Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки



    1. Общее правило для переводчика: русское существительное, стоящее в начале предложения в косвенном падеже, следует преобразовывать в подлежащее английского предложения, вне зависимости от его исходной синтаксической роли.
    Это наиболее надежный способ построить грамматически правильное и удобопонятное предложение на АЯ.
    a) Конструкция «в + Пр.п» в начале предложения:
    В выступлении президента было подчеркнуто, что никакие ссылки на терроризм не дают американской администрации права выступать в роли международного судьи. – The president’s statement emphasized that no reference to/invoking of terrorism can/give the American Administration the right to act as/ take the role of an international judge.
    В работе пресс-конференции принимали участие рабочие всех отраслей. – The work of the conference involved/included (замена глагола для достижения естественности звучания английского предложения) workers from all industries/fields/areas.
    Во французской ноте выражался решительный протест против этих действий. – The French note strongly/vigorously protested/contained a strong protest against such actions.
    Конструкция «в + Пр.п места» часто используется для ссылок на документ:
    В принятой вчера резолюции… - The resolution adopted/passed yesterday…
    В этом докладе много материалов на данную тему. – This report contains a lot of materials on this subject.
    В этих листках зло писали о порядках на фабрике. – These leaflets harshly criticized the system at the factory.
    - в печати
    б) Конструкция «на + Пр.п.»
    На встрече договорились… - The meeting reached an agreement…
    На рисунке хорошо видны детали. – The picture gives a good view of these details.
    в) Конструкция «о + Пр.п»
    Об этом говорилось уже много раз. – This has been discussed/referred to/addressed/spoken about/spoken to/raised/dealt with many times.
    г) Преобразование косвенного падежа в подлежащее с заменой активного глагола на пассивный:
    О конструктивной роли, которую могли бы сыграть средства массовой информации, следует помнить. – The constructive role which the media could play should be recalled.
    О причинах нынешней напряженности мы уже имели возможность сказать на заседаниях этого комитета. – The reasons for the present tension have already been addressed/are a subject we have already addressed at meetings of this committee.
    д) Перевод предложений, начинающихся со слов в Вин.п.:
    i)используется глагол to be (глагол «широкой семантики» - «бытийный глагол»).
    Крайне опасный характер приобретает теперь терроризм. Extremely dangerous now is terrorism/Of particular danger now is terrorism.
    ii) используются слова that, what или something вместе с «бытийным глаголом»:
    Бесспорными являются тяжелые последствия усилий ЮАР в этой области для безопасности соседних государств. – What is unquestionable/Something which is unquestionable is the serious consequences of South Africa’s steps in this area for the security of neighboring states.
    *** Вполне обоснованным представляется вывод, сделанный Генеральным Секретарем в его недавнем докладе о положении на Ближнем Востоке, о том, что… - What is fully justified is…/Something that would seem fully justified is the conclusion drawn by the Secretary General in his recent report that…
    е) Перевод дополнений в Дат.п.
    Этой тактике «превентивных» ударов должен быть положен конец. – This policy of preventive strikes must be stopped/halted.
    По адресу правления совета высказывалось одобрение. – The board of the council was commended
    Ему было холодно. – He was cold. Ей хотелось спать. – She felt sleepy.
    ж) Перевод местоимений в Вин.п.
    Их беспокоит, что он все еще не приехал. – They are worried that he hasn’t yet arrived.
    з) Конструкции «от + Род.п.»
    От пожара уцелело всего несколько домов. – The fire spared ( замена глагола) only a few houses.
    От понимания того, что является причиной сползания человечества к ядерной бездне, зависит и ответ на вопрос, можно ли остановить этот страшный процесс. – Understanding the reason for the mankind’s drift towards the nuclear abyss/nuclear disaster determines ( замена глагола) the answer to the question (as to) whether it is possible to stop this frightening/horrendous/fatal process.
    *** От того, сумеет ли мир избежать ядерной катастрофы, зависит решение всех насущных проблем и само существование человеческой цивилизации. – The world’s ability to nuclear catastrophe is decisive/is critical for the resolution of all other urgent/critical problems and for the very survival of civilization. Или Whether of not the world can avoid nuclear catastrophe – this will determine/this is what will determine the resolution…
    2. Перевод оборотов, начинающихся с причастий
    а) Начинать с причастия – напрашиваться на неприятности! Перевод можно начинать со слов that, what или something
    Выдвинутая в заявлении Президента от 15 февраля программа освобождения человечества кс 2000 году от ядерного и иного оружия массового уничтожения рассматривает выделение средств на цели социального и экономического развития в качестве важнейшей сопутствующей меры соглашений по ограничению вооружений и разоружению. –
    That/something which was proposed in the president’s statement of February 15, namely/I mean/that is the program for freeing/delivering mankind by the year 2000 from nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction provides for the allocation of resources for social and economic development as a most important collateral/additional/accompanying measure for arms limitation and disarmament agreements.
    б) Если вероятностное прогнозирование или здравый смысл подсказывают дальнейшее развитие мысли оратора, переводчик может заменить причастие именной конструкцией:
    Интересы этих народов требуют, чтобы были приняты безотлагательные меры по оздоровлению обстановки в регионе. – The interests of those peoples require the taking of immediate measures/measures that can be taken/to improve the situation in the region.
    *** В полной мере здесь должны быть использованы каналы Всемирной кампании за разоружение. – Full use should be made here of the opportunities provided by the World Disarmament Campaign.
    в) Возможно опустить причастие:
    Нам также представляется правильным принятый Комитетом подход к выработке общих рекомендаций, согласно которому акцент будет делаться на качестве разрабатываемых им рекомендаций. – We also believe that the Committee’s approach to drawing up recommendations is correct, namely that stress will be placed on the quality of the recommendations it produces/draws up/makes/comes up with.
    г) Сведение причастного оборота к прилагательному:
    Такой ориентированный на деловой результат подход даст возможность добиться необходимой активизации роли нашей комиссии. – Such a determined/vigorous/single-minded approach will provide/allow for the required/needed stepping up/intensification of the role of our committee.
    3. Перевод предложений, начинающихся с глаголов со значением необходимости и долженствования:
    there is
    Требует своего совершенствования процедура рассмотрения документов. – There is a need to improve the procedure for consideration of documents.
    Необходимо всемерно повышать… - There is a need to raise in every way/it is essential to raise in every way… Необходимо более тесное международное сотрудничество… - There is a need for closer international cooperation/What is needed is closer international cooperation…
    Особенно эффективно использовать there is, если переводчик не хочет вводить подлежащее или ставить глагол в пассивную форму:
    Надо это сделать. – There is a need to do it/
    C.f. We need to do it. (введено подлежащее) This should be done. (глагол в пассиве)
    4. Перевод безличных предложений.
    It is - в качестве тематического подлежащего
    Проводить тренировку лучше днем или вечером. – It is best to do these exercises in the afternoon or evening.
    Легче попасть в беду, чем выпутаться из нее. – It is easier to get into trouble than out of it.
    5. Если прямое дополнение, обозначающее предмет действия, превращается в английском предложении в подлежащее, то сказуемое выражается при помощи пассивной глагольной конструкции.
    Толкали его. – He was pushed.
    Первые шаги в этой области предприняла ЮНЕСКО. – The first steps in this field were taken by UNESCO.
    6. Неопределенно-личные конструкции переводятся пассивом.
    Говорят, он хороший актер. – He is said to be a good actor.
    Ее считают способной учительницей. – She is considered a good teacher. Нам внушали, что наша система лучше. – We have been led to believe/told that our system is better.
    Иногда глагол можно заменить существительным:
    Готовились праздновать Новый год. – Preparations were under way/begun for celebrating New Year.
    7. Безличная конструкция с инфинитивом переводится при помощи местоимения it или личного местоимения.
    Радоваться нам надо, а не плакать. – We should be happy and not cry/instead of crying.
    Не надо так говорить. – You must not say that/You shouldn’t talk like that. Что делать? – What should we/you do?
    8. Русское прилагательное, помещенное на начальное место в предложении с целью выделения, может потребовать при переводе на английский, помимо изменения порядка слов, использования усилительного слова или конструкции.
    Прекрасный ты испекла торт! – What a fantastic cake you baked!
    Видела я первые его шаги. – I saw him take his very first steps. Голодная я! – Am I starving!/Because I’m hungry, that’s why! Невероятная это была история. – It was an absolutely unbelievable story.
    9. Разделение в русском предложении словосочетания с целью логического выделения одного из слов может обусловить наличие в предложении двух интонационных центров.
    Замечательный у тебя муж! – What a wonderful husband you have!
    Очень сильно девочка ушиблась вчера. – She really got badly bruised yesterday. Триста ты мне должен долларов, дорогой! – That’s tree hundred you owe me, kiddo!
    10. Интонационное выделение слова, стоящего в непривычной для себя начальной позиции, показывает, что именно оно особенно важно для говорящего. Такой инвертированный порядок слов характерен для вопросительных предложений в разговорном стиле.
    Он к вам приходит когда? – When is it he’s coming to see you?
    А говорит он ей что? – So what is he telling her?
    Ваня, мне кажется, не пришел. ( интонационное выделение имени собственного) – I don’t think Vanya came.

    Русско-английский словарь переводчика-синхрониста > СИНТАКСИС

  • 42 Introduction

       Portugal is a small Western European nation with a large, distinctive past replete with both triumph and tragedy. One of the continent's oldest nation-states, Portugal has frontiers that are essentially unchanged since the late 14th century. The country's unique character and 850-year history as an independent state present several curious paradoxes. As of 1974, when much of the remainder of the Portuguese overseas empire was decolonized, Portuguese society appeared to be the most ethnically homogeneous of the two Iberian states and of much of Europe. Yet, Portuguese society had received, over the course of 2,000 years, infusions of other ethnic groups in invasions and immigration: Phoenicians, Greeks, Celts, Romans, Suevi, Visigoths, Muslims (Arab and Berber), Jews, Italians, Flemings, Burgundian French, black Africans, and Asians. Indeed, Portugal has been a crossroads, despite its relative isolation in the western corner of the Iberian Peninsula, between the West and North Africa, Tropical Africa, and Asia and America. Since 1974, Portugal's society has become less homogeneous, as there has been significant immigration of former subjects from its erstwhile overseas empire.
       Other paradoxes should be noted as well. Although Portugal is sometimes confused with Spain or things Spanish, its very national independence and national culture depend on being different from Spain and Spaniards. Today, Portugal's independence may be taken for granted. Since 1140, except for 1580-1640 when it was ruled by Philippine Spain, Portugal has been a sovereign state. Nevertheless, a recurring theme of the nation's history is cycles of anxiety and despair that its freedom as a nation is at risk. There is a paradox, too, about Portugal's overseas empire(s), which lasted half a millennium (1415-1975): after 1822, when Brazil achieved independence from Portugal, most of the Portuguese who emigrated overseas never set foot in their overseas empire, but preferred to immigrate to Brazil or to other countries in North or South America or Europe, where established Portuguese overseas communities existed.
       Portugal was a world power during the period 1415-1550, the era of the Discoveries, expansion, and early empire, and since then the Portuguese have experienced periods of decline, decadence, and rejuvenation. Despite the fact that Portugal slipped to the rank of a third- or fourth-rate power after 1580, it and its people can claim rightfully an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions that assure their place both in world and Western history. These distinctions should be kept in mind while acknowledging that, for more than 400 years, Portugal has generally lagged behind the rest of Western Europe, although not Southern Europe, in social and economic developments and has remained behind even its only neighbor and sometime nemesis, Spain.
       Portugal's pioneering role in the Discoveries and exploration era of the 15th and 16th centuries is well known. Often noted, too, is the Portuguese role in the art and science of maritime navigation through the efforts of early navigators, mapmakers, seamen, and fishermen. What are often forgotten are the country's slender base of resources, its small population largely of rural peasants, and, until recently, its occupation of only 16 percent of the Iberian Peninsula. As of 1139—10, when Portugal emerged first as an independent monarchy, and eventually a sovereign nation-state, England and France had not achieved this status. The Portuguese were the first in the Iberian Peninsula to expel the Muslim invaders from their portion of the peninsula, achieving this by 1250, more than 200 years before Castile managed to do the same (1492).
       Other distinctions may be noted. Portugal conquered the first overseas empire beyond the Mediterranean in the early modern era and established the first plantation system based on slave labor. Portugal's empire was the first to be colonized and the last to be decolonized in the 20th century. With so much of its scattered, seaborne empire dependent upon the safety and seaworthiness of shipping, Portugal was a pioneer in initiating marine insurance, a practice that is taken for granted today. During the time of Pombaline Portugal (1750-77), Portugal was the first state to organize and hold an industrial trade fair. In distinctive political and governmental developments, Portugal's record is more mixed, and this fact suggests that maintaining a government with a functioning rule of law and a pluralist, representative democracy has not been an easy matter in a country that for so long has been one of the poorest and least educated in the West. Portugal's First Republic (1910-26), only the third republic in a largely monarchist Europe (after France and Switzerland), was Western Europe's most unstable parliamentary system in the 20th century. Finally, the authoritarian Estado Novo or "New State" (1926-74) was the longest surviving authoritarian system in modern Western Europe. When Portugal departed from its overseas empire in 1974-75, the descendants, in effect, of Prince Henry the Navigator were leaving the West's oldest empire.
       Portugal's individuality is based mainly on its long history of distinc-tiveness, its intense determination to use any means — alliance, diplomacy, defense, trade, or empire—to be a sovereign state, independent of Spain, and on its national pride in the Portuguese language. Another master factor in Portuguese affairs deserves mention. The country's politics and government have been influenced not only by intellectual currents from the Atlantic but also through Spain from Europe, which brought new political ideas and institutions and novel technologies. Given the weight of empire in Portugal's past, it is not surprising that public affairs have been hostage to a degree to what happened in her overseas empire. Most important have been domestic responses to imperial affairs during both imperial and internal crises since 1415, which have continued to the mid-1970s and beyond. One of the most important themes of Portuguese history, and one oddly neglected by not a few histories, is that every major political crisis and fundamental change in the system—in other words, revolution—since 1415 has been intimately connected with a related imperial crisis. The respective dates of these historical crises are: 1437, 1495, 1578-80, 1640, 1820-22, 1890, 1910, 1926-30, 1961, and 1974. The reader will find greater detail on each crisis in historical context in the history section of this introduction and in relevant entries.
       The Republic of Portugal is located on the western edge of the Iberian Peninsula. A major geographical dividing line is the Tagus River: Portugal north of it has an Atlantic orientation; the country to the south of it has a Mediterranean orientation. There is little physical evidence that Portugal is clearly geographically distinct from Spain, and there is no major natural barrier between the two countries along more than 1,214 kilometers (755 miles) of the Luso-Spanish frontier. In climate, Portugal has a number of microclimates similar to the microclimates of Galicia, Estremadura, and Andalusia in neighboring Spain. North of the Tagus, in general, there is an Atlantic-type climate with higher rainfall, cold winters, and some snow in the mountainous areas. South of the Tagus is a more Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry, often rainless summers and cool, wet winters. Lisbon, the capital, which has a fifth of the country's population living in its region, has an average annual mean temperature about 16° C (60° F).
       For a small country with an area of 92,345 square kilometers (35,580 square miles, including the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and the Madeiras), which is about the size of the state of Indiana in the United States, Portugal has a remarkable diversity of regional topography and scenery. In some respects, Portugal resembles an island within the peninsula, embodying a unique fusion of European and non-European cultures, akin to Spain yet apart. Its geography is a study in contrasts, from the flat, sandy coastal plain, in some places unusually wide for Europe, to the mountainous Beira districts or provinces north of the Tagus, to the snow-capped mountain range of the Estrela, with its unique ski area, to the rocky, barren, remote Trás-os-Montes district bordering Spain. There are extensive forests in central and northern Portugal that contrast with the flat, almost Kansas-like plains of the wheat belt in the Alentejo district. There is also the unique Algarve district, isolated somewhat from the Alentejo district by a mountain range, with a microclimate, topography, and vegetation that resemble closely those of North Africa.
       Although Portugal is small, just 563 kilometers (337 miles) long and from 129 to 209 kilometers (80 to 125 miles) wide, it is strategically located on transportation and communication routes between Europe and North Africa, and the Americas and Europe. Geographical location is one key to the long history of Portugal's three overseas empires, which stretched once from Morocco to the Moluccas and from lonely Sagres at Cape St. Vincent to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is essential to emphasize the identity of its neighbors: on the north and east Portugal is bounded by Spain, its only neighbor, and by the Atlantic Ocean on the south and west. Portugal is the westernmost country of Western Europe, and its shape resembles a face, with Lisbon below the nose, staring into the
       Atlantic. No part of Portugal touches the Mediterranean, and its Atlantic orientation has been a response in part to turning its back on Castile and Léon (later Spain) and exploring, traveling, and trading or working in lands beyond the peninsula. Portugal was the pioneering nation in the Atlantic-born European discoveries during the Renaissance, and its diplomatic and trade relations have been dominated by countries that have been Atlantic powers as well: Spain; England (Britain since 1707); France; Brazil, once its greatest colony; and the United States.
       Today Portugal and its Atlantic islands have a population of roughly 10 million people. While ethnic homogeneity has been characteristic of it in recent history, Portugal's population over the centuries has seen an infusion of non-Portuguese ethnic groups from various parts of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Between 1500 and 1800, a significant population of black Africans, brought in as slaves, was absorbed in the population. And since 1950, a population of Cape Verdeans, who worked in menial labor, has resided in Portugal. With the influx of African, Goan, and Timorese refugees and exiles from the empire—as many as three quarters of a million retornados ("returned ones" or immigrants from the former empire) entered Portugal in 1974 and 1975—there has been greater ethnic diversity in the Portuguese population. In 2002, there were 239,113 immigrants legally residing in Portugal: 108,132 from Africa; 24,806 from Brazil; 15,906 from Britain; 14,617 from Spain; and 11,877 from Germany. In addition, about 200,000 immigrants are living in Portugal from eastern Europe, mainly from Ukraine. The growth of Portugal's population is reflected in the following statistics:
       1527 1,200,000 (estimate only)
       1768 2,400,000 (estimate only)
       1864 4,287,000 first census
       1890 5,049,700
       1900 5,423,000
       1911 5,960,000
       1930 6,826,000
       1940 7,185,143
       1950 8,510,000
       1960 8,889,000
       1970 8,668,000* note decrease
       1980 9,833,000
       1991 9,862,540
       1996 9,934,100
       2006 10,642,836
       2010 10,710,000 (estimated)

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Introduction

  • 43 διαθήκη

    διαθήκη, ης, ἡ (Democr., Aristoph.+; ins, pap, LXX, En, TestSol, TestAbr, Test12Patr; ParJer 6:21; ApcEsdr, ApcMos; AssMos Fgm. a; Philo, Joseph., Just.; Mel., HE 4, 26, 14) apart from the simplex θήκη ‘case, chest’, for the mng. of this word one must begin with the mid. form of the verb διατίθεμαι, which is freq. used in legal and commercial discourse of disposition of things (s. L-S-J-M s.v. διατιθημι B), w. implication of promissory obligation. Disposition of one’s personal effects would naturally come under testamentary law, hence
    last will and testament (so exclusively in Hellenistic times, Eger [s. 3 below] 99 note; exx. e.g. in Riggenbach 292ff; Behm 10, 1; 2; Philo, Joseph., Test12Patr; loanw. in rabb.) Hb 9:16f; δ. κεκυρωμένη a will that has been ratified Gal 3:15; cp. 17, where δ. shades into mng. 2 (s. κυρόω 1, προκυρόω); s. also EBammel, below, and JSwetnam, CBQ 27, ’65, 373–90. On Jewish perspective s. RKatzoff, An Interpretation of PYadin 19—A Jewish Gift after Death: ProcXXCongPap 562–65.
    As a transl. of בְּרִית in LXX δ. retains the component of legal disposition of personal goods while omitting that of the anticipated death of a testator. A Hellenistic reader would experience no confusion, for it was a foregone conclusion that gods were immortal. Hence a δ. decreed by God cannot require the death of the testator to make it operative. Nevertheless, another essential characteristic of a testament is retained, namely that it is the declaration of one person’s initiative, not the result of an agreement betw. two parties, like a compact or a contract. This is beyond doubt one of the main reasons why the LXX rendered בְּרִית by δ. In the ‘covenants’ of God, it was God alone who set the conditions; hence covenant (s. OED s.v. ‘covenant’ sb. 7) can be used to trans. δ. only when this is kept in mind. So δ. acquires a mng. in LXX which cannot be paralleled w. certainty in extra-Biblical sources, namely ‘decree’, ‘declaration of purpose’, ‘set of regulations’, etc. Our lit., which is very strongly influenced by LXX in this area, seems as a rule to have understood the word in these senses (JHughes, NovT 21, ’79, 27–96 [also Hb 9:16–20; Gal 3:15–17]). God has issued a declaration of his purpose Ro 11:27 (Is 59:21); 1 Cl 15:4 (Ps 77:37); 35:7 (Ps 49:16), which God bears in mind (cp. Ps 104:8f; 105:45 al.) Lk 1:72; it goes back to ancestral days Ac 3:25 (PsSol 9:10; ParJer 6:21). God also issued an ordinance (of circumcision) 7:8 (cp. Gen 17:10ff). Since God’s holy will was set forth on more than one occasion (Gen 6:18; 9:9ff; 15:18; 17:2ff; Ex 19:5 and oft.), one may speak of διαθῆκαι decrees, assurances (cp. διαθῆκαι πατέρων Wsd 18:22; 2 Macc 8:15.—But the pl. is also used for a single testament: Diog. L. 4, 44; 5, 16. In quoting or referring to Theophr. sometimes the sing. [Diog. L. 5, 52; 56] is used, sometimes the pl. [5, 51; 57]) Ro 9:4; Eph 2:12. Much emphasis is laid on the δ. καινή, mentioned as early as Jer 38:31, which God planned for future disposition (Hb 8:8–10; 10:16). God’s decree or covenant directed toward the Christians is a καινὴ δ. (δ. δευτέρα Orig., C. Cels. 2, 75) Lk 22:20; 1 Cor 11:25; 2 Cor 3:6; Hb 8:8; 9:15a; PtK 2 p. 15, 5, or δ. νέα Hb 12:24; PtK 2 p. 15, 6 which, as a δ. αἰώνιος (cp. Jer 39:40; En 99:2) Hb 13:20, far excels 7:22; 8:6 the παλαιὰ δ. 2 Cor 3:14, or πρώτη δ. Hb 9:15b, with which it is contrasted. Both are mentioned (Did., Gen. 46, 4; 235, 26) Gal 4:24; B 4:6ff (Ex 34:28; 31:18; Just., D. 67, 9). Blood was shed when the old covenant was proclaimed at Sinai Hb 9:20 (Ex 24:8); the same is true of the new covenant Hb 10:29. τὸ αἷμά μου τ. διαθήκης Mt 26:28; Mk 14:24 (ELohse, Märtyrer u. Gottesknecht2, ’63, 122–29) is prob. to be understood in connection w. this blood (s. WWrede, ZNW 1, 1900, 69–74; TRobinson, My Blood of the Covenant: KMarti Festschr. 1925, 232–37; for a critique of this view s. GWalther, Jesus, D. Passalamm des Neuen Bundes, ’50, 22–27 and JJeremias TLZ, ’51, 547. For Syriac background JEmerton, JTS 13, ’62, 111–17; s. also ÉDelebrecque, Études grecques sur l’vangile de Luc ’76, 109–21).—The v.l. Lk 22:29 may be derived from Jer 39:40 or Is 55:3 LXX (for the cognate acc. s. Aristoph., Aves 440).—δ. may also be transl. decree in the Ep. of Barnabas (4:6ff; 6:19; 9:6; 13:1, 6; 14:1ff δ. δοῦναί τινι); but the freq. occurrence of the idea of inheritance (6:19; 13:1, 6; 14:4f), makes it likely that the ‘decree’ is to be thought of as part of a will.
    The mng. compact, contract seems firmly established for Gr-Rom. times (FNorton, A Lexicographical and Historical Study of Διαθήκη, Chicago 1908, 31ff; EBruck, D. Schenkung auf d. Todesfall im griech. u. röm. Recht I 1909, 115ff; JWackernagel, D. Kultur d. Gegenw. I 82 1907, 309). It remains doubtful whether this mng. has influenced our lit. here and there (exc. quite prob. Lk 22:29 v.l. with its administrative tenor; the phrase διατίθεμαι δ. as Aristoph., Av. 440 of a treaty agreement), but the usage of the term δ. in such sense would again serve as a bridge to LXX usage.—The expr. ἡ κιβωτὸς τ. διαθήκης covenant chest i.e. the sacred box (Eng. ‘ark’ as loanw. from Lat. arca) that symbolized God’s pledge of presence w. Israel (Ex 31:7; 39:14 al.) Hb 9:4; Rv 11:19 or αἱ πλάκες τ. διαθ. (Ex 34:28; Dt 9:9, 11) Hb 9:4 would have required some acquaintance with Israelite tradition on the part of ancient readers.—ERiggenbach, D. Begriff d. Διαθήκη im Hb: Theol. Stud. f. TZahn 1908, 289ff, Hb2 1922, 205ff al.; ACarr, Covenant or Testament?: Exp. 7th ser., 7, 1909, 347ff; JBehm, D. Begriff D. im NT 1912; ELohmeyer, Diatheke 1913; WFerguson, Legal Terms Common to the Macedonian Inscr. and the NT, 1913, 42–46 (testamentary exhibits); HKennedy, Exp. 8th ser., 10, 1915, 385ff; GVos, Hebrews, the Epistle of the Diatheke: PTR 13, 1915, 587–632; 14, 1916, 1–61; OEger, ZNW 18, 1918, 84–108; EBurton, ICC Gal 1921, 496–505; LdaFonseca, Διαθήκη foedus an testamentum?: Biblica 8, 1927; 9, 1928; EBammel, Gottes διαθήκη (Gal 3:15–17) u. d. jüd. Rechtsdenken, NTS 6, ’60, 313–19; NDow, A Select Bibliography on the Concept of Covenant, Austin Seminary Bulletin 78, 6, ’63; CRoetzel, Biblica 51, ’70, 377–90 (Ro 9:4); DMcCarthy, Berit and Covenant (Deut.), ’72, 65–85; EChristiansen, The Covenant in Judaism and Paul ’95.—DELG s.v. θήκη. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > διαθήκη

  • 44 תכוי

    תְּכוֹיm. (חָּלָה) 1) hanger, handle, cord, chain. Sabb.VIII, 2 (78a) גמי כדי לעשות ת׳וכ׳ Ar. a. Mish. ed. Pes. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 400; ed. תְּלָאי) as much reed grass as is required for the making of a hanger for a sieve Eduy. III, 9; Kel. XII, 6; Tosef. ib. B. Mets. II, 12 ת׳ המגררותוכ׳ the chain on which the strigils in the bathhouse are suspended. Kel. XV, 4 ת׳ מקלוכ׳ the handle of the constables staff. Ib. העשוי לת׳ טהור whatever is made for suspending or handling is not susceptible of uncleanness; a. fr.Pl. תְּלוֹיִים, תְּלוֹיִין, תְּלוֹיוֹת. Ib. כל התלויים … חוץ מתְּלוֹיֵיוכ׳ ed. Dehr. (Bab. ed. התלויות תלוי; Mish. ed. התְּלוֹיִם) all hangers or handles are clean except those of ; Tosef. ib. B. Mets.V, 6 התלויין. 2) hanging down, letting hang down. Yalk. Ps. 624, v. הֲרָמָה; (Pesik. Shek., p. 10b>; Midr. Till. to Ps. 3; Yalk. Ex. 365 ת׳ ראש lifting up the head, חרמת ראש removal of the head), 3) ( hanging over, interlinear writing. Tosef.Gitt.IX (VII), 8 שטר … ת׳ מגופווכ׳ a document which has an erasure or an interlinear insertion in its body (essential portion, v. תּוֹרֵף) is unlawful; Y. ib. IX, 50c תלות (corr. acc.).

    Jewish literature > תכוי

  • 45 תְּכוֹי

    תְּכוֹיm. (חָּלָה) 1) hanger, handle, cord, chain. Sabb.VIII, 2 (78a) גמי כדי לעשות ת׳וכ׳ Ar. a. Mish. ed. Pes. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 400; ed. תְּלָאי) as much reed grass as is required for the making of a hanger for a sieve Eduy. III, 9; Kel. XII, 6; Tosef. ib. B. Mets. II, 12 ת׳ המגררותוכ׳ the chain on which the strigils in the bathhouse are suspended. Kel. XV, 4 ת׳ מקלוכ׳ the handle of the constables staff. Ib. העשוי לת׳ טהור whatever is made for suspending or handling is not susceptible of uncleanness; a. fr.Pl. תְּלוֹיִים, תְּלוֹיִין, תְּלוֹיוֹת. Ib. כל התלויים … חוץ מתְּלוֹיֵיוכ׳ ed. Dehr. (Bab. ed. התלויות תלוי; Mish. ed. התְּלוֹיִם) all hangers or handles are clean except those of ; Tosef. ib. B. Mets.V, 6 התלויין. 2) hanging down, letting hang down. Yalk. Ps. 624, v. הֲרָמָה; (Pesik. Shek., p. 10b>; Midr. Till. to Ps. 3; Yalk. Ex. 365 ת׳ ראש lifting up the head, חרמת ראש removal of the head), 3) ( hanging over, interlinear writing. Tosef.Gitt.IX (VII), 8 שטר … ת׳ מגופווכ׳ a document which has an erasure or an interlinear insertion in its body (essential portion, v. תּוֹרֵף) is unlawful; Y. ib. IX, 50c תלות (corr. acc.).

    Jewish literature > תְּכוֹי

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