1 estimation of balance
2 estimation of balance
оценка балансовых статей ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > estimation of balance
3 estimation of balance
оценка балансовых статейАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > estimation of balance
4 estimation of balance
Общая лексика: оценка балансовых статей -
5 estimation
1. n оценка, суждение, мнениеsample estimation — оценка по выборке; выборочное оценивание
grade estimation — оценка качества; определение сорта
2. n уважение3. n расчёт, подсчёт, вычисление; калькуляция, смета, определениеocular estimation — определение на глаз, глазомерная оценка
4. n оценивание, нахождение оценкиСинонимический ряд:1. computation (noun) arithmetic; calculation; ciphering; computation; figuring; reckoning2. guess (noun) estimating; guess; guesstimate; predicting3. judgment (noun) appraisal; appraisement; approximation; assessment; estimate; evaluation; honor; judgement; judgment; opinion; stock; valuation4. regard (noun) account; admiration; appreciation; consideration; esteem; favor; favour; honour; regard; respect -
6 estimation
прогноз ; оценка ; подсчет ; вычисление ; суждение ; мнение ; ? estimation of balance ; ? estimation of future population growth ; -
7 method
метод; процедура; способ- antithetic variate method - average ordinate method - average range method - binary search method - conjugate directions method - conjugate gradient method - control chart method - conventional milling method - correlation function method - decision function method - differential control method - Feynman diagram method - first approximation method - gradient projection method - iterative method - large sample method - large sieve method - least-squares regression method - less than fully efficient method - linearly implicit method - method of adjoint gradient - method of algebraic addition - method of alternating directions - method of balanced blocks - method of complex numbers - method of confidence intervals - method of conformal mappings - method of conjugate directions - method of conjugate gradients - method of cyclic descent - method of detached coefficients - method of disjunction of cases - method of divided differences - method of electrical images - method of elimination of quantifiers - method of empty ball - method of extreme values - method of false position - method of feasible directions - method of finite differences - method of first approximation - method of first entrance - method of fitting constants - method of fixed points - method of full enumeration - method of generating functions - method of geometric exhaustion - method of indefinite coefficients - method of infinite descent - method of interval bisection - method of least absolute values - method of least distance - method of least likelihood - method of maximum likelihood - method of means and standard deviations - method of medians and extreme values - method of minimal change - method of minimal variance - method of mirror reflections - method of moving frame - method of multiple comparison - method of orthogonal projections - method of paired associates - method of paired comparisons - method of phase integrals - method of projecting cones - method of proportional parts - method of rotating factors - method of semantic tableaux - method of separation of variables - method of simulaneous displacements - method of stationary phase - method of statistical differentials - method of statistical inference - method of steep variations - method of steepest ascent - method of stochastic approximation - method of straightforward iteration - method of successive displacements - method of successive divisions - method of successive elimination - method of transfinite induction - method of unweighted means - method of variable differences - method of variation of parameters - method of weighted residuals - optimum method - parallel tangents method - precision method - random walk method - recursive method - reduced gradient method - reflected wave method - relative method of measurement - sampling method by variables - statistical sampling method - steepest descent method - time average method -
8 method
• -
9 method
- abbreviated method
- accelerated method
- accounting method
- accretion method
- accrual method
- accrued benefit valuation method
- actual cost method
- actuarial method
- adequate method
- ad hoc method
- advanced method
- advertising method
- age-life method of depreciation
- amortization method
- approximation method
- assessment method
- automated processing method
- backtracking method
- balance method
- batch method of production
- bidding methods
- block booking method
- bookkeeping method
- branch-and-bound method
- by-product method of cost accounting
- calculation method
- capital-intensive method of production
- case study method
- cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting
- common methods of fraud
- completed contract method
- complete elimination method
- composition ratio method
- continual review method
- control method
- conventional method
- conventional production methods
- costing method
- cost-based methods
- cost depletion method
- cost-plus method
- cost-recovery method
- cost-saving method
- credit-scoring method
- critical path method
- declining-balance depreciation method
- depreciation method
- design methods
- direct method of depreciation
- direct method of standardization
- direct write-off method
- discounted cash flow method
- distributing method
- distribution method
- double-declining-balance depreciation method
- double description method
- double entry method
- economical method
- effective method
- efficient method
- estimating method
- evaluation method
- fabrication method
- fifo costing method
- first in, first out costing method
- forecasting method
- general method
- generalized method
- genetic engineering method
- graduation method
- graph method
- gross method
- gross profit method
- index method
- indexing method
- industrial method
- inspection method
- installment sale method
- inventory method
- inventory valuation method
- investment valuation method
- irregular method of write-off
- item-by-item method
- job method of cost accounting
- job order method of cost accounting
- joint product method of cost accounting
- kid-glove methods
- labour-hour method of depreciation
- lean production methods
- least-squares method
- lifo costing method
- last in, first out costing method
- loading method
- machine-hour method
- machine-hour rate depreciation method
- machining method
- mail questionnaire method
- major category method
- manual methods
- manufacturing method
- matching transactions method
- materials moving methods
- net method
- network method
- normal method
- numerical method
- one-factor-at-a-time method
- operating method
- output method of depreciation
- packaging method
- packing method
- patentable method
- patented method
- payback method
- periodic inventory method
- perpetual inventory method
- perturbation method
- physical volume method
- playback method
- point method
- prediction methods
- present value method
- pricing method
- prime cost method
- process method of cost accounting
- processing method
- production methods
- production method of depreciation
- production control method
- profit split method
- progressive methods
- quality control method
- quantitative method
- random observation method
- ranking method
- reducing balance method of depreciation
- reinterview method
- replacement method of depreciation
- resale price method
- retirement method of depreciation
- risk management method
- safe method
- sample method
- sampling method
- saturation method
- scheduling method
- scientific method
- searching method
- sequential method
- service output depreciation method
- short method
- simplex method
- sinking fund method of depreciation
- special method
- standard method
- statistical method
- stochastic approximation method
- straight line method
- straight-line method of depreciation
- straight line depreciation method
- straight-line flow method
- sum of the digits method of depreciation
- sum of the years' digits method of depreciation
- systematical method
- table method
- tally sheet method
- taxation method
- teaching methods
- team development method
- test method
- testing method
- total inventory method
- trial and error method
- turnover method
- unit method of depreciation
- unit of production method of depreciation
- unit of production depreciation method
- valuation method
- variational method
- working method
- working hours method of depreciation
- workshop method
- method of accounting
- method of amortization
- method of analysis
- method of assessment
- method of average
- method of calculation
- method of characteristics
- method of collaboration
- method of comparison
- methods of construction
- method of conveyance
- method of cooperation
- method of delivery
- method of depreciation
- method of designated routes
- method of display
- method of distribution
- methods of dodging taxes
- method of estimation
- method of evaluation
- method of exclusion
- method of feasible directions
- method of finance
- method of financing
- method of forwarding
- method of identification
- method of indirect export
- method of indirect import
- method of inspection
- method of leading averages
- method of leading variables
- method of levying duties
- methods of management
- method of manufacture
- method of operation
- method of ordering
- method of packaging
- method of packing
- method of payment
- method of planning
- method of production
- method of promotion
- method of quality determination
- methods of regulation
- method of reimbursement
- method of sales promotion
- method of sampling
- method of settlement
- method of shipment
- method of shipping
- method of smoothing
- method of solution
- method of stowage
- method of stowing
- method of successive approximation
- methods of trading
- methods of training
- method of transportation
- method of working
- cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation
- adopt a method
- apply a method
- develop a method
- employ a method
- follow a method
- introduce a method
- practise a method
- realize a method
- repeal a method
- revise a method
- work out a methodEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > method
10 accounts
11 principle
1) правило; принцип2) закон3) начало, первооснова, (перво)источник•- distributed maximum principle - least number principle - principle of adiabatic invariance - principle of contraction mapping - principle of extension of inequalities - principle of fixed point - principle of harmonic balance - principle of harmonic measure - principle of hyperbolic measure - principle of least squares - principle of length and area - principle of mathematical induction - principle of maximum likelihood - principle of point estimation - principle of stationary phase - principle of stochastic balance - principle of transfinite induction - principle of unsufficient reason - virtual work principle - weak likelihood principle -
12 model
модель, образец• -
13 account
14 method
метод; способсм. тж. method,method for predictionmethod of acceleration with conjugate gradientsmethod of assumed modesmethod of characteristicsmethod of dynamic causticsmethod of feasible directionsmethod of generalized coordinatesmethod of imagesmethod of linesmethod of momentsmethod of separation of variablesmethod of splittingmethod of weighted residualsaccelerometer methodacoustic methodAdams-Bashforth methodadjoint variable methodaerodynamic methodair bubbles methodALM methodanthropometric scaling methodanti-g methodanti-g protective methodassumed stress methodaugmented Lagrange multiplier methodback of the envelope methodBayesian estimation methodbirefringent coating methodBirnbaum's methodblock-bidiagonal methodBode methodboundary collocation methodboundary element methodboundary force methodboundary integral methodboundary integral equation methodboundary point methodboundary layer methodBroydon-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno methodchina-clay methodClmax prediction methodCohen and Reshotko methodcollocation methodcomplex variable boundary element methodcomplex-variable methodcompliance methodconfigurational methodconjugate directions methodconstant pressure panel methodcontinuation methodcorrection storage methodcorrelation methodcycle counting methodcyclic reduction methodDavidon-Fletcher-Powell methoddeferred correction methoddescribing function methoddesign method for reliabilitydesign to constraints methoddetection methoddifference methoddifferencing methoddiscrete vortex methoddisplacement methodDorodnitsyn finite element methoddoublet lattice methoddynamic condensation methodeigenfunction expansion methodeigenvalue methodelectrical discharge methodenergy methodenergy management methodequivalent control methodequivalent linearization methodEuler methodevaluation methodexplicit-implicit methodextrapolation methodFAS methodfeedback methodfinite difference methodfinite element methodfinite element method with splittingfinite element displacement methodfinite strip methodfinite volume methodFletcher-Reeves methodflexibility methodflutter experimental methodflux-difference/splitting methodforce methodFourier transform methodfractional steps methodfractographic methodfrequency methodfrequency-domain methodfull-approximation storage methodfull-potential methodGalerkin methodGauss elimination methodGauss-Seidel methodgeneralized methodGodunov methodgrid methodharmonic balance methodhelium-bubble methodhigher order methodHorner's methodhose-drogue methodhybrid vortex methodhydrogen bubbles methodinfra-imaging methodintegral methodintegral equation methodinterferometric methodinverse methodJ-integral methodkernel-function methodKhachian's methodLagrange multiplier methodLagrangian methodLanczos methodlaser induced fluorescence methodlaser light sheet methodleast-cost methodleast-square methodleast-squares methodleast-squares estimation methodLyapunov's second methodlift-analysis methodlinear quadratic methodlinear quadratic Gaussian methodlinear regulator methodlinear quadratic regulator methodLQ methodLQG methodlumped-parameter methodMacCormack's methodMach box methodmaintenance methodmarching methodmatrix methodmaximum likelihood methodmechanized methodML methodmodel-following methodmoment methodmoving finite element methodmultisurface methodmultigrid methodmultiple grid methodMyklestad methodNavier-Stokes methodNeal-Smith analysis methodNewton's methodNewton-Raphson methodnonconservative methodnumerical methodNyquist methodoil-flow methodoperational methodPade approximant methodpanel methodpaneling methodparameter methodperturbation methodphotoelastic methodpower methodPrandtl-Munk methodprediction methodpressure-splitting methodprobabilistic methodpseudo-spectral methodpseudospectral methodpseudotransient methodquasi-Newton methodR-curve methodrainflow methodrandom decrement methodrandomdec methodRayleigh methodRayleigh-Ritz methodrecovery methodreduction methodreliability methodrigid-plastic finite-element methodrobustness enhancing methodroot-locus methodRunge-Kutta methodsawtooth methodSchlieren methodsecant methodsemianalytic methodshadowgraph methodshock-capturing methodshock-expansion methodshock-fitting methodshooting methodsimplex methodsingular perturbation methodsingular value methodsizing methodsmoke-wire methodSouthwell methodspace-marching methodsplit-coefficient methodsplit-coefficient matrix methodsplitting methodsquare root methodstate space methodsteepest-ascent methodsteepest-descent methodstiffness methodstress relaxation methodsublimation methodsubspace iteration methodsubstitutional methodsubstructure synthesis methodsubstructuring methodsuper-characteristics methodsuperelement methodsuperposition methodsurface tracer methodsynthesis methodTheodorsen methodthrust methodthrust efficient methodtime-domain methodtransfer matrix methodtransfer-function methodTrefftz`s methodtuft methodunit load methodupwind methodupwind differencing methodV-g methodvapor-screen methodvariational methodvector methodvelocity-split methodviscous/inviscid interacting methodvon Schlippe methodvortex methodvortex panel methodvortex-lattice methodWalsh-function methodweight fraction methodX-ray diffraction methodz-transform methodzonal method -
15 technique
1. техника, технические приемы; технология2. метод; методика; способanalytical techniqueanti-stealth techniqueartificial intelligence techniquesbackside techniquebuild-up techniquecartographic techniquescentered-difference integration techniquecontrol techniquecontrol-movement techniquesconvergence techniquecounter-stealth techniquescurve-fitting techniquede-icing techniquedecomposition techniquedesign techniquedisplay techniquedouble-balance techniquedrop-model techniquedual-stick dropping techniquefatigue prediction techniquefatigue estimation techniquefirefighting techniquesflight test techniqueflight testing techniquefloating shock fitting techniqueflux-corrected techniquefly-by-wire techniqueflying techniquesforced-oscillation techniquefrequency-domain techniquefrontside techniquefrontside control techniquegolden section techniquegradient projection techniquegrid generation techniquehelideck techniqueidentification techniqueilluminated helium bubble techniqueinspection techniqueintegration techniqueinterferometer techniquemaneuver techniquemapping techniquesmaximum likelihood estimation techniquemeasuring techniquemodel reference techniquemodel-based techniqueMoire techniquesmoving model techniquemultivariable techniquemultivariable synthesis techniquenoise canceling techniqueoperational techniquesoptimal-control techniquepainting techniqueparameter-insensitive techniquepilot techniquepredictor-corrector techniquepulse-echo techniquequadratic control techniqueradar-reflection-reducing techniquerecognition techniquerecursive techniquerepair techniquerigid body maneuvering techniquerobust techniqueroot locus synthesis techniquescattering techniquescheduling techniquesealing techniqueshadowgraph techniquespiral departure techniquestate-space techniquestealth techniquesstealthy techniquesstickshaker techniquesublimating chemical techniquesuperelement techniquesuperplastic forming/diffusion bonding techniquessurface mount techniquesurface mounting techniquetail-dragger techniquetaxy techniquetest techniquetorquing techniquetrailing cone techniquetransformation techniquetufting techniquevapor-screen techniquevisualization techniqueVTO techniqueweight-saving structural techniqueweighted least-squares solution technique -
16 method
метод; способ; средство; приём; технология; система; порядокconstant casing pressure method — метод борьбы с выбросом поддержанием постоянного давления в затрубном пространстве
displacement method of plugging — цементирование через заливочные трубы (без пробок, с вытеснением цементного раствора буровым)
gas-drive liquid propane method — процесс закачки в пласт газа под высоким давлением с предшествующим нагнетанием жидкого пропана
single core dynamic method — динамический метод определения относительной проницаемости по отдельному образцу
transient method of electrical prospecting — метод электроразведки, использующий неустановившиеся электрические явления
— colour band method
* * *
метод; способ; приёмbullhead well control method — способ глушения скважины с вытеснением пластового флюида в пласт из кольцевого пространства
constant bottomhole pressure well control method — способ глушения скважины при постоянном забойном давлении
driller's well control method — способ глушения скважины с раздельным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
one-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
reliability matrix index method — метод контроля за обеспечением надёжности путём задания показателей надёжности
two-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с разделёнными удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
Vlugter method of structural group analysis — структурно-групповой метод анализа (углеводородов) по Флюгтеру
wait and weight well-control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
* * *
метод, способ
* * *
метод; способ; приём- method of assurancemethod for determination relative water wettability — метод определения относительной водосмачиваемости ( пород);
- method of borehole section correlation
- method of calculating gas reserves
- method of circles
- method of defining petroleum reserves
- method of defining reserves
- method of determining static corrections
- method of drilling
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole motor
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole unit
- method of estimating reserves
- method of evaluating petroleum reserves
- method of formation
- method of formation damage analysis
- method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- method of formation nonuniformity analysis
- method of increasing oil mobility
- method of limiting well production rate
- method of liquid saturation determination
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by air injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by gas injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by water injection
- method of measuring critical water saturation
- method of mirror
- method of operation
- method of planting
- method of sample taking
- method of sampling
- method of sharpening
- method of stimulating production
- method of strong formation explosions
- method of testing
- method of three coefficients
- airborne magnetometer method
- air-hammer drilling method
- airlift well operation method
- alcohol-slug method
- arc refraction method
- aromatic adsorption method
- average velocity method
- average velocity approximation method
- bailer method of cementing
- band method
- barrel per acre method
- Barthelmes method
- basic volume method of estimating reserves
- beam pumping well operation method
- blasthole method
- bomb method
- borderline method
- borehole method
- borehole wall consolidation method
- bottom-packer method
- bottom water isolation method
- bottom water shutoff method
- bottomhole pressure build-up method
- broadside refraction method
- cable tool percussion drilling method
- Cabot method
- building method
- bullhead well control method
- capillarimetric method for determination wettability
- carbonized water injection method
- casing method of cementing
- casing-pressure method
- catenary pipe laying method
- cementing method
- cetane test method
- charcoal method
- chemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- chemical method of borehole wall lining
- circulating method
- clean recirculation method
- cold method of oil fractionation
- combination drilling method
- common-depth-point method
- common-midpoint method
- common-reflection-point method
- compressional-wave method
- concurrent method
- concurrent method of well killing
- constant bottomhole pressure well control method
- constant casing pressure method
- constant pit level method
- continuous-correlation method
- continuous-profiling method
- controlled directivity reception method
- converted wave method
- copper dish method
- correlation method of refracted waves
- correlation refraction method
- countercirculation-wash-boring method
- crosshole method
- cube method
- curved-path method
- cyclic steam-soaking secondary oil recovery method
- cycloidal ray-path method
- cylinder method
- deep-hole method
- deep-refraction method
- delay-and-sum method
- derrick assembling method
- derrick erection method
- desalting method
- development method
- dewatering method
- diesel cetane method
- differential liberation method
- diffraction stack method
- dipole profiling method
- direct method of orientation
- directional survey method
- dispersed gas injection method
- displacement method of plugging
- distillation method
- distillation method of liquid saturation determination
- double control method
- downhole method
- downhole sucker-rod pump well operation method
- down-the-hole induced polarization method
- drill steam method of coke removal
- driller's method
- driller's well control method
- drilling method
- drilling-in method
- dual coil ratiometer method
- effusion method
- electrical method of geophysical prospecting
- electrical-audibility method
- electrical-exploration method
- electrical-logging method
- electrical-prospecting method
- electrical-sounding method
- electrical-surveying method
- electrochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- electrochemical method of borehole wall lining
- electromagnetic method of orientation
- electromagnetic-exploration method
- electromagnetic-prospecting method
- electromagnetic-profiling method
- electromagnetic-sounding method
- electromagnetic-surveying method
- enhanced recovery method
- enriched gas injection method
- Eshka method
- evaporation method of measuring critical water saturation
- exploration method
- exploration prospecting survey method
- exploration seismic method
- explosion drilling method
- explosion seismic method
- express method
- express method of production calculation
- filter-and-sum method
- fire flooding method
- firing line method
- first-break method
- first-event method
- float-and-chains method
- float-on method
- formation evaluation method
- four-point control method
- fracture method
- freepoint-string shot method
- freezing method
- freezing point depression method
- from-bottom-upward method of derrick assembling
- from-top-downward method of derrick assembling
- frontal advance gas-oil displacement method
- Galician method
- gamma-ray method
- gas blow-around method
- gas-chromatography method
- gas-drive liquid propane method
- gaslift well operation method
- gas-production test method
- gas-recovery method
- geological petroleum exploration method
- geological petroleum prospecting method
- geophysical petroleum exploration method
- grasshopper pipeline coupling method
- gravity method of geophysical prospecting
- gravity exploration method
- heat injection secondary oil recovery method
- hectare method of estimating reserves
- hesitation method
- high-pressure dry gas injection method
- high-resolution method
- hit-and-miss method
- holoseismic method
- horizontal-loop method
- hot-water drive method
- hydraulic drilling method
- hydraulic fracturing method
- hydraulic hammer drilling method
- hydraulic jet drilling method
- hydrodynamic method of calculating oil production
- hydrodynamic drilling method
- ice-plug method
- image method
- indirect method of orientation
- induction logging method
- infiltration method
- injection flow method
- in-situ combustion method
- interval change method
- isolation method
- isoline method of reserves estimation
- Kiruna method
- knock intensity method
- lamp method
- lean mixture rating method
- liquid solvent injection method
- logging method
- long-hole method
- long-interval method
- long-wire transmitter method
- luminescent-bitumen method
- magnesium-hydroxide method
- magnetic method of geophysical prospecting
- magnetic-exploration method
- magnetic-flaw detection method
- magnetic-particle method
- magnetic-particle flaw detection method
- magnetoelectrical control method
- magnetometrical method
- magnetotelluric method
- magnetotelluric-exploration method
- magnetotelluric-sounding method
- maintenance method
- mercury injection method of measuring critical water saturation
- micrometric method of rock analysis
- microseismic method
- migration method
- mining method
- moving-plug method of cementing
- moving-source method
- mud-balance method
- mudcap method
- mudflush drilling method
- multiple detection method
- nonionic surfactant water solution injection method
- nonreplacement method
- Norwegian method
- oil drive method
- oil production method
- oil recovery method
- oil withdrawal method
- one-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- one-agent borehole wall lining method
- one-circulation well control method
- outage method
- oxygen-bomb method
- parabolic method
- passive method
- pattern method
- pattern-type gas injection method
- penetration method
- penetrating fluid method
- percussion method
- perforation method
- Perkins method
- phase-velocity method
- physicochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- physicochemical method of borehole wall lining
- picric acid method
- pipe-bridge method
- pipe-driving method
- pipeline-assembly method
- pipeline-coupling method
- placement method
- plane front method
- plasma drilling method
- polarization method
- Poulter method
- pour point depression method
- pressure build-up method of formation damage analysis
- pressure build-up method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- pressure-drop method of estimating gas reserves
- primary oil recovery method
- probe method
- producing method
- producing well testing method
- production method
- production test method
- profiling method
- projected-vertical-plane method of orienting
- prospecting method
- pump-out method
- punching method
- radioactive method
- radioactive method of geophysical prospecting
- radio-direction-finder method
- ray-path method
- ray-stretching method
- ray-tracing method
- record presentation method
- recovery method
- rectilinear ray-path method
- reflection method
- reflection interpretation method
- refracted wave method
- refraction method
- refraction correlation method
- refraction interpretation method
- reliability method
- reliability matrix index method
- remedial cementing method
- replacement method
- repressuring method
- resistivity method
- restored-state method of measuring critical water saturation
- retort method of liquid saturation determination
- reversed refraction method
- ring-and-ball method
- rod tool percussion drilling method
- rodless pump well operation method
- roll-on method
- rope-and-drop pull method
- rotary drilling method
- rotation drilling method
- sampling method
- sand jet method
- saturation method
- saturation method of pore volume measurement
- secondary oil recovery method
- sectional method of pipeline assembly
- sectional pipe-coupling method
- sectorial pipe-coupling method
- sedimentology method of measuring particle size distribution
- seismic method
- seismic method of geophysical prospecting
- seismic-detection method
- seismic-exploration method
- seismic-identification method
- seismic-interpretation method
- seismic-reflection method
- seismic-refraction method
- self-potential method
- sequence firing method
- shear-wave method
- short-hole method
- shot-drilling method
- shot-popping method
- side-tracking method
- side-wall coring method
- single-core dynamic method
- single-fold continuous-coverage method
- slalom-line method
- small-bore deep-hole method
- soap suds method
- sounding method
- spontaneous polarization method
- squeeze cementing method
- squeezing method
- standardizing performance method
- standby method
- stationary liquid method of relative permeability determination
- statistical method of calculating oil production
- statistical method of estimating reserves
- steam oil drive method
- stepwise method of McCabe and Thiele
- stimulation method
- stove pipe method
- stove pipe flange method of rolling beams
- straight ray-path method
- subsurface method of geophysical prospecting
- suction method of cleaning
- summation method
- surface method of geophysical prospecting
- surface-wave method
- swabbing method
- swinging-gage method
- tertiary oil recovery method
- testing method
- thermal-acid formation treatment method
- thermal-recovery method
- thickened water injection method
- three-dimensional seismic method
- thumper method
- top-packer method
- towing method
- transient method of electrical prospecting
- transmitted wave method
- transposed method
- triaxial test method
- tubing method of cementing
- two-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- two-agent borehole wall lining method
- two-circulation well control method
- ultrasonic method
- ultrasonic flaw detection method
- variable-area method
- velocity-analysis method
- vertical loop method
- Vibroseis method
- Vlugter method of structural group analysis
- volume method of estimating reserves
- volume-statistical method of estimating reserves
- volume-weight method of estimating reserves
- volumetric method of estimating reserves
- volumetric-genetic method of estimating reserves
- wait-and-weight well-control method
- Walker's method
- wash-and-drive method
- washing method
- water flooding method
- water influx location method
- weathering computation method
- weight-drop method
- weight-saturation method
- well-casing method
- well-completion method
- well-control method
- well-drill method
- well-geophone method
- well-operation method
- well-shooting method
- well-testing method
- wireline method
- X-ray diffraction method* * * -
17 equation
уравнение; формула; равенствоequation in body axesequation of continuityequation of motionequation of stateacceleration equationadjoint equationaerodynamic equations of motionaeroelastic equation of motionaircraft equation of motionairframe equation of motionattitude equation of motionbeam equationBernoulli's equationblade equationblade equation of motionblade pitch equationboundary layer equationBreguet range equationBurgers's equationcharacteristic equationclimbing equationclosed-loop equationcompatibility equationcompressible equationcomputational fluid dynamics equationconical equationconstitutive equationsconstrained-attitude equationconstraint equationcontinuity equationcontrol law equationconvection equationcoupled equations of motioncycle trade-off equationdamage equationdifference equationdifferential equationdiffusion equationdiscretized equationdrag equationDuffing's equationdynamic equation of motiondynamical equationedgewise equationeigenvalue equationendurance equationenergy equationequilibrium equationestimation equationEuler equationEuler angle kinematical equationsEuler parameter equationsEuler-Bernoulli equationEuler's equationEulerian equationsfilter equationflap equationflap-lag equations of motionflapping equationflatwise equationflight path equationfluid dynamic equationflutter equationforce equationfoundation equationfrequency equationfuel flow equationfuel system equationfull Navier-Stokes equationsfull-potential equationgasdynamic equationgeneralized Breguet range equationgoverning equationgrid generation equationsguidance equationHamilton's canonical equationsharmonic balance equationheat conduction equationHelmholtz equationHill's equationhomogeneous equationinertial reference equationintegrator equationKane's equationkinematic equationkinematical equationlag equationLagrange equationLagrange's equationLagrangian equationLame's equationlanding distance equationLaplace equationlateral equationlateral state equationlateral-directional equationlead-lag equationLegendre's equationlevel-flight equationlift equationload displacement equationload-deflection equationlongitudinal equationlongitudinal state equationlongitudinal-trim equationlow Mach number equationlow Mach number Euler equationLyapunov equationmass-averaged Navier-Stokes equationsMathieu equationmatrix equationmaximum endurance equationMaxwell equationmoment equationmomentum equationMooney-Rivlin equationNavier-Stokes equationNewtonian equationnonlevel-flight equationobserver equationoutput equationparabolized Navier-Stokes equationparasite drag equationpartial differential equationpartially parabolized Navier-Stokes equationsperiodic coefficient equationperturbation equationperturbational equation of motionpiston-prop equationpitching-moment equationplate equationpoint mass equation of motionPoisson equationpolar equationPossio equationpower equationPrandtl-Glauert equationpremaneuver equation of motionquaternion equationradar-range equationrange equationRankine-Hugoniot equationsRCS equationreduced equation of motionreduced Navier-Stokes equationsReynolds equationReynolds-averaged equationRiccati equationrigid body dynamic equationRNS equationsroll equationrotating equationrotating frame equationrotational equationrotor equations of motionSanders equationscalar equationsensitivity equationsix-degree-of-freedom equations of motionsliding mode equationsmall-disturbance equationsmall-perturbation equationSouthwell's equationstability equationstate equationstate-space equationstress equationstructural equation of motionstructural-dynamic equationSturm-Liouville equationsurvivability equationSylvester's equationthree dimensional Navier-Stokes equationsthree-degrees-of-freedom equation of motiontorsion equationtransformation equationtranslational equationtransport equationtrim equationturbulent Navier-Stokes equationsuncoupled equations of motionvector equationvibration equationvon Karman equationsvon Karman integral momentum equationweight balance equation -
18 стоимость
жен. cost;
value, worth экон. лишать стандартной стоимости ≈ (монету) demonetize повышение стоимости капитала ≈ appreciation of capital валовая стоимость ≈ gross value снижение стоимости ≈ depreciation прибавочная стоимость меновая стоимость номинальная стоимость стоимость электроэнергии стоимость перевозкистоимост|ь - ж.
1. cost;
балансовая ~ balance cost;
~ вклада value of a deposit;
добавленная ~ added value;
добавочная ~ extra cost;
договорная ~ agreed cost;
~ капитального ремонта cost of overhaul;
контрактная ~ contract cost (value) ;
~ кредита loan value;
меновая ~ exchange value;
~ места( на рейс) unit seat price;
нарицательная ~ nominal value;
номинальная ~ nominal value;
нормативная ~ standart cost;
общая ~ total cost( value) ;
ориентировочная ~ estimated (tentative) cost;
~ по оценке appraised value;
~ провоза freight charge;
~ производства fabrication cost, cost of production;
прибавочная ~ surplus value;
реальная ~ real cost;
рыночная ~ market value;
сметная ~ estimate of cost, estimated cost;
совокупная ~ aggregate cost;
средняя ~ average cost;
~ товаров и услуг cost of goods and services;
~ транспортировки cost of transportation;
страховая ~ insured value;
текущая ~ present value;
установленная ~ fixed limit of cost;
фактурная ~ invoice value;
чистая ~ net cost;
калькуляция ~и calculation of cost;
оценка ~и estimation of cost;
завышать ~ (напр. акций) overrate;
~ тонны зерна cost of grain per ton, cost of a ton of grain;
общей ~ью в тысячу рублей to a total value of one thousand roubles;
2. эк. value;
закон ~и law of value.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > стоимость
19 equation
ɪˈkweɪʃən сущ.
1) выравнивание;
2) мат. уравнение;
равенство according to equation ≈ по уравнению to formulate, state an equation ≈ сформулировать уравнение to solve, work an equation ≈ решить уравнение algebraic equation ≈ алгебраическое уравнение differential equation ≈ дифференциальное уравнение first-degree equation ≈ уравнение первой степени integral equation ≈ интегральное уравнение linear equation ≈ линейное уравнение quadratic equation ≈ квадратное уравнение regression equation ≈ уравнение регрессии simple equation ≈ простое уравнение term of equation ≈ член уравнения equation in one unknown ≈ уравнение с одним неизвестным equation in two unknowns ≈ уравнение с двумя неизвестными (книжное) выравнивание, уравнивание;
уравновешивание - error * (специальное) уравнивание ошибок;
уравнивание погрешностей - side * (геодезия) уравнивание сторон - * of condition( физическое) уравнение состояния уравновешенность, правильное соотношение;
согласованность - * of demand and supply (экономика) равенство спроса и предложения - * of payments( коммерческое) установление средних сроков платежа приравнивание - personal * (психологическое) поправка на личные особенности, на характер (математика) уравнение - simple * уравнение первой степени - second-degree * уравнение второй степени, квадратное уравнение - to solve an * решить уравнение (химическое) уравнение, формула реакции (специальное) уравнение - * of time (астрономия) уравнение времени (разность между средним и истинным солнечным временем) autoregression ~ уравнение авторегрессии autoregressive ~ уравнение авторегрессии balance an ~ уравнивать behavior ~ бихевиористское уравнение behavior ~ уравнение поведения behavioural ~ бихевиористское уравнение behavioural ~ уравнение поведения continuity ~ уравнение непрерывности design ~ расчетная формула difference ~ конечно-разностное уравнение difference ~ разностное уравнение differential ~ дифференциальное уравнение diffusion ~ уравнение диффузии empiric ~ эмпирическое уравнение equation выравнивание ~ мат. уравнение ~ мат. уравнение equilibrium ~ уравнение равновесия error ~ уравнение ошибок estimation ~ уравнение для оценок interpolation ~ интерполяционная формула likelihood ~ уравнение правдоподобия linear ~ линейное уравнение linear: ~ линейный;
linear equation мат. уравнение первой степени;
linear measures меры длины linearized ~ линеаризованное уравнение matrix ~ матричное уравнение maximum likelihood ~ уравнение максимального правдоподобия multiplier ~ уравнение мультипликатора nonlinear ~ нелинейное уравнение optimal inventory ~ уравнение оптимального уровня запасов queue ~ уравнение системы массового обслуживания reduced ~ приведенное уравнение regression ~ уравнение регрессии secular ~ вековое уравнение working ~ рабочая формулаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > equation
20 method
ˈmeθəd сущ.
1) а) метод, способ;
методика, прием, средство б) мн. методика (как направление научной деятельности) to apply, employ, use a method ≈ применять, использовать метод to adopt a method ≈ перенимать метод to give up, scrap a method ≈ переставать пользоваться( каким-л.) методом modern method ≈ современный метод obsolete method ≈ устаревший метод oral method ≈ устный метод a method for learning languages ≈ метод изучения иностранного языка There is a definite method in her manner of interrogation. ≈ В ее манере задавать вопросы есть определенный метод. antiquated method ≈ устаревший метод audiovisual method ≈ аудиовизуальный метод case method ≈ метод анализа( конкретных) ситуаций crude method ≈ неразработанный метод deductive method ≈ дедуктивный метод direct method ≈ прямой метод grammar-translation method ≈ грамматико-переводной метод изучения иностранного языка inductive method ≈ индуктивный метод infallible method ≈ надежный способ, проверенный способ refined method ≈ изощренный, тонкий метод rhythm method ≈ метод естественного цикла( метод контрацепции) scientific method ≈ научный метод Socratic method ≈ сократический метод (искусство добиться истины путем установления противоречий в суждении противника) sophisticated method ≈ изощренный, тонкий метод sound method ≈ логичный, правильный метод sure method ≈ надежный способ, проверенный способ teaching methods ≈ методика обучения unorthodox method ≈ оригинальный, нешаблонный метод up-to-date method ≈ современный метод Syn: fashion, manner, mode, procedure, way, means
2) а) система;
порядок, строй Syn: system б) бот.;
зоол. классификация метод, способ, система - comparative * сравнительный метод - a new * of cure новый способ лечения - the * of operation( горное) система эксплуатации - finite-difference * (математика) метод конечных разностей, конечно-разностный метод - his * is to compare different versions его метод состоит в сопоставлении разных вариантов - there are several *s of doing this существует несколько способов сделать это обыкн. pl методика (преподавания) - modern *s of language teaching современная методика преподавания языков - to evolve a new * разработать новую методику (the Method) (театроведение) система Станиславского - a Method actor актер, работающий по системе Станиславского система, порядок - a man of * человек любящий систему /порядок/;
методичный человек - to work without * работать бессистемно - he relies on * rather than luck он рассчитывает на систематический подход, а не на везение( редкое) классификация логичность, последовательность - there is * in his madness в его безумии есть система access ~ вчт. метод доступа accounting ~ метод бухгалтерского учета accounting ~ метод бухгалтерской отчетности accrual ~ вчт. кумулятивный метод actuarial ~ актуарный метод approximation ~ способ аппроксимации audio-visual ~ аудио-визуальный метод (учебный процесс, использующий озвученные проецируемые изображения для облегчения усвоения учебного материала) axiomatic ~ аксиоматический метод axiomatical ~ аксиоматический метод branch-and-bound ~ метод ветвей и границ building ~ вчт. метод стандартных блоков business ~ метод деловой деятельности case-study ~ метод анализа конкретных ситуаций checksum ~ вчт. метод контрольных сумм component ~ вчт. метод компонентов contribution ~ способ уплаты взносов cost ~ метод калькуляции critical path ~ метод критического пути cut-and-try ~ метод проб и ошибок deferral ~ порядок отсрочки deferral ~ способ отсрочки demon ~ вчт. метод-демон depreciation ~ метод начисления износа direct-access ~ вчт. прямой метод доступа distribution ~ способ распределения distribution ~ способ распространения dual simplex ~ двойственный симплексный метод equity ~ метод оценки собственного капитала finite-difference ~ метод конечных разностей finite-element ~ метод конечных элементов first-in-first-out ~ вчт. метод обслуживания в порядке поступления gradient ~ градиентный метод gradient projection ~ метод проекции градиента graduation ~ метод сглаживания graph ~ графический метод graphic analysis ~ графико-аналитический метод gross profit ~ метод валовой прибыли heuristic ~ эвристический метод hierarchical access ~ вчт. иерархический метод доступа highest average ~ стат. метод наибольшего среднего index ~ метод индексов inference ~ вчт. стратегия вывода interview ~ метод интервью inventory flow ~ метод управления потоком запасов iteration ~ итерационный метод last-in-first-out ~ вчт. метод обслуживания в обратном порядке least-square ~ метод наименьших квадратов least-squares ~ метод наименьших квадратов liability ~ метод дебиторского долга management ~ метод управления manufacturing ~ производственный метод manufacturing ~ технология производства marketing ~ метод сбыта продукции matrix ~ матричный метод maximum likelihood ~ метод максимального правдоподобия maximum-likelihood ~ метод максимального правдоподобия method бот., зоол. классификация ~ логичность ~ метод, способ;
прием ~ метод ~ pl методика (наука) ~ методика ~ порядок ~ система;
порядок ~ система ~ способ ~ of assessment метод оценки ~ of average метод средних ~ of bonus allocation метод распределения вознаграждения ~ of bonus allocation метод распределения добавочного дивиденда ~ of bonus allocation метод распределения премии ~ of calculation метод вычисления ~ of calculation метод калькуляции ~ of calculation метод расчета ~ of comparison способ сравнения ~ of computing interest метод расчета процентов ~ of dispatch способ отправки ~ of doing business метод предпринимательства ~ of integer forms метод целочисленных форм ~ of leading averages метод ведущих средних ~ of leading variables метод ведущих переменных ~ of linearization метод линеаризации ~ of maximum likelihood метод максимального правдоподобия ~ of measurement способ измерения ~ of payment метод платежа ~ of production метод производства ~ of recording метод учета ~ of recording система регистрации ~ of settlement метод урегулирования ~ of smoothing метод сглаживания ~ of solution метод решения ~ of successive approximations метод последовательных приближений ~ of trial and error метод проб и ошибок ~ of valuation метод определения стоимости network ~ сетевой метод nonquantitative ~s неколичественные методы nonsequential ~ непоследовательный метод numerical ~ численный метод numerical ~s численные методы one-factor-at-a-time ~ метод раздельного исследования факторов overriding a ~ вчт. переопределение метода past equity ~ метод чистой стоимости капитала в прошлом периоде percentage-of-completion ~ метод процента выполнения point ~ точечный метод point-estimation ~ метод точечных оценок prediction-correction ~ метод предиктор-корректор production ~ метод производства production ~ технология производства promotional ~ метод рекламно-пропагандистской деятельности ranking ~ метод упорядочения ranking ~ способ упорядочения ranking ~s методы упорядочения ray-casting ~ метод отслеживания лучей reducing balance ~ метод снижения баланса residual ~ метод остаточных чисел retail ~ метод розничной продажи sales ~ метод продажи sampling ~ выборочный метод sampling ~ stat. метод взятия выборок sampling ~ stat. метод выборочного контроля sampling ~ stat. метод выборочного обследования service output ~ метод оценки объема производства shortcut ~ ускоренный метод simplex ~ сиплексный метод simulation ~ метод моделирования snap-study ~ метод хронометрирования по отдельным отсчетам snapback ~ метод хронометрирования по отдельным отсчетам step-by-step ~ пошаговый метод stochastic approximation ~ метод стохастической аппроксимации targeting ~ метод контрольных показателей tax assessment ~ порядок налогообложения tax assessment ~ порядок установления налоговых ставок trial-and-error ~ метод проб и ошибок try-and-error ~ метод проб и ошибок unit-of-production ~ метод единицы измерения продукции valuation ~ метод оценки variation ~ вариационный метод variational ~ вариационный метод working ~ метод труда
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Balance of Terror — NOTOC Infobox Star Trek episode name = Balance of Terror The Romulan Commander agonizes over Captain Kirk s tactical ability series = The Original Series ep num = 14 prod num = 009 remas. num = 1 date = December 15 1966 writer = Paul Schneider… … Wikipedia
balance — n 1. scale, scales, steelyard, measure; beam, lever. 2. equilibrium, equipoise, equipollence, equipollen cy, equiponderance, equiponderancy; equivalence, equality, parity, par; equalization, uniformity, symmetry. 3. poise, composure, aplomb,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Color balance — This article is about the process applied to still images. For the equivalent process applied to video, see Color grading. The left half shows the photo as it came from the digital camera. The right half shows the photo adjusted to make a gray… … Wikipedia
Expérience du Schiehallion — Masse de la Terre La masse M de la Terre est estimée à 5,9736 x 1024 kg. Elle est obtenue à partir de la connaissance très précise fournie par la géodésie spatiale de la constante géocentrique GM et de la connaissance beaucoup moins précise… … Wikipédia en Français
Masse De La Terre — La masse M de la Terre est estimée à 5,9736 x 1024 kg. Elle est obtenue à partir de la connaissance très précise fournie par la géodésie spatiale de la constante géocentrique GM et de la connaissance beaucoup moins précise fournie par la physique … Wikipédia en Français
Masse de la terre — La masse M de la Terre est estimée à 5,9736 x 1024 kg. Elle est obtenue à partir de la connaissance très précise fournie par la géodésie spatiale de la constante géocentrique GM et de la connaissance beaucoup moins précise fournie par la physique … Wikipédia en Français
Masse terrestre — Masse de la Terre La masse M de la Terre est estimée à 5,9736 x 1024 kg. Elle est obtenue à partir de la connaissance très précise fournie par la géodésie spatiale de la constante géocentrique GM et de la connaissance beaucoup moins précise… … Wikipédia en Français
Masse de la Terre — La masse de la Terre (M) est estimée à 5,9736×1024 kg. Elle est obtenue à partir de la connaissance très précise fournie par la géodésie spatiale de la constante géocentrique (GM) et de la connaissance beaucoup moins précise fournie par la… … Wikipédia en Français
Wii — Fabricant Nintendo Type Console de salon Génération Septième Date de sortie … Wikipédia en Français
examen — [ ɛgzamɛ̃ ] n. m. • 1339; mot lat. « aiguille de balance », de exigere « peser » 1 ♦ Action de considérer, d observer avec attention. ⇒ considération (1o), étude, inspection, investigation, observation, recherche. Examen destiné à apprécier (⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium