1 evade taxes
2 evade taxes
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > evade taxes
3 evade taxes
уклоняться от налогов -
4 evade taxes
1) Общая лексика: уклоняться от налогов2) Дипломатический термин: уклоняться от уплаты налогов -
5 evade taxes
6 to evade taxes
см. dodge taxesEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to evade taxes
7 to evade taxes
см. dodge taxes -
8 to evade taxes
9 evade
1. v ускользнуть2. v отводить от себя3. v уклоняться, увёртываться; избегать4. v обходить5. v не поддаватьсяnotions that evade definition — понятия, не поддающиеся определению
6. v редк. бежать, ускользнуть; совершить побег7. v спорт. ускользать8. v спорт. обвестиСинонимический ряд:1. baffle (verb) baffle; conceal; foil; mystify; screen; trick; veil2. equivocate (verb) dissemble; equivocate; fence; hedge; lie; pretend; prevaricate; pussyfoot; quibble; shuffle; tergiversate; tergiverse; weasel3. escape (verb) avoid; bilk; bypass; dodge; double; duck; escape; escape from; eschew; get around; shun; shy; sidestep; side-step4. lose (verb) elude; lose; shake; throw offАнтонимический ряд:acknowledge; approach; clarify; confess; confirm; confront; declare; elucidate; encounter; explain; expound; face; illustrate; meet; prove -
10 evade
11 evade
12 evade
ɪˈveɪd гл.
1) ускользать( от преследования и т.п.) прям. и перен. Syn: slip off, slip away
2) избегать;
уклоняться( от уплаты, от ответственности) ;
обходить (закон, вопрос;
уловками, хитростью) He evaded the real issues in his report. ≈ В своем докладе он обошел реальные проблемы. He evades to pay taxes. ≈ Он уклоняется от уплаты налогов. Syn: avoid, dodge
2., circumvent, turn aside
3) озадачивать;
ставить в тупик;
ускользать от понимания The simple rules evaded them. ≈ Простые правила ставили их в тупик. Syn: baffle
2. ускользнуть( от преследования) отводить от себя (подозрение, наказание) уклоняться, увертываться( от ответа, вопроса) ;
избегать (расспросов) - they *d the real issues они отворачивались от реальных проблем уклоняться (от исполнения долга, уплаты налогов) - to * service уклоняться от( военной) службы обходить (закон) не поддаваться( усилиям, определению) - notions that * definition понятия, не поддающиеся определению - the simple personal meaning *d them то простое значение, которое вложил этот человек в свои слова, до них не доходило - the solution *d him он никак не мог найти решения (редкое) бежать, ускользнуть;
совершить побег( спортивное) ускользать (спортивное) уклоняться (спортивное) обвести( противника) - to * the block обходить блок( волейбола) evade избегать ~ не поддаваться( усилиям, определению и т. n.) ~ не поддаваться (усилиям) ~ отводить от себя( подозрение) ~ уклоняться;
обходить (закон, вопрос) ~ уклоняться ~ ускользать ~ ускользнуть (от преследования) -
13 evade
[ɪ'veɪd]гл.1) ускользать (от преследования и т. п.) прям. и перен.Syn:2) избегать; уклоняться (от уплаты, от ответственности); обходить (закон, вопрос)He evaded the real issues in his report. — В своем докладе он обошёл реальные проблемы.
He evades paying taxes. — Он уклоняется от уплаты налогов.
Syn:3) озадачивать; ставить в тупик; ускользать от пониманияThe simple rules evaded them. — Простые правила ставили их в тупик.
Syn: -
14 favorable taxes
15 to avoid taxes
to avoid/to evade/to dodge taxes избежать уплаты налогов/уклоняться от уплаты налогов -
16 tax
1. nналог, сбор; пошлина
- accrued tax
- accumulated-earnings tax
- accumulated profits tax
- ad valorem tax
- advance tax
- advance corporate tax
- advertising tax
- alcohol tax
- alcoholic beverage tax
- amusement tax
- annual tax
- assessed tax
- average tax
- back tax
- bequest tax
- beverage tax
- bill tax
- bills of exchange tax
- budgeted taxes
- building tax
- business tax
- capital tax
- capital acquisition tax
- capital gains tax
- capital transactions tax
- capital transfer tax
- capital yield tax
- capitation tax
- car tax
- cargo tax
- cascade tax
- chain-store tax
- company income tax
- compensating tax
- complementary tax
- concession tax
- consumption tax
- conveyance tax
- corporate tax
- corporate income tax
- corporate profit tax
- corporation tax
- corporation income tax
- court taxes
- death tax
- death and gift tax
- defence tax
- deferred taxes
- deferred income taxes
- degressive tax
- delinquent tax
- direct tax
- discriminatory tax
- dividend withholding tax
- documentary stamp tax
- domestic tax
- donor's tax
- double tax
- earned income tax
- employment tax
- entertainment taxes
- environmental tax
- equalization tax
- estate tax
- excessive tax
- excess profits tax
- exchange tax
- excise tax
- export tax
- federal tax
- fixed assets tax
- flat tax
- flat rate tax
- foreign exchange tax
- foreign trade tax
- foreign withholding tax
- franchise tax
- gambling tax
- gasoline tax
- general property tax
- general sales tax
- gift tax
- graded tax
- graduated tax
- graduated income tax
- graduated poll tax
- green tax
- gross income tax
- gross profits tax
- gross receipts tax
- head tax
- hidden tax
- highway tax
- immovable property tax
- immovable property gains tax
- immovable property transfer tax
- import tax
- import equalization tax
- import turnover tax
- imposed tax
- income tax
- income tax on corporations
- income tax on individuals
- income tax on shareholders
- indirect tax
- industrial and commercial profits tax
- inheritance tax
- insurance tax
- land tax
- land-value tax
- legacy tax
- legal entity tax
- licence tax
- liquor tax
- local taxes
- long-term capital gains tax
- lump-sum tax
- luxury tax
- matured tax
- maximum tax
- minimum tax
- mortgage tax
- motor vehicle tax
- multiple stages tax
- multistage cumulative turnover tax
- municipal taxes
- national tax
- negative income tax
- net wealth tax
- net worth tax
- normal tax
- nuisance tax
- occupational tax
- oil tax
- one-time tax
- oppressive taxes
- outlay taxes
- output tax
- pay-as-you-earn tax
- pay-as-you-go tax
- payroll tax
- penalty tax
- per capita tax
- personal property tax
- poll tax
- pollution tax
- premium taxes
- profits tax
- progressive tax
- prohibitive tax
- property tax
- proportional tax
- provincial tax
- provisional tax
- public tax
- purchase tax
- pyramidal tax
- real estate tax
- real property tax
- real property transfer tax
- realty transfer tax
- receipts tax
- regressive tax
- remittance tax
- repressive tax
- resource tax
- retail sales tax
- retained profits tax
- revaluation tax
- revenue tax
- road taxes
- sales tax
- sales and turnover tax
- schedular tax
- securities tax
- security tax
- self-employment tax
- separate tax
- service tax
- severance tax
- short-term capital gains tax
- sin tax
- single tax
- social security tax
- specific tax
- spendings tax
- stamp tax
- state tax
- state excise taxes
- stock exchange turnover tax
- stockhoder's tax
- stock transfer tax
- sumptuary tax
- supplementary tax
- tonnage tax
- trade tax
- transaction tax
- transfer tax
- turnover tax
- underlying tax
- undistributed profit tax
- unpaid tax
- use tax
- value-added tax
- wage tax
- wealth tax
- wholesale sale tax
- windfall profits tax
- withholding tax
- withholding tax on dividends
- withholding tax on savings
- tax at source
- tax in kind
- tax on cargo
- tax on corporation
- tax on dividends
- tax on excess profits
- tax on gross receipts
- tax on gross revenue
- tax on importation
- tax on the income
- tax on inheritance
- tax on interest income
- tax on international transactions
- tax on land
- tax on motor vehicles
- tax on patents
- tax on personal income
- tax on profits
- tax on purchase of a motor vehicle
- tax on savings
- tax on stock exchange dealings
- tax on trade
- tax chargeable on the income
- tax due
- taxes levied at a flat rate
- tax payable
- tax withheld
- after taxes
- before taxes
- exempt from taxes
- free of taxes
- liable to tax
- subject to tax
- abate a tax
- abolish a tax
- apply taxes
- assess a tax
- be exempt from taxes
- be liable to tax
- calculate tax on profits
- charge a tax
- collect taxes
- compute a tax
- cut down taxes
- decrease taxes
- deduct taxes
- deduct taxes at source
- defer taxes
- dodge taxes
- evade taxes
- exempt from taxes
- impose a tax
- increase taxes
- kick against taxes
- lay a tax
- levy a tax
- lower a tax
- pay a tax
- raise taxes
- rebate a tax
- recover a tax
- reduce taxes
- reform taxes
- relieve from taxes
- remit taxes to appropriate authorities
- withhold taxes2. attr.
- tax abatement
- tax accruals
- tax arrears
- tax assessment form
- tax audit
- tax bracket
- tax declaration
- tax delinquency
- tax divide
- tax fraud
- tax offence
- tax rate
- tax rebate
- tax receipts
- tax return
- tax roll
- tax status
- tax treatment
- tax yield3. v
- tax at source
- tax capital gains
- tax capital gains realized on the disposal of immovable property
- tax income -
17 tax
1. n( on smth) налог; пошлина; сбор; обложениеto abate taxes — снижать / сокращать налоги
to abolish / to rule out a tax — отменять налог
to boost taxes — повышать / увеличивать налоги
to cut (down) taxes — снижать / сокращать налоги
to ease taxes — снижать / сокращать налоги
to impose a tax on smth — облагать что-л. налогом
to increase taxes — повышать / увеличивать налоги
to levy a tax on smth — облагать что-л. налогом
to put up taxes — повышать / увеличивать налоги
- after taxto reduce taxes — снижать / сокращать налоги
- assessed tax
- back tax
- beer tax
- before tax
- capital gains tax
- cigarette tax
- commodity taxes
- controversial tax
- cutting taxes for the better-off
- delinquent taxes
- direct tax
- emergency taxes
- exemption from taxes
- federal sin taxes
- federal taxes
- flat rate poll tax
- foes of higher taxes
- free of income tax
- gasoline tax
- hidden tax
- import taxes on smth
- income tax
- indirect tax
- inheritance tax
- internal tax- land tax- local tax
- luxuries tax
- municipal tax
- national tax
- nonpayment of tax
- occupational tax
- personal income tax
- poll tax
- progressive income tax
- progressive tax
- property tax
- rebate of the tax
- reduction of taxes
- salary tax
- sales tax
- school tax
- single tax
- special taxes
- super tax
- tax in kind
- telephone tax
- turnover tax
- value added tax
- wage tax
- wine tax 2. vоблагать налогом, облагать пошлиной -
18 tax
1. n1) налог, сбор; пошлина- levy a tax on smb.- impose a tax on smb.- impose a tax on smth.- levy a tax on smth.2) амер. членские взносы (в обществе, профсоюзе)3) бремя, испытание; напряжение•- tax code- land tax2. v1) облагать налогом; подвергать обложению (налогом)2) упрекать; критиковать, осуждать- tax smb. with smth. during the debate -
19 tax
20 уклоняться от налогов
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > уклоняться от налогов
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
evade — e‧vade [ɪˈveɪd] verb [transitive] TAX LAW to not do something that you should do according to the law, for example not paying tax: • He was charged with evading $12.6 million of taxes. compare avoid evasion noun … Financial and business terms
evade — /i vād/ vt evad·ed, evad·ing 1: to unlawfully fail to pay (taxes) through fraudulent or deceptive means compare avoid 2: to avoid answering directly trying to evade the question Merriam Webster’s Dictionary … Law dictionary
evade — v. (G) they evade paying taxes by living abroad * * * [ɪ veɪd] (G) they evade paying taxes by living abroad … Combinatory dictionary
evade — [[t]ɪve͟ɪd[/t]] evades, evading, evaded 1) VERB If you evade something, you find a way of not doing something that you really ought to do. [V n] By his own admission, he evaded taxes as a Florida real estate speculator... [V n] Delegates accused… … English dictionary
evade — verb (T) 1 evade the subject/question/issue etc to avoid talking about something, especially because you are trying to hide something: Stop trying to evade the issue. 2 to find a way of not doing something you should do: evade your… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
evade — e•vade [[t]ɪˈveɪd[/t]] v. e•vad•ed, e•vad•ing 1) to escape or avoid by speed or agility: to evade one s pursuers[/ex] 2) to get around by cleverness or trickery: to evade rules; to evade paying taxes[/ex] 3) to avoid doing or fulfilling: to evade … From formal English to slang
evade — UK [ɪˈveɪd] / US verb [transitive] Word forms evade : present tense I/you/we/they evade he/she/it evades present participle evading past tense evaded past participle evaded 1) to avoid accepting or dealing with something that you should do He had … English dictionary
evade — e|vade [ ı veıd ] verb transitive 1. ) to avoid accepting or dealing with something that you should do: He had become an expert at evading responsibility. She was found guilty of evading taxes amounting to nearly $500,000. a ) to avoid talking… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
evade — verb (evaded; evading) Etymology: Middle French & Latin; Middle French evader, from Latin evadere, from e + vadere to go, walk more at wade Date: 1513 intransitive verb 1. to slip away 2. to take refuge in escape or avoidance transitive verb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tax avoidance and tax evasion — Tax avoidance is the legal utilization of the tax regime to one s own advantage, in order to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means that are within the law. By contrast tax evasion is the general term for efforts to not pay taxes by… … Wikipedia
TAXATION — This article is arranged according to the following outline: historical aspects legal aspects the biblical period the talmudic period the post talmudic period in general yardsticks of tax assessment taxable property Place of Residence, Business,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism