1 equivalent principal distance
Картография: главное фокусное расстояние объективаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > equivalent principal distance
2 equivalent principal distance
English-Russian cartography dictionary > equivalent principal distance
3 matrix
1) мат. матрица || матричный2) форма, шаблон4) растр5) решётка6) таблица7) геол. материнская порода, основная масса ( породы)8) основа кристаллического вещества; кристаллическая решётка•- absolutely equivalent matrices - adjoint matrices - almost perfect matrix - almost periodic matrix - almost superdiagonal matrix - associative matrix - birth-death coefficient matrix - cocycle matrix - commutative matrix - commute matrices - commuting matrix - complex conjugate matrix - compound matrix - conjunctive matrices - consistently ordered matrix - constituent matrices - deficient matrix - doubly degenerated matrix - doubly stochastic matrix - encoding matrix - essentially positive matrix - magnetic core matrix - matrix of linear transformation - multiplicatively cogredient matrix - multiply degenerate matrix - mutually consistent matrices - nearly triangular matrix - negatively semidefinite matrix - nonnegatively semidefinite matrix - orthogonally similar matrices - positively definite matrix - positively semidefinite matrix - regularly partitioned matrix - strictly upper triangular matrix - strongly equivalent matrices - totally nonnegative matrix - totally positive matrix - totally unimodular matrix - uniformly tapered matrix - vertex incidence matrix - vertically symmetrical matrix - weakly cyclic matrix -
4 action
- action
- nдействие, воздействие; деятельность
- aggressive action
- arching action
- atmospheric action
- backward and forward action
- boggy action
- bounding action
- cataract action
- centrifugal action
- chemical action of concrete setting
- climatic action
- combined action
- control action
- delayed action
- double action
- dynamic action
- earthquake action
- equivalent action
- fly ash action in concrete mix
- fly ash action in mix
- freeze-and-thaw action
- freeze-thaw action
- frost action
- gravity action
- high-low action
- indirect action
- most unfavourable action of load
- principal action of admixture
- reciprocal action
- safety action
- shearing action
- statical action of a force
- statical action
- steady action
- temperature action
- two-way action
- vacuum breaking action
- wind pressure action on the structure
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
5 action
1) действие, работа (механизма, машины); воздействие; режим работы (механизма, машины); принцип действия2) мероприятие3) решение4) акт, документ ( официальный); иск•- action of rust - adhesive action - ad-hoc action - aerodynamic action - arch action - authorized action - cantilever action - column action - combined action - cylinder action - delayed action - follow-up action - frost action - gravity action - mutual action of steel and concrete - notch action - pulsed action - pumping action - surface action - unauthorized action - vibration action - wedging action* * *действие, воздействие; деятельность- aggressive action
- arching action
- atmospheric action
- backward and forward action
- boggy action
- bounding action
- cataract action
- centrifugal action
- chemical action of concrete setting
- climatic action
- combined action
- control action
- delayed action
- double action
- dynamic action
- earthquake action
- equivalent action
- fly ash action in concrete mix
- fly ash action in mix
- freeze-and-thaw action
- freeze-thaw action
- frost action
- gravity action
- high-low action
- indirect action
- most unfavourable action of load
- principal action of admixture
- reciprocal action
- safety action
- shearing action
- statical action of a force
- statical action
- steady action
- temperature action
- two-way action
- vacuum breaking action
- wind pressure action on the structure -
6 method
метод; способ- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- access method
- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- B-method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical-reaction method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential-conductivity method
- differential Doppler method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized method of moments
- generalized instrumental variables method
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- in situ method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal method
- isothermal dipping method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- path sensitizing method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero method -
7 method
метод; способ- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- B-method
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- chemical-reaction method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential Doppler method
- differential-conductivity method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized instrumental variables method
- generalized method of moments
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- in situ method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal dipping method
- isothermal method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- method of edge waves
- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path sensitizing method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero methodThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > method
См. также в других словарях:
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head — head1 W1S1 [hed] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(top of body)¦ 2¦(mind)¦ 3¦(calm/sensible)¦ 4¦(person in charge)¦ 5¦(front/leading position)¦ 6¦(crazy)¦ 7 a head/per head 8¦(river/valley)¦ 9 come to a head 9 bring something to a head … Dictionary of contemporary English
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China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
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