1 ethnic make-up
1) Экономика: этнический состав (населения)2) Парфюмерия: средство макияжа для этнических групп населения -
2 ethnic make-up
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > ethnic make-up
3 ethnic
1. n представитель этнической группы2. n обыкн. представитель национальной группы, национального меньшинства3. n пренебр. туземец4. n рел. язычник5. a этнический6. a национальный7. a туземный8. a рел. языческийСинонимический ряд:1. cultural (adj.) clannish; cultural; national; native; racial; religious; tribal2. heathen (adj.) gentile; heathen; infidel; infidelic; pagan; profane -
4 deal
1. nсделка, соглашениеto agree a deal — одобрять / заключать сделку / соглашение
to clinch an arms deal with smb — заключать с кем-л. соглашение о поставках оружия
to conclude a deal — заключать сделку / соглашение
to do a deal with smb — заключать соглашение с кем-л.; идти на сделку с кем-л.
to make a secret deal with smb over smth — тайно договариваться с кем-л. по поводу чего-л.
to make single-union "no strike" deals with the employers — заключать сделки с предпринимателями ( отдельно для каждого профсоюза), предусматривающие условия, при которых профсоюзы обязуются не бастовать
to offer a preferential deal to smb — предлагать кому-л. сделку на льготных условиях
to reach a deal — заключать сделку; достигать соглашения / договоренности
to squeeze smb into a deal — принуждать кого-л. к сделке
- arms dealto stick to a deal — придерживаться договоренности / соглашения
- arms-control deal
- arms-for-hostages deal
- back-room deal
- backstage deal
- barter deal
- behind-the-scenes deal
- bilateral deal
- blueprint for a peace deal
- business deal
- commercial deal
- compensation deal
- compensatory deal
- compromise deal
- deal agreed between smb
- deal broke down
- deal is conditional on full return to work
- deal is in the making
- deal worth $...
- dubious deal
- face-saving deal
- fair deal
- foreign-trade deal
- if the deal falls through
- if the deal goes ahead
- illicit deal
- joint venture deal
- last minute deal
- New Deal
- oil-for-food deal
- package deal
- pay deal
- peace deal
- power sharing deal
- profitable deal
- separate deal
- shady deal
- side deal
- Square Deal
- square deal
- trade deal
- under the deal
- under-the-table deal
- unfair deal
- unprofitable deal
- weapons deal 2. dealtv1) (in, with) заниматься (чем-л.)2) (in, with) торговать (чем-л.), заниматься торговлей (чем-л.)3) ( with) иметь дело (с кем-л., чем-л.); ведать (чем-л.)4) ( with) рассматривать (что-л.); обсуждать (что-л.)5) ( with) сталкиваться (с кем-л., чем-л.); бороться (с чем-л.); преодолевать (что-л.)6) ( with) обходиться, обращаться (с кем-л., чем-л.)•to deal fairly with smb — обходиться с кем-л. по справедливости
to deal with a problem — рассматривать проблему / вопрос
to deal with smb from a position of strength — вести дела с кем-л. с позиции силы
to deal with smth firmly — принимать решительные меры против чего-л.
5 communication
n1) сообщение, передача (новостей, сведений и т.п.)2) сообщение, известие; информация3) связь, сообщение, коммуникация4) pl коммуникации, коммуникационные линии5) pl документы•- direct communicationto cut off telephone and telegraph communications with the capital — прерывать телефонную и телеграфную связь со столицей
- further communication
- incoming communications
- instrument for inter-ethnic communication
- intercept of a communication
- international land, air and sea communications
- modern means of distant communication
- multichannel communication
- naval communications
- outgoing communications
- out-of-date communications
- privileged communication
- railway communication
- satellite communication -
6 country
1. n1) страна; государство2) местность, территория3) (the country) деревня, сельская местность; провинция•to address the country — обращаться / выступать с обращением к стране
to antagonize a country — восстанавливать против себя какую-л. страну
to break with a country — разрывать (дипломатические) отношения с какой-л. страной
to bring a country under one's control — устанавливать контроль над страной
to control a country — контролировать положение в стране; управлять страной
to cut connections with a country — разрывать отношения / связи со страной
to declare war (up)on a country — объявлять войну какой-л. стране
to defect to a country — бежать в какую-л. страну
to distance oneself from a country — отмежевываться от какой-л. страны
to engulf a country — охватывать всю страну (о волне демонстраций, арестов и т.п.)
to enter a country illegally / without permission / by the back door — нелегально въезжать в страну
to flee to a country — бежать в какую-л. страну
to force a country to its knees — перен. ставить страну на колени
to gang up against a country — объединяться против какой-л. страны
to get tough with a country — занять жесткую позицию по отношению к какой-л. стране
to lead a country — руководить / управлять страной
to leave a country altogether — выходить из состава страны; отделяться от страны
to liberate a country — освобождать страну (от чужеземного ига и т.п.)
to make a country one's home — обретать родину в какой-л. стране
to move out of a country — выезжать из страны; покидать страну
to rule a country with an iron fist — править / управлять страной железной рукой
to start smiling at a country — начинать заигрывать с какой-л. страной
to strike back against a country — наносить ответный удар по какой-л. стране
to take over a country — брать на себя руководство / управление страной
- one country - two systemsto tighten one's grip on the country — усиливать свою власть в стране
- adoptive country
- advanced country
- African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
- agrarian country
- agricultural country
- aid-giving country
- all across the country
- applicant country
- arms-producing country
- arms-recipient country
- assisted country
- assisting country
- associated countries
- backward country
- belligerent country
- capital-exporting country
- capital-importing country
- change of policy on a country
- civilized country
- coastal country
- colonial country
- Common Market countries
- Commonwealth countries
- consuming country
- contributing country
- countries allied against smb
- countries of the Arab world
- countries of the Delhi Six
- countr's dissolution into several parts
- country at war
- country awashed with guns
- country divided on racial lines
- country has been battered by the financial crisis
- country is at crossroads
- country is falling apart
- country is heading towards dictatorship
- country is in the throes of a revolution
- country of adoption
- country of destination
- country of origin
- country of residence
- country of service
- country split apart by a civil war
- country torn apart by a guerilla war
- country under occupation
- creditor country
- debtor country
- defeated country
- deficit country
- dependent country
- developed country
- developing country
- disintegration of a country
- dismemberment of a country
- division of a country
- donor country
- economically dependent country
- economically independent country
- emergent country
- English-speaking countries
- enslaved country - exporting country
- ex-Warsaw Pact country
- flare-up between two countries
- for the good of the country
- founding of a country
- fragmentation of a country
- French-speaking African countries
- friendly country
- geographical position of a country
- geographically disadvantaged country
- giving country
- Gulf countries
- high-income country
- highly developed country
- highly industrialized country
- hinterland country
- home country
- host country
- importing country
- indebted country
- independent country
- industrialized advanced countries
- industrialized developed countries
- industrially advanced countries
- industrially developed countries - invasion of a country
- inviting country
- island country
- land-locked country
- leading country
- least developed countries
- lender country
- lending country
- less-developed country
- littoral country
- low-income country
- low-tax country
- Maghreb countries
- major trading countries
- manufacturing country
- market-economy country
- Mediterranean country
- medium-sized country
- member country
- metropolitan country
- middle-sized country
- more developed country
- most seriously affected countries
- mother country
- MSA countries
- multilateral countries
- multinational country
- national characteristics of a country
- NATO countries
- needy country
- neighboring country
- neutral country
- new developing countries
- newly industrializing country
- nonaligned country
- nonassociated countries
- non-EU country
- nonmember country
- nonnuclear country
- nonoil country
- non-OPEC country
- nonsterling country
- nuclear country
- nuclear-free country
- offensive action into a country
- oil-consuming country
- oil-exporting country
- oil-importing country
- oil-producing country
- Old country
- one-crop country
- overpopulated country
- over-represented country
- participating country - peace-loving country
- Persian Gulf countries
- petroleum-exporting country
- petroleum-importing country
- planned economy country
- plight of a country
- political breakup of the country
- poor country
- populous country
- poverty-belt country
- poverty-stricken country
- primary exporting country
- primary producing country
- producing country
- prosperous country
- readmission of a country to an international organization
- receiving country
- recipient country
- reserve-currency country
- resource-poor country
- revitalization of the country
- satellite country
- self-sufficiency of a country
- semi-colonial country
- severely indebted country
- single-resource country
- small countries
- socialist country
- sponsor country
- staunchly Islamic country
- sterling country
- supplier country
- surplus country
- takeover of a country
- target country
- territorial claims on a country
- third countries
- Third World countries
- threshold country
- throughout the country
- trade-intensive country
- trading country
- transit country
- treaty country
- trouble country
- under-represented country
- unfriendly country
- unified country
- unsympathetic country
- vassal country
- veiled reference to a country
- war-crippled country
- war-ravaged country
- war-torn country
- well-developed country
- Western countries
- Western European country 2. attrудаленный от центра, провинциальный -
7 difference
n1) различие, отличие2) разногласие, различие во мнениях; противоречие; спор•to bridge the differences between... — преодолевать противоречия между...
to bury / to end one's differences — покончить с разногласиями
to make up one's differences — урегулировать разногласия; разрешать противоречия
to overcome / to override differences — преодолевать разногласия / противоречия
to paper over differences — пытаться сгладить противоречия / разногласия
to patch up one's differences with smb — улаживать свои разногласия с кем-л.
to reconcile one's differences with smb — урегулировать свои разногласия с кем-л.
to resolve the differences between... — разрешать противоречия между...
to set aside one's differences — отбрасывать в сторону свои разногласия / противоречия
to settle last-minute differences — урегулировать разногласия, возникшие в последнюю минуту
to skirt over one's differences — отбрасывать в сторону свои разногласия / противоречия
- big differencesto surmount differences — преодолевать разногласия / противоречия
- class differences
- deep differences
- difference in views
- difference of views
- differences appear more pronounced
- differences become sharper
- differences grow
- differences should not stand in the way of improved relations
- essential difference
- ethnic differences
- exchange difference
- fundamental difference
- grave differences
- great differences
- ideological differences
- income differences
- inflation differences
- insurmountable differences
- internal differences
- international differences
- irreconcilable differences
- major differences
- marginal difference
- narrowing of differences
- national differences
- only procedural differences stand in the way
- peaceful settlement of differences
- persisting differences
- political differences
- racial differences
- sectarian differences
- serious differences
- sharp differences
- sharpening of differences
- social differences
- solution of differences
- substantial difference
- tactical differences
- tribal differences
- unbridgeable differences
- wide differences -
8 disturbance
n1) беспокойство; волнение2) нарушение (порядка, равновесия и т.п.)•to avert disturbances — предотвращать волнения / беспорядки, предупреждать возникновение беспорядков
to break up disturbances — положить конец волнениям / беспорядкам
to cause / to create disturbances — вызывать беспорядки
to prevent disturbances — предотвращать волнения / беспорядки, предупреждать возникновение беспорядков
- communal disturbancesto put down / to quell / to suppress disturbances — подавлять беспорядки
- economic disturbance
- ethnic disturbances
- peasant disturbances
- racial disturbances
- recurrence of disturbances
- street disturbances
- student disturbances
- widespread disturbances -
9 organization
nорганизация; устройство; объединение; структураto ban an organization — объявлять вне закона / запрещать организацию
to be accredited to an organization — быть аккредитованным при какой-л. организации
to boot a country from an organization — выдворять какую-л. страну из какой-л. организации
to disband / to dissolve an organization — распускать организацию
to eliminate smb from an organization — исключать кого-л. из организации
to establish an organization — основывать / учреждать организацию
to found an organization — основывать / учреждать организацию
to infiltrate an organization — внедряться в какую-л. организацию
to keep faith in an organization — сохранять веру в какую-л. организацию
to put an organization on a legal footing — придавать юридический статус какой-л. организации
- AAPSO- Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization
- anti-war organizations
- at the headquarters of the organization
- Australian Security Intelligence Organization
- autonomous organization
- banned organization
- Basque separatist organization
- breakaway organization
- Central Treaty Organization
- child care organization
- competent organization
- comprehensive trade organization
- Conservative Students Organization
- consultative organization
- country-wide organization
- democratic organization
- design organization
- educational organization
- emigrant organization
- environmental organization
- ethnic organization
- European Organization for Nuclear Research
- expansion of an organization
- ex-service organization
- extremist organization
- fascist organization
- finance and banking organization
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- governmental organization
- government-run organization
- grassroots organization
- Greenpeace Organization
- humanitarian organization
- illegal organization
- independent organization
- inferior organization
- informal organization
- intelligence organization
- intergovernmental organization
- International Civil Aviation Organization
- International Criminal Police Organization
- International Labour Organization
- International Maritime Organization
- international monetary and financial organization
- International Organization of Standardization
- international organization
- International Radio and Television Organization
- International Refugee Organization
- International Shipping Organization
- International Trade Organization
- interstate trade and economic organizations
- kindred organizations
- legal organization
- mass public organizations
- military organization
- monetary and credit organizations
- mutual-aid organizations
- National Organization for Women
- nongovernmental organizations
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- organization based in Washington
- organization committed to violence
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation
- Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Organization for Trade Cooperation
- Organization of African Unity
- Organization of American States
- Organization of Asian News Agencies
- Organization of Central American States
- organization of labor
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- Organization of Regional Cooperation for Development
- outlawed organization
- Palestine Liberation Organization
- Pan-American Health Organization
- paramilitary organization
- patriotic organization
- political organization
- political wing of an organization
- preferred provider organization
- primary organization
- procurement organization
- pro-fascist organization
- proscribed organization
- public organization
- rebirth of an organization
- regional organization
- related organizations
- religious organization
- revanchist organization
- revolutionary organization
- sales organization
- scientific organization of labor
- self-financing organization
- self-governing organization
- self-supporting organization
- self-sustained organization
- separatist organization
- sister organizations
- social organization
- socio-political organization
- South-East Asia Treaty Organization
- splinter organization
- sponsoring organization
- state-political organization
- steering organization
- terrorist organization
- trade-union organization
- trading organization
- transnational organization
- ultra-right fascist-type organization
- umbrella organization
- underground organization
- underworld organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- United Nations Organization
- United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine
- United Towns Organization
- universal organization
- unofficial organization
- Warsaw Treaty Organization
- withdrawal from an organization
- World Health Organization
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- World Meteorological Organization
- World Tourism Organization
- World Trade Organization
- worldwide organization
- youth organization -
10 protest
1. n(against, about, at, over) протест; демонстрация протеста (против, по поводу)to abandon one's protest — отказываться от своего протеста
to bring protests from smb — вызвать протесты с чьей-л. стороны
to cause a storm of protests from smb — вызывать бурю протестов с чьей-л. стороны
to deliver a sharp protest — передавать / вручать ноту / послание с выражением резкого протеста
to draw protests from smb — вызывать протесты с чьей-л. стороны
to incite anti-government protests — подстрекать к демонстрации протеста против политики правительства
to instigate (a) protest — подстрекать к протесту / к демонстрации протеста
to lodge a protest with smb — заявлять протест кому-л.
to make a formal protest (to smb) — заявлять официальный протест (кому-л.)
to mount / to orchestrate / to organize a protest — организовывать демонстрацию протеста
to prompt protest from smb — вызывать протесты с чьей-л. стороны
to quell a protest — подавлять протест / демонстрации протеста
to resign in protest (at smth) — уходить в отставку в знак протеста (против чего-л.)
to step up one's protests — усиливать протест
to take the steam out of smb's protests — ослаблять чей-л. протест, устранив главную причину
- angry protestto walk out in protest (against smth) — покидать заседание в знак протеста (против чего-л.)
- anti-government protest
- anti-nuclear protest
- as protest against smth
- as protest at smth
- as protest over smth
- big protest
- black protest
- categorical protest
- day of national protest
- daylong protest
- diplomatic protest
- disciplined and orderly protests
- disruptive protest
- emotionally charged protest
- energetic protest
- eruption of protests
- ethnic protest
- extraparliamentary protests
- formal protest
- freedom protest
- in protest against smth
- in protest at smth
- in protest over smth
- international protests
- legitimate protest
- mass protest
- massive protest
- mounting protest
- muted protest
- nationalist protest - orchestrated protest
- peaceful protest
- pro-democracy protest
- protest continues unabated
- protest has engulfed a large area
- protest has erupted into violence
- protests were politically motivated
- public protest
- renewed protests
- repression of protests
- resolute protest
- resurgence of mass protest
- scattered protests
- silent protest
- sit-down protest
- sit-in protest
- sizable protest
- spontaneous gesture of protest
- spontaneous protest
- stiff protest
- storm of protests
- street protest
- strong protest
- student protest
- suicide protest
- vigorous protest
- violent protest
- wave of protests
- widespread protests 2. v(to smb about / against / at / over smth; амер. protest smth) возражать, заявлять (кому-л.) протест, протестовать (по поводу чего-л.) -
11 strife
nборьба, спор; ссора, раздорto be at strife — находиться в состоянии борьбы / в противоречии
- confessional strifeto fan / to incite strife — разжигать межнациональную рознь
- ethnic strife
- fomenting of religious strife
- intercommunal strife
- intraparty strife
- national strife
- policy of strife
- political strife
- racial strife
- religious strife
- sectarian strife
- tribal strife -
12 strife
nборьба, спор; ссора; несогласие
См. также в других словарях:
Ethnic cleansing — is a euphemism referring to the persecution through imprisonment, expulsion, or killing of members of an ethnic minority by a majority to achieve ethnic homogeneity in majority controlled territory. [ [http://www.merriam… … Wikipedia
Ethnic interest groups in the United States — are ethnic interest groups within the United States which seek to influence the foreign policy and, to a lesser extent, the domestic policy of the United States for the benefit of the foreign ethnic kin or homeland with whom the respective ethnic … Wikipedia
Ethnic democracy — is a political system that combines a structured ethnic dominance with democratic, political and civil rights for all. Both the dominant ethnic group and the minority ethnic group have citizenship and are able to fully participate in the… … Wikipedia
Ethnic groups of Vojvodina — Ethnic groups of Vojvodinaerbs*Serbs – Serbs constitute an absolute majority of people in Vojvodina. According to the 2002 census, there were 1,321,807 Serbs in Vojvodina or 65.05% of the population. Serbs also make up an absolute majority in… … Wikipedia
Ethnic joke — Ethnic jokes, sometimes refferred to as race jokes, or racist jokes are jokes that exploit ethnic stereotypes. They are often considered to be offensive and as a form of hate speech, though they still remain popular. Ethnic jokes come and go with … Wikipedia
Ethnic religion — Ethnic religions may include officially sanctioned and organized civil religions with an organized clergy, but they are characterized in that adherents generally are defined by their ethnicity, and conversion essentially equates to cultural… … Wikipedia
ethnic monitoring — UK US noun [U] UK SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, HR ► the process of collecting, examining, and studying information about the nationality or race of a group of people, such as all the employees of a company, to make sure that everyone is treated fairly … Financial and business terms
Ethnic minorities in Azerbaijan — This article focuses on ethnic minorities in the Republic of Azerbaijan.DemographicsAccording to the 1999 census, ethnic minorities in Azerbaijan represent 10% of the population, including Lezgins (the largest minority group, making up 2.2% of… … Wikipedia
Ethnic groups in Brazil — Brazil is a racially diverse and multiracial country. [ [http://www.bvgf.fgf.org.br/frances/obra/opusculos/homem cultura tempo.htm Bibliothèque Virtuelle Gilberto Freyre L oeuvre ] ] Intermarriage among different ethnic groups has been part of… … Wikipedia
Ethnic minorities in China — For a list of ethnic groups in China, see List of ethnic groups in China. Ethnolinguistic map of mainland China and Taiwan Ethnic minorities in China are the non Han Chinese population in the People s Republic of China and the Republic of China… … Wikipedia
Ethnic interest group — An ethnic interest group or ethnic lobby, according to Thomas AmbrosioAmbrosio, Thomas. 2002. Ethnic identity groups and U.S. foreign policy. Praeger Publishers. ISBN 0275975339 ] , is an interest group (often a foreign policy interest group)… … Wikipedia