1 employee
- employee
- n- city employee
- construction employee
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 employee
3 employee identification
- employee identification
- nпропуск-значок (напр. рабочего для прохода на стройплощадку)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > employee identification
4 employee
5 employee
сущ.1) упр., эк. тр. (наемный) работник, сотрудник; служащий; рабочий (работающий на предприятии или в организации по трудовому договору за заработную плату или оклад, как правило, на позициях, не относящихся к управленческим)state employee — государственный [правительственный\] служащий
executive employee — руководитель, руководящий работник
office [clerical\] employee — конторский [канцелярский\] служащий, работник офиса
railway employee — железнодорожник, работник железной дороги
secretarial employee — служащий секретариата, канцелярский служащий
technical employee — технический служащий [работник\]
high-salaried [high-salary\] employee — высокооплачиваемый работник*, работник с высоким окладом*
low-salaried [low-salary\] employee — низкооплачиваемый работник*, работник с низким окладом*
employee bonus — премия работнику, надбавка к зарплате работника
Syn:See:administrative employee, confidential employee, contract employee, emergency employee, essential employee, exempt employee, federal employee, field employee, full-time employee, highly compensated employee, hourly employee, indeterminate employee, key employee, leased employee, long-term employee, managerial employee, nonexempt employee, non-exempt employee, nonhighly compensated employee, non-highly compensated employee, non-resident employee, office employee, part-time employee, professional employee, public employee, resident employee, retired employee, salaried employee, salary employee, state employee, temporary employee, wage employee, waged employee, employee benefits, employee buy-out, employee contribution, employee deferrals, employee director, employee discrimination, employee dishonesty, employee educational benefit, employee expenses, employee insurance, employee invention, employee involvement, employee leasing, employee magazine, employee maintenance, employee motivation, employee organization, employee participation, employee potential, employee rating, employee referral, employee relations, employee report, employee representation, employee representative, employee retention, employee share option, employee share ownership, employee stock option, employee stock ownership, employee trust, employee trust fund, employee turnover, employee welfare, employee's contribution, employees insurance, employees' insurance, employee's invention, employees' stock plan, all-employee share scheme, cafeteria employee benefit plan, employee-employer match, employee-employer matching, employee-owned company, employer-employee match, employer-employee matching, employer-employee relations, employee savings plan, harassment by low-level employees, revenue per employee, sales per employee, value added per employee, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Confederation of Health Service Employees, International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists, National Union of Public Employees, employer, collective agreement, collective bargaining, salaryman2) упр., эк. тр., мн. персонал, штат, кадрыSyn:
* * *
рабочий, служащий, рабо-тающий по найму за деньги. -
6 employee
[ˌemplɔɪˈi:]administrative employee конторский служащий bank employee банковский служащий bank employee работник банка business employee служащий предприятия central government employee государственный служащий commercial employee торговый работник discharge an employee увольнять работника dismiss an employee увольнять работника employee health service медицинский пункт на предприятии full-time employee работник, занятый полный рабочий день government employee государственный служащий local government employee муниципальный служащий managerial employee работник администрации employee служащий; работающий по найму; number of employees число занятых part-time employee служащий, занятый неполный рабочий день public employee государственный служащий public employee муниципальный служащий public sector employee государственный служащий public service employee государственный служащий public service employee служащий органов муниципального самоуправления railway employee железнодорожник railway employee работник железной дороги receiving employee приемщик retired employee пенсионер salaried employee наемный работник salaried employee служащий на твердом окладе sheeltered employee защищенный (законом) работник state employee государственный служащий temporary employee временный работник unskilled employee неквалифицированный рабочий -
7 employee
nрабочий; служащий; работающий по найму
- alien employee
- bank employee
- commissioned employee
- company employee
- executive employee
- full-time employee
- ghost employees on the payroll
- government employee
- highly-compensated employee
- highly-trained employee
- hourly paid employee
- key employee
- leading employee
- long-service employee
- management employee
- managerial employee
- manufacturing employee
- municipal employee
- nonexempt employee
- office employee
- part-time employee
- permanent employee
- probationary employee
- public employee
- regular employee
- salaried employee
- wage employee
- employee of a bankEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > employee
8 employee benefits
эк. тр. дополнительные выплаты работникам, пособия работникам, дополнительные выплаты и льготы работникам* (любые выплаты, пособия и льготы работникам помимо заработной платы, включая натуральные выплаты, денежные выплаты (премии, подарки и т. п.), отчисления в пенсионные и/или страховые фонды, право пользования телефоном или автомобилем компании и др.)Syn:See:mandated employee benefits, employee benefit advisor, employee benefit consultant, employee benefit liability, employee benefit plan, employee benefit trust fund, employee benefits advisor, employee benefits consultant, employee benefits liability, employee benefits manager, employee benefits manager, employee benefits plan, Employee Benefits Security Administration, fringe benefits, remuneration package, employee benefit plan, cafeteria plan, future service benefit, Registered Employee Benefits Consultant, certified employee benefit specialist* * * -
9 employee
служащий; работник по найму- called-in employee
- consular employee
- corporate employee
- correctional employee
- crooked employee
- defendant employee
- federal employee
- government employee
- larcenous employee
- nonunion employee
- plaintiff employee
- public employee
- thieving employee
- tortious employee
- union employee -
10 employee
лицо наёмного труда; служащий; рабочий -
11 employee
[ˌɪmplɔɪ'iː], [em]сущ.служащий; работающий по наймуto engage / hire / take on an employee — нанимать сотрудника на работу
- government employeeto dismiss / fire / sack an employee — выгонять сотрудника с работы
- white-collar employee
- full-time employee
- part-time employee -
12 employee
рабочий, служащий; работающий по найму• -
13 employee
[ˌemplɔɪ'iːˌ ɪmˌplɔɪ'ːɪ]nслужащий, рабочий по найму- white-collar employee- government employee
- exempt employee
- full-time employee
- part-time employee
- employees' insurance
- take on employees
- dismiss an employee
- make an employee redundant -
14 employee stock purchase program
фин., упр. программа приобретения акций сотрудниками* (предусматривает покупку сотрудниками акций компании по цене ниже рыночной и в счет заработной платы)Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > employee stock purchase program
15 employee
n рабочий; служащий; работающий по наймуtrial employee — служащий, проходящий испытательный срок
wage employee — рабочий, получающий заработную плату
Синонимический ряд:worker (noun) agent; assistant; clerk; domestic; hired hand; hireling; jobholder; laborer; labourer; representative; servant; subordinate; wage earner; workerАнтонимический ряд: -
16 employee benefits consultant
страх., эк. тр. консультант по выплатам [льготам\] работникам* (лицо, дающее консультации по вопросам организации и функционирования различных планов дополнительных выплат работникам, в том числе систем выплат пособий по болезни и травме и др.)Syn:employee benefit consultant, employee benefit advisor, employee benefits advisor, benefits advisor, benefits consultant, benefit advisor, benefit consultantSee:Англо-русский экономический словарь > employee benefits consultant
17 employee stock ownership plan
сокр. ESOP фин., упр., амер. план владения акциями служащими [работниками\] (компания создает фонд, который выкупает часть акций компании и распределяет их между работниками компании; план базируется на федеральном законе США от 1974 г.)Syn:See:employee stock ownership trust, leveraged employee stock ownership plan, non-leveraged employee stock ownership plan, Payroll Stock Ownership Plan, Tax Reduction Act Stock Ownership Plan
* * *
abbrev.: ESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan план владения служащими акциями своих компаний (США): программа участия в прибылях компании путем покупки ее акций, основанная на законодательстве 1974 г.; компания помещает определенное количество своих акций в фонд, из которого они постепенно (на протяжении 10-15 лет) переходят (продаются) в собственность служащих, что призвано заинтересовать их в результатах работы.* * *Англо-русский экономический словарь > employee stock ownership plan
18 employee insurance
страх., эк. тр. страхование работников [сотрудников\] (страхование жизни и здоровья работников организации, страховые взносы по которому работодатель выплачивает самостоятельно и/или делает отчисления из заработной платы работников)Syn:See:key employee insurance, group insurance, disability income insurance, self-insured employer, salary continuation plan
* * *
страхование сотрудников: страхование жизни и здоровья сотрудников, предлагаемое им компанией; см. disability income insurance; -
19 employee representation
эк. тр. представительство работников (в каких-л. органах или процедурах, напр., в органах управления организацией, на коллективных переговорах и т. п.)employee representation body — организация, представляющая интересы работников
Syn:See:employee representative, collective bargaining, employee director, employee organization, labour organization* * *Англо-русский экономический словарь > employee representation
20 employee representative
эк. тр., юр. представитель работников (работники, назначенные коллективом, или члены профсоюза, представляющие интересы работников, напр., в различных организациях, органах, процедурах и т. п.)Syn:See:* * *Англо-русский экономический словарь > employee representative
См. также в других словарях:
Employee benefit — Employee benefits and (especially in British English) benefits in kind (also called fringe benefits, perquisites, perqs or perks) are various non wage compensations provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries. Where an… … Wikipedia
Employee engagement — is a concept that is generally viewed as managing discretionary effort, that is, when employees have choices, they will act in a way that furthers their organization s interests. An engaged employee is a person who is fully involved in, and… … Wikipedia
Employee ownership — occurs when a corporation is owned in whole or in part by its employees. Employees are usually given a share of the corporation after a certain length of employment or they can buy shares at any time. A corporation owned entirely by its employees … Wikipedia
employee — em·ploy·ee or em·ploye n: a person usu. below the executive level who is hired by another to perform a service esp. for wages or salary and is under the other s control see also respondeat superior compare independent contractor ◇ In determining… … Law dictionary
Employee assistance programs — (EAPs) are employee benefit programs offered by many employers, typically in conjunction with a health insurance plan. EAPs are intended to help employees deal with personal problems that might adversely impact their work performance, health, and … Wikipedia
Employee referral — is an internal recruitment method employed by organisations to identify potential candidates from their existing employees social networks. An employee referral scheme encourages a company s existing employees to select and recruit the suitable… … Wikipedia
Employee monitoring — refers to any method of tracking what an employee does while at work. This may include the use of video cameras, keystroke logging, email filters, or even just watching or listening to the employee. As a result of increased technology, this has… … Wikipedia
Employee voice — refers to the participation of employees in influencing corporate decision making. Employees are given a voice through informal and formal means to minimise conflict, improve communication and encourage staff retention through motivation and fair … Wikipedia
employee participation — emˌployee partiˈcipation noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES 1. another name for employee involvement: • The company also encourages employee participation in this process through small groups in which workers discuss ideas. 2. another name for… … Financial and business terms
Employee Pricing Plus — is Chrysler s employee discount incentives, launched in July 2005, to counter General Motors Employee Discount for Everyone promotion. Characterized by generous incentives combined with rebates on most Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep models, Chrysler… … Wikipedia
employee inventions — Under the Patents Act 1977, there are UK rules which govern the ownership of inventions made by employees. If the invention was made during the employee s normal or specifically assigned duties, the invention belongs to the employer. All other… … Law dictionary