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  • 1 tendō (old also tennō)

       tendō (old also tennō) tetendī, tentus, or (late) tēnsus, ere    [2 TA-], to stretch, make tense, stretch out, spread out, distend, extend: plagas: quia non rete accipitri tennitur, T.: retia cervis, O.: arcum, keep bent, H.: tendere doctior arcūs, O.: vela, swell, V.: cubilia, spread, H.: tenta ubera, distended, H.—Of tents, to spread out, pitch, erect: praetorium, Cs.— To stretch out, present, offer, reach, extend: manūs ad templa: bracchia caelo, O.: ad legatos supplices manūs, Cs.: vobis manūs: supinas manūs, L.: dexteram Italiae, reaches: civibus lucem ingeni sui, to tender: patri Iulum, hold out, V.— To aim, direct, shoot, drive: Quo tendant ferrum, V.: sagittas Arcu, H.: spicula cornu, V. — To string, tune: barbiton, H.—Fig., to lay, contrive, devise: insidiae tenduntur alicui, are laid.— To press, strain: ultra Legem tendere opus, i. e. press to extravagance, H.: Aestivam sermone benigno noctem, protract, H.—Of a way or course, to direct, pursue, turn, wend: iter ad naves, V.: unde et quo cursum, L.— To direct oneself, hold a course, aim, strive, go, move, march, drive, tend, bend: Venusiam: cursuque amens ad limina tendit, V.: ad castra, L.: unde venis? et Quo tendis? H.— To extend, stretch, reach: (via), quae sub moenia tendit, V.— To set up tents, be under tents, be encamped, encamp: sub vallo, Cs.: legio latis tendebat in arvis, V.: in angusto, L.: laxius, Cu.— Fig., to aim, strive, be directed, be inclined, tend: ad reliqua alacri animo: ad altiora, L.: ad eloquium, O.: cum alii alio tenderent, L.: Non dices, quorsum haec tendant, tend, H.— To be persistent, make exertion, exert oneself, strive, endeavor, contend, struggle: miles tendere inde ad iurgium, persists, T.: vasto certamine tendunt, V.: videt Catilinam magnā vi tendere, S.: patres, adversus quos tenderet, L.: senatu minus in praeturā tendente, making less opposition in the case of the praetorship, L.: quid tendit? cum efficere non possit, ut, etc., what does he strive for?: nihil illi tendere contra, V.: manibus tendit divellere nodos, V.: Ire foras tendebat frustra, H.: captae civitati leges imponere, L.: aqua tendit rumpere plumbum, H.

    Latin-English dictionary > tendō (old also tennō)

  • 2 tendo

    tendo ( tenno), tĕtendi, tentum and tensum, 3, v. a. and n. [root ten-, tan, v. teneo; cf. Gr. teinô].
    Act., to stretch, stretch out, distend, extend, etc. (class.; cf.: extendo, explico).
    In gen.:

    suntne igitur insidiae, tendere plagas?

    Cic. Off. 3, 17, 68:

    plagam, Pac. ap. Fest. s. v. nequitum, p. 162 Müll.: quia non rete accipitri tennitur,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 16 sq.; cf.:

    retia (alicui),

    Prop. 2, 32 (3, 30), 20; Hor. Epod. 2, 33; Ov. M. 4, 513; 7, 701; 8, 331 al.:

    casses alicui,

    Tib. 1, 6, 5:

    intumescit collum, nervi tenduntur,

    Col. 6, 14, 4:


    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 55:


    to bend, Verg. A. 7, 164; Hor. C. 2, 10, 20; Ov. M. 2, 604; 5, 55; 5, 63; Stat. S. 3, 1, 51.—Hence, poet. transf.:

    sagittas Arcu,

    to shoot, hurl, Hor. C. 1, 29, 9; cf.:

    spicula cornu,

    Verg. A. 9, 606:

    pariterque oculos telumque,

    id. ib. 5, 508:


    to tune, Hor. C. 1, 1, 34; cf.:

    tympana tenta tonant palmis,

    Lucr. 2, 618:

    validā lora manu,

    Ov. Am. 3, 2, 72:

    vela (Noti),

    to swell, Verg. A. 3, 268:

    praecipiti carbasa tenta Noto,

    Ov. H. 10, 30:


    to stretch out, pitch, Caes. B. C. 3, 82: pelles in ordine tentae, Lucil. ap. Non. 181, 30:


    Prop. 3, 11 (4, 10), 45: grabatos restibus, Lucil. ap. Non. 181, 29:


    Hor. Epod. 12, 12: manus ad caeli caerula templa, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 20, 40 (Ann. v. 51 Vahl.); so, manus ad caelum, Caes. B. C. 2, 5; Verg. A. 3, 176:

    bracchia ad caelum,

    Ov. M. 6, 279; 9, 293;

    for which: bracchia caelo,

    id. ib. 2, 580;

    9, 210: ad legatos atque exercitum supplices manus tendunt,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 12; so,

    manus ad aliquem,

    id. B. G. 2, 13:

    ad sidera palmas,

    Verg. A. 1, 93:

    super aequora palmas,

    Ov. M. 8, 849:

    ad aliquem orantia bracchia,

    id. P. 2, 9, 65:

    manus supplices dis immortalibus,

    Cic. Font. 17, 48; cf.:

    vobis supplex manus tendit patria communis,

    id. Cat. 4, 9, 18; so,

    manus alicui,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 48; Ov. M. 3, 723; id. H. 10, 146:

    manus supinas,

    Liv. 3, 50, 5:

    manus ripae ulterioris amore,

    Verg. A. 6, 314; cf.

    also: Graecia tendit dexteram Italiae,

    stretches forth, reaches, Cic. Phil. 10, 4, 9; id. Prov. Cons. 4, 9:

    (conjux) parvum patri tendebat Iulum,

    reaches out, Verg. A. 2, 674:

    tu munera supplex Tende, petens pacem,

    id. G. 4, 535:

    quo tendant ferrum,

    aim, direct, id. A. 5, 489:

    qua nunc se ponti plaga caerula tendit,

    stretches itself out, extends, Lucr. 5, 481. —
    In partic.:

    nervum tendere, in mal. part.,

    Auct. Priap. 70; cf. Mart. 11, 60, 3.—Hence, tentus, a lecherous man, Mart. 11, 73, 3; Auct. Priap. 20; 27; 34 al.; and tenta, ōrum, n., = membrum virile, Cat. 80, 6.—
    Trop.: insidiae tenduntur alicui, are spread out, laid (qs. like nets), Cic. Rosc. Com. 16, 46:

    insidias alicui,

    Sall. C. 27, 2; Suet. Caes. 35:

    omnes insidias animis,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 17, 47:

    animum vigilem,

    to strain, exert, Stat. Achill. 1, 543: longo tendit praecordia voto, Claud. Cons. Prob. et Ol. 66; cf.:

    sunt quibus in Satirā videor nimis acer et ultra Legem tendere opus,

    i. e. to heighten, aggravate, Hor. S. 2, 1, 2:

    aestivam sermone benigno noctem,

    to protract, extend, id. Ep. 1, 5, 11:

    (lunam) Tanto posse minus cum Signis tendere cursum,

    to direct, Lucr. 5, 631:

    cursum ex acie in Capitolia,

    Sil. 9, 216:

    cursum ad agmina suorum,

    id. 10, 73:

    iter ad naves,

    Verg. A. 1, 656:

    iter pennis,

    id. ib. 6, 240:

    ad dominum iter,

    Ov. M. 2, 547:

    cursum unde et quo,

    Liv. 23, 34, 5:

    iter in Hispaniam, Auct. B. Afr. 95: cunctis civibus lucem ingenii et consilii sui porrigens atque tendens,

    tendering, offering, Cic. de Or. 1, 40, 184.—
    To direct one ' s self or one ' s course; to aim, strive, go, travel, march, tend, bend one ' s course in any direction (class.).

    dubito an Venusiam tendam,

    Cic. Att. 16, 5, 3:


    Hor. S. 1, 5, 71:

    cursuque amens ad limina tendit,

    Verg. A. 2, 321:

    ad castra,

    Liv. 9, 37:

    in castra,

    id. 10, 36:

    ad aedes,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 89:

    ad domum Bruti et Cassii,

    Suet. Caes. 85:

    ad portus,

    Ov. M. 15, 690:

    Ciconum ad oras,

    id. ib. 10, 3:

    ad metam,

    id. ib. 15, 453; cf.:

    cum alter ad alterum tenderemus,

    Plin. Ep. 1, 5, 9:

    unde venis? et Quo tendis?

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 63; id. Ep. 1, 15, 11; id. C. 3, 3, 70:

    quo tendere pergunt,

    Verg. A. 6, 198; Nep. Milt. 1, 6:

    tendimus huc (sc. in Orcum) omnes,

    Ov. M. 10, 34 et saep. —
    Of things concrete or abstract, to go, proceed, extend, stretch, etc.:

    in quem locum quaeque (imago) tendat,

    Lucr. 4, 179:

    levibus in sublime tendentibus,

    Plin. 2, 5, 4, § 11:

    sursum tendit palmes,

    Col. 5, 6, 28:

    simulacra viis derectis omnia tendunt,

    Lucr. 4, 609.— Poet., with acc. of direction:

    tunc aethera tendit,

    Luc. 7, 477:

    dextera (via), quae Ditis magni sub moenia tendit,

    Verg. A. 6, 541:

    gula tendit ad stomachum, is ad ventrem,

    reaches, extends, Plin. 11, 37, 66, § 176:

    Taurus mons ad occasum tendens,

    id. 5, 27, 27, § 97; so id. 5, 5, 5, § 35; 16, 30, 53, § 122; cf.:

    Portae Caspiae, quae per Iberiam in Sarmatas tendunt,

    id. 6, 13, 15, § 40:

    seu mollis quā tendit Ionia,

    Prop. 1, 6, 31.—
    In gen., to aim, strive, be directed or inclined, to tend in any direction:

    ad reliqua alacri tendebamus animo,

    Cic. Div. 2, 2, 4; cf.:

    ad altiora et non concessa tendere,

    Liv. 4, 13, 4:

    ad majora,

    Quint. 2, 4, 20; 12, 2, 27:

    ad eloquium,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 10, 17:

    ad suum,

    Liv. 4, 9, 5; cf.:

    ad Carthaginienses,

    id. 24, 5, 8:

    cum alii alio tenderent,

    id. 24, 28, 1:

    in diversum sententiae tendebant,

    id. 36, 10, 7: tenes, quorsum haec tendant, quae loquor, tend, look, = spectent, Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 81; Hor. S. 2, 7, 21. —
    To exert one ' s self, to strive, endeavor (mostly poet.); with inf.:

    (Laocoon) manibus tendit divellere nodos,

    Verg. A. 2, 220:

    pasta (nitedula) rursus Ire foras pleno tendebat corpore frustra,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 31: captae [p. 1853] civitati leges imponere, Liv. 6, 38, 7; 24, 35; 10, 1:

    quod efficere tendimus,

    Quint. 9, 1, 21:

    fratresque tendentes opaco Pelion imposuisse Olympo,

    Hor. C. 3, 4, 51:

    tendit disertus haberi,

    id. Ep. 1, 19, 16:

    aqua tendit rumpere plumbum,

    id. ib. 1, 10, 20; Pers. 5, 139; Juv. 10, 154. — Absol.:

    miles tendere, inde ad jurgium,

    insists, persists, Ter. Eun. 4, 1, 12. —
    In partic., to exert one ' s self in opposition, to strive, try, endeavor, contend (class. but not freq. till the Aug. per.):

    nec nos obniti contra nec tendere tantum Sufficimus,

    Verg. A. 5, 21; cf.: nec mora nec requies;

    vasto certamine tendunt,

    id. ib. 12, 553:

    Petreius ubi videt Catilinam contra ac ratus erat magnā vi tendere,

    Sall. C. 60, 5; cf.:

    summā vi,

    Liv. 32, 32, 7 Drak.:

    adversus, etc.,

    id. 34, 34, 1:


    id. 35, 51, 6:


    id. 24, 31, 4:


    Tac. A. 2, 74; cf.:

    acrius contra, ut, etc.,

    Liv. 3, 15, 2; so with ut, id. 4, 7, 8; with ne, id. 4, 8, 6:

    quid tendit? cum efficere non possit, ut, etc.,

    what does he strive for? to what do his efforts tend? Cic. Fin. 2, 5, 16; cf.:

    nihil illi tendere contra,

    Verg. A. 9, 377. —
    For tentoria tendere, to set up tents, to be under tents, be encamped, to encamp:

    qui sub vallo tenderent mercatores,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 37; cf.:

    omnibus extra vallum jussis tendere, Frontin. Strat. 4, 1, 18: vallo tendetis in illo,

    Luc. 7, 328:

    hic Dolopum manus, hic saevus tendebat Achilles,

    Verg. A. 2, 29:

    legio latis tendebat in arvis,

    id. ib. 8, 605:

    isdem castris,

    Liv. 44, 13, 12; 27, 46; 44, 5; Suet. Galb. 12; 19; cf.:

    isdem hibernis tendentes,

    Tac. H. 1, 55:

    Lugduni tendentes,

    id. ib. 1, 59:

    cum multitudo laxius tenderet,

    Curt. 3, 8, 18; 5, 7, 6; 7, 2, 37:

    tendere in campis,

    id. 10, 7, 20. — Hence, tensus, a, um, P. a., stretched out, drawn tight, strained, tense (rare):

    rectissima linea tensa,

    Quint. 3, 6, 83:


    id. 11, 3, 82; cf.:

    remissis magis quam tensis (digitis),

    id. 11, 3, 99:

    vox tensior (opp. remissior),

    id. 11, 3, 42:


    Luc. 7, 469:


    id. 2, 683:


    Lucr. 6, 1195:

    tormento citharāque tensior,

    Auct. Priap. 6 and 70.— Sup. and adv. do not occur.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > tendo

  • 3 tendo

    [Swahili Word] tendo
    [Swahili Plural] matendo
    [English Word] act
    [English Plural] acts
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] tenda V
    [Swahili Word] tendo
    [Swahili Plural] matendo
    [English Word] action
    [English Plural] actions
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] tenda V
    [Swahili Word] tendo
    [Swahili Plural] matendo
    [English Word] cause
    [English Plural] causes
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Swahili Word] tendo
    [Swahili Plural] matendo
    [English Word] deed
    [English Plural] deeds
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Swahili Word] tendo
    [Swahili Plural] matendo
    [English Word] effect
    [English Plural] effects
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Swahili Word] tendo
    [Swahili Plural] matendo
    [English Word] efficacy
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Swahili Word] tendo
    [Swahili Plural] matendo
    [English Word] influence
    [English Plural] influences
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6

    Swahili-english dictionary > tendo

  • 4 tendo calcaneus

    tendo calcaneus.

    Spanish-English dictionary > tendo calcaneus

  • 5 tendo cricoesophageus

    tendo cricoesophageus.

    Spanish-English dictionary > tendo cricoesophageus

  • 6 tendo em conta

    considerate, considering

    Dicionário português (brasileiro)-Inglês > tendo em conta

  • 7 tendó

    n (m) tendon

    Diccionari Català-Anglès > tendó

  • 8 tendo

    tendere, tetendi, tensus V
    stretch/spread/extend; distend; aim/direct weapon/glance/steps/course; strive; pitch tent, encamp; pull tight; draw (bow); press on, insist; exert oneself
    tendere, tetendi, tentus V
    stretch/spread/extend; distend; aim/direct weapon/glance/steps/course; strive; pitch tent, encamp; pull tight; draw (bow); press on, insist; exert oneself

    Latin-English dictionary > tendo

  • 9 tendo

    to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend, present, give.

    Latin-English dictionary of medieval > tendo

  • 10 Tendo

    1. sinew
    2. tendon

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Tendo

  • 11 tendo


    Esperanto-English dictionary > tendo

  • 12 con-tendō

        con-tendō dī, tus, ere,    to stretch, bend, draw tight, strain: arcum, V.: tormenta: vincla, V.: ilia risu, O.—To aim, draw, make ready: nervo equino telum, V.—To aim, shoot, hurl, dart, throw: Mago hastam (i. e. in Magum), V.: telum in auras, V.—Fig., to strain, stretch, exert: nervos aetatis meae: animum in curas, O.: ad hunc cursum (i. e. ad huius imperium), follow zealously, V.—To strive for, press, pursue, prosecute, hasten, exert oneself: id sibi contendendum existimabat, Cs.: hunc (locum) oppugnare contendit, zealously lays siege to, Cs.: summā vi transcendere in hostium navīs, Cs.: in Britanniam proficisci, Cs.: litora cursu petere, V.: voce ut populus hoc exaudiat: remis, ut eam partem insulae caperet, Cs.: ne patiamini imperatorem eripi: quantum maxime possem, contenderem: oculo quantum Lynceus, reach with the sight, H.—To march, press on, seek, journey hastily, hasten: in Italiam magnis itineribus, Cs.: huc magno cursu, Cs.: ad castra, Cs.: Lacedaemonem, N.: ad summam laudem maximis laboribus: quo contendimus, pervenire: nocte unā tantum itineris.—To measure together, compare, contrast: causas ipsas: leges: id cum defensione nostrā: ostro vellera, H.—To measure strength, strive, dispute, fight, contend, vie: proelio, Cs.: magis virtute quam dolo, Cs.: rapido cursu, V.: Moribus, H.: frustra, V.: iactu aleae de libertate, play for, Ta.: is liceri non destitit; illi contenderunt, kept bidding (at an auction): tecum de honore: cum magnis legionibus parvā manu, S.: cum victore, H.: humilitas cum dignitate: Nec cellis contende Falernis, compete with, V.: contra populum R. armis, Cs.: contra vim morbi: de potentatu inter se, Cs.: non iam de vitā Sullae contenditur, the dispute is: proelio equestri inter duas acies contendebatur, Cs.—To demand, ask, solicit, entreat, seek: a me (ut dicerem), qui, etc.: a Pythio ut venderet: a militibus ne, etc., Cs.: hic magistratus a populo summā ambitione contenditur: ne quid contra aequitatem.—To assert, affirm, insist, protest, maintain, contend: hoc contra Hortensium: hoc ex contrario: contendam, eum damnari oportere: audebo hoc contendere, numquam esse, etc.: illud nihil nos... scientes fuisse, L.: quae contendere possis Facta manu, you might swear, O.

    Latin-English dictionary > con-tendō

  • 13 dē-tendō

        dē-tendō —, sus, ere,     to unstretch: tabernaculis detensis, struck, Cs.: tabernacula, L.

    Latin-English dictionary > dē-tendō

  • 14 dis-tendō

        dis-tendō dī, tus, ere,    to stretch asunder, stretch out, extend: bracchia, O.: novem Iugeribus distentus, O.: hostium copias, L. — To swell out, distend, stuff, fill: horrea, Tb.: ubera lacte, V. — To divide, separate: copias hostium, L. — Fig., to divide, distract, perplex: in duo bella curas hominum, L.: animos, L.

    Latin-English dictionary > dis-tendō

  • 15 ex-tendō

        ex-tendō tendī, tentus or tēnsus, ere,    to stretch out, spread out, extend: extensis digitis: Buten harenā, stretch prostrate, V.: capita tignorum, Cs.: Maiores pennas nido, H.: aciem latius, Cu.: labellum, pout, Iu.: gladios, forge, Iu.: Iussit extendi campos, spread, O.: toto ingens extenditur antro, V.: per extentum funem posse ire, on a tight rope, i. e. to perform dexterous feats, H. — Fig., to extend, increase, enlarge, lengthen, spread: agros, H.: famam factis, V.: nomen in ultimas oras, H.: cupiditatem gloriae, L.: extentis itineribus, by forced marches, L.: cursūs, proceed, V.: faenus in usuras, i. e. compound interest, Ta.—To exert, strain: se magnis itineribus, Cs.: se supra vires, L.: magis ille extenditur, is excited, Iu.—To extend, prolong, continue, spend, pass: curas venientem in annum, V.: luctūs in aevom, O.: extento aevo vivere, H.: non longius quam... extendi, last, L.

    Latin-English dictionary > ex-tendō

  • 16 in-tendō

        in-tendō dī, tus, ere,    to stretch out, reach forth, extend: dextram ad statuam: manūs, O.: iubet intendi bracchia velis, V.—To stretch, spread out, lay, fasten, extend: intendentibus tenebris, spreading, L.: tabernacula carbaseis intenta velis, pitched: coronas Postibus, O.: duro intendere bracchia tergo, bind, V.: locum sertis, encircled, V.: vela secundi Intendunt zephyri, swell, V.: numeros nervis, V.—To bend, aim, direct: arcum: arma temptare, intendere, S.: tela in patriam.—Fig., to strain, extend, direct, bend, turn, aim: officia, to be zealous in, S.: aciem acrem in omnīs partes, turns keen looks: digna res est ubi tu nervos intendas tuos, your energies, T.: quonam hostes iter intendissent, direct their march, L.: coeptum iter in Italiam, L.: quo nunc primum intendam, whither shall I turn? T.—To turn, direct, assail with, aim: intendenda in senemst fallacia, T.: ubi Hannibal est, eo bellum intendis? L.: mihi actionem perduellionis: litem tibi.—To urge, incite: eum ad cavendi omnia curam, L.: se ad firmitatem, brace.— To direct, turn, give, lend (often with animus): intentum animum tamquam arcum habebat, kept on the stretch: quo animum intendat, facile perspicio: ad bellum animum intendit, S.: animum studiis, H.: ubi ingenium intenderis, valet, S.—To increase, magnify, intensify: vocem, raise, V.: spiritum, Cu.: formidinem, quod, etc., Ta.: huic negatus honor gloriam intendit, Ta.: vera, exaggerate, Ta.—To give attention to, purpose, endeavor, intend: quod consilium primum intenderam, T.: infecto quod intenderat negotio, S.: quod animo intenderat, perficere: quo ire intenderant, S.: altum petere intendit, L.: ut eo quo intendit, perveniat (sc. ire): quocumque intenderat, S.—To maintain, assert: Eam sese esse, T.: quo modo nunc intendit.

    Latin-English dictionary > in-tendō

  • 17 ob-tendō

        ob-tendō dī, tus, ere,    to spread before, stretch over: Pro viro nebulam, V.: obtentā nocte, i. e. in dark night, V.: Britannia Germaniae obtenditur, lies over against, Ta.—To plead as an excuse: matris preces obtendens, Ta.—Fig., to hide, conceal, envelop: quasi velis quibusdam obtenditur uniuscuiusque natura.—To make a cover for: curis luxum, Ta.

    Latin-English dictionary > ob-tendō

  • 18 per-tendō

        per-tendō tendī, —, ere,    to press on, carry out, continue: Verum si incipies, neque pertendes naviter, T.: ut coeperam hoc, T.: pertendens animo, stubborn, Pr.—To push on, proceed: Romam, L.

    Latin-English dictionary > per-tendō

  • 19 prae-tendō

        prae-tendō dī, tus, ere,    to stretch forth, reach out, extend, present: hastas dextris, V.: fumos manu, i. e. fumigate, V.: praetenta Tela, presented, O.: coniugis taedas, i. e. assume to be your husband, V.—To spread before, draw over: vestem ocellis, holds before, O.: morti muros, i. e. skulk from death behind walls, V.: decreto sermonem, prefix, L.— Pass, to stretch out before, lie opposite, extend in front: tenue praetentum litus esse, a narrow stretch of shore, L.: praetentaque Syrtibus arva, V.—Fig., to hold out as an excuse, offer as a pretext, allege, pretend, simulate: hominis doctissimi nomen tuis barbaris moribus, shelter under the name: culpae splendida verba tuae, O.: legem postulationi suae, L.: deorum numen praetenditur sceleribus, L.: honesta nomina, Ta.

    Latin-English dictionary > prae-tendō

  • 20 prō-tendō

        prō-tendō —, tus, ere,    to stretch forth, stretch, reach out, extend: hastas, V.: bracchia In mare, O.: ire in protenta tela, O.—In zeugma: oculos dextramque precantem, i. e. lifting eyes and hands in supplication, V.

    Latin-English dictionary > prō-tendō

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tendō — shi 天童市 Geographische Lage in Japan …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tendō — (天童 heavenly child or 天道 way of heaven ) can refer to:Places*Tendō, Yamagata *Tendō Station in the city of Tendō *Tendō Han, a han in the Edo periodJapanese family namePeople*, singer [http://www.yoshimi tendo.com/] *, authorFictional Characters* …   Wikipedia

  • Tendo Ryu — Kenji Shimizu (jap. 清水健二, Shimizu Kenji; * 1940 in der Präfektur Fukuoka, Distrikt Kaho, Stadt Honami, Tendo, Japan) begann 1953 mit dem Judo Training und trug den 4. Dan, als er 1963, nach seinem Studium an der Meiji Universität, zum Aikido… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tendo Hotel — (Tendo,Япония) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 994 0025 Yamagata, Tendo, Kamata Honcho …   Каталог отелей

  • Tendo Central Hotel — (Tendo,Япония) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 994 0034 Yamagata, Tendo, Honch …   Каталог отелей

  • Tendō, Yamagata — Tendō (天童市; shi) is a city located in Yamagata, Japan.As of 2003, the city has an estimated population of 63,577 and the density of 562.58 persons per km². The total area is 113.01 km².The city was founded on October 1, 1958.TransportationTrain… …   Wikipedia

  • Tendō — shi (天童市) Panorama de la ville Administration Pays Japon Région Tōhoku Préfecture …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tendo (Begriffsklärung) — Tendo bezeichnet eine Stadt in der Präfektur Yamagata in Japan, siehe Tendō ein Lehen in der Edo Zeit, siehe Tendō (Han) verschiedene Mah Jongg Computerspiele ab 1994, siehe TenDo (Computerspiel) den Aikido Stil Tendo Ryu, siehe Kenji Shimizu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tendo — Tendō Tendō (天童市; shi) est une ville de la préfecture de Yamagata au nord de l île de Honshū au Japon. Sa superficie est de 113,01 km². En 2003, la population s élevait à 63 577 habitants et sa densité était de 562,58 personnes par km². Tendō est …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tendo-ryu — can refer to the following things:* A bujutsu koryu specializing in the use of the naginata. See Tendo ryu bujutsu. * An aikido style founded by Kenji Shimizu. * The style of Anything Goes Martial Arts practiced by the Tendo family in the… …   Wikipedia

  • tendo — Tendón, como por ejemplo el tendo calcaneus o tendón de Aquiles. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 …   Diccionario médico

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