Перевод: с английского на шведский

с шведского на английский


  • 1 governor

    n. härskare; guvernör; ledare; regulator (fordon)
    * * *
    1) (in the United States, the head of a state: the Governor of Ohio.) guvernör
    2) (a member of the committee of people who govern a school, hospital etc: He is on the board of governors.) styrelsemedlem
    3) (a person who governs a province or colony.) ståthållare

    English-Swedish dictionary > governor

  • 2 Governor of the Bank of Israel

    chef för Israels riksbank

    English-Swedish dictionary > Governor of the Bank of Israel

  • 3 governor of the Bank of

    bankdiriktör i

    English-Swedish dictionary > governor of the Bank of

  • 4 military governor

    militär ledare

    English-Swedish dictionary > military governor

  • 5 government

    n. regering; regeringsmakt; ledning
    * * *
    1) (the people who rule a country or state: the British Government.) regering
    2) (the way in which a country or state is ruled: Democracy is one form of government.) styrelsesätt, regeringsform, statsskick
    3) (the act or process of governing.) styrande, regerande
    - governor
    - governorship

    English-Swedish dictionary > government

  • 6 invest

    v. investera; tilldela; utrusta med; installera; kläda, bekläda; innesluta; pryda; karaktärisera
    * * *
    I [in'vest] verb
    ((with in) to put (money) into (a firm or business) usually by buying shares in it, in order to make a profit: He invested (two hundred dollars) in a building firm.) investera
    - investor II [in'vest] verb
    (to establish (a person) officially in a position of authority etc: The governor will be invested next week.) installera

    English-Swedish dictionary > invest

  • 7 residency

    n. residens, bostad, boning; tjänstebostad; förvaltningsdistrikt
    * * *
    plural - residencies; noun (the home of the governor etc in a colony etc.) residens

    English-Swedish dictionary > residency

  • 8 swear in

    (to introduce (a person) into a post or office formally, by making him swear an oath: The new Governor is being sworn in next week.) låta avlägga ämbetsed

    English-Swedish dictionary > swear in

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