entrained air
- entrapped air
- excess air
- exhaust air
- exit air
- extract air
- false air
- fresh air
- high air
- humid air
- indoor air
- induced air
- inside air
- leaving air
- low air
- make-up air
- mixed air
- moist air
- outdoor air
- outside air
- primary air
- recirculated air
- relief air
- replacement air
- respiration air
- return air
- rinsing air
- room air
- saturated air
- secondary air
- space air
- stagnant air
- standard air
- supersaturated air
- supply air
- surrounding air
- tempered air
- transfer air
- treated air
- ventilation air
- vitiated air
- wet air -
20 air
См. также в других словарях:
Air-fuel ratio — (AFR) is the mass ratio of air to fuel present during combustion. When all the fuel is combined with all the free oxygen, typically within a vehicle s combustion chamber,the mixture is chemically balanced and this AFR is called the stoichiometric … Wikipedia
Air gun — Air rifle and Air pistol redirect here. For other uses, see Air gun (disambiguation) An air gun (air rifle or air pistol) is a rifle or pistol which fires projectiles by means of compressed air or other gas, (in contrast to a firearm which uses… … Wikipedia
Air entrainment — is the intentional creation of tiny air bubbles in concrete. The bubbles are introduced into the concrete by the addition to the mix of an air entraining agent, a surfactant (surface active substance, a type of chemical that includes detergents) … Wikipedia
Air Europe — was a wholly privately owned, independent British airline, established in 1978 under the working title Inter European Airways.cite book| author=Simons, Graham M. | title=It was nice to fly with friends! The story of Air Europe | publisher=GMS… … Wikipedia
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Air pollution in Hong Kong — is considered a serious problem. It affects flora and fauna in the area, and the health of residents living there. Visibility is currently less than eight kilometers for 30% of the year. Cases of asthma and bronchial infections have soared in… … Wikipedia
Air Power Australia — is a private non profit Australian think tank. It was formed by Dr Carlo Kopp and Peter Goon in October, 2004. The stated primary aim of the organization is air power research and analysis, especially in the context of a modern integrated joint… … Wikipedia
Air hunger — is the sensation of the urge to breathe. It is usually caused by the detection of high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood by sensors in the carotid sinus and is one of the body s homeostatic mechanisms to ensure proper oxygenation. Natural… … Wikipedia
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Air source heat pumps — An air source heat pump is a type of heat pump which use the outside air as a heat source or heat sink to heat or cool an interior space. Air source heat pumps are more efficient than oil, gas, and electric resistance heating in mild climates… … Wikipedia