Перевод: с иврита на английский

с английского на иврит


  • 1 התקן

    device, contraption, apparatus, installation

    Hebrew-English dictionary > התקן

  • 2 תחבולה

    device, trick, plot, artifice, scheme, guile, expedient, finesse, intrigue, machination, obreption, ploy, ruse, shift, sleight, subterfuge, wile, wrinkle, chicane, chicanery, contrivance, dodge

    Hebrew-English dictionary > תחבולה

  • 3 שלט

    v. be introduced (order)
    v. be ruled, controlled; mastered
    v. to fix signposts
    v. to have a signpost installed
    v. to introduce (order)
    v. to rule, control; master
    v. to take control of
    remote control, small device used to control an electrical device from a distance; control from far away, activity which can be performed with a remote control while being far from the device
    sign, signpost, signboard

    Hebrew-English dictionary > שלט

  • 4 שלט רחוק

    remote control, small device used to control an electrical device from a distance; control from far away, activity which can be performed with a remote control while being far from the device

    Hebrew-English dictionary > שלט רחוק

  • 5 אימוביליזר

    immobilizer, electronic security device attached to a car and that stops the engine from working in order to prevent the car from being stolen (the device starts to operate after the engine has been turned off and should be cut off when starting-up the engine)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אימוביליזר

  • 6 אימובילייזר

    immobilizer, electronic security device attached to a car and that stops the engine from working in order to prevent the car from being stolen (the device starts to operate after the engine has been turned off and should be cut off when starting-up the engine)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אימובילייזר

  • 7 אמוביליזר

    immobilizer, electronic security device attached to a car and that stops the engine from working in order to prevent the car from being stolen (the device starts to operate after the engine has been turned off and should be cut off when starting-up the engine)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אמוביליזר

  • 8 אמובילייזר

    immobilizer, electronic security device attached to a car and that stops the engine from working in order to prevent the car from being stolen (the device starts to operate after the engine has been turned off and should be cut off when starting-up the engine)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אמובילייזר

  • 9 אקוגרף

    ecograph, device used to create images of underwater terrain using sonar; device that can be used to create images of internal body parts

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אקוגרף

  • 10 ארוחת קח ולך

    bar code, coded strips, secret message, columnar code, key that operates via coded strips, device used to mark goods, identification device

    Hebrew-English dictionary > ארוחת קח ולך

  • 11 וברטור

    vibrator, any of various instruments causing a vibratory action; device for vibratory massage; vibrating electrical device used for sexual stimulation

    Hebrew-English dictionary > וברטור

  • 12 ויברטור

    vibrator, any of various instruments causing a vibratory action; device for vibratory massage; vibrating electrical device used for sexual stimulation

    Hebrew-English dictionary > ויברטור

  • 13 מוניטור

    monitor, supervisor, device for regulating (esp. the transmission quality of radio and television broadcasts) ; screen, device that produces the visual display (Computers) ; one who oversees; inspector; that which warns or cautions

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מוניטור

  • 14 מטרונום

    metronome, mechanical or electrical device that keeps rhythm by making regulated clicking noises, device used to keep the beat while playing a musical instrument (Music)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מטרונום

  • 15 משגוח

    monitor, supervisor, device for regulating (esp. the transmission quality of radio and television broadcasts) ; screen, device that produces the visual display (Computers) ; one who oversees; inspector; that which warns or cautions

    Hebrew-English dictionary > משגוח

  • 16 פעמן

    metronome, mechanical or electrical device that keeps rhythm by making regulated clicking noises, device used to keep the beat while playing a musical instrument (Music)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > פעמן

  • 17 קוד קווים

    bar code, coded strips, secret message, columnar code, key that operates via coded strips, device used to mark goods, identification device

    Hebrew-English dictionary > קוד קווים

  • 18 תוכנע

    vibrator, any of various instruments causing a vibratory action; device for vibratory massage; vibrating electrical device used for sexual stimulation

    Hebrew-English dictionary > תוכנע

  • 19 אארוסטאט

    n. aerostat, device that floats in the air (i.e. air ballon, blimp, dirigible) ; balloonist, pilot of a lighter-than-air aircraft

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אארוסטאט

  • 20 אביזר פרסומת

    (Slang) gimmick, advertising ploy; device, gadget; trick, scheme

    Hebrew-English dictionary > אביזר פרסומת

См. также в других словарях:

  • Device Keys — play a role in the cryptographic key management procedure in the Advanced Access Content System (AACS) specification. This specification defines a method for protecting audiovisual entertainment content, including high definition content.… …   Wikipedia

  • Device Management — is a set of technologies, protocols and standards used to allow the remote management of mobile devices, often involving updates of firmware over the air (FOTA). The network operator, handset OEM or in some cases even the end user (usually via a… …   Wikipedia

  • Device — may refer to: Computing and electronics A component of personal computer hardware Peripheral, any device attached to a computer that expands its functionality Electronic component Other uses Appliance, a device for a particular task Device (band) …   Wikipedia

  • Device Management — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Device Management es una aplicación estándar mediante la cual la compañía telefónica proveedora de un dispositivo móvil accede a éste a través de una red móvil y realiza los cambios necesarios. Las aplicaciones… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Device — De*vice , n. [OE. devis, devise, will, intention, opinion, invention, fr. F. devis architect s plan and estimates (in OF., division, plan, wish), devise device (in sense 3), in OF. also, division, wish, last will, fr. deviser. See {Devise}, v. t …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Device independence — is the process of making a software application be able to function on a wide variety of devices regardless of the local hardware on which the software is used. Contents 1 Desktop computing 2 Virtualization and Emulation 3 World Wide Web Usage …   Wikipedia

  • device — 1 Device, contrivance, gadget, contraption mean something usually of a mechanical character which is invented as a means of doing a particular piece of work or of effecting a given end. Device is the most widely applicable of these terms; it may… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Device tracking software — is software installed in an electronic device that is capable of reporting the device s location remotely. Depending upon the software and the device on which it is installed, the software may obtain the location of the device by means of GPS,… …   Wikipedia

  • Device independent — also is the full name of the DVI file format. A program or file is device independent when its function is universal on different types of device. For the World Wide Web, this means writing simple common denominator Hypertext Markup Language… …   Wikipedia

  • Device Bay — was a standard jointly developed by Compaq, Intel and Microsoft in 1997, as a simple way to add, remove, and share hardware devices. Originally intended to be introduced in the second half of 1998, Device Bay was never finalized and has long… …   Wikipedia

  • Device Management — bzw. Gerätemanagement ist die zentrale Verwaltung von Endgeräten einer IT Infrastruktur für ihren effizienten und sicheren Unternehmenseinsatz. Parallel wird der Begriff auch im Zusammenhang mit der Verwaltung von Peripheriegeräten eines… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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