1 erasing system
2 erasing system
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > erasing system
3 erasing system
1) Техника: система стирания (записи)2) Вычислительная техника: стирающая система (напр. для ПЗУ) -
4 erasing system
стирающая система (напр., для ПЗУ)English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > erasing system
5 erasing
стирающий; удаление -
6 system
1) система || системный2) система; установка; устройство; комплекс3) программа•- adaptive control system
- address selection system
- addressing system
- advice-giving system
- AI planning system
- AI system
- analog computing system
- analog-digital computing system
- analysis information system
- application system
- arabic number system
- arithmetic system
- assembly system
- asymmetrical system
- atomic system
- attached processor system
- audio system
- authoring system
- automated office system
- automatic block system
- automatic checkout system
- automatic control system
- automatic search system
- automatic test system
- automatically programmed system
- automatically taught system
- autoprogrammable system
- axiomatic system
- backup system
- bad system
- bang-bang system
- base-2 system
- basic system
- batch-processing system
- binary system
- binary-coded decimal system
- binary-number system
- biquinary system
- bit-mapped system
- bit-slice system
- black-board expert system
- block parity system
- buddy system
- business system
- bus-oriented system
- bussed system
- CAD system
- call-reply system
- carrier system
- cause-controlled system
- character recognition system
- character-reading system
- chargeback system
- check sum error-detecting system
- chip-layout system
- clock system
- closed loop system
- closed system
- co-authoring system
- code recognition system
- code system
- coded-decimal system
- code-dependent system
- code-insensitive system
- code-sensitive system
- code-transparent system
- coding system
- coincident selection system
- cold system
- color-coded system
- command system
- common-bus system
- communication data system
- communications-oriented system
- complete articulated system
- computer system
- computer-aided design system
- computer-aided system
- computer-based system
- computer-based weapon system
- computerized system
- computing system
- concatenated coding system
- concealment system
- conservative system
- contention system
- continuous presence system
- control system
- controlled system
- controlling system
- coordinate system
- cordonnier system
- costrained vision system
- cross system
- crossbar switch system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data exchange system
- data flow system
- data gethering system
- data handling system
- data management system
- data preparation system
- data processing system
- data reduction system
- data retrieval system
- data storage system
- data system
- data transmission system
- database management system
- database support system
- data-managed system
- decimal number system
- decimal system
- decimal numeration system
- decision support system
- decision-aided system
- decision-making system
- decision-support system
- decision-taking system
- decoding selection system
- decomposable system
- dedicated system
- degenerate system
- design library support system
- design-automation system
- design-verification system
- development support system
- development system
- digital communication system
- digital computing system
- direct-current system
- directly coupled system
- discrete system
- discrete-continuous system
- disk operating system
- display system
- distributed database management system
- distributed function system
- distributed intelligence system
- distributed parameter system
- distributed system
- distribution system
- double intermediate tape system
- down system
- drafting system
- dual system
- dual-computer system
- dual-processor system
- duodecimal number system
- duodecimal system
- duotricenary number system
- duotricenary system
- duplexed computer system
- duplex computer system
- dyadic number system
- dyadic system
- dynamic mapping system
- dynamic scene system
- dynamic support system
- electronic data processing system
- electronic sorting system
- encoding system
- equipment adapted data system
- erasing system
- error-controlled system
- error-correcting system
- error-detecting system
- executive file-control system
- executive system
- expert control system
- expert support system
- expert system
- expert-planning system
- externally pulsed system
- fail-safe system
- fail-soft system
- fan-out system
- fault-tolerant system
- feasible system
- federated system
- feed system
- feedback system
- feedforward control system
- fiche retrieval system
- file control system
- file system
- fixed-lenght record system
- fixed-point system
- fixed-radix numeration system
- floating-point system
- fluid transport system
- follow-up system
- forgiving system
- front-end system
- fuzzy expert system
- generic expert system
- geographically distributed system
- goal-seeking system
- good system
- graceful degradation system
- graphic data system
- graphics display system
- graphics system
- help system
- heterogeneous system
- hexadecimal number system
- hexadecimal system - host system
- hostless system
- host-satellite system
- human visual system
- hunting system
- hypermedia system
- imaging system
- incremental system
- independent system
- indirectly coupled system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information retrieval system
- information handling system
- information management system
- information processing system
- information system
- information-feedback system
- in-plant system
- input/output control system
- instruction system
- instrumentation management system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- interactive control system
- interactive system
- intercommunicating system
- interlock system
- internal number system
- internal system
- Internet-enabled system
- interrupt system
- isolated system
- kernel system
- key-to-disk/tape system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based system
- large-scale computing system
- laser communication system
- layered control system - lexicon-driven system
- library reference system
- local-network system
- long-haul system
- lumped-parameter system
- machine tool control system
- machine-limited system
- machine-oriented programming system
- macroinstruction system
- macro system
- magnetic memory system
- magnetic recording system
- magnetic tape plotting system
- mail message system
- mail system
- mailbox system
- management information system
- man-machine system
- mapping system
- map-reading system
- mass memory system
- mass storage system
- master/slave system
- matrix memory system
- memory driver system
- memory system
- message handling system
- message system
- microcomputer system
- microfilm printing system
- midsplit system
- MIMO system
- mixed-base numbering system
- mixed-base number system
- mixed-radix numeration system
- model-based expert system
- modular system
- monitoring system
- monitor system
- mosaic system - multicomputer system
- multidimensional system
- multifrequency system
- multilevel storage system
- multiloop system
- multimaster communication system
- multimicroprocessor system
- multiple computation system
- multiple-bus system
- multiple-coincident magnetic storage system
- multiple-output control system
- multiplex system
- multiport system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor system
- multiprogramming computer system
- multiprogramming system
- multisite system
- multispeaker system
- multistable system
- multitasking operating system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser computer system
- multiuser system
- multiuser operating system
- multivariable system
- multivariate system
- negative-base number representation system
- negative-base number system
- network operating system
- node-replicated system
- noncomputerized system
- nonconsistently based number system
- nondegenerate system
- number representation system
- numbering system
- number system
- numeral system
- numeration system
- numerical system
- octal number system
- octal system
- office automation system
- off-line system
- on-demand system
- one-level storage system
- one-loop system
- one-over-one address system
- on-line system
- open-ended system
- open system
- open-loop system
- operating system
- operational system
- optical memory system
- overdetermined system
- overload-hold system
- page-on-demand system
- panelboard system
- paper-tape system
- parameter-driven expert system
- pattern recognition system
- peek-a-boo system
- peripheral system
- pipeline system
- polled system
- polymorphic system
- polyphase system
- portable system
- positional representation system
- Post-production system
- priority scheduling system
- priority system
- procedural expert system
- process control system
- processor-sharing system
- production control system
- production system
- program system
- programming system
- protection system
- pulse system
- pulse-or-no-pulse system
- pulse-signal system
- punch card computer system
- pure-binary numeration system
- purposeful system
- quadruplex system
- question-answering system
- queueing system
- queue system
- radix numbering system
- radix number system
- reactive system
- reading system
- real-time expert system
- real-time operating system
- real-time system
- reasoning system
- recognition system
- recording system
- recovery system
- reduntant number system
- reduntant system
- reflected binary number system
- reflected binary system
- refreshment system
- remote-access system
- replicating system
- representation system
- request-repeat system
- rerecording system
- residue number system
- residue system
- resource-sharing system
- restorable system
- retrieval system
- retrieval-only system - robotic system
- robot system
- rule-based expert system
- rule-based system
- scalable system
- selection system
- self-adapting system
- self-adjusting system
- self-aligning system
- self-balancing system
- self-check system
- self-contained system
- self-correcting system
- self-descriptive system
- self-learning system
- self-organizing system
- self-sustained oscillation system
- self-test system
- sensor-based system
- sequential scheduling system
- sexadecimal number system
- sexadecimal system
- shared-files system
- shell expert system
- silicon-development system
- simplex system
- single-drive system
- single-inheritance system
- single-phase clock system
- single-site system
- single-user computer system
- SISO system
- skeletal expert system
- slave system
- soft-sectored disk system
- software system
- sound system
- source code control system
- source-destination system
- space-division system
- stabilizing system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- start-stop system
- state-determined system
- stepped start-stop system
- stereo system
- stochastically disturbed system
- storage system
- stripped-down expert system
- subsplit system
- supervisor control system
- switching system
- symbolic assembly system
- syntactical system
- system explanation system
- system of logic
- system of notation
- system with delay
- system with time lag
- tabulating system
- tape data processing system
- tape drive system
- tape handling system
- tape operating system
- tape plotting system
- tape resident system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- taught system
- telecommunictions system
- telecontrol system
- terminal system
- ternary number system
- ternary system
- test system
- testbed system
- text-to-speech system
- time-division system
- time-pattern control system
- time-shared system
- time-shared-bus system
- time-sharing system
- timing system
- total system
- translating system
- translation system
- translator writing system
- transmitting system
- tree-structured system
- trusted computer system
- two-failure mode system
- two-level return system
- two-level system
- two-phase clock system
- ultrastable system
- Unified system
- uninterruptible power system
- uniprocessor system
- unrestorable system
- unstable system
- up system
- variable-lenght record system
- virtual system
- virtual-memory operating system
- vision system
- visual system
- voice/audio processing system
- voice-response system
- volunteer system
- weighted number system
- weighted system
- writing system
- xerox copy system
- zero-one systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > system
7 стирающая система
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > стирающая система
8 image
1. изображение; изображать, получать изображение, формировать изображение2. отпечаток3. фотографический снимок, фотоснимок4. отображение; отображатьaerial image — изображение «в воздухе»
5. пробельные элементы печатной формы6. слепое изображениеblueline image — синий оттиск, «синька»
camera image — изображение, образованное объективом фотокамеры
charge image — зарядное изображение; зарядный рельеф
conductivity image — электропроводящее изображение, изображение, обладающее электропроводностью
7. изображение на копииimage receiving plate — пластина, воспринимающая изображение
coded image — закодированное изображение; графический объект
8. изображение на оригиналеvideophone image — изображение, переданное по видеотелефону
9. проявленное изображение10. проявленный фотоснимокdirect image — изображение, полученное непосредственно на форме или бумаге
dye image — красочное изображение, изображение, образованное красителем
electrostatic charged image — зарядное изображение, зарядный рельеф
film image — плёночное изображение, изображение на фотоплёнке
first-generation image — изображение первого поколения, изображение-оригинал
11. плоское изображениеunsharp image — нечеткое изображение; нерезкое изображение
12. малоконтрастное изображение; вялое изображениеfrost image — изображение, образуемое узорами, напоминающими узоры на замёрзшем стекле
image transfer — передача изображения; перенос изображения
13. термопроявленное изображение14. термографическое изображениеinfrared absorbing image — изображение, поглощающее инфракрасное излучение
live and reference image — "живое " и опорное изображение
binary image — двоичное отображение; бинарное изображение
15. прообраз16. зеркальное изображениеmetal-plated image — изображение, усиленное путём нанесения на него тонкой плёнки металла
moving projected image — изображение, получаемое путём развёртки с помощью оптической системы
negative image — негативное изображение, негатив
nitrogen gas image — изображение, образованное пузырьками азота
out-of-focus image — изображение не в фокусе, нерезкое изображение
persistent conductivity image — изображение, сформированное на основе устойчивой внутренней проводимости
point image — точечное изображение, изображение, разбитое на точки
positive image — позитивное изображение, позитив
reproduced image — репродуцированное изображение; изображение, отпечатанное фотографическим способом
17. изображение, оставшееся на офсетной поверхности после получения оттиска18. остаточное изображениеrippled image — мелкорельефное изображение, мелкий рельеф
surface charge image — поверхностное зарядное изображение; поверхностный зарядный рельеф
test image — тестовое изображение, контрольное изображение; мира
toned image — изображение, проявленное тонером
toner image — изображение, проявленное тонером, порошковое изображение
rotate image — вращать изображение; вращение изображения
19. видимое изображение20. визуальное изображениеimage bearing surface — поверхность, несущая изображение
9 head
1) голова
2) бабка
3) верховье
4) головка
5) головной
6) головок
7) днище котла
8) кочан
9) кочанный
10) кочень
11) наголовник
12) надшахтный
13) налобный
14) напор
15) околотный
16) шефствовать
17) шляпка
18) главный
19) <cosm.> устройство ассенизационно-санитарное
20) устройство ассенизационное
21) заголовок
22) возглавлять
23) герб на монете
24) директор
25) наконечник
26) напорный
27) насадка
28) фракция
29) погон
– anol head
– arrow head
– attachment head
– barrel head
– blade head
– blow head
– bolt head
– boring head
– brake-block head
– cable head
– capillary head
– carriage head
– coiler head
– compositive-ferrite head
– contact head
– cup head of rivet
– cutting-bit head
– cylinder head
– de-aerating head
– degasification head
– delivery head
– detachable head
– detector head
– die head
– dished head
– distributor head
– dividing head
– door head
– drilling head
– drilling-boring head
– dynamic head
– elevation head
– ellipsoidal head
– engraving head
– erasing head
– feeder head
– fixed head
– flaming head
– fuse head
– gauge head
– grinding head
– hammer head
– head a bolt
– head a cask
– head assembly
– head block
– head end
– head end of train
– head for
– head fraction
– head gradient
– head guy
– head lamp
– head lock
– head loss
– head mirror
– head of rivet
– head of the household
– head piece
– head resistance
– head rod
– head room
– head sea
– head stack
– head thresher
– head water
– head wheel
– head wind
– index head
– indexing head
– injection head
– laser head
– loose head
– loss of head
– magnetic head
– magnetoresistive head
– magnetoresistive head
– manipulator head
– marginal head
– milling head
– movable head
– MR head
– MR head
– multiple head
– multispindle head
– multitrack head
– nail head
– pan-and-tilt head
– per head
– pick-up head
– piezoelectric head
– Pilot head
– piston head
– Pitot-static head
– playback head
– potential head
– pressure head
– quench head
– radio-frequency head
– read-record head
– reading head
– recording head
– reproducing head
– scanning head
– screw-cutting head
– shear head
– shrink head
– sickle head
– spindle head
– spoke head
– stitching head
– streamer head
– swivel head
– tenoning head
– thinner head
– thread-cutting head
– thread-rolling head
– tool head
– torispherical head
– torsion head
– tripod head
– tucker head
– turret head
– unit-type head
– valve head
– velocity head
– work head
poppet valve head — <engin.> тарель
10 attenuation
1) затухание; ослабление2) коэффициент затухания, декремент; коэффициент ослабления•- acoustoelectric attenuation
- adjacent-channel attenuation
- atmospheric attenuation
- beam attenuation
- bound-electron attenuation
- cloud attenuation
- clutter attenuation
- crosstalk attenuation
- current attenuation
- direct-coupled attenuation
- dissipative attenuation
- echo attenuation
- erasing attenuation
- far-end crosstalk attenuation
- far-field attenuation
- feedback attenuation
- filter attenuation
- flame attenuation
- free-space attenuation
- geometrical attenuation
- harmonic attenuation
- impurity attenuation
- ionosphere attenuation
- lattice attenuation
- leakage attenuation
- magnetoacoustic attenuation
- magnetoelastic attenuation
- meteorological precipitation attenuation
- meteor trail attenuation
- microwave attenuation
- mist attenuation
- near-end crosstalk attenuation
- network attenuation
- out-of-band attenuation
- overall system attenuation
- path attenuation
- phonon attenuation
- plane-earth attenuation
- power attenuation
- precipitation attenuation
- rain attenuation
- rainfall attenuation
- range attenuation
- receiver attenuation
- reflective attenuation
- relaxation attenuation
- second-channel attenuation - shield attenuation
- sideband attenuation
- signal attenuation
- snowfall attenuation
- sound attenuation
- space attenuation
- specific attenuation
- spherical-earth attenuation
- spurious-response attenuation
- stopband attenuation
- submillimeter-wave attenuation
- through attenuation
- transmission attenuation
- turbulent fluctuation attenuation
- ultrasonic attenuation
- voltage attenuation
- wave attenuation
- waveguide attenuation -
11 attenuation
1) затухание; ослабление2) коэффициент затухания, декремент; коэффициент ослабления•- adjacent-channel attenuation
- atmospheric attenuation
- attenuation of wave
- beam attenuation
- bound-electron attenuation
- cloud attenuation
- clutter attenuation
- crosstalk attenuation
- current attenuation
- direct-coupled attenuation
- dissipative attenuation
- echo attenuation
- erasing attenuation
- far-end crosstalk attenuation
- far-field attenuation
- feedback attenuation
- filter attenuation
- flame attenuation
- free-space attenuation
- geometrical attenuation
- harmonic attenuation
- impurity attenuation
- ionosphere attenuation
- lattice attenuation
- leakage attenuation
- magnetoacoustic attenuation
- magnetoelastic attenuation
- meteor trail attenuation
- meteorological precipitation attenuation
- microwave attenuation
- mist attenuation
- near-end crosstalk attenuation
- network attenuation
- out-of-band attenuation
- overall system attenuation
- path attenuation
- phonon attenuation
- plane-earth attenuation
- power attenuation
- precipitation attenuation
- rain attenuation
- rainfall attenuation
- range attenuation
- receiver attenuation
- reflective attenuation
- relaxation attenuation
- second-channel attenuation
- second-channel interference attenuation
- shadow attenuation
- shield attenuation
- sideband attenuation
- signal attenuation
- snowfall attenuation
- sound attenuation
- space attenuation
- specific attenuation
- spherical-earth attenuation
- spurious-response attenuation
- stopband attenuation
- submillimeter-wave attenuation
- through attenuation
- transmission attenuation
- turbulent fluctuation attenuation
- ultrasonic attenuation
- voltage attenuation
- wave attenuation
- waveguide attenuation
- wide-band attenuationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > attenuation
12 speed
1) скорость ( передачи данных)3) производительность (ПК)•- cable laying speed
- carrier-transmission speed
- circuit speed
- communication speed
- computer speed
- data transmission speed
- dot speed
- drum speed
- erasing speed
- functional speed
- group-transmission speed
- hard disk speed
- headwheel speed
- image processing speed
- light speed
- line speed
- maximum usable writing speed
- minimum usable reading speed
- modem speed
- modulation speed
- operation speed
- priming speed
- printing speed
- pulse transmission speed
- quarter transmission speed
- rated speed
- reading speed
- recording speed
- reproduction speed
- response speed
- scanning speed
- sonic speed
- sound speed
- speed of light
- speed of loading
- speed of response
- spot speed
- stroke speed
- switching speed
- synthesizer switching speed
- system response speed
- tape speed
- telegraph speed
- telegraphing speed
- transmission speed
- voice conversion speed
- write speed
- writing speedEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > speed
13 clearing
1. n очистка; расчисткаclearing out — вычищающий; чистка
2. n участок земли, расчищенный под пашню3. n прогалина, поляна4. n ком. распродажа по сниженным ценам5. n банк. клиринг, безналичные расчёты между банкам и6. n банк. клиринговое соглашение7. n банк. ком. очистка от пошлин8. n банк. тех. зазор9. n банк. тех. устранение дефекта10. n банк. спец. осветление; очистка11. a эвакуационный12. a фин. клиринговыйСинонимический ряд:1. grassland (noun) alp; field; grassland; meadow; pasture; plain; polder; prairie; steppe2. burning off (verb) burning off3. clarifying (verb) brightening; clarifying; clear up; clearing up; elucidating; explaining; illuminating; illustrating4. cleaning (verb) cleaning; policing; sprucing; straightening; tidying5. clearing off (verb) clearing off; discharging; liquidating; paying up; quitting; satisfying; settling; squaring6. emptying (verb) clean out; emptying; evacuating; vacating; voiding7. exculpating (verb) absolving; acquitting; exculpating; exonerating; vindicating8. extricating (verb) clearing away; disembarrassing; disencumbering; disengaging; disentangling; extricating; unscrambling; untangling; untying or untieing9. hurdling (verb) hurdling; leaping; negotiating; overleaping; surmounting; vaulting10. opening (verb) opening11. passing (verb) carrying; passing12. paying (verb) bring in; cleaning up; drawing; earning; gaining; grossing; making; netting; paying; producing; realising; repaying; returning; yielding13. removing (verb) abolishing; annihilating; blot out; eradicating; erasing; exterminating; extinguishing; obliterating; removing; root out; rub out; snuff out; stamp out; uprooting; wipe out14. ridding (verb) losing; releasing; relieving; ridding; shaking; shaking off; throw off; throwing off; unburdening15. vanishing (verb) disappearing; evanescing; evaporating; fading; vanishing -
14 loop
петля; замкнутая система; рамка, рамочная антенна; контур; виток; петля Нестерова; выполнять петлю1/2 circular loop — половина круглой петли
1/2 climbing loop and 1/2 roll — иммельман, половина восходящей петли с полубочкой
1/2 loop and 1/2 roll 45° descending — половина петли с полубочкой на снижении под углом 45°
1/2 loop and 1/2 roll — полупетля, иммельман, полупетля с полубочкой, половина петли, заканчивающаяся полубочкой
1/2 loop — половина петли
1/2 roll and 1/2 loop — одинарный переворот [полубочка] с последующей половиной петли
3/4 loop and 1/2 roll 90° descending — три четверти петли с полубочкой на отвесном снижении
45° ascending half roll and half loop — переворот на горке с углом 45°
90° ascending half roll and half loop — полубочка восходящей вертикали с половиной петли и выходом на нисходящую вертикаль 90°
ascending half roll and inverted half loop — полубочка на восходящей вертикали с половиной обратной петли и выходом на нисходящую вертикаль
inverted half loop and half roll — обратная восходящая полупетля с полубочкой (с выходом в перевёрнутый полет)
loop with a snap roll at the top — петля со штопорной [быстрой, неуправляемой] бочкой в верхней точке
stay in the loop — оставаться в контуре управления [в действии]
take off into a loop — взлетать, выполняя петлю
— box loop— yaw loop
См. также в других словарях:
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automata theory — Body of physical and logical principles underlying the operation of any electromechanical device (an automaton) that converts information input in one form into another, or into some action, according to an algorithm. Norbert Wiener and Alan M.… … Universalium
Simulated reality — is the proposition that reality could be simulated perhaps by computer simulation to a degree indistinguishable from true reality. It could contain conscious minds which may or may not be fully aware that they are living inside a simulation. This … Wikipedia
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